
Political Criticism Quotes

There are 3072 quotes

"The biggest social movement since civil rights in this country says it all about the utter contempt that the political establishment has for social movements."
"Politicians are the only people we pay to do nothing."
"The American people deserve more common sense, less chaos, less confusion, and less cult-like behavior."
"What we have here is a failure of the elites of Washington on both sides of the aisle."
"No president has ever said anything like it. It's shameful. It's weak. It's dangerous. It's Un-American."
"Open borders, rigged elections, and grossly unfair court decisions are destroying America. We are a nation in decline."
"It's so much easier to accuse the left of going too far than it is to realize that you might be uncomfortable with how far we've come."
"A duopoly that was often controlled by the same class that was pulling both parties as the string of it really wasn't a duopoly, it was a monopoly disguised as a duopoly."
"I'm angry because this planet is dying, and the president of the biggest country in the world refuses to acknowledge that."
"How many more children have to die before a ceasefire is called for? We're calling for a ceasefire; I cannot understand Sir Starmer's position; I cannot understand the Prime Minister's position."
"Obama at once betrayed working people instantly. He was elected in 2008, lots of enthusiasm, wonderful person has come. We can put our faith in him. Working people voted for him. We're going to have change. It will all be great. First thing he did was stabbed them in the back."
"The tyrants of the world win. They have one more reason to celebrate Donald Trump and his cult followers who have completely lost their way."
"Corporate donors started buying all of our politicians... They all serve corporations now."
"What we have seen from the very beginning of this do-nothing Republican Congress is chaos, dysfunction, and extremism being inflicted on the American people."
"It's not me who's changed, it's the left, who is now made up of a small contingent who've gone mental and a large contingent who refuse to call them out for it. But I will."
"It degrades conservatism to have a president who... laughs at it."
"The Republican party is openly anti-democracy."
"For 20 years, Putin has murdered his own people, imprisoned dissidents, opposition leaders in his country, committed war crimes in Syria and Chechnya. Nothing happened. The game has changed."
"I'm not saying you're inherently wrong for having positions that line up with the public statements of the Kremlin. I think that those correlations are true because the Kremlin lies constantly, and it's wrong in almost everything that it says."
"This hideous and barbaric action of Vladimir Putin must end in failure."
"We can say without a doubt that Maduro has destroyed the economy there. Maduro has imprisoned, beaten, killed journalists."
"Senator Lindsey Graham was loudly cheered by watching parents when he said, 'Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us... you have blood on your hands.'"
"We have to be able to call out demagogues on both sides... who would place those democratic institutions and processes in jeopardy."
"Our dodo in chief would have to stop quacking and become a lame duck."
"Anyone that is caping hard for radical Caucasian terrorists and doesn't want to see it end or your liberation, that's on male and female."
"People are being kicked out of their homes, children are starving, there's no testing and tracing that meets the needs, schools can't open, and not another dime. Let America suffer so our right-wing ideology can prevail over the needs of America and the American people."
"Communism, whatever its stated intentions, leads to evil."
"With 2 million Canadians forced to go to a food bank, will he stop thinking about buying himself better news coverage and start thinking about the Canadians who have to buy themselves better food?"
"The climate denialism of the Conservative Party of Canada is putting future white Christmases at risk."
"The wind was sown when Donald Trump had 19 credible allegations of sexual assault against him, bragged about sexual assault on tape, and your Republican buddies... said, 'Yeah, but we want our guy on the Supreme Court.'"
"It's ironic that Trump is ending up in his own swamp."
"When I criticize Israel, I criticize it because it's in the position of power."
"The biggest form of Asian hate in the entire world is the Chinese government."
"We have to identify the forces that are trying to turn America into this right-wing dystopia that is ultimately harmful for 99% of the American people."
"There is not a crisis in the people; I think there's a crisis in the House of Commons with the politicians."
"Democracy, socialism, and communism are just flavors of the same stupidity which is trying to use politics to make economic decisions, not calculus."
"The administration's case is transparently flimsy and dishonest, both on the evidence and the ethical justification."
"Every single time there's a tragedy, our leaders don't act in the best interest of the people. They see opportunity, and they grab as much as they can."
"He was very anti-war in Iraq, extremely outspoken about the corruption in the Bush administration."
"If you've got a problem with sexism, look in your own party."
"The left has to eat its own because no one can live up to their ever-evolving standards."
"This charade is a telling reflection of the widespread culture of deceit and fabrication that seems to thrive under the governance of the CCP in China."
"This is democracy taking place in darkness. It's not democracy."
"It is a circus, and I can't vote for a circus."
"Donald Trump is trying to act like a king, and we don't have kings in the United States of America."
