
Social Movements Quotes

There are 725 quotes

"The biggest social movement since civil rights in this country says it all about the utter contempt that the political establishment has for social movements."
"You can bring about the positive change you want to see in this world, because the revolution will not be televised."
"Powerful movements within the society attract this level of controversy."
"You want to solve a social problem, you need a social movement."
"Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women."
"It was during the hard moments that I made the best discoveries about what it means to be part of this movement."
"Mutual Aid describes the work we do in social movements to directly support each other's survival needs based on a shared understanding that the crises we are facing are caused by the system that we're living under."
"The world we live in, as brutal and unequal as it is, has been made more humane by class-conscious movements."
"People fought for the weekend, people fought to have vacation, people fought to not have kids working in factories."
"We didn't just have the weekend come down from heaven, or from governments. People fought for the weekend."
"The fact that people are marching in every country on cost of living should become a deeper question: the right to live."
"Love wins, so apparently it's a gay rights poster or something like that."
"Feeling alienated from a movement which has transformed their lives in ways that many of them don't even recognize can further alienate them from activism or thoughts or ideas that could enhance the quality of their lives."
"You don't have to fight for everything all at the same time. It is perfectly fine to have different movements or different spaces for different purposes."
"Like the Higgs field, charisma gives mass, gravitas, not to particles, but to social movements."
"I'm not really concerned with Chaz or Chop, I'm concerned with Black Lives Matter. That's what I care about."
"It’s hard to dramatize an entire social movement and I think there’s a significant gap in our fiction for stories like that."
"The overwhelming majority who have taken to the streets and protest peacefully, I hear you, I see you, I respect you, and I support your efforts to enact real structural change in America."
"People are looking for a leader, and right now, it's kind of questionable who is going to be the leader of this movement. In my opinion, right now, you are doing a lot more than most people."
"The Occupy movement... changed the discourse about inequality."
"Movements generate changes in policy that signal a true shift in international attitudes and practice towards equal rights."
"Social movements such as the #MeToo and the Time's Up are igniting change and bringing women together, yet it still remains taboo for women to speak out about woman-on-woman bullying at work."
"Do not bend the knee to movements that don't care about truth or decency. Do not bend the knee to movements that suggest that the only alternative to giving them power is violence in the street."
"The combined might of Feminism, the Social Justice movement, and the idea of Racial Diversity and equality, was enough to bring up serious questions on the ethics of the video game industry."
"Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil."
"Grahamism quickly spread across the Northeast, attracting thousands of followers."
"The reason the Republican Party has been so successful is that there's been a broad-based social movement behind it."
"Every great social movement in this country was driven by young people who had imagination and creative protests."
"Don't underestimate the power of mass movements."
"Social movements, like the people who comprise them, are the product of historical contexts."
"Sometimes the groups of protesters are also behaving differently, as we saw here in the United States."
"Some protesters are true heroes, some protesters are the heroes of our age."
"The MeToo movement at its core was about victims coming forward and telling their story. I do wonder whether there will be that power in numbers again."
"It took about four years before the big collective social movements said enough is enough, and you start to see immense pressure on Roosevelt to do something like institute all of those things that we now with like social security."
"It's fascinating to see the success, the rising growth of those who oppose the wokeness and the weird culty stuff in media."
"We are a movement that was built on struggles, whether it was fighting for the weekend, the Equal Pay Act, or the right to vote."
"The right has always been a counter movement, a reactionary movement against movements for freedom and equality."
"What used to be a social movement that was fueled by empathy and compassion... has devolved into a radical political and social ideology that quite frankly is flirting with authoritarianism."
"There is a great deal of concern that we have been left with no lever that correctly takes the energy of the protests and points it in the direction of something productive and not massively dangerous."
"If the movement is towards hate and exclusion, that's typically and historically a bad movement."
"The pride flag, except it's more inclusive now. This is the one we gotta be flying, guys."
"Nobody can take credit for these marches and these protests other than the Hong Kong people themselves."
"All right, well everybody, keep an eye out because we're doing Britney. We're talking about... Yeah, yeah. Free Britney! Yes, free Britney, okay. Bye, Emily. Thanks, everybody."
"The backlash to the MeToo movement was always coming."
"The moment we get into internal squabbles rather than keep moving forward they take advantage of our division."
"We're going to be seeing this more and more, this grassroots pushback."
