
Sovereignty Quotes

There are 2554 quotes

"The highest level is ownership. The highest level is power. The highest level is sovereignty."
"I never expect God to do the same thing the same way again because He's a sovereign God."
"At this level of consciousness, there is no objective world, there is no such thing as consensus reality, there is no such thing as other people who will take your money or deny your money, or care about your money. You are completely sovereign as God."
"Putin warns against Russia again that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if sovereignty is threatened."
"It was objectively verifiable that women were being mistreated and that they needed more sovereignty."
"If you don't have a border, you don't have a country."
"Zimbabwe emerged from the ashes of Rhodesia, carrying with it the scars of a decade-long war but also the sense of newfound sovereignty."
"The Taiwanese are not only rejecting being part of the People's Republic of China but also the idea that Taiwan is the Republic of China. In other words, Taiwan is Taiwan."
"An attack on Ukraine is an attack on the sovereignty of every U.N. member state and the U.N. Charter."
"Every country has the right to freely choose its security alignment."
"No country should be able to take with force another country."
"The principle of inviolability of borders must be equally applicable to all."
"I will always be defending the sovereignty, the safety, and the security of the American people."
"Our government has no respect for our national sovereignty at all."
"I believe women are sovereign individuals and they can make any choice they so desire."
"The greatest theme for 2023 is sovereignty and freedom."
"Discernment is the 2023 key if we are going to create freedom and sovereignty in 2024 and beyond."
"Bring the sovereignty back down as close to the individual as possible."
"God is sovereign. He controls kings, He controls scouts, He controls the future."
"Your sovereignty, Nez Nation, is your ability to critically think."
"To whom belongs the dominion today?...to Allah, the One, the Subduer."
"What is at stake here is the human expectation of sovereignty over one’s own life and authorship over one’s own experience."
"Shouldn't they have a right to defend themselves?"
"In terms of Russia trying to invade a sovereign nation, they should absolutely not invade."
"The expulsion of Russian soldiers from Belarus was a strong assertion of the nation's sovereignty."
"We will not sacrifice basic principles. Nations have a right to sovereignty and territorial integrity."
"We all have the power to claim our own individual sovereignty and make decisions based on morals and ethics that are independent from the establishment that preside over us."
"The will of the Ukrainian people is to not be invaded and conquered by a fascist neighbor."
"There is nothing bigoted about the belief that a country has a right to borders."
"A Ukrainian Crimea... would be the best guarantor of the rights and privileges and the freedoms of the people in Crimea."
"Ukraine's territorial integrity is kept intact at the end of this war, including Crimea and those areas seized by Russia in the Donbass."
"China has prioritized sovereignty: technological sovereignty, economic sovereignty, food sovereignty."
"The most obvious of the unconventional approaches... occurs when an eccentric plants a flag on an oil platform or a disputed patch of dirt and declares themselves king of nothing."
"For services provided on Mars... the parties recognize Mars as a free planet and that no Earth-based government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities."
"Bitcoin is this indestructible thing that no government can even push out of their borders."
"Heavenly Father, I know in my heart that you are sovereign and strong. I believe that your plans for me are good and you have blessings in store for me as I follow you."
"America is a sovereign country; our borders must be respected."
"Nothing less than American sovereignty is at stake."
"If you don't have a secure border, you don't have safety, you don't have security, and you don't have sovereignty."
"The Lord's in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases."
"Through times of change and progress, through times of joy and celebration, and through times of sadness and loss, her dedication and devotion as Sovereign never wavered."
"Bitcoin is the only true sovereign asset on the internet."
"Respect for sovereignty of nations...is a secret and central to our success."
"Assaults on sovereignty destabilize, assaults on sovereignty impoverish, assaults on sovereignty enslave."
"You are a sovereign God who has charge over my life and you are a God who is faithful to deliver those who trust you."
"We should support weaker countries trying to establish sovereignty in opposition to stronger countries."
"The operation sent a strong message to Ukraine's enemies, signaling that Ukraine has the capacity and determination to defend its sovereignty and interests."
"The great idea of the West is that even for the sake of the group, the individual has to be sovereign."