"He (Trump) becomes quite vicious in his attacks on cosmopolitan America and this unfortunately resonates pretty deeply with the white America that feels excluded from the benefits of globalization."
"You can't pin everything that's happening in America today onto one man, but I double dog dare you to find a person or a president who is more culpable for the current social, political, and economic instability than President Ronald Reagan."
"It's a sad day in America when the President of the United States calls a woman a horse face."
"One of the worst impacts of Ron DeSantis has been to absolutely eviscerate the correct assessment of history. Absolutely destroy it."
"Allow me to cordially invite Texas Republicans and the conservative members of the Supreme Court to sincerely [__]."
"This is not the way this Congress should run. This is not the way Republicans or Democrats or any majority should behave. People should be ashamed of themselves."
"If you wanted to create a blueprint to destroy America, all you have to do is follow the current plan."
"They're cowards. Absolutely, they're cowards because listen, what's happening at the border is crimes against humanity."
"They hate Justice Thomas not because his conduct is different from the other eight justices but because he is a black man who dares to be a conservative."
"If a guy is writing love letters to Marxism, maybe he's not the best candidate to be a federal judge."
"Democrats can't look and hear these stories without realizing what a disaster this administration has brought onto this country."
"In reality, while his people starve, Kim Jong Il is living the high life."
"The Republican party is absolutely incompetent."
"When a regime has been in power for too long, it acts solely in the interests of self-preservation and not in the interests of the electorate."
"You have a baby, and the woman's supposed to go back into the coal mines, back in the assembly lines? Why are three-quarters of Republicans being ignored by their own politicians? That's because they're corrupt corporate lackeys."
"This is exactly why people hate politics. It is people grandstanding on the taxpayer's dime when what we need for them to do is govern and get people what they need."
"The 1.9 trillion being proposed now, about 90 percent of it's got very little to do with COVID. It is a liberal wish list."
"I think Donald Trump has taken my metaphor to a totally new dimension. I think he is a cancer on the body politic."
"US military intervention in other countries is not about freedom and democracy; it's about empire and the procurement of resources."
"America under Joe Biden is in a state of decline."
"The most divisive, deceitful, dishonest, power-hungry, corrupt politician in Canadian politics."
"Authority should always be questioned, Donald Trump or otherwise, Joe Biden or otherwise."
"We're very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba but, you know, it's unfair to simply say everything is bad."
"Donald Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic... resulted in hundreds of thousands of Americans dying."
"Trump is a fascist. If you support him, you support fascism."
"Wouldn't you want somebody that adheres to the Constitution, that adheres to process, that adheres to rule of what, more than anything else than a guy who literally says he wants to suspend the Constitution of the United States?"
"The only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is the speed at which their knee hits the floor when a donor walks in the room."
"It's kind of weird to say you can fix it all in six months when you were the president for four years and not only did you fail to fix it, the Deep State then had deeply damaging ramifications for your Administration."
"You have just compared Boris Johnson's government to a form of extremist government."
"Liberalism has been co-opted and absorbed by the very characteristics it claims to fight against."
"The left now believes that there are no boundaries when telling lies, omitting the truth, or misrepresenting facts when telling the news because their end justifies their means."
"The overwhelming majority of Americans know that money is ruining our politics."
"We believe that it's a tyrannical dictatorship that really damages the future of the world and the Chinese people."
"François Legault's lockdowns have killed more young people than COVID."
"The rhinos and the dinos have been sitting in there milking the system."
"Nigeria's problem is not its diversity. The U.S. problem is leadership. We have some of the worst leaders in the world, and they are the cause of our problem."
"In the history of our country there has never been a disgrace like what's going on right now."
"The real spreader of misinformation wasn't the Russian government but the U.S government itself."
"Fewer people should be terrorized by the state for things they have posted on Twitter that left-wing activists disagree with."
"This is just deeply offensive. I can't imagine any other president ever serving in that office making such derogatory comments."
"There are these moments every single time when he has an opportunity to step into the America that we actually are, he steps behind the line again."
"He can certainly say this politically motivated prosecution brought by my political opponent is corrupt."
"These politicians are not lifting them up. They're not inspiring them to do better. They are capitalizing on fears, and weaknesses, and worries."
"The Chinese Communist Party's cover-up and mishandling allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic."
"Stand up and grow a pair... that includes Donald Trump."
"The really indecent behavior and shamelessness of individual MPs has ensured that especially now in the last phase of the election campaign there really is a harsh wind blowing in the face of the campaigners."
"The anti-American party today is the Republican party... they hate America, they want to destroy America."
"Mitch McConnells keep your mouth shut and hand over the money. That's literally what bank robbers say." - Narrator
"The facts are indisputable the part that they will dispute including the mainstream press who is the biggest advocate for establishment politicians like Joe Biden..."
