
Cruelty Quotes

There are 569 quotes

"The alternative that I'm proposing is that we should explain human cruelty in terms of the erosion of empathy."
"Imagine you take someone who doesn't know anything about health... they're very really unhealthy. Why not just say to them well, just go be different? Of course, we would never do that because it's absurd and it's cruel."
"Avatar is great at showing the length of cruelty that Empire can create and how it attempts to breed ideas of inferiority by removing cultural knowledge and skills."
"The first blow comes from ignorance and foolishness, and the second from some serious cruelty and malice within the system."
"The level of cruelty that goes on is always aimed at driving them crazy, especially black artists."
"The definition of oppression is really quite simply prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control."
"We as people think we know ourselves, we think we understand the upper limits of what human cruelty can be, and then we somehow find a way to exceed those limits."
"I think to anyone who takes pleasure in torturing anything, there's probably something a little bit wrong with them."
"I don't think anyone deserves that level of cruelty or hate."
"It's like pulling the carpet out from somebody that's on crutches. It's like pushing an old lady in a wheelchair down the stairs."
"Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty."
"Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel."
"Kina's life was a series of very cruel maneuvers."
"I really believe anyone who is thinking of having a child in this world is coldly considering an act of cruelty."
"What kind of horrible broken evil person tries to scam someone who's desperately searching for an animal that they love? You are evil!"
"They're monsters. That's exactly what they are. You can't do that to that many people over and over knowing that you're doing it to hurt them, not help them."
"The cruelty is a part of politics specifically the way that it is used to demonize certain groups so you can justify denying people their basic rights under the constitution."
"It's because of cruelty it's because of wanting to punish marginalized people it has nothing to do with a genuine interest in analyzing the constitution."
"It's a horrible thing, man's inhumanity to man."
"There is a really warm place in hell for people that will drop their old dogs off at the shelter."
"That's so deviously cruel you can't help but respect it."
"There are infinite ways to be cruel at Arkham."
"But he also said that he would just capture people, tie them up, and leave them. If you think about it, leaving them to starve to death is just as cruel. It's actually worse. Cruel, yeah."
"Colleen came to see him, acting friendly but making it a cruel joke."
"The judicial system should not shame defendants that could be judges cruel and unusual penalty punishment exactly."
"Burning at the stake was a particularly gruesome form of execution."
"Megan seemed to relish in her cruelty to people."
"The cruelty is absolutely the point when it comes to conservative policy making."
"His mother was brutally punishing, repeatedly, over long periods of time, but more important than being brutally punishing, she enjoyed it."
"There is nothing to show for the majority but chaos, cruelty."
"I'm sorry, this is child cruelty. This is cruelty to a child, that's what this is."
"We do endless amounts of cruelty to others overseas."
"The level of cruelty is the most I've seen in my lifetime and it's not close."
"You know when we have the ability to say that God is on our side, it allows us to justify all kinds of cruelty."
"But when you do it to put somebody in a box and be cruel to them, that’s when we gotta throw the book at ya."
"It was one thing to mistreat and even kill peasants and servants, it was another thing to mistreat and kill the daughters of lower-level gentry and lower-level noble families."
"He is directly measurably making the world a worse place, a more ignorant place, a more cruel place."
"What's the worst thing one human being can do to another? I believe it's to make someone feel small."
"Some of the cruelest methods of torture imaginable were inflicted upon the prisoners."
"This isn't about anything medical or scientific. This is about being as cruel as possible to women."
"It's purposefully cruel. That's the Republican party. It is weaponizing cruelty to get what they want."
"Cruelty makes him seem stronger. Cruelty makes him seem more macho."
"It's more cruel to create some beings who not only will be destroyed down the line but know full well they will be."
"These people are cruel, they are cruel, cruel people, and they will do anything for their own political power."
"That's beyond anybody's imagination cruelty to do that."
"The most evil part of him is he knew that the people that would find their mother mutilated in the worst possible way was her two young children."
"Dark eyes bore down on the boy from Chemos, taking utter delight in each vile act he did."
"It's cruel to the victims of these people, it's cruel to the shop owners, it's cruel to the future people that these criminals are going to harm, and it's cruel to the criminals themselves."
