
Scientific Principle Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"The universe is all mathematical. From a subatomic level, every property that they describe is just mathematics."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary data."
"For a given pair of media, the refractive index is constant."
"Evolution is not a chance phenomenon; natural selection is not a chance process."
"This is arguably the most important equation in all of physics."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."
"The late great Sir Francis Crick... called it Orgel's Second Rule: evolution is cleverer than you are."
"Every single scientific theory has to be, in principle, falsifiable."
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution."
"Even though it's all internally reversible, the Carnot can't be beaten."
"And that's really the power of thermodynamics, is that it takes so little information to get so much information out. So little data to get a lot of predictive information out."
"Occam's razor, it's a basic scientific principle."
"The laws of physics are exactly the same in every inertial reference frame. So the results of this experiment are the same in each of these frames, no matter what speed it is moving relative to something else."
"The first principle of science is, you must not fool yourself. And you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman
"Action equals minus reaction, and that means that if a wire that runs a current has a force on a magnet, then, of course, the magnet must also exert a force on the wire."
"The universe is written in the language of mathematics."
"Helium can lift stuff because it is less dense than air."
"Pathogens tend to evolve to be more benign over time, more transmissible, and more benign. But that is not... a rule of thumb."
"Falsifiability is a big portion, if it's not falsifiable, it's not science."
"Evolution has been falsifiable every single step along the way here the problem is we're 150 years of steps in."
"Great claims require great evidence, as always."
"The magic of it all really just boils down to each bending type mastering control over one key scientific principle."
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is only transformed into another type of energy."
"Matter can't be created or destroyed but it can change forms."
"Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it's transformed."
"Understanding Coulomb's Law helps solve problems associated with electric charges."
"Warm water will not freeze, and it melts ice."
"Science is dependent on free exchange of ideas." - Dr. Martin Kaldorf
"Science relies on as few axioms as possible. Reality is real would be one axiom."
"The observable universe assumes that the cosmos is isotropic and homogeneous."
"Probability of detecting an object is inversely related to the cube of the distance away."
"All diets for fat loss follow the same exact basic principle they're all governed by science and the fundamental rule of energy balance."
"Fission is taking heavy elements like uranium and breaking them up, releasing energy."
"Remarkable claims require remarkable proof." - Carl Sagan
"Buoyancy is an object's ability to sink or float."
"Sensible mathematics involves disregarding a quantity when it is small, not neglecting it just because it is infinitely great." - Dirac
"If something can't be falsified, it cannot qualify as an explanation. It cannot be indicated, verified, or falsified. It contributes nothing."
"Science is always provisional. That's what makes science special."
"The speed of light is the same in all inertial frames of reference."
"Science rests on the free exchange of information."
"Conservation of energy: there is no free lunch."
"The fine structure constant characterizes the strength of the electromagnetic force, critical for life."
"Energy can't be created or destroyed. It just gets transformed."
"You cannot just stick a dead leaf down in the sun on the sun's heat and expect it to come alive."
"You can't lose information. What goes in must come out."
"Feynman said, 'I don't care how beautiful your equations are if it doesn't agree with experiment it's wrong.'"
"Obviously energy matter cannot be created or destroyed."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and I've always believed that."
"Osmosis is essentially the law behind water following stuff or solute."
"...a scientific principle is that what is consistently observed is real."
"Science teaches that all matter and energy are but forms of vibratory motion."
"If you keep heating water, it will eventually start boiling."
"The simplest explanation fits the data extraordinarily well."
"The decay of a nucleus is independent of how many nuclei are around it."
"Correlation does not show causation."
"Newton's second law states that the net force on an object is proportional to the object's mass and acceleration."
"Partition coefficients are temperature dependent."
"Temperature affects both our retention and our selectivity."
"The law of conservation of mass states that matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction."
"The principle of least action underlies everything, extremely deep, but by itself it doesn't tell you how to solve problems so easily."
"All cells derived from previous cells."
"Current always flows from a high electric potential to a low electric potential."
"Carbon-14 is the basis behind carbon dating, one of those rare instances when you have a beta decay directly to the ground state."
"Structure dictates function; if you change a shape, you have now changed the function."
"The principle of the uniformity of nature underlies every inductive argument."
"This principle is not only specific, it is universal also."
"Evolution is based on genetic change; we need to know where genetic differences come from and the rate of evolution depends on the amount of genetic variation that's available in the population."
"The electric force is proportional to 1 over R squared."
"Remember, the solute plus the solvent equals the solution."
"Energy in a closed system is constant, which means energy cannot be created, only transformed."
"If we accept that the speed of light is invariant in all inertial reference frames, then we have to accept the Lorentz transformations."
"When you put a stress on a system at equilibrium, it will respond to counteract that stress."
"Anything correlated with impulse should give us the same thing."
"Falsifiability means we have to make precise predictions which can be tested and seen if they are true or have the ability to be proven incorrect."
"The adherence effect is actually an effect in science; if you're a healthy adherer, it affects your health."
"Science says the longer the lever, the greater the velocity at the end of the lever."
"Increasing the surface area will increase the rate of reaction."
"A scientific theory must be testable. Essentially falsifiable."
"If I react the strong acid with a strong base, they're going to neutralize each other."
"Science is based on the axiom that the future will behave like the past."
"Falsifiability is the notion that for your model, your hypothesis, your theory to be considered valid and testable, it has to be falsifiable."
"Science operates on the precept that everything can be explained by natural law."
"Gibbs phase rule gets applied here."
"The rate of change of the temperature based on time is proportional to the difference between the ambient temperature and the temperature of the item you're trying to cool or heat."
"The mechanism that drives water transport through the xylem is called tension cohesion."
"Field essentially embodies this cause-and-effect relationship."