
Personal Conduct Quotes

There are 789 quotes

"Keep doing the right thing when the wrong thing's happening."
"Don't waste your time hating, fighting, judging, criticizing, blaming others. Negativity or trying to control others is a huge trap."
"Ethical decision-making tethers us to our humanity."
"The reason that I behave myself and live well is not because I'm afraid of the consequences, but because I want to be a good person."
"When a man has a code and a man has principle and boundaries of how he runs his life, you have to understand just how powerful that is."
"The best thing I can do is the same things I would do if this wasn't happening: train hard, work hard, take care of the people who are close to me, love the people close to me, be a good person, help people, smile."
"Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good."
"What you damn damns you back; what you bless blesses you in return."
"I'm called to care deeply about every word that comes out of my mouth and make all of my life honor Christ."
"I always made it a point... to treat everybody very kind, very nice."
"It's a lot of bad people in the world, and some of them happen to be your favorite artists."
"Treat every single person that you meet... with the kind of respect that you would want to be treated."
"Real Men of God serve. Real Men of God put their family before their lusts. Real Men of God fear God and depart from sin."
"At the end of the day, my kids, my family are going to watch what I do, not what I say."
"Mr. Galanakis gets a B for maintaining a calm demeanor throughout the encounter, sharing his experience with the public after his arrest, and taking swift and appropriate legal action against the officers involved."
"Take the high road. Let karma do your dirty work."
"Learn how to live your life in a way in which you would be happy with anyone seeing any part of your day."
"Let people tell their lies about you...but please don't have bad hearts towards anybody."
"In the act of fighting monsters, be sure that you don't become a monster yourself."
"You have to be the bigger person just because they're doing wrong doesn't mean you have to engage."
"May Allah make us sincere to Him and to people in all things that we do."
"I don't respond to hate with hate or rudeness to rudeness."
"If anyone thinks himself to be religious but he doesn't control his own tongue, he's deceiving himself, and his whole religion is worth zero."
"Avoid drama and show respect even when disrespected... that's godlike."
"To have faith in Christ... your moral duty would be to attempt to duplicate that in the confines of your own life."
"Doing the wrong thing is always the wrong thing."
"What it means to be a good person in the world, how we can be ethical, all of these questions are interlinked."
"Vengeance is His. I'm not gonna do anything to lose the favor that God has on my life by revenging on people."
"He comes with his Salah, his Zakah, his Siyam, but he slandered this person, he hit this person."
"The one who worships Allah alone and had good manners will have the heaviest on the scale on the day of judgement."
"Life is about being the best, it's about winning at all costs, and if other people need to get hurt in the process, so be it."
"Elegance is more about how you act, how you carry yourself, and how you generally project an image to the outside world."
"You don't have to be the moral police to be good."
"I celebrate like, you know, like every day, by trying to be a good person who does moral things."
"I have to play by the book. That's what his energy speaks to. It's not just commitment energy; it's also the spiritual concepts, my higher plane of existence."
"Don't steal people's joy, man. It's not fair."
"Remember, always do all things with kindness."
"Should anyone inquire about their relationships, Mr. Gaetz told the women to say that he had paid for hotel rooms and dinners as part of their dates."
"Just don't force it and just be there support them but and be yourself and just don't be a dick."
"Just being nice doesn't entitle you to anything."
"Refuse to be angry, refuse to hate, refuse to be afraid."
"Everything that is put on the internet will stay on the internet including DMS from you to drama' channels that were very friendly because you knew you could benefit from them."
"If you're gonna be a good person in this world, don't be surprised, you will get rejected by the world."
"If there's no basis for what you do or say, it will feel stupid."
"If you want to feel more comfortable, you are not doing anything inappropriate."
"Resolved, Never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God."
"Verbal abuse is an assault. It's not cool. It's not funny. And it needs to stop."
"If your religion makes you an [expletive], you're doing it wrong."
"I'm never here to kill someone's spirit." - Andre Ward
"She already didn't even follow that. She already didn't even follow that."
"Let's be smarter, let's be more wise. If it's not glorifying God, cut it off."
"When you do good, there is good that you will reap."
"You want to be a good person here, Jennifer. Anybody else in your situation would have done the exact same thing."
"Nothing that Josh McDowell has said or will ever say takes away from his scholarship or his contribution to the Christian faith."
"You want God to forgive you, you got to forgive everybody else."
"Try hard not to offend people, try even harder not to be offended."
"Your intent does have a smell, and if you think you can just go around stinking, you're wrong."
"Please may I relate with kindness! May I remember love."
"You shake a man's hand you shake it hard and you look him right in the eyeball."
"Say your prayers, eat your vitamins, be true to yourself, treat your country, be a real American."
"Don't cheat and don't be racist. That's how I'm gonna sign off."
"Your generosity cannot be disconnected from your fast."
"I'm just doing stuff that I was actually doing, so the authenticity like you said was there."
"I will live my life with integrity and morale and knowing that I did the right thing."
"Strive to live for the glory of God, honor Him with your words and with your actions."
"Being genuine and having integrity... will take you a long way."