"What's genius about Bitcoin is it's its own sovereign. It's apolitical."
"Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases."
"My message to Xi Jinping is this: You are done buying land in this country."
"It shows that there is a sovereign God, and He's one who delivers salvation to the world through His son but also a God who brings judgment to the fallen and defeats evil."
"Allah is the possessor of all kingdoms; He is the king of all kings."
"Real control, the power to shape our destiny rather than be left to the mercy of events, comes from working with our neighbours and allies."
"Principles of a rules-based order: We respect sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the right of countries to make their own choices."
"Antarctica is this autonomous continent that is not owned by anyone."
"This is not about stealing sovereignty from countries; this is about countries coming together to solve problems together."
"What it comes down to is that, like with any nation, Switzerland is going to do what is best for Switzerland."
"We want to be our own sovereign. We want to have a say in this and we don't want God to have full control."
"The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."
"The people wanted their country back. They wanted, again, the rule of law; they wanted immigration to be enforced so that they would again have borders. Without borders, you cannot have a nation."
"The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all."
"I think decisions about this country should be made in this country, with no compromise on that."
"The true sovereign is somebody who is in service and is consciously choosing that in service to the kingdom, in service to life."
"The reason we imposed the sanctions, recall, was not because of nuclear weapons issues; it was because the independence and sovereignty of a country, Ukraine, had been encroached upon by force by Russia."
"And if somebody goes to your house and tells you that 'I'll solve your problem, but I will kill your people,' it's not a deal. You will not even allow to come to my home without my acceptance."
"Every season of suffering, every season of struggle, has an expiration date. God is sovereign. God is in charge."
"The contemporary global order has been built on the UN Charter, international law, and respect for sovereignty and the territorial integrity of states."
"Although Charles isn't as popular, people respect the crown, we respect the sovereignty that it represents."
"A permanent member of the United Nations Security Council invaded its neighbor, attempted to erase a sovereign state from the map."
"Lord Jesus, may Your will be done. You are mighty and sovereign; You control all things."
"Until we give back their nationhood, we can never claim our own."
"Sovereignty in this house comes from the British people and the idea that we can overrule 17.4 million people is preposterous."
"To Allah belongs the sovereignty, the kingdom of all that is in the heavens and earth and all that is in between them. And indeed Allah has power over everything."
"Absolute sovereignty does not exist. Sovereignty is about making choices about who you cooperate with. We've made a choice to stop cooperating and we're paying the price for it."
"God's Sovereign over the Nations but the nations are not part of Christ's Kingdom."
"God never intended that circumstances should control his children."
"The sovereign is the generous grantor of liberties that can be canceled at any time."
"That totally obliterates National sovereignty and hands that power over to the United Nations."
"Ukraine asked for nothing except to be allowed to live in peace and to seek her own alliances as every sovereign country has a right to do."
"We support Ukraine's sovereign right to choose her own destiny. We will stand with the Ukrainian people in the face of President Putin's threats."
"No nation that values its own sovereignty has any interest in allowing China to seize Taiwan."
"American patriots don't bow down to foreign powers."
"Acceptance is not a passive resignation to our circumstances, it's a courageous acknowledgment of God's sovereignty."
"We want strong borders, without borders you don't have a country."
"Taiwan is its own country whether the ccp likes it or not."
"Hong Kong is China, was always China, was illegitimately taken from China."
"I shall never tire of repeating the declaration that I made from the first day that I took office: I will not allow any attempt by any foreign power to take even one square inch of our sovereign territory."
"Any country interferes with us will in fact pay a price because they're affecting our sovereignty."
"Jesus is on the throne putting all of his enemies under his feet. He's the king that was always promised."
"God remains sovereign, in control over every aspect of your life."
"Royalty does not pay, sovereign people do not pay."
"In all my years in uniform, I haven't known such a clear threat to the principles of sovereignty and democracy."
"We don't have a country if our laws aren't enforced."
"Sovereignty: every revolution in history has been fought for sovereignty... It's tangible, it's noticeable, you get to elect the representatives who make the rules for your country."
"I like nations. I like borders. I like the people making their own laws."
"We the people are the guardians of our own sovereignty, not the government."
