
Global Perspective Quotes

There are 974 quotes

"The world is our classroom, and you're welcome to sit in and join the seminar."
"It is such a gift to be able to just get to know people in other countries that you've never been to and may never get to, and allow them to have the ability to kind of engage in the conversation with us."
"Compassionate sensitive way to deal with human suffering...instead of privileging members of the tribe or victims that are photogenic or conveniently nearby, data show us where the suffering is greatest."
"Go beyond the personal to a higher connotation of the energy. Look how it's affecting worldwide, then bring it back to seeing how it's affecting you the same way personally."
"This is a shared world with a common future."
"In most of the other parts of the world, people at least try to act like they are not this racist."
"The world wants stability and guidance in a central set of thoughts from the United States of America."
"Just because somebody is far away doesn't mean they matter less."
"The world is incredibly diverse, but it's also understanding that outside of the Western World, the rest of mankind lives in very unique and very different ways of life."
"The diversity in our world is the strength of this world."
"I want you to be ambitious not just for yourself but for the world."
"Don't think you're the center of the world... Every nation or religion contributed something, but most things, if you had to live your life based only on the inventions and creations of people from your nation, you would have a very miserable life."
"The major problem that the black man faces all over the world is a problem of economic exploitation."
"Some of the basic things that make people happy are remarkably consistent across countries, across the world."
"Canada fully understands that helping others is a way of helping ourselves."
"It's not about gaming; my beef isn't with gaming. It's a global issue."
"We have four percent of the world's population, we have 21 percent of the deaths from COVID-19."
"I'm not here to make the 17-year-old yield farmer in his mom's basement in New Jersey rich. I'm worried about the farmer in Ethiopia."
"It's incredible to reflect on how dramatically the world has changed in such a short period of time."
"The Earth is an ocean world, and that's what makes it the blue marble from space."
"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
"Reducing existential risk by a mere one millionth of one percentage point is arguably worth more than 100 times the value of saving a million human lives."
"The United States is not the only place where we have fought for women's rights, but we are so much more advanced than so many countries and societies where women are still being literally killed."
"Indeed, the war in Ukraine seems like it has cast everything into the proper perspective."
"What use is the world if we're not connected?"
"Let the contest begin; let it unfold. I have a high degree of confidence as to whose side of the argument would prevail in that contest across the world if properly executed."
"For me, the best part of my Real Vision journey has been the chance to refine my own investment framework through a series of conversations with brilliant investors in every corner of the globe."
"The world is changing dramatically right before our eyes."
"We have never in history, thanks to capitalism, had such a low poverty rate around the world relative to the world's population."
"When it comes to actually selecting your investments, don't limit yourself and do look abroad because that's really one of the best ways that we can go out and build a well diversified portfolio."
"Cultural appropriation is the greatest thing that has ever happened to planet earth."
"You always call it a minority problem, and it's true that black or non-white people are a minority in any European capital, but we are not a minority in the world. You are the minority."
"Good afternoon, good evening, or good morning, depending on where you are in the world."
"Journalists, especially in countries like Rwanda, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia... are the bravest people on earth."
"Great, that's 4:00 a.m. in the morning for us people in the UK."
"I think a lot of what the world needs right now is inspiration."
"I'm not saying this is a proof of my faith. I'm saying because so many people around the world from these different faiths are so thankful that we came and brought the message to them."
"It's why America matters, and one can't be too adamant about this."
"It's time for us to globally recalibrate what free speech means."
"The truth is the democratic world is everywhere."
"We could be living in a world where everyone is like fed just at least basic needs are taken care of."
"Understanding cycles is the most important thing about the world because there are cycles in everything."
"I'm optimistic not only about us as individuals but on the global level."
"We have to change the conversation in our society. Not in Southeast Asia, not in Malaysia, not in America, seven billion people need to change the conversation of what success looks like."
"In this moment right now, there is unity happening all over the world."
"I think honestly, people are going to look back at the last couple of years globally and see lockdown as a pretty serious public policy mistake."
