
Community Appreciation Quotes

There are 1028 quotes

"The couple was really beloved by everybody for their kind and caring nature towards everybody that they knew."
"A huge shout out to all the fantastic creators who keep creating amazing MMORPG content."
"The legacy of Iverson is intertwined with his loyalty to the city of Philadelphia. That man is loved and embraced by that city."
"We love the community more than anything else."
"Thanks to you all, my body language buddies... 20 million views in the last 28 days."
"Chronicles is the best DLC I believe Cod has ever put out and it was a real love letter to the community."
"Thank you to everyone. Clearly, the community, we really appreciate you."
"Thank you for being the greatest community on the internet."
"We are so thrilled and honored and thankful to have you guys as part of this community."
"Thank you so much. I mean, this community would not exist without you guys."
"I love this mod, okay? I love all the mods here."
"You gotta always love that, always gotta come show love back."
"Now is the time to congratulate every single Victorian for staying the course, now is the time to thank every single Victorian family for being guided by the data, the science, and the doctors."
"Deeply appreciate you Rob, Emily, Peter, Joe, Lemur, and the rest of your community."
"Thank you to all the new members, by the way."
"And before I end this video I just wanna take the time to say how much I appreciate my viewers viewers and subscribers who're new to the channel, especially the Transformers community who's embraced me."
"I'm really excited about being here. I'm very touched that you're here."
"You guys are the best as always I love you I cherish our time together and your questions and your comments I really do I learn a lot from how you look at things and I appreciate all of you joining for this."
"Thank you so much for watching. I love my YouTube community and as always I am glad that you exist."
"I [expletive] love community, yeah, god bless you man."
"You all are truth seekers and you care about facts and we appreciate you and we love you for that."
"It's a really just a wonderful, wonderful place to live."
"I thank God the universe booted Jehovah every day for all of you."
"And here, everyone deserves praise: the person rescuing the cat and the cat who understood the assignment."
"Thank you to all of you for helping make League of Legends a global sport."
"Shout out to all my patrons... love you guys so much."
"Shout out to everybody who attended Rolling Loud, shout out to everybody who made it out safely."
"Thank you, Toby, for being so welcoming to the Pokémon community."
"Thank you to all of you grains for being here and just commenting, liking, or even just watching. I really do appreciate you."
"We hope you enjoyed this first look at end of dragons."
"The internet is very happy to have you... you have educated so many people."
"And that's all for this video. We want to thank again all the modders interviewed by Yan2295 and all the hundreds of creators releasing every day wonderful modifications, and we sincerely hope the best possible outcome."
"We just passed 1.5 million subscribers here on the channel so much love from the whole team here."
"Thank you to the American people for all your efforts."
"We love you guys and we appreciate you so much."
"Thank you each and every one of you for being a part of this year."
"Thank you for being the Gateway for many fans, this wonderful Community. Pika will miss you, just wish the circumstances were a bit different."
"I love your channel. Good luck on your channel growing. You guys will be at a million before you know it too."
"Cheers to you Brian, very very cool. This is so awesome, there's so many people that know people on the Firefly team, it's just really fun seeing well wishes for everybody."
"At the end of every stream, I always say something. What I'm gonna say now is, I freaking love you guys."
"I really appreciate that, means the world to us."
"Every single day I love you all. You guys are like family to me."
"Thank you for creating Code CWA, guys. Have a great weekend, and as always, take care, guys."
"I promise I am okay, but I do appreciate all the people that sent me kind words and lovely DMS because it means more to me than y'all will ever know."
"People admire our courage, our authenticity when we share our screw-ups."
"Thank you to all our key workers and unsung heroes."
"It's about being vulnerable, it's about making space for it to happen."
"This is why I love my community. Thanks guys, really appreciate this." - Jonathan Ms Pitts
"I love your page so much. Your videos are so genuine and so fun to watch."
"I love you guys and I wish you nothing but the best for everyone."
"I'm on a boat, baby. Thank you guys for tuning in. I appreciate all you guys. Love you all. Smooches, much love, and I'll see all of you guys in the next stream. Thank you to Truly for sponsoring. I love you. Bye."
"Thank you so much guys for watching, and if you guys want to see more, make sure you subscribe, you have to subscribe, like, and then comment!"
"I want to say a special thank you to each and every one of you, the very coolest community on all the interwebs."
"You are all you are all awesome... you guys are awesome seriously seriously you really really are."
"I respect a lot the English Community... I should say straight to the common thing thank you."
"I love you guys, I appreciate you guys, I will see you guys on Friday night. God bless."
"Huge shout out to all my members, you guys are amazing."
"I love our little community. I love being able to do this. Thank you so much."
"Shout out to everybody in the room, man, glad to have everybody tuning in on this lovely, lovely, lovely Sunday evening."
"You are the coolest community on all the interwebs."
"Leave a like on this video. I want to say thank you to everyone who's been watching our videos. It means the world."
"Thank you so much for supporting me, it means the world."
"Thank you guys very much, you have yourself a very good week."