"Unless we're very clear with that line, it can be very weirdly overstepped."
"If you feel God is watching you all the time, then you're more likely to be a better person."
"I was taught to always hold true to your core values and principles and to act with integrity."
"And what manner of men and women ought you to be? And I say unto you even as I am."
"Remember my love, do all things with kindness."
"The honest to god's truth is supreme court's already rolled on it there is no privacy in public and I personally myself I leave all my private stuff at home I don't drag my private matters into public."
"So when we see people trying to cut other people down I'm like ah now you have just showed your ass."
"Freedom does not mean that you are free from responsibility."
"If this is how you treat me when you're supposed to be on your best behavior, what on Earth do you do when nobody's looking?"
"Don't confuse being a thoughtless jerk with being honest."
"Betraying the sanctity of the American election to serve the ego of a failure."
"It's like getting information by checking your girlfriend's email because it was open. Not cool, what's wrong with that? Don't even, Tony G."
"I'm just confused as to why you would literally brag or flex on how much money you're making."
"It was really solid and it's really respectable how he was able to handle something as serious as an allegation like that and just being able to move on from it, especially since he did it in a really compact Reddit post."
"We can change the way that we live on the ground among ourselves in our families and with our children."
"Break out of confusion and repent. Stand firm with the Bible, not with personalities."
"Do your best to live an honest, god-honoring life. Work hard with your hands."
"You don't have to take yourself seriously, but always take others seriously."
"All you're concerned about is doing the right thing."
"Treat your spouse, treat your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your fiance, whoever you are dating or you are engaged to, treat them the way you want to be treated."
"You got to do the right thing, you got to obey the law."
"It's okay to be silly as long as you aren't hurting anybody. But if you're hurting somebody, then you should quit, okay?"
"The desperation makes them just nasty. You shouldn't do it and you deserve what you get when you do."
"Be smart, don't make dumb mistakes on social media."
"Creepshow made everything worse for herself by lying."
"All I got is show up on time and be nice to everybody."
"Comedians treat the stage the way people should treat life."
"The only way to keep yourself from being greedy is to not give yourself the option to be greedy."
"Trust your heart and apply its love and wisdom to all you do in this way you create."
"I think it's about how he carries himself...you can respect, but it's a choice."
"How you do the little things is how you do the big things."
"God stops working for you and starts working against you when the Holy Spirit is saddened by your speech or how you're treating people wrongly."
"Also, some people are just assholes, they really are."
"Continue to be empathetic, even when there's no empathy towards you."
"Remember that you don't need to be polite to everyone you meet."
"We can conquer society's lies through the way we live our lives in and through Jesus Christ."
"I like about streamers how they're all such nice people, even behind the scenes."
"You just have to be a kind person, be nice because you never know what people are going through."
"Treat other people how you want to be treated. If you don't want it done to you, don't do it to anybody else. It's the easiest way not to be a piece of [__]."
"You treat people the way you want to be treated."
"All I can do going forward is try to live my life in a way that shows you these aren't empty words."
"You have to not give a damn what they think; you just have to do the right thing."
"Men should pursue and not persuade, and a woman should present and not pursue."
"Being negative really doesn't get you anywhere."
"It's not just 'I can do whatever I want, don't judge me.' It's also being aware of how our actions could affect others."
"Don’t call a woman a horse face. Don’t cheat on your wife. Don’t cheat on anything. Be a good person. Set a good example."
"People like outlaws, people like all this [__], but it doesn't mean that you have to implicate yourself and tell on yourself in your damn lyrics. I agree."
"I'm embarrassed by what happened, and I apologize."
"The fear of the Lord is the prerequisite to holiness."
"So you know, it was things like that, Jimmy. Have you ever taken anything from the vehicles that the mayor said you could take, any of the vehicles that you were going to impound?"
"My advice? If you don't like something, just keep it moving. Stop putting negative energy into the air because you're going to get that negative energy back on you."
"Rights, even constitutional rights, can be forfeited by conduct."
"We can maintain a high level of integrity in the scientific process if we just refer to the ideas rather than attack people personally." - Avi Loeb
"Be strong, not aggressive, but assertive and active."
"He's dropping the weights anyway, you know, because he's above the rules."
"Don't get angry get excited that Jesus is coming back and ask yourself am I ready to meet him am I ready to have my conduct show the faith that is within me."
"Message of the day: don’t be an internet gangsta… be yourself."
"Keeping it right is way more beneficial than keeping it real."
"You may not have to follow the procedures of a courtroom, but you have to speak the truth. You have to have some honor and some integrity in the things you're saying."
"Just because someone's terrible to you doesn't mean you have any right to be terrible to anyone else."
"When you and I treat other people the way we want them to treat us, the Father will bless us in ways we could never begin to imagine."
"I think principles are important because they give us a guide to see how a person will act in the future."
"Haters are losers, winners don't waste their time insulting other people."
"Please make every effort to not be the exact player that you hate every single game you queue up."
"If you need to be reminded to be nice, no amount of religion is going to help you not be a cunt because you're a fucking cunt."