"Cruelty, mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent."
"There's a special cruelty about not caring at all about women."
"Freedom of speech turned into freedom of cruelty..."
"Psychology of cruelty: dehumanization precedes mistreatment."
"It's absolutely despicable to build a political movement on that sort of hatred with no policy. There's no portfolio, it literally is just hate for hate's sake, cruelty for cruelty's sake."
"Every benefit was overwhelming. It's just sheer cruelty."
"History is often cruel. Most nations don't make it. Their names litter the pages of history and the ruins roadsides around the world."
"This is honestly one of the most cruel unfair and sadistic games I think I've ever played."
"The Legion reduces people to animals before they kill them."
"A story that reminds us just how cruel people can be but also how strong the will to survive can be."
"Shredder: deadly leader of the evil Foot Clan. Cold, cunning, and cruel, Shredder is the turtles' hateful arch enemy, willing to go to any length to destroy them and the rat sensei Splinter."
"It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue."
"But the conditions that people are facing all over world Gaza is the manifestation of the most extreme form of Cruelty."
"This Revenge Theory or mystery is unimaginably cruel."
"I never understand how people can be cruel to animals."
"What is crueler than denying a desperate person the thing that they're desperate for? That is the definition of cruelty."
"She was rude and judgmental, but you were cruel."
"The victims of his crimes were nothing more than guinea pigs to him, just test subjects, just games to play until they eventually succumbed to his poisons and died."
"That is so cruel it just doesn't make any sense."
"Charlie's destitution not just miserable but straight up cruel is that his all-time favorite food is chocolate."
"They don’t kill for their survival; they do it mostly for pleasure, revenge, and hatred."
"It's not the world that's cruel, it's the people in it."
"The cruelty is the point, granted this is second hand from the producer of the zero collection."
"To lock out your wife's son from his own home is exceptionally cruel."
"Eating animal products is one of the cruelest things anyone ever does."
"The public began to see the republic as a whole for being too cruel to the Jedi."
"Cruelty doesn't have to be done with raging."
"Danny wouldn't do something so cruel, I refuse to believe it."
"The unspeakable horrors the boy named Jonathan underwent were cruel, inhumane, and undeniably tragic."
"It's a particularly barbarous form of execution... taking a day or two even for someone who's fit and strong healthy to die that way."
"I was prepared to accept that they didn't want a relationship with me. I was not prepared to accept how cruel they handled the situation."
"Let's get animals off the menu and out of these torture chambers."
"But then the moment that Dumbledore leaves, what do you do? Side with Umbridge and start torturing children."
"They thrive in causing pain, making the person suffer, feeling like they're playing God."
"Using military equipment in this way, targeting civilian infrastructure, killing civilians in this fashion, well, it's needless cruelty."
"The demon isn't just violent and cruel; it's very manipulative."
"Imagine you pressing down on something eight minutes that's telling you 'I can't breathe,' that's begging for their life and you keep pressing. What kind of mentality is that?" - Al Sharpton
"Cruelty, coercion, and threats are common ingredients of abuse."
"Anything to an animal that doesn't want doing to it is cruel."
"I think of how arrogant and cruel it is to force a soul out from the ether into the sack of rotting flesh."
"For sheer cruelty, for a complete disregard for humanity... is without parallel in my experience."
"They will commit acts of unimaginable cruelty for which they will feel no shame or remorse. Here is true evil."
"How can I say I can love somebody who is so unbelievably cruel?"
"These don't seem to be individual soldiers who made mistakes. There seems to be, if we look at Mariupol, we look at the bombing of the theater, we look at what happened in Bucha, these seem... there seems to be a callousness."
"How do they or how do maybe how does someone in general get to the point where torturing children becomes normal and acceptable behavior?"
"I think that if we don't need to eat meat to survive and animal cruelty is wrong, to kill an animal for meat would be cruel."
"My mom did not deserve this, and this never should have happened, especially not in such a cruel way like that; she was an innocent person."
"Of all his atrocities, the worst occurred when he had a pit dug and had 300 children, all under the age of 5, thrown into the flames."
"It is cruel, it is violence, it is barbaric."