"I just love you off so much with my whole heart and I'm really proud to call you guys my subscribers."
"I can't believe how far speedrunning Halo 2 has come. Thanks for running my favorite campaign."
"Special thank you for the folks in my community who have served and share their stories."
"Thank you for being a part of my literature club. Love, Dan Salvato."
"Looks like the city's a little strict when it comes to light noise usage, I appreciate it though."
"I hope someday some [__] says 'yo, my favorite YouTuber is ForneverWorld!' That'd be sick as hell."
"One reason to be grateful is the amazing community that has grown for years around Destiny. Thank you for being here."
"I just want to say thank you guys again for the 20,000 subscribers. Obviously, I could not do this without you guys."
"Thank you so much for being here. We just, we really appreciate it."
"Thank you to the best community in the world."
"All right guys, unfortunately I'm ending the stream here. It has honestly been a blast. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who did tune in."
"Love a bit squad, love the people, love you guys so much."
"You guys are always so kind about just trying different things."
"Thank you to Tesla owners for making model y the world's best-selling car in q1 this year."
"It was amazing. It was really moving. The support has been amazing."
"You're a legend for giving out codes. I got honestly deserve."
"It's all because of you guys, you know, the Fit Fam."
"Thank you guys for being here for hanging out with me and for watching."
"Thank you guys all for subscribing, dude! Let's go, guys!"
"All the free zero-zero dart monkeys out there, we love and cherish you. Keep doing you, you're doing your best."
"We're just happy you're here and thank you for another amazing year with us."
"Thank you all so much for being here I love you so much."
"I appreciate y'all brothers, thank you all so much for coming out to the platform here."
"I want to say a massive thank you to all of our new subscribers."
"Thank you everyone for making this an amazing experience."
"I want you to know that the people that play and enjoy these hacks truly appreciate the work that you’re doing, and that it's not going unnoticed."
"We're kind of vibing along, the growth on the channel has still been going surprisingly. I'm so grateful for that."
"Thank you to the millions of players who jumped in with us so far."
"Diversity of this community as distinct as the bogotas of the Bronx as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio."
"This is a really cool gift tank it's balanced it's so much better than all of those old tier 3 garbage huge respect to you for giving something that is actually really fun."
"Big thank you to the DE team...thank you to the community for being awesome as always."
"No plans to stop anytime soon, so thank you guys."
"I just want to give a huge thank you to everybody who has made it all the way to the end of this video."
"Big thank you everybody for being here have a good night be safe and I'll see you tomorrow."
"Shout out to you there, my friend, and everyone in the chat, you guys absolutely rock, much love and respect!"
"You guys are absolutely insane with all the hearts, thank you so much!"
"You guys just go above and beyond for us and I cannot be more expressive in how I say how much I'm thankful for you."
"I never thought that I would have so much support that I've had. It's just been incredible, like I don't even have words to fully express that."
"Thank you to everyone in the community what a time to be alive."
"I just cannot stress enough how much you all mean to me as an audience and how much I sincerely appreciate you guys even clicking on my videos responding to them doing whatever it's really means the world to me."
"Thank you guys for tuning in, thank you to everybody who is active in chat, shared the stream, anybody donated."
"Thank you guys so much for being so respectful."
"You guys are awesome and I just really, really appreciate that."
"We have the best community of fans, there may be some that match it, but I don't think there's any that surpass it, you know?"
"You guys are insane, you guys are the best community ever."
"I'm so very grateful for every single one of you, you guys made me come this far."
"I genuinely appreciate every single one of you being here."
"Since Dominion is a greatly appreciated game mode by the community, the team wanted to give it a little twist and turn up a notch."
"I'll see you guys all in the next one. I love y'all! Peace!"
"Y'all some dope people for real like, y'all cool."
"From deep down the bottom of my heart thank you for all of your incredible incredible support."
"Y'all are an amazing Community... it's an amazing community so glad to be a part of."
"I'm such a fan of you guys; you guys are great people."
"Stray, a game so beloved that it would go on to become the highest-rated game on all of Steam for 2022."
"I take it all back, he's a gamer! We love a gamer!"
"I couldn't have gotten to this point without all of you fine people."
"Everyone's amazing in Haddonfield, I love them, I want to live here."
"Holy cow you guys are amazing I love the way you're helping the community."
"Thank you guys so much for not only being lovely people in the comment section and in our community here on YouTube."
"Matrix Online is still fondly remembered by fans."
"We thank the American people for stepping up and doing your part."
"We absolutely love you guys and we're grateful."
"Shout out to y'all man we wouldn't be here without you guys."
"Thank you so much guys thank you so much this is well I just want a hundred K so honestly the goal is just keep increasing."
"I just love that game, I love that community so much, so I'm probably gonna be talking about that a lot in the next few weeks."
"Thank you guys for being here. You guys are all amazing."
"Happy New Year everyone! You're all amazing. RDX world's number one 2021, 2022, facts!"
"Shout out to the Midas Mighty. You're the best."