"Ironically wokeness, a thing that's supposed to help women gain agency actually makes it so female characters all have to be flat boring uninteresting two-dimensional cardboard cutouts."
"The rise of the Trad wife movement is actually destroying feminism as we speak."
"Black lives matter because we made them matter."
"But revolt is contagious right now across the state of California and many other states citizens are fed up and tired with the lockdown."
"We successfully pushed back against cancel culture."
"Amidst backlash, it's essential to remember the intention: amplifying black voices. Tensions are high, but respectful dialogue is crucial for progress."
"I feel that the backlash against wokery is now real and people have basically now said enough."
"We don't follow movements off the cliff in the name of justice."
"If black lives matter truly cared about black lives, they would not have allowed the riots to destroy black businesses."
"The movement of hip-hop, peace, love, unity, having fun, it comes out of the civil rights movement, the continuation of that struggle to get free."
"We stand and march for love. And we will fulfill my grandfather's dream."
"Yesterday was not about me... yesterday was about the collective and the movement."
"You can't really deny the fact that when hundreds of thousands thousands of people gather together with a very similar cause shit's gonna get done and that's what we're seeing out there."
"The most successful revolutions are those that start as popular movements but then eventually are led by a small group."
"I love it when the cops all took a knee at these protests... basically pledging fealty to the extremists."
"We're fighting for the right to make a choice."
"Protests don't have to get violent for people to notice them, but when they do, it hurts your movement so much."
"The founders of the Black Lives Matter movement actually admitted that my take on it is correct."
"Thomas Sowell has not gained iconic status by going against the grain of most blacks."
"Anti-police sentiment gained traction during the BLM riots."
"There's always going to be these protests and Union efforts that actually create the change that benefits working people."
"All must be woke enough, but you can never be woke enough."
"I think the white power movement today is larger than it was when I started writing about this."
"How did that like revolutionary movement get completely hijacked and out like the wool is over everybody's eyes?"
"There's a very fine line between a protest and a riot."
"Black Lives Matter. Breonna Taylor's life mattered."
"The protest movement is huge... it's incredible."
"The very people that Black Lives Matter claim that they care about, those are the ones who are hurt the most."
"They're playing a game here. If I say Antifa came out in Portland and attack people, I'm talking about Rose City Antifa."
"I think Black Lives Matter was the worst thing to happen to the black community since integration."
"I think these protests are incredibly effective, maybe the most effective we've seen in our lifetimes."
"There's a difference between the statement 'Black Lives Matter' and the organization 'Black Lives Matter.'"
"There is no middle ground anymore... black lives matter."
"If the organization is named Black Lives Matter, then black lives should matter."
"Ultimately, nothing gets done if there is no [ __ ] class solidarity."
"It's literally counterproductive to single out white anarchists."
"The problem with this woke revolution is that it is not interested in ending oppression; it is interested in turning the tables of oppression."
"Feminism has transformed so dramatically that it would be absolutely unrecognizable to the original pioneers."
"BLM, Antifa, and right-wing militias: they are the antibodies, not the disease."
"Just this week a massive protest broke out in Ireland over immigration most of the media called it a far-right protest but did anyone actually bother to ask the average Irish citizen what they were most concerned about."
"I'm convinced that in a free society, there will always be a subset of people who will lead a movement."
"I think MeToo is an opportunity. It's an opportunity to get rid of behavior that never should have happened in the first place."
"This is the false lure of the women's liberation movement. Happiness."
"When we poll on BLM, Latinos are very supportive of that as a concept and as a justice movement."
"Defund the police means different things to different people... and the reason why we kind of went with that was because it's something that abolitionists and reformists can kind of agree to disagree on."
"I really wish for coverage like when people covered kind of BLM that they actually talked about the policies that they're like that the protesters even if it's going to be disparate."
"Five years ago we made a strikeout against stone mountain and it was a little bit lonely I'm not lonely anymore."
"We jump on over to the polling for Black Lives Matter, and let me just say this, my friends, yeah, we're winning."
"We do not back down, we do not shut up, we fight."
"You can't sustain a movement based on moral outrage and righteous anger alone, like there has to be some joy and some fun and some entertainment."
"I remember watching Occupy Wall Street and seeing there is more of this to come."
"We are likely to see a resurgence of Occupy movements and Tea Party movements when arguing for better wages, safer working conditions, and a redistribution of wealth."