"We live in a supernatural world. People everywhere are looking for supernatural power."
"We have to be welcoming to everybody. Internationalism should be promoted, open borders, free movement."
"There's whys we can be smart and have to go through the problem ourselves and fix it, that's what smart people do. But wisdom is to study other people's mistakes like Argentina so it doesn't happen in your country."
"Starbucks is now exporting the transness to India. It's not, it existed."
"While most countries around the world have either abolished capital punishment outright or only use it in very specific and rare circumstances, much of the world's population still lives in countries that retain the death penalty."
"We don't have to live this way; the rest of the world doesn't live this way."
"For 70 years, the United States, Australia, Britain, and other major countries around the world... we are all taught, we're all conditioned, to treat it with ridicule."
"We all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future, and we are all mortal."
"Child marriage is not confined to girls in developing countries or members of a certain religion or tribal custom."
"We live in one planet, one atmospheric envelope, one integrated environmental ecosystem; hence, as one humanity, we must rise and unite to preserve our one planet, our home."
"I've been hearing from women all over the country and even around the world. This is devastating."
"The pandemic has taught us many lessons, the most important is that we're one species sharing one planet."
"From out there on the moon, international politics looks so petty."
"Affordable, or even free housing, is not only feasible, it's the norm in plenty of places around the world."
"Anybody who's telling you this is an easy calculation is not looking at what's happening in other parts of the world."
"Europeans did not invent slavery. It has existed in every part of the world. The only difference is that the volume of slaves in European slavery is higher than anywhere else ever."
"Peace and understanding are two very important qualities in these times, especially with the world becoming a global village."
"Renouncing your citizenship to a given nation is generally a fairly simple affair in many regions of the world."
"We will be working urgently to ensure that both here in the United States and globally, gender and gender identity do not predetermine opportunity and outcomes."
"We really have to get out of that mindset that American lives come first."
"This is not a financial crisis. This is just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome together as a nation and as a world."
"If we have learned anything from the last 12 years or so, maybe longer, it is that it is pointless to continue to do macroeconomic analysis the way we used to, focusing on a single country."
"You don't see the borders. You don't see political borders, you hardly see geographical borders."
"You cannot understand how the world is controlled unless you see how the dots connect."
"Most people talking about [being part of the one percent] are in the one percent globally, and I just don't think a lot of people realize that and feel that sense of gratitude and perspective for where they are."
"Muslims make up 23.1 percent of the Earth's population. This is not a tiny cult in the Middle East; this is an international phenomenon."
"United, we must now look beyond borders and welcome the dawn of the next era in human civilization."
"The Acclaimed, arguably one of the better teams you're gonna find not just in AEW, worldwide in pro wrestling."
"The experience that I gained through modeling was of life and seeing the globe in different spots, it was a really good experience."
"The unfathomable value of our future potential depends on the relatively tiny number of humans now alive today."
"You've got the whole world in your hand... something to be celebrated."
"800 million people — think of it — over twice the population of the United States."
"I think we have to rethink our place and role in the world."
"I want you to consider a world and a life bigger than your own."
"We're all living on the same planet for now."
"Humanity is bigger than the boundaries of a nation."
"Having a day of rest for the world is a good thing."
"If you only invest in Canadian companies you are missing out on the largest market in the world."
"Bernie is offering, by global standards, a very middle of the road answer. If you lived in any other country the left would be saying how about we tax corporate profits and we tax wealth."
"There are a lot of good things happening in this world."
"If you're an Anti-Imperialist, you're an Anti-Imperialist... It's not a unipolar world anymore."
"If you want to understand how the rest of the world lives and how we've been lied to in the mainstream media."
"It's the privilege we have been in the west compared to other countries."
"The issue in the world right now is a spiritual problem."
"Almost half the world's population is now enjoying a new kind of optimism."
"We're in a post-global moment... Intelligent civilizations concerned about our development."