"You guys are absolutely amazing, thank you guys."
"I'm glad that memberships are serving you well. Thank you for being in here with us."
"Thank you so much for everything, it's been a rough day. It's so unbelievably comforting to have a place like this."
"The support you've shown... is just wonderful and I'm beyond appreciative."
"They're wanting healing in this connection and they are wanting to bring balance."
"Never take for granted how special it is to have a group of people who are eager to play what you make."
"Thank you massive thanks and I think like to the Warframe community."
"Shout out to every single person who shows up and watches these videos."
"Thank you to our Rumble fans and to everyone watching."
"We're so grateful to be able to share this space with you."
"To all of you guys who do watch our videos, the people who do like videos and even the people who don't, hey, shout out to all of you guys, you guys are all awesome, you already know."
"I still think that Shadowversity community and fans are some of the best fans in the world."
"We just want to thank everybody so much for being here, as always we are so grateful for you."
"Jim, thank you so much for sharing your superpowers with all of us. I know since you've been a child, you've been looking for a superhero school. Here's your class photo."
"I love the community that we have on here. You guys are amazing."
"Absolutely amazing job, creator of this mod."
"Thank you to all the MK fans out there who paid attention."
"Thank you guys for being so patient on this video... I just appreciate everybody and all that good stuff."
"I'm so glad that each and every single one of you exists."
"I seriously cannot thank you all enough for that."
"Thanking them for the progress that's been made."
"Thank you guys so much for being so awesome and so nice."
"Thank you all so much for checking out the video and thank you for all your support!"
"Thank you all for taking part, thank you so much."
"Thank you guys so much for visiting the Fusion Lab."
"Love y'all, and I will see you in the next video."
"Growing up here has been, I think, a pretty good experience. There's a lot of great people that live in North Carolina, no matter what part of the state that you're in."
"This seems to be the most anticipated game of this year, I won't lie."
"Thank you to all GDQ staff, tech, and runners and donation readers. This event would not happen without you and all the hard work you put in. Thank you so much."
"I just really appreciate your guys' patience, like y'all are super awesome."
"All praises be to the Most High, we are back. Thank you for your patience."
"You guys are really doing some awesome things... I cannot thank you guys enough."
"Thank you so much for joining us on today's video, and we hope that you'll join us on the next one. We love you guys, bye!"
"That's our holiday gift to you all, holiday cheer indeed."
"We couldn't do any of this shit without you guys. You guys are the whole reason why we exist."
"Everybody thank you, thank you, thank you so much for being part of this."
"We think it's critically important and we really appreciate everything that people do."
"I want to give a special shout out to my members, but if you're not a member yet, thank you for subscribing."
"Shoutout to all the peeps subscribing right now, you guys are the MVPs."
"Thank you all so much for watching. I love you all and as always keep grinding."
"Thank you very much for the raid help guys, I appreciate it. You guys are always awesome with like helping with raids and stuff."
"I think it's refreshing to see people kind of go the extra mile to make things super nice."
"Our society is a lot better than people think."
"This island's community and scenery are both great, I just love it here."
"The outpouring of support has been incredible."
"Ohio State fans are just the most gracious and generous people in the world."
"Big thank you to all of our new members and our insane super chatters today... You guys definitely made this birthday something special."
"The love that I was getting and it was like pretty much damn near Universal that [__] really I don't think there's ever been someone that was as beloved on the Reddit as I was"
"I want to shout them out every creator here, some of these boys especially can charge a fortune for their time, and I would know, I'm one of them to be honest."
"My favorite thing about the disc or channel is honestly like you guys the people."
"I'm truly grateful for all your beautiful energy."
"Everybody who has had these islands thank you for not having chops."
"I'm just so thrilled to see a company taking our hobby space seriously and making a product for us."
"Thank you so much for watching, I appreciate each and every one of you guys."
"Thank you guys, nothing from YouTube for a hundred thousand subscribers or now we've got over 125,000."
"I want to take a few moments just to thank all of you here actually because if it wasn't for all of you here none of us creators would be here on the platform."
"Thank you guys for everything everybody who came up to me, you're my hero, thanks for making it a blast for me."
"We love all of you for watching and leaving nice comments, yeah, and when every car is still exactly the same, we'll still review them all, yeah, don't worry, we're doing this forever, exactly."
"You guys are just so dope, man. I love this."
"GG's in the chat boys, gaming thank you for liking the stream, Alex thank you for liking the stream too, dude."
"I wish everyone an amazing 2023. I love you guys so much."
"Strength is about self-courage, having the courage to move forward."
"Straight away, you guys are the MVPs of this stream. Love to see it. Let's go straight to it."
"It's thanks to all of you guys that this has happened."
"One major issue we have in the body of Christ is we celebrate ministers and preachers after they pass away, rather than when they're living."
"Shout out to all the breeders out there making seeds."
"Welcome to the members club, thank you so much for being a member."
"Congratulations, and thank you for your support."
"You guys rock. We couldn't do our channel without you guys, you know that. You mean the world to us."