"The safety and sovereignty of our nation is at stake."
"Russia is ready to defend its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and our people with all weapon systems we have."
"I decline to do so. What I would actually prefer to see is the status quo of Ukraine restored to its sovereignty and integrity." - Advocating for peace
"Oberlin College is committed to the principles of academic freedom, inquiry, and open exchange of diverse points of view."
"People are tired of this stuff... I think allowing countries to make whatever decisions are best for themselves."
"The people are sovereign, citizens are sovereign, that's legally technically how it is supposed to be."
"Liberty is only preserved. Sovereignty is only secured. Democracy is only sustained by the will and devotion of patriots."
"I think the British public genuinely think that we should be sovereign and the European Union. If you're outside of it, it might not be something you're familiar with."
"Fundamentals like the sovereignty of the country are at stake."
"Sovereignty does not rest in Parliament, it rests with the people."
"Sovereignty is not an asset to be hoarded, it's a resource which only has value when it is spent."
"What we take for granted in the sovereignty and freedom and prosperity of this country should never be taken for granted."
"A country without borders is not a country at all."
"A resort to military conquest for one state to impose its will unilaterally against another to annex part of its territory has absolutely no place in the 21st century."
"Based on the legacy of colonialism and the outcomes that it seems to bring about I would be comfortable with saying that smaller nations should be able to defend their sovereign borders against the impositions of larger nations."
"Sovereignty and mobility are crucial in a period of political volatility."
"Biden has violated his constitutional oath, endangered our safety, and surrendered our sovereignty."
"Brexit was somewhat a pushback against the super state, it was about individual independent sovereignty."
"A nation without laws without following its laws without borders isn't a nation at all."
"Praise the Lord that our Lord is sovereign and on the throne."
"There comes a time when you need to actually become an independent sovereign state and stand up for your people."
"Believing in His sovereign control removes fear and anxiety for our safety."
"The only way the devil has been able to bring these strongholds across this nation is because we have sat back and idly trusted in a misunderstanding of the sovereignty of God."
"A nation Without Borders is not a nation and we have to secure the southern border of the United States of America."
"Brexit was a step in the right direction because it was a move away from centralization to decentralization."
"When we believe He is in sovereign control of all things, which includes us personally, this removes any fear and anxiety for our personal safety."
"Sovereignty is being free of mind control and not giving our power away on any level."
"Reclaiming our sovereignty, living in unity."
"Everyone is a sovereign being with the right to choose."
"Should South Africa leave the African Union, creating another organization that is free, independent, and fully autonomous?"
"Brexit also restored confidence in a way because what it did is it put popular sovereignty on steroids."
"Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman O Tiangan declared that the CCP has never ruled Taiwan for a single day."
"Being your own first responder automatically translates into some degree of sovereignty, independence, judgment, thought, strategy."
"The sovereignty of the individual's Choice should be absolutely Paramount."
"China has said that anyone trying to infringe on their sovereignty or their territorial Integrity will face the damnation of the International Community and the Chinese people as well as nuclear weapons."
"It's good news that Christ is on his throne ruling the world and destroying the works of Satan."
"The future belongs to Patriots, sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique."
"Supporting the right to self-determination of the Ukrainian people is important."
"One site that in my opinion tops all of the above structures so uniquely Japanese and rooted in history that their very existence makes them stand out as perhaps the most iconic symbol of Japan and its feudal past."
"Finding healing and Independence through awareness and true individual sovereignty."
"Sovereignty is a choice. It's not something that's given to you."
"Clifford, you've hit a nerve. Globalism may have its place, but not at the cost of our sovereignty."
"You were born a sovereign being; nobody's gonna have power over you."
"Philosophy is the birthright of every human being."
"If you don't have a border and you don't control it, you don't have a country."
"We're teaching people personal sovereignty, how to be more discerning, how to make better choices, how to embody your ideals, how to have more integrity."
"There's other people out there who really want freedom and they want financial sovereignty and they're going to do what it takes to get it."
"You can use the power of cryptography to give people back their voice, their property rights, and their sovereignty."
"Bitcoin is the first time it's possible to stop the cycle of monopolies, corruption, and taxation."
