
Social Theory Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"It's a theory about all of us... it's a seamless bell curve."
"The Thomas Theorem states, 'If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.'"
"The theory of privilege is simply a means to observe that everyone is born into a different environment, a series of circumstances that they are not responsible for."
"There is no default condition of exploitation. Exploitation is inherently multifaceted, conditioned, and executed through multiple channels and against multiple groups."
"Privacy is not private. Privacy is social. It is societal."
"Catholic social theory...does not operate out of an oppositional, antagonistic social theory but a cooperative social theory."
"For some, it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism."
"Intersectionality is a form of identity politics."
"There is nothing in the universe more cucked than believing exclusively in individuality as a form of social determination."
"The boundaries of Foucault's enclosure have broken down and now, we are always self-regulating, we are always working."
"Foucault would have a lot to say about social justice ideology."
"The commons is an institution for social ownership."
"Anarchism has always been based on the idea that any sort of procrustean bed imposed on social life will constrain its vitality."
"I've started calling this stochastic totalism."
"The logical conclusive conclusion of critical theory is you have to get rid of the oppressor class."
"Critical Race Theory is not the bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat. It’s white people oppressing people of color."
"You cannot do this on class alone, you need an intersectional approach."
"Wokeness is an attempt to recreate the dynamics of Christianity without Christ. It's an attempt to reconstruct a kind of Marxist form of Christianity."
"Hypergamy is not a negative thing, it's how society gets greater."
"In societies of control, power no longer requires enclosing people."
"Kentler and many of his fellow scholars believed that stopping the sexual repression of children would fix society. They were wrong."
"Race is an invented category between human beings."
"I think bolo'bolo is a brilliantly creative thought exercise slash blueprint for a future society, despite its flaws."
"You allow one window to break in a community, all of a sudden, years later, you find out all the windows of the community are broken..."
"The crime rate came down and down and down and the broken windows folks were right..."
"Intersectionality is defined as the interconnected nature of social categorization such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual."
"Trust is the foundation of society. Without trust, what do we have?"
"Critical race theory is a worldview, it has central tenets, and everything that it does is seen through the lens of this worldview and these central tenets."
"Critical race theory is not going to prevail against the church."
"These ideas of critical race theory, the ideas of social justice and equity, these things are so dangerous, so infecting, destroying absolutely everything."
"Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other — Bourgeoisie and Proletariat."
"The concept of systemic racism is often confusing because it's not located in the individuals or the policies but in the 'system.'"
"Neo-marxism is rightly identified as cultural Marxism, applying conflict-theory-oriented approach to cultural institutions rather than economic production."
"Religion is there to keep the poor from stealing from the rich."
"Is there a left critique of bureaucracy well certainly not should there even be a left critique of bureaucracy writ large?"
"The great reset will separate the people into those who have and those who have not."
"Mutual aid theory: profound theory of social science rooted in biology."
"Society is a thing that exists as an emergent property of human interaction."
"Critical race theory says no, you're not actually an individual, you're nothing more than a part of your group."
"What probability would you assign the hypothesis that the woke movement/ponzi scheme is in part the result of another country conducting social media inception on America's young progressive population?"
"The basic unit of society is the family, not the individual."
"Communism is a philosophical, political, social, and economic ideology."
"Neo-marxism then doesn't really amount to anything other than one desired group affirming its will against another."
"The goal of critical theory, critical race theory, is to divide, and it is doing its job."
"Each character represents opposing notions of what constitutes as a legitimate form of identity."
"It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, it is their social being that determines their consciousness."
"Dismantling hierarchy enhances human thriving."
"Pluralism is the best prescription to bring about reconciliation between a variety of different religious worldviews."
"Turn critical race theory from a minor occupation of academics... into the most intense and enraged public debate..."
"There were individuals who challenged and supported the social order... you get these whole groups of thinkers."
"Intersectionality says that the level of oppression and the kind of oppression that you experience combines itself in these areas and layers itself in these areas."
"Intersectionalism is fundamental to negating all the divided identity quantities into a united working class."
"Intersectionality also incentivizes victimhood."
"The failed meme of social constructionism... all comes crashing down."
"You will see a cultural Marxist left into American society even more so than now."
"The only authentic alternative to dictatorship is a society where people are autonomous individuals."
"Critical race theory sets all that up for you, by entering this cult."
"It's easier to think of the end of the world than it is to think of the end of capitalism."
"Critical race theory is racist, not only is it wrong, it's racist."
"In a real democracy, there are million feminisms as many as there are thinking men and women."
"The existence of a contract called the social contract takes us out of a more scarier form of existence called the state of nature."
"Tolerance today appears as what it was in its origins at the beginning of the modern period: a partisan goal, a subversive liberating notion and practice."
"Marx didn't give a damn about inequality... he cared about exploitation, segregation, and the extractive power of the few over the many."
"True democracy is allowing space for people to have agency, to make mistakes, and to be actors in their lives." - Ayisha Krishnaswamy
"Intersectionality is basically saying there's more than one topic involved."
"The Overton window is shifting, and the conservatives are reluctantly coming along."
"The social model of disability is real and it can work when society thinks about it."
"Be armed with facts, knowing what critical race theory is."
"History is determined and over-determined by material conditions first and foremost."
"Racism is a function of white genetic survival."
"Catholic social theory sees society as a very complex web of individuals and institutions subsisting in mutuality."
"There is no twentieth century social theory without the theory of alienation."
"Feminism was like the first tweak, the first adjustment to the Marxist worldview that then translated through feminism. You've got all these women like Angela Davis and others who then say, 'Well, let's apply that to race, let's apply that to sex.'"
"Critical social theory will alert us to some of that thinking and I think that is genuinely helpful."
"It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence but their social existence that determines their consciousness."
"Combining social theorizing with historical and political reflection, I shall offer an account of capitalist society as the common matrix that generates the social divisions of gender, race, and class."
"Women occupy an ambiguous position in Hobbes's political theory because of the contrast between their roles in a state of nature and in civil society."
"Unlike other theorists, Hobbes denies that there's any natural hierarchy between men and women in nature."
"Spencer applied evolutionary theory to social environments and came up with the term social Darwinism."
"Social and economic inequalities must be arranged so that they are well meeting two constraints."
"There's individualism, collectivism, and humanitarianism being espoused here in this story. It seems like the most toxic, at least the way it's presented here. Then there's like, humanitarian, where it's more about thinking of everyone under one roof."
"The notion of network is a very powerful way of rephrasing basic issues of social theory, epistemology, and philosophy."
"The assumption of European exceptionalism is being undermined."
"The social theory has to offer solutions for a variety of diverse paths, diverse goals for different kinds of people."
"He's an economist, a historian, a philosopher, and one of the greatest social theorists America has ever produced."
"Intersectionality is an intellectual framework for trying to discuss oppression."
"What we need to understand is what underlies these plural possibilities of recomposition."
"Don't focus on the crisis, focus on the fascinating way that we can learn about the social imaginary and how it helps us understand where we are today."
"One of the world's most important social and political thinkers."
"The same causes do not produce the same effects in different societies."
"Social constructionism purports that our beliefs, ways of thinking, and values are not inherently, innately, or objectively given."
"It's not just a matter of social construction, I think women are more nurturing."
"Social construction theory talks about deviance being a product of the culture in which we live."
"Evolution is not the same thing as social Darwinism."
"All ideology has the function of constituting concrete individuals as subjects."
"What the bourgeois therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable."
"What I love about the game is it's beautiful social theory."
"Intersectionality is a stupid word but a really important idea."