
Free Thinking Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You don't have to be Muslim, Palestinian, or Arab; you simply just have to be a free thinker and someone who has moral courage."
"I believe in order for me to be a true free thinker, I need to view myself as an individual."
"He is a full-time faculty member of PSU's department of philosophy and has a long history of being an outstanding advocate to free-thinking students."
"My parents were Christian but they were not sectarian and they gave me the greatest gift that a parent can give to his child. They allowed me to think."
"Firearms ownership breeds free thinking and it breeds self-preservation."
"Elon, he's a free thinker. He's unfiltered a lot of times. It's refreshing to a lot of people, but some people want him to be more filtered."
"Shout out to the free thinkers out there, the niji free thinkers out there too. Y'all keep doing the great work out there. I really appreciate that."
"One of my secrets for happiness: unstructured thoughts, just let your brain go."
"Be just like that, transformative, rebellious, free-thinking."
"There's nothing more Western than robust debate and free thinking."
"My main goal for this channel is to encourage people to be open-minded and free thinkers."
"I think it's going to be an interesting thing to see free thinking, skepticism, rationalism, humanism, science, whatever you want to call it, how it's going to transform our world."
"Free your mind... be a free thinker, use the facts, look at logic, look at statistics."
"Free thinking among African-Americans is not welcome and that is the racism of it."
"Shout out to the free thinkers of course absolutely."
"Now that I have a daughter of my own, I'm raising her as a free thinker."
"I'm glad to know there's a free-thinking parent out there who's sparing the child all of this Jesus stuff."
"We need confident free-thinking brave people here."
"Maybe you are not a free thinker... maybe you don't even understand history."
"More people should be independent free thinkers."
"Generation Z is becoming one of the most free-thinking generations."
"Coming out as a free thinker is one of the most revolutionary acts of an unbeliever today."
"The best ideas come when your mind is running free."
"Being a free thinker is truly one of the most amazing things you can do in your entire life."
"Hyperianism is about giving you the tools so that you can think freely and understand how you can come to these conclusions on your own."
"Alchemy is because it works with divine law, universal law, and it is not a religion; it is a way of thinking, free-thinking outside the box."
"It sounds like a bit of a free thinker for her generation."
"Shout out to the free thinkers man."
"I'm a free thinker and I'm not going to allow their advice to control and dictate my life."
"The thing that blows my mind is they think they're free thinkers."
"Free your mind. Everything is propaganda, so why not choose your own?"
"I like free thinkers, people who think for themselves."
"The thing that if you suddenly do not agree with someone you're no longer their friend, they have to agree with everything you agree with, and this just stifles free thinking."
"You have to fight it, and so I hope that you will join me on the rebellion of the free-thinking C++ programmers and crush the tyranny of the committee."
"He's absolutely obsessed by the free play of his mind, obsessed by in medias res, just he has to be in the place. He's not interested in logic, oh deductive systems."
"I want us to free our minds and so our asses will follow."
"I've always been somebody who's been a free thinker."
"God want the congregation, the church, the peoples to move up, move up in their world thinking, become free thinkers."
"The more you break free on that spectrum and become more freethinking, the better you are equipped at life."
"I actually like Victor... I like interesting people who can think on their own and think for themselves."
"We're free thinkers and I encourage people for having different opinions."
"Free your mind away from the popular prophecy."
"When you become rich, successful, and generous, you not only become dependent on yourself instead of the system, but you also end up being someone who becomes a free thinker."
"I'm going to raise my son to be a free thinker."
"If you are just different and you know you're different, you are open-minded, you are a free thinker, you're not easily manipulated."
"Be curious about everything, look at every angle, be a free thinker."
"Once you become an atheist, you become a freethinker; you don't need Dawkins or Hitchens or me, you can think for yourself."
"We are building a community of free thinkers, people who respect one another and don't whine and cry about every little thing."
"You are a free thinker with a different point of view to most people."