"We're going to stop the left-wing radical racists and perverts who are trying to indoctrinate our youth."
"These people hate America. They are the Marxist, the racists, and the perverts."
"Falsehoods around the Russian collusion... made clear that the foundations of his investigations were bogus."
"This latest stunt reeks of partisan politics... shameful."
"People have stopped enforced overwhelmingly two men in the EU...because tonight not only have they being ignored their views have been dismissed with utter contempt."
"Trump does have a bad track record with this, and yeah, why is he not being called out for that? Frankly, I think because Republicans don't care."
"This isn't just about our interests trumping our values."
"Donald Trump just looks like an idiot on this one."
"This is a problem. They've weaponized the justice system and they're going after everybody, and the message is if you oppose us in any way we're going to come after you. I don't like it."
"The left basically uses its newfound power to call for crackdowns on everybody they disagree with."
"The craziness extends across the aisle. I saw an entire democratic party look the other way or cheer while cities burn during the summer."
"Lauren bobert never gave a crap about the people of Colorado's third, doesn't give a crap about the people of Colorado's fourth, doesn't give a crap about the state of Colorado."
"Republicans don't think it they it's they're entitled to everything the worst entitlement snowflakes you've ever met in your life are elected Republicans super pathetic."
"You're just taking your eyes off the oligarchs who are still denying you healthcare."
"Trump calls them great patriots, his convention glorified vigilantes who took up arms against protesters, disgraceful anarchists and thugs."
"When they say 'our democracy,' what they mean is you being ruled by people who have absolutely no understanding of what your actual concerns are."
"The perception of why I am where I am, right? That's like, there's, it's like you keep if you have an opposing worldview, this is how full of themselves that liberals and Afrocentric think they are with their worldview."
"If you're Republican, you never get to complain about the filibuster. You have no right."
"The Democrats are intentionally destroying America."
"now we have an enormous national security threat on our Southern border and that national security threat is entirely Biden's illegal immigration policy"
"Is there an Illuminati? Is there a secret cabal of pedophiles that Donald Trump has single-handedly trying to dismantle? That man doesn't even care about his own children."
"I just really don't like the way uh black people are just like forced to vote Democrat."
"Shame on Donald Trump and the United States Supreme Court."
"Putin is not acting in their name. He is a dictator, an imperialist, a tyrant. He is much a threat to his own people as he is to all of us."
"Freedom has many difficulties, and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in."
"Politicians care about power and money, not the people."
"The government is sleeping in bed with the devil."
"It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the Israeli government."
"It's nothing new for the president. He's not just attacked New York in tweets. His policies have been vicious to New York."
"They hate the United States of America. They worship Vladimir Putin. They are fascists. They are traitors."
"If we vote for this underfunded too small infrastructure bill alone, it could make our climate crisis worse."
"It is hilarious to watch Democrats proclaim that their poverty is actually a great qualifier for office in no other area of life would you ever believe this right?"
"President Trump is doing grave damage to that civilian-military relationship."
"The left love science... What they like to do is speculate about science and then use the weakest possible scientific findings in order to push the idea that public policy should be shifted in their direction."
"This is the worst president we've seen in the modern era."
"The Chinese Communist Party is the existential risk of humanity."
"The only thing that really concentrates the mind of our leaders is how can they be in denial how can they pretend that the rules which are cannot be enforced are being enforced."
"Anyone who says this is a manufactured crisis, they're just lying, they're misleading the American people, and it's not honest."
"Donald Trump's dystopian vision foreshadows dangers."
"It's not that everything was bad under Trump... but it's this black and white thinking."
"Democrats spend their days talking about terrible big corporations, then bribe them."
"White liberals made black neighborhoods less safe and then blamed racism for rising crime."
"Biden is the worst president in the history of our country."
"Virtually nothing the liberal says is true, and the lies are so brazen, so aggressive and unending..."
"I thought it was a rigged election. I thought it had a lot of problems. I had every, I guess he's Secretary of State, I called."
"We need to hold the administration accountable for what they're doing."
"Not only did Boris Johnson not have the basics of critical thinking, risk awareness, a school child level of knowledge of infectious diseases, or even an understanding of what a decimal number is."
"We're witnessing one of the biggest grifts and transfers of dark money into the hands of war profiteers in recent history."
"I ran to be mayor of London in 2021... the number of votes you got just doesn't make sense... Urban environments that have been dominated by democrats or left-wing politics for decades."
"His constant attacks on the FBI the free press inspectors general federal judges they all have one purpose to remove any check on his abuse of power put simply he treats our country like it's his family business."
"Abuse of Justice and weaponizing it to go after your political opponents is an abuse of power, I think it's an abuse of power."
"Politicians do not actually protect the most vulnerable."