"If you want to be successful, don't be a jerk."
"Your privacy disappeared a long time ago. Start living your life as if you have nothing to hide."
"Catherine is impeccable in the way she conducts herself."
"You're a dick, you know, if you're playing sports or something."
"There is no excuse for cheating, and to do it during a bachelorette party shows you have no respect for your partner or potential marriage."
"Don't do things that go to your state of mind."
"Donald Trump was found liable for rape by a federal jury and Donald Trump is now tormenting his rape victim and further defaming her each and every day."
"Mr. Trump is a con man... He asked me to pay off an adult-film star with whom he had an affair."
"Everybody needs to keep their hands to themselves, don't go putting your hands on people."
"I think there's so much good you can do with this kind of position. Of course, I'll never swear on a video, nothing like that."
"Even if you gotta fake it, it'll be worth it when you make other people happy."
"Your conduct often times is going to predict what happens to you in your life."
"People can make a diss track without dragging someone else down in the process."
"Do whatever you want in life, but don't ruin it for other people."
"Lean on Christ, lean on his understanding, and stop letting the ways of this world dictate the things that you do and the way that you operate every single day."
"Kindness and being good to other people is one of the best things you can do."
"Choose kindness. It really is a better way to go."
"He has never touched a woman that didn't want to be touched."
"The reason not to have sex with your wife and her brother at the same time is because it's wrong."
"That's a rule that I follow and it's one that the young tricks I guess have never heard of."
"The idea that someone is such a loser is so pathetic a worm of the entity that they need to cheat at Magic the Gathering is, you know, in a game that's for like a tick one ticks or whatever."
"It's so much work to do the wrong thing. Just do the right thing. It's a lot less work."
"You have to be grounded in what you're doing in order for it to work."
"Money's not enough, you know if you're a big enough jerk the country figures it out no matter how many ads you buy."
"Without the aid of prejudice and custom, I should not be able to find my way across the room; nor know how to conduct myself in any circumstances, nor what to feel in any relation of life." - William Hazlitt
"Just keep moving, man. Don't hate, 'cause it'll come back on you."
"You don't let them provoke you into doing something."
"Your behavior has consequences, and people will remember you and your actions."
"A real man is going to benefit women, women are going to benefit by that because you're going to treat her the right way."
"How you do something is how you do everything."
"Number one with an assassin we have a three sentence Bible be yourself be good to yourself be good to good people."
"It's almost as if behavior matters more than anything else."
"It never hurts to be nice, it never hurts to be kind."
"If you're coming from a place of love, if you're coming from the heart space, that wouldn't be happening right now."
"If you're going to live outside the law, you better be honest."
"The unfortunate reality is that so many people are running around projecting negativity onto situations."
"The goal is not to operate in fear, all right, but it is to operate more in faith."
"He has lied to every lawyer he's ever had about Mar-A-Lago."
"How you feel does not matter at all. Behavior is everything."
"I'm a pretty humble guy. I don't talk about myself much if you guys haven't noticed. I'm just about work, I'm just about you know putting out the content for you guys, putting out as much information as possible in the news."
"It's just a little bit like we can't go back to being complete [ __ ] on the field."
"Practice civility in your own life even when it's not practiced by others."
"You don't have to feel the need to put somebody down to make yourself feel better."
"One of the most attractive things a man can do... is how he carries himself."
"All you can do is just do your best to be as kind as you can."
"I just gotta like, no, just don't, you shouldn't do that."
"Should you not try I just think you're a good example for people of how to be a good person."
"This guy doesn't give a []. He just doesn't give a []. He does whatever he wants."
"Matthew, you know we are held to a higher standard than anybody else."
"It's all about being a good person, doing good deeds."
"Just get on with it, be a good, honest, decent person."
"I was gloating and you shouldn't gloat, right?"
"I want you to be reasonable and I want you to be safe."
"How do you treat that person will determine who you are."
"Lesson number one: never give up. Number two: treat others like you'd like to be treated."
"If you bless people on the way, you know what I'm saying, you see what you should and shouldn't do."
"When you do a good thing, don't tell everybody."
"In my many years on the campaign trail and in public life, I have offered countless handshakes, hugs, expressions of affection, support, and comfort. And not once, never did I believe I acted inappropriately." - Former Vice President Biden
"Always use soft words even when you don't feel well."
"Treat people however you want to be treated. Just that very basic Golden Rule."
"If you want good friends, you have to be a good friend."
"I never tried to treat anybody like crap... I never did."
"You just do the right thing and you just say what is true."
"It's really hard to be your kindest, most respectful, loving self when you don't feel good inside."
"You're allowed to do things that are considered rude when it's for the good of you."
"Once you become a rat, all your relevance is gone, man. Hey, you can't say nothing good about a rat."
"If that stuff is not holy, you might as well come out of it."
"You don't lie you don't cheat you don't steal you don't drink you don't drug and nothing good happens after midnight."
"He cheats at golf, he cheats on his wife, he cheats the government, he cheats the people, he cheats everybody, he's a piece of [ __ ]."