"It's not all bad, countries are not the only thing that matters in the world, there are other things that matter in the world."
"I just want the same for everyone in the world now as well."
"Cultures all over the world actually kept track of their history."
"It's about inspiring people to be interested in something and to look further than you know their small little bubble of earth."
"Never before has community been more important on your planet."
"White supremacy is a global religion, operating in black bodies, yellow bodies, red bodies, and white bodies."
"One of the hidden benefits of crossplay is it stimulates diversity and a global approach to how you think about gaming."
"Samuel: But I think what you will see now is that the business community and the international community are really going to have to think twice."
"Migration is not the problem. Migration is the solution."
"I feel like I have a much bigger perspective of the world."
"Americans think the world revolves around them..."
"You got to get as far away from the US as you can and you've got to have portfolios that reflect the world the way it's going to be."
"I basically make movies because I like the world... I'm more often than not inspired by just the world in general."
"Little citadels of light on what is otherwise a very dark planet."
"We need to have a proper appreciation of ourselves and of what the rest of the world has been doing and is doing now; otherwise, we're just absolute dopes and morals who can be taken advantage of."
"One third of the whole planet, you guys, look it up, look at the map, just look at all the countries, look at what their laws are, you'll feel sick to your stomach."
"Despite the massive military spending in the world today, we're living through a relatively peaceful time."
"We tend in the crypto world to be focused on the West. It was very US centric with a bit of Europe, even only marginal Europe, everyone talks about the West."
"His global perspective wasn't just about caring about the rest of the world but humble in its intention to draw real lessons that we can actually apply for movements in other places."
"There is a greatly more interesting and extensively larger story to tell regarding the history of our planet."
"There they go a world map Without Borders and Uruguay are the winners"
"Innovators from around the world have been trying to decide what the future of the industry will look like."
"There's never been a comeback like we're making right now, and the whole world is watching." - Narrator
"Massively misunderstood and underestimated in the West."
"Americans are not really interested in outside culture, and I think that's actually shifting a lot right now."
"It tests you and strengthens you, and I think all of the world this has made us stronger."
"We need to stop thinking about these countries in isolation and start thinking of them holistically."
"The world is an extraordinarily chaotic place."
"The state of the world is a little bit broken right now."
"Travel increases your ability to understand the world."
"If you see people around the world congratulating authoritarian dictatorships in their leadership style, that's a slap in the face."
"I respect everyone out there in the USA, in Malaysia, just respect."
"For once in a lifetime... everyone has finally united."
"I wish that I could live life with the unbelievable arrogance of people who have a video on a topic about an identity that millions of people adhere to around the world."
"Where do we get the arrogance to feel exempt from what most of the world has endured?"
"The rise of Trump would have been facilitated in other countries other than the U.S."
"Common among many western feminists is a type of moral confusion in which women are said to be oppressed everywhere and that this oppression in feminist Eve Ensler's words is exactly the same around the world." - Ayaan Hirsi Ali
"The farmers and the fishermen in Netherlands or just like in all over the world, they tend to be patriotic to that land."
"Africa to the world. This is just an introduction."
"So, let's take a look at how this all plays out then on a global scale."
"We as humans become better and then we can contribute to our global community."
"The tide is absolutely turning. The central idea of distrust and then verify, I think the world is coming to see is the right approach."
"I think we should normalize the fact that there are people from all around this planet, not just Americans or Russians or whatever."
"The world is our classroom because we never stop learning."
"I've been speaking to the people who understand how the world works."
"We need to spend more of our time trying to share that perspective with audiences with everyone on the planet including our political leaders who are going to help shape our near and long-term futures because this perspective matters."
"On a finite world, a cosmic perspective is not a luxury, it is a necessity."
"Every place in the world must drive people crazy and happy at the same time."
"We are part of one planet, and we are one humanity."
"I just hope the best for them, and I want to have them not be afraid of the rest of the world."
"It could happen in suburban America just like in a fancy home in Shiraz."
"The only part of the world which did not really do very much in World War two."
