
Political Disillusionment Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The truth is, when you've got a political class that demonstrably is two cheeks of the same backside, millions feel locked out of the political democratic process."
"At what point is the working class going to say, 'You know what, we don't want to be lied to by either side'?"
"The trust has been broken in our relationship to the federal government."
"The destruction of America as a unified body politic is driven by a vision that our history is evil and our shared philosophy is a lie."
"The modern Democrats have essentially given up and given in for power."
"I'm more of an anti-establishmentarian. I saw the Bush years, I saw the Clinton years growing up, and I really saw a problem with both sides of the establishment."
"That's what Bernie Sanders was, this fumbling, bumbling old nice man who happened upon the ring and then as soon as they gave him a taste of the power."
"Bernie was a letdown. Talk about talk about a betrayal."
"I'm never voting Republican again. I'm good. I'm good and fed up."
"Why do you mistrust your institutions? Let's start with our elected representatives and our media."
"Bernie's let me down quite a bit... but he still does come from a privileged political class."
"A constituency that is losing hope and looking for change."
"The elites have realized that the people have stopped listening to them, that the people want to determine their futures."
"Your Congressman, your Senators, they are not going to save you."
"I got really turned off by the democratic establishment after 2016. That was hard to watch what they did to Bernie Sanders."
"The man of ideological faith has started to realize that the CCP is not worth saving."
"Young people are feeling over both political parties, over the entire system of politics."
"I don't do much political humor, 'cause the way I look at it is if you think either one of these jinky ass parties gives half a fuck about us, you've been misinformed."
"This is why hardcore Democrats black Democrats voted for Trump."
"This is why I'm a milquetoast fence-sitter. It's why I'm politically homeless. I don't trust any of them."
"Even people on the left... beginning to turn."
"When you feel like you're being lied to by your own democracy, by your own leaders, no matter the reason or justification, it makes you feel like you're on your own."
"Break away from the right-left system of unreality."
"I've voted Democrat my whole life but they have gone crazy and I'll be voting Trump this year."
"The revolt against our ruling elite is recognizing that the things that they've promised us have not panned out."
"Bernie and AOC did a good job of getting people to stop trusting politicians."
"If you believe the two-party system is the root of our issue...why contribute to it then?"
"Hope is not in electoral politics in the current system."
"Politicians clearly don't care as much anymore. It's up to us."
"I never have voted in general elections... I'm very, very against picking the best of a bad bunch."
"When you lose faith in the people who are supposed to be your representatives, your Defenders, is then to choose other Defenders."
"How long are we going to help elect people who continue to disappoint us?"
"There comes a time when the boot has been on your neck for so long you can't breathe and you have decided I'm tapped out, I'm out, I'm not voting for any of these people anymore." - Michael Moore
"Democracy is now clearly just an illusion with the exception of extreme cases."
"People still feel so disconnected from their government... influenced heavily by those who can afford high paid lobbyists, the rich and the powerful... people are left behind as a result."
"So, and and and Guillotines and rope makers because I think all of this is about ultimately it's about political it's about the loss of faith in political systems."
"I feel so free right now, and I resent the Democratic Party right now."
"I wouldn't vote for them democrat or republican for any reason... the game to win don't play just you just play and lose every damn time."
"I must admit sheepishly that for a while I was suckered in to this belief that Trump is this savior... I've totally and absolutely refocused my direction back to God and His promises."
"The government is not after you, none of you knickers. If you think what you're doing is putting a dent in the media of the government's agenda, you are highly delusional."
"We're not a republic, we're not even a democracy anymore."
"All of the promises that the Left told us, now are shattered. People are starving to death." - Glenn Beck
"There's no hope in politics there's only hope in God."
"We, the people, no longer matter to the powers that be." - Citizens' voices are disregarded by those in power.
"Rising tide of malaise... lose faith in ordinary traditional conventional politics."
"I started out angry at Republicans and I'm still angry at Republicans because they say the things we want to hear, they promise the promises we want to hear and then when they go back to Washington they fail the American people."
"I think I'm actually like the beta test example of a conservative woman who's just been so turned off by his behavior."
"The system is absolutely broken and does not work — is everyone starting to understand why I became a libertarian?"
"The whole political system has lost its way."
"I think that at this point, sure look, it's damaging to the unity. I think that we're way past that at this point but yeah, it's hard to imagine what common ground you're gonna have with people who are cheering the fact that you were nearly killed."
"These parties have become hollowed out and ultimately meaningless." - Discussion participant
"You know what, at the end of it all, after spending a good 15 or 20 years on the left, now it's too much for me."
"Instead of hope and change, a group of line-fingered friends and relatives. Instead of a dream team, shame. Instead of glory, war. Instead of peace, despair. Instead of perspective, the black house instead of the white."
"I think we deserve a lot better than what we've gotten from our elites and from the political system."
"Neither both parties are bought by the same people."
"Our democracy... is broken and may be beyond repair."
"The sad part of me looking at the political system is that the freedom philosophy is so wonderful and so positive it's a shame that we do such a lousy job of winning people over."
"The future of America is at stake, the future of American democracy is at stake, because so many people have reached the conclusion that government doesn't address their needs." - Bernie Sanders
"I'm heartbroken that millions of Americans gave their time and hard-earned money for true representation."
"People are tired of promises made but not kept... folks get more and more turned off from the political process."
"These are not normal times. I'm proud of my Republican heritage, but what I have witnessed these past four years belies those principles."
"Those faithfully trusting in Q to lead the overthrow of the evil deep state cabal and restore American democracy to the people may be missing a much darker purpose for the Qanon post."
"The influence of money is why millions of Americans have abandoned the political process."
"Our democracy has died because when the people show up, and you see both parties... when you see elected officials choose the side not of the people right not of justice and liberty for all..."
"We are tired of being disappointed by our politics, we are tired of being let down, we're tired of hearing promises made and 10-point plans proposed in the heat of a campaign only to have nothing change when everyone goes back to Washington."
"The experience going back decades now is that ultimately neither party really delivers on the stuff that they care most about."