"Bitcoin represents the separation of property from Earth, giving sovereignty beyond the reach of those who would harm."
"The Taiwanese have become more and more determined to maintain their de facto sovereignty."
"If there are no borders and people can just enter whenever they want, you don't have a country."
"Without being able to secure our borders, we do not have a country."
"Going back to the original concept of sovereignty and democracy is not a bad idea."
"But we've got to stop allowing a foreign government to dictate what you can and can't say within your own country."
"But war never changes and soon the surrounding sovereigns could only look on as their lands were liberated in the name of congolese consolidation."
"Why would sovereignty be forfeit by democratic states to an organization that is significantly funded and bound to obey the dictates of corporations and self-proclaimed philanthropists?"
"Sovereignty is not in Parliament, sovereignty is in the people."
"Occupying less than half a square kilometre and completely encircled by Rome, is Vatican City."
"No one can control TSMC by force." - Taiwan Legislator Wang Ding Yu
"If we don't reassert Ottoman sovereignty and reclaim our place amongst the powers of the world, we'll risk catastrophe."
"A Brexit vote is actually a vote against Washington's ridiculous attempt for its new world order."
"The gates of Hell cannot prevail. Write this down: in the kingdom of God, death cannot separate the citizen from the jurisdiction of the king."
"I consider this to be the greatest threat to the sovereignty of our constitutional republic in its history."
"Taiwan is never and was never part of China at all. Not at all."
"The divine mother has graced the mortal realm. May she reign forever."
"The sovereignty of the individual is paramount."
"God's power over 'tohu bohu,' the formless void, shows his sovereignty over all that would stand athwart him."
"Ultimately, no matter who you elect in Europe, the last decisions are made in Brussels. That's the, you know, the sovereignty transfer, you know?"
"Every member of the U.N has a right to its sovereignty and its territorial integrity."
"Let's be friendly with Europe, let's trade with Europe but not be governed by their institution." - Nigel Farage
"I believe the best people to govern Britain are the British people themselves."
"You have a personal sovereignty that allows you to make choices, and those choices will be reflected in the results."
"We don't control your countries, and you don't own our land."
"She is kicking out foreign influence and their collaborators from France to make France for French people."
"Every sovereign nation who believes in fair play and the rule of law around the world should be doing all they can to stop Putin being successful in Ukraine."
"It is incredibly important for Russia to not just maintain sovereignty, but to chart a new world order away from the so-called rules-based international order."
"There's all the hope in the world because the father is still sovereign."
"Europe must demonstrate a genuine commitment to Equitable Partnerships, Mutual benefit, and respect for African sovereignty."
"To be absolutely sovereign means to have infinite absolute copies of oneself."
"Ukraine must take back everything Russia stole from it, including Crimea."
"Bitcoin sanctifies the sovereignty of the individual."
"The future belongs to Patriots, to Sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens."
"Sovereignty resided not in the government but in the people themselves."
"China is upset about Russia's Invasion because it violates Ukrainian sovereignty."
"Teach the uniqueness of America to preserve our sovereignty."
"If you're going to ignore your own population... and you sell out to the wish of the globalist oligarchy, well, you're going down with that, folks."
"What is ours is ours. The South China Sea is not China's to take." - Albert Del Rosario
"President Biden affirmed the United States' unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
"The urgency... an attempt for global domination... a fight for individuals to retain their sovereignty."
"Recognize that God is sovereign. Whoever is elected, God is in control."
"Every nation has the right to defend its integrity and resist unfounded allegations."
"Our sovereignty and our rights are being taken away from us."
"We shall have World Government whether or not we like it; the only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
"I prefer to be remembered as the inventor who abolished war."
"Every nation must be strong, able to defend itself."
"No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity."
"We are sovereign. We are not slaves. We do not belong to anybody."
"The most urgent task for world peace is a free and sovereign Palestine."
"Ukraine is a sovereign territory." - Asserting Ukraine's sovereignty amidst international tensions.
"Understanding the sovereignty of God is of first importance."
"You cannot have a sovereign God and have luck."
"The only sovereign is the Most High, but we are children of a sovereign creator."