"I think it shows a complete lack of understanding and why people are in the street there in the street fighting a system of domination and he doesn't understand that."
"Building mass movements that frighten the elites."
"We are tired, and if you had been tired with us, we wouldn't be here today. It would already have been done."
"The whole point of me too wasn't supposed to be just believe anything a woman says because that's a terrible terrible message it was supposed to be it doesn't matter if you have power."
"Does anybody ever really think about the reason that 'get woke, go broke' is so obviously and dramatically true?"
"That infighting stuff is toxic to movements and we wonder why we never win."
"The protesters who were mostly idealistic young people."
"It's got to the point, it's come to a head and they've tried to do a madness but what they forgot was the power of the fan."
"The Black Lives Matter movement is not saying that only black lives matter; it's just saying that at this current moment in time, our voices are not heard enough."
"The times up movement, and women and men and people who come together to stand behind something you believe in, that's perfect. That's actually a positive thing. That's what's supposed to be happening."
"Every wave of resistance... has its own distinctive stamp."
"What started as a fun gathering of people trying to stick it to the man now feels like a revolt."
"Iranian women are the driving force behind the protests and riots."
"So the suffragettes decided in the name of feminism to take makeup back and claim it as their own. Yeah!"
"President Trump tweeted his support for the demonstrators."
"If you want to have leverage you got to build a movement."
"Violence is not acceptable, and protests should be peaceful."
"There are more of us than there are of them, and what we're fighting for is worth fighting for."
"We got to start getting some momentum behind our movements and being real about things because right now family this is a history-making time right here right now."
"I supported Occupy Wall Street, Extinction Rebellion."
"There are thousands upon thousands of young women saying enough of this twisting of what intersectionality means, this has to stop."
"You've got to give the woke credit. You may not like what they've done, but they've accomplished an awful lot in destroying so much of what we all knew was good."
"You don't have to support that Marxist movement to recognize that."
"Net support for Black Lives Matter has been cut in half since the escalation of the riots... They should have disavowed the riots and Black Lives Matter immediately."
"Me Too movement was partly good because it gave people courage."
"Imagine if Andy had an operation like Veritas where instead of just him going down for one protest, he had 10 people across the country at all of their meetings."
"There's a movement of people that believe that no matter what is said by a female it should be believed."
"BLM is so irrelevant then why do they keep focusing on on you? That's right, I mean they wouldn't be attacking us or wearing those terrible shirts if black lives matter wasn't moving the needle, wasn't doing important work."
"It's time for us to unite and fight against them."
"Charles Barkley: If you don't kneel, you're not a bad person."
"Socialist power comes from masses of people standing up to oppression."
"It just takes enough people to say no. No, I'm not doing it."
"I think a lot of people's engagement with these movements has been through headlines and articles, but when you dive into it back then, anti-Semitism and racism was like dripping."
"Protest movements anywhere in the world makes a difference."
"I haven't accomplished anything alone, but I was fortunate to be part of a revived feminist movement."
"If a celebrity actually wants me to see them as a shaker and part of the hashtag resistance they need to be like Chris Pratt."
"People are standing up for black lives matter, for standing rock."
"So long as mainstream liberals go along with the woke left... then the alliance of the woke left and the liberals actually is a majority in the country."
"There's never been a movement like this there's never been and I'll tell you maybe I'm wrong but this is bigger than it was in 2016."
"They don't need to be told that their lives matter."
"Don't believe the man trying to jump in front of a moving parade."
"I think you've caught the spirit of the movement."
"Black lives matter is built on that black blood, that black spilled blood of Zimmerman Brown all of that, that is murder, it's built on like the murder of black people."
"Rioters are doing what they're doing because of a sense of... freedom and justice had not yet been met."
"I think people often forget that pride started as a riot."
"We're acknowledging the Black Lives Matter movement."
"The majority of people, remember, two million plus people marching on the streets peacefully. Those are reasonable people, those are the people that I stand with."
"Iranian women are rising up to demand Freedom, are we listening?"
"The world seems to be exploding in protest and I think it's worth not only putting that protest across the globe into geographic context but putting it into historical context."
"I am black by the way. Of course I believe that Black Lives Matter. I believe all lives matter."
"Anybody can schedule a moment on the calendar but a movement doesn't have an expiration date. This is not a moment, it's a movement."