"The government is becoming the plaything for everyone with a special interest to get what they want when they can't get it without the government stepping in."
"The worst statement of the weekend was... any evangelical Christian who votes for Trump is violating their religion."
"The real reasons why it's imploding is not because of Trump but because of the Republican party's methods."
"While unemployment benefits are being cut, Republicans have managed to find 1.75 billion dollars to rebuild the FBI headquarters."
"It's not just about a man, it's about a movement."
"I'll criticize Bernie's recent comments on Cuba, but I won't engage in this smear campaign."
"Donald Trump's team, how can I put this nicely, doesn't know what they're talking about."
"The vast majority of Americans care much more about their pocketbooks than about the fact they're paying hundreds of dollars more per month every month now thanks to Joe Biden."
"It's now American liberalism in which real authoritarianism resides." - Glenn Greenwald
"Trump was a basket of issues, he was an impulse."
"Trump engaged in so many criminal conducts while he was the president."
"This should be frightening to anyone who speaks up against the establishment, against war."
"Are we then going to be called treasonous for speaking up, saying we shouldn't be there?"
"The biggest national security threat to your presidency."
"We don't live in a democracy, no, we live in a plutocracy, it's bought and paid for."
"This is the worst do-nothing Senate in modern American history, and every member of this body should be deeply ashamed." - Bernie Sanders
"Radical Democrats are the party of high taxes, open borders, late-term abortion, crime, hoaxes, and illusions."
"Totalitarianism relies on mass support... contemporary societies desperately need more people to withdraw their support of this brutal form of rule."
"Joe Biden is making life worse for American families."
"The Biden administration clings to the lie that more spending means lower deficits."
"Leftism is the worship of self through abortion."
"His language and his policies are in fact racist."
"There's no question the spear of crime is real, and it's getting much worse on Kathy Hochul's watch."
"The left ruins everything it touches: high schools, colleges, sports, late-night comedy, the arts, the sciences... everything."
"Homelessness, crime, political corruption - you look at Newsom going to these fancy restaurants not wearing a mask..."
"The true story in America is the fact that we are LED currently by a criminal cartel and maybe we always have it."
"They're remembering just how awful that presidency was."
"We've got an economic crisis, we've got the eviction crisis, we've got job shortages, fuel shortages, food shortages. Holy Joe Biden screwed up."
"Donald Trump has committed crimes against the country."
"Donald Trump is a danger to America, he is a danger to the Free World."
"Donald Trump is a petulant nine-year-old that should be sent to his room, not back to the White House."
"It's the cartels. Let me say that one more time. There's one group benefiting from the policies of the Biden Administration: it is the cartels."
"The truth is these people are more offended to be called fascists than to stop doing the fascism, right? Like, you know, you don't want to be called fascists then make it so people can vote."
"This isn't a democracy, this isn't America, this isn't how America was when I was born. This is an oligarchy, this is corporatism."
"This cat has kept more promises in ten months than Obama broke over the course of eight years."
"The dangers with Trump... The worst one... is the dedication to destroy the environment."
"The Chinese government keeps getting so Furious we've noticed this when they get labeled with State media labels yes they hate it."
"Isn't it crazy how ridiculous the Chinese government will take advantage of any loophole that it can."
"This is bad policy based on bad information funneled by Rudy Giuliani."
"I just want the record to reflect that the previous president of the United States supported an insurrection."
"The brisk market for pardons reflects the access peddling that has defined Mr. Trump's presidency."
"The biden white house is already making it clear that this government is of the elites by the elites and for the elites."
"Trump botched the rhetoric. Trump shouldn't have taken it lightly in terms of how he spoke about this publicly."
"America is still a great country but our ruling class is disgusting. A vote for Trump is a vote against them."
"Any man that will allow an unconstitutional tyrannical governor to close down their church and to keep it closed is a coward."
"The most frustrating part is when squish fake Republicans applaud and go along with it."
"The White House targeting Elon Musk while basically patting apple on the headspite Apple actually coordinating with the Chinese government."
"When you think about how stupid Republicans and conservatives in general are, right when you stare into the darkness and in the darkness stares back at you, Republicans find a way to show exactly how stupid they actually are."
"It's almost as if the Party thinks the real enemy isn't the United States, but a billion angry Chinese citizens."
"This is the calamity brought upon this country by a government which tried to prioritize economic interests over human life."
"So the combination of ignorance, corruption, and sheer selfishness and greed is a deadly combination for our democracy."
"The radical left wants to do to America what they've done to New York: raise prices, kill jobs, and leave our nation less independent and secure."
"It's mind-boggling how arrogant and narcissistic these far-left activists are."
"He wants to basically be Emperor Nero... bread and circuses to distract the mob."