"I think you can absolutely tell a world-spanning story while keeping your focus on one thing."
"The path you're about to walk down is not known by billions of people."
"If everybody in the world used some form of cannabis, especially one that was psychoactive, I think we would see a much better world."
"We need world-class chatrias who understand the global kurukshetra."
"It's a really incredible moment in human history, not American history, human history."
"Vladimir Putin is really expressing what most countries around the world, most peoples around the world are feeling."
"Even some of the worst countries have cities that are pretty safe to go to."
"There is no such thing as one static culture tied to one particular nation."
"Freedom means the supremacy of Human Rights everywhere."
"This world is a crazy place and it's amazing to live in this time."
"We are Americans, we are Israelis, we are Chinese, we are Ukrainians, we are Russians, but we are also Homo sapiens."
"America's great but it's not the only great country in the world."
"Is there any hope as we look at the future of our world?"
"The most important thing in the world to you and I and every other person on this planet is Humanity."
"World though seems to be improving actually."
"There is no question in my mind that God loves the people of Africa."
"To not spend five minutes to talk about the other versions of the game don't sit up there and say it's a global game when you don't even spend five minutes talking about the global versions that's a good point."
"One of the best pieces of advice that I've ever gotten was from you in regards to comedy: it was 'Hey, don't be local, world is big, go travel.'"
"A rising China is a positive development... for America and the world writ large."
"The world is not ending, it is changing, transitioning to a new world order."
"You're telling them that no matter how far they go in school, no matter how far they go in life, no matter what country they're in, if their skin looks like this with any melanin in it, they will never matter like other people."
"This isn't just about China, this is about the global economy."
"Armed security used to be something that only happened in the third world."
"Bro, I'm not going to lie, yo, it's some [__] on the planet."
"I don't think short-term, I'm talking real global American Revolution."
"I thought the world got smarter for the people that did watch it."
"We go around the world telling stories about video games."
"God is not in the business of condemning the world."
"Why is this a global competition to you if everyday Americans are still losing their lives?"
"America is the least racist white majority society in the country."
"Google literally changed the way we see the world."
"I think it will certainly give a perspective on us that okay look, we are all from Earth, we are all in this together."
"The decline of the West... is to climb out of the crisis it's in in so many parts of it and build a better economic model."
"This is where the United States and the world are now at."
"If you're waiting for a just world that we are entitled to wait for a just world a system based on in justices cannot deliver global justice cannot even contribute to global justice."
"For everybody who's dreaming about Dubai or Apple, you might end up with an investment fund from America."
"Religion in the UK is on the decline but globally, this is not the case."
"Honestly, could Trump love America just let the rest of the world have something nice for five minutes? 🤔😒"
"The framework is called the Soros Imperial Circle. It's a concept that might just change how you view the world of finance forever."
"Marriage is a hot topic today. It seems like the last bastion is somewhere overseas."
"No matter where you are on earth, you're not far from a beautiful place. Always keep that in mind."
"Flow with culture, ideas, values, products... think outside in, not just inside out... be adaptable and understanding of others."
"We need highly intelligent leaders for tomorrow, leaders that understand their religion and leaders that understand the world around them."
"The world is in good hands no matter what you see out there of trial and tribulation."
"The rest of the world looks at this and they shake their head."
"It's our opportunity to preserve what America is to the rest of the world."
"A Palestinian baby has exactly the same moral status as a Ukrainian baby or any other baby."
"There's just billions of people living their own individual lives, isn't that nuts?"
"The world is changing right in front of our eyes."
"Price will be adjusted by country proportionate to purchasing power."
"The poorest people in our country actually are equivalent to the middle class in most countries."
"The world needs to find more commonality with each other rather than what's different."
"The only hope that the world has is God himself."
"Travel and see how the rest of the world just helps you realize."
"We're supposed to be giving the truth to the peoples of the world who don't know him."
"To people watching here and home and around the world, in the words of my great colleague, we are better than that."