"We're fine, we finally have a lot of people fighting with us."
"The Civil Rights Movement shows us that the picture of consensus in the 1950s is not quite as clear-cut as its proponents would have us believe."
"Believe all women meant was... believe them enough to take it seriously and look into it."
"Feminism is not a single movement, it's actually a term used to describe a bunch of things."
"I think y'all are being dishonest in your critique. I absolutely think there is a critique to be had of the current state of the abolition movement."
"It's being positioned as Occupy Wall Street 2.0."
"The willingness to fight... people are standing up, it's time to stand up."
"If Johnny Depp wins the metoo era is over I I don't think it's over but I do think but I do think it might be coming into question"
"The protest that we're seeing around the world should inspire hope in all of you."
"Women step up and we have this huge #metoo movement and then cancel culture has followed that and then we get our rights taken away and then abortion is turned over."
"This whatever you want to call it contagion movement, whatever you're comfortable with, it has run around the parent, it swoops up the child, it manipulates."
"It's time to rise up, to force accountability, using a diversity of tactics."
"I think this person perhaps after jail time will be lionized on the left."
"I think if it's for the right cause, you know, I think the Black Lives Matter stuff was severe and immediate enough that it warranted those protests."
"This has been the long game and only now half a century later are we possibly seeing roe v wade overturned."
"This isn't just a movie, this is a movement because one small choice you make will make ripples of change."
"Feminists want the draft abolished, so their point is let's not sign up for the service, let's abolish the draft altogether."
"I definitely wanted to provide a lane that slices through the alt-right fascist outlook of Candace Owens and that MAGA crew that has really devoured and delighted in BLM's demise, a means for their own grifts to profit."
"What happened to 'Me Too'? It's nowhere to be found, kind of like Black Lives Matter. What happened to Black Lives Matter? That's gone now, none of it, there's no Me Too at all."
"Imagine it's very easy to invigorate a movement if you have somebody to hate."
"People couldn't find a way out of lockdown. So part of me was sympathetic to... the Black Lives Matter uprising from the point of view that we needed a way out of lockdown."
"There's been different phases to feminism, not just one monolithic movement."
"If you don't know what's going on in the last week week and a half there have been mass protests all over the country..."
"Ongoing democratic black lives matter uprisings."
"I've been very frustrated with this movement going after my friends."
"Black lives matter is rooted in a specific situation... yet it's a universal matter."
"There is nothing wrong with a movement that encourages victims to come forward."
"We never talk about the women's March anymore and it was just so important."
"History being made right now as people challenge the system. That's what it's always been."
"You cannot look at any successful movement in American history that didn't involve coalition-building."
"This has been a decentralized and autonomous movement from the very beginning."
"Social movements being spread on social media can be a good thing sometimes."
"The eight hour day or marijuana legalization started in a city or state."
"When we see truckers uprising in Canada and we see farmers uprise in the Netherlands, there are reasons that these things are happening."
"This election was a referendum on wokeness and cancel culture."
"The movement in favor of restitution is becoming increasingly strong."
"They can persecute one man, but they've created a hero figure for thousands."
"Sure, all lives matter, but de facto our systems tell these people that their lives matter less. That's why we need movements like feminism and black lives matter."
"There's real momentum behind the Bud Light boycott unlike any other attempted conservative boycott in memory."
"Most of the people that are supporting it, most of the people that are putting their black Square on their profile or whatever aren't that committed. They're confused."
"I don't think we can talk about all the assholes who are annoying without really understanding again the bravery of the people who stood up against this."
"Why did the Black Panthers understand that in that you have to feed people you have to take care of their medical care?"
"Feminism is a movement to end actual oppression."
"Unity doesn't mean in theoretical that we happen to have the same identity; unity means that when we mobilize together, our actions are amplified."
"Protesters poured into the streets of Berlin chanting 'Black Lives Matter' and 'I can't breathe'."
"There's an extra layer... the general air that kind of has been hanging heavy after the MeToo stuff."
"The #MeToo movement is not much different from other social movements."
"Thorax and his supporters, as well as numerous detractors of the Chrysalis, have all united under the banner of harmony."
"1969: men first landed on the moon, Summer of Love, racial tension... echoes of our current situation."
"It was a thing of beauty: what message did you mostly hear? What were they actually chanting? For freedom."
"Great change from workers' rights to civil rights has always come from people taking to the streets."