"The person was emotionally abusive... they were a cruel bully."
"The man seemed to delight in cruelty, the same way we love eating cake on our birthday."
"There's just something truly disturbing to me about things that feed on pain and suffering."
"Solitary confinement... is insane and definitely cruel and unusual punishment."
"Is name-calling a child emotional domestic violence? It is cruel and hits the core of a child's spirit."
"There's no language that we have that I think can grapple with how disgusting barbaric, cruel this is."
"Imagine Adam being followed up by bees. That's just horribly mean."
"Clyde witnessed horrible things, he saw prisoners beaten to death by guards, he saw men stuffed into tin boxes and left out in the sun to roast, and he saw men arbitrarily killed just because a guard felt like doing it."
"The casual cruelty here of this policy... it's just horrible."
"It just breaks my heart to see the way that certain animals get treated."
"That cruelty really has impacts on everyone in the system."
"Inflicting pain and suffering and torture on another helpless human being to me is is the essence of evil."
"You can either choose to be cruel or choose to be kind."
"The merciful man doeth good to his own soul, but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh."
"I love watching the birds fly, it's... you know, some bird owners clip their bird's wings so they can't fly, and I find that to be quite cruel."
"It's about the exploitation of and cruelty to animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose."
"Violence and cruelty spread like a plague."
"Even though I think the world is cruel, it doesn't stop me from having an optimistic view of it to some degree."
"Mother Nature can be vicious, absolutely savage."
"She left him for dead with one final ice-cold act of stealing his dog before walking off."
"It's just so cruel in so many ways."
"Dispenser's genitals are cut off and burned in front of him."
"It was cruel and inhumane and it was also just the way things worked in this world."
"For them, the Georgian period was particularly cruel and nasty."
"The sicko cut a mouth open only to stitch it back into a smile."
"Humans can be so cruel to one another."
"Abusing a service animal or in general abusing animals is definitely a special type of evil."
"Perhaps it was stupid to express it so, but we did watch him drain the life out of her with his coldness and his cruelty."
"Challenging your son to a duel is not a form of love, it is a form of cruelty."
"She is abusive to her at every turn to humiliate her at her own will."
"We will reward you the more cruel you are."
"It's just like making her feel so stupid."
"It's a beautifully dark entry that's visually captivating with a cruel Twisted narrative."
"Despite his relentless cruelty, Bonner insisted he only wanted to show people the error of their ways."
"How could someone be so cruel and manipulative and evil?"
"Wouldn't be cruelty to animals, right?"
"Most cruel things we do to animals happen on boats."
"Not all people are cruel, and therefore you don't have to kill all the people in a row."
"Commit all your cruelties at the beginning so they give less offense."
"Why do we choose to be cruel when we have a choice not to be cruel?"
"Why do people hate Joffrey so much? Yeah, it's because he does lots of cruel, villainous, horrible things."
"I almost fell on the chair. I did not know people could be that cruel."
"People can be so cruel, you know? I mean, I had people spit in my face for money at me."
"Factory farming is the only way to meet the demand for animal products. So, of course, this kind of cruelty and suffering is inevitable."
"A level of cruelty displayed during the attack shocked even some of the most ruthless prisoners."
"Cruella is far from the only Disney villain to go up against animals, but this motive easily makes her one of the darkest to do so."
"What you did was vicious and cruel beyond anyone's belief."
"Ruthless conquests, cruel treatment of all around them, and manipulation of the people closest to them."
"There are many horrific devices of the distant past that were intended to inflict unbearable pain or flat-out kill their target."
"The War of Power began when armies of Trollocs and those who had joined the Dark One moved into the world, doing unimaginably cruel things."
"It was real cruel. Had a lot of love, and I still do."
"For all the friends we've lost to your senseless cruelty."
"Courage isolated from justice... becomes justifications for cruelty and wrongdoing."
"Often, half of the cruelty we experience as human beings is born from our own weakness in facing life's challenges."
"He was right, he was right because people do some horrible things to each other out here."
"This world is very cruel but also very beautiful."
"The world is cruel. The only morality in a cruel world is chance."
"How could a simple song have made them so thoughtlessly cruel?"
"It's cruelty to dumb Johnson's that's what it is."
"Pranking someone with a fake suicide is the most a-hole move someone could ever do."
"Dog murderers get the worst kind of torture, it's true."
"Confronted him and asked him why he was being so cruel."
"I tried hard to forget my past and the insanity that had driven me to such wanton acts of cruelty."
"For clemency and mercy to them is cruelty."
"You don't remember? I don't know why I said it. It was cruel and I saw his face twist, his mind searching."
"What your brother did is really awful and it is cruel. It's possibly the worst gift I've ever heard of someone giving another, especially as he is aware of your struggles and recovery."
"Every time I think of Gabby, I just want to go... And you know, it might sound cruel, but I'm a cruel person."
"Though Maegor stamped out the fires of rebellion, his cruelty and fear only scattered more tinder over the realm, until even the smallest ember could set the realm alight."
"Kids can be cruel, I find, because they don't understand consequence and are just mean for fun."
"Because when you surround yourself with cruel people who have no sense of remorse for the other people they've hurt, it's inevitable that they will hurt you too."
"Clothes like this just don't suit a fat pig like you."
"Sadism was naturalized as integral to what it means to be a man, to masculinity. Cruelty, Sad claimed, is very far from being a vice."
"Don't be cruel," the thing said. "He used to tell myself that," he said, day in, day out. Used to try and dream the agonies away. But you can't."
"Real cruelty and consistent humiliation all of those things are very important factors nudging the person in the direction of later violence and crime."
"Sometimes, that evil - that pure cruelty, malice, and greed - walks in the shape of a man."
"There's just no limit to one's own cruelty."
"Shame. You know what I'll do? I'll show him no mercy, I'll be cruel, ruthless, I'll leave him starving and nude, I'll destroy him, I'll be an absolute beast."
"It's a great reflection of humanity and the awful that we do to each other."
"People can be cruel, no matter how old you get."
"People are cruel, no matter how old you get."
"Isolation is a tool, is a weapon. One of the cruelest things that you can do to a human being is to isolate them."
"The river is the cruel ten of diamonds."
"I think it's cruel of you to do this and probably leave me there for the few remaining years of my life."
"That was hard to watch. Truly mean. That's just... it's evil."
"How do you make a bear suffer? Tie it up and torture its young."
"This just happened an Illinois man has been arrested for torturing and killing at least six kittens and replacing them with lookalikes in his apartment here's the full story."
"Just be a little cruel and you are perceived as a demon."
"There's no cruelty like waiting and telling people late in their careers that they don't belong just when their job options are limited."
"What took place on stage with the systematic killing of hundreds of thousands of animals and people Bears a grim reminder of the violence and cruelty that is core to the history of the Coliseum and the Roman Empire."
"The woods had claimed the rest, their laughter and dreams silenced by the cruelty of men who hunted for sport, not sustenance."
"There's absolutely no reason why natural selection should not be cruel. Natural selection doesn't care whether animals suffer distress; all it cares about is survival."
"They buried them while they were still breathing."
"He's speaking to lady amalthia who is the human form of The Last Unicorn herself and King Haggard reveals that he has trapped the other unicorns beneath the waves of the sea for his own pleasure."
"Tenderness and kindness were all just a play before, and she was a tool for him to carry out his brutal malice."
"I would say this is falling in love in the cruelest way"
"Often, they tortured the wounded, and had there been no surgeons present, very possibly we would have performed a kindness for all the living we had to leave behind."
"Miss Rosa's cruelest punishments would happen in the cellar."
"I don't like to ever make it a contest if you know which case is worse which case is more cruel you know things like that but this is definitely one of the hardest topics to talk about I'll say for sure."
"Cruelty, I always think it's super immature."
"Going from being an old-school prison warden to a 60s James Bond-esque supervillain, Mrs. Tweety continues to be all about being cruel and making buckets full of cash by any means necessary."
"Jimmy Prout became the target of this odious, cruel, malevolent cult."
"Tricking someone into thinking that their child died is a level of cruelty and evil that makes it not a prank anymore."
"What an extraordinary, depraved, callous, calculated act."