
Personal Affirmation Quotes

There are 405 quotes

"I am enough. I am dope. I am cool. I've done cool shit. I am awesome."
"Build ourselves up, we need to tell ourselves that we are worthy of love."
"You are beautiful enough, smart enough, desirable enough, and worthy enough of everything you want."
"I am worthy of happiness. I am enough. I am able to rise again from defeat. I have the right to make mistakes; that is one of the ways I learn."
"My wonderful feelings of high self-esteem come from deep within me."
"I welcome the prosperity that continually flows into my life."
"Every day in every way, I am becoming richer and richer."
"I am a wealth creator, abundance is my birthright."
"Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better."
"I'm done bro, I'm done, you're born worthy of love."
"I am enough. I'm enough for myself. I am more than enough for others."
"You're big enough, you're strong enough, and gosh darn it, people like you."
"This album really does just feel like walking up to yourself, saying, 'You are good enough, you are special, you are worth it.'"
"You deserve love, happiness, and success, and don't let anything or anyone else tell you otherwise."
"You is important. You also matter, guys. Everyone mad me is cool."
"I want to remind you of this truth that it is the truth that you are enough. Okay, you are enough for the things that are meant to be in your life."
"Ladies just want to come on here real quick and just say you're beautiful and you should always keep your heads up and be aware of your surroundings and keep smiling because some ladies can't smile my mom lost her teeth what was it last Monday."
"Just keep making your coffee, girl. Stand in your power."
"Welcome here in this Channel and you are enough."
"Daniel, you are greatly beloved. You're not alone; you are cherished by God."
"You feeling good about things because you know you're good. That's all I... that's all I need to tell you, you're good."
"At the end of the day, you're a good person. I know that you've got a good heart."
"I am powerful. I am strong. I am able to be exactly who I am."
"Believe in yourself and love yourself regardless of what anybody thinks or has to say about you."
"You are something very, very special... you are meant to have some victories coming in."
"You have to say, 'I require it. I insist on it. And I'm giving it to myself.'"
"What I insist on for myself is knowing I'm worth it."
"You don't know me, but you're right. It's a no."
"I am confident in who I am, let all doubts of your confidence go away and realize you are perfect and you will find the perfect love."
"I am beautiful inside and out. Beauty is not just physical, it's the light of your soul, the kindness in your actions, the love in your heart."
"I am open and ready for love. This is a declaration to the universe that you are prepared to welcome love into your life."
"I am so blessed. And you know what? I actually believe it."
"Remember, you are remarkable. Power should never be dropped on the ground."
"Love has no limits for you. Life has an abundance of love in store for you. Let yourself receive it."
"I just want to feel good about myself." - Draymond Green
"Success is inevitable, it doesn't matter what anyone else says, your success is inevitable."
"Everybody that I've ever talked about I've been 100 percent correct."
"You are your own Savior and you're going to be okay."
"I am worthy of being a phenomenal architect, surgeon, writer... I'm worth it."
"You deserve much more happiness in your life."
"I always listened to myself and said yes you can."
"Teach your heart to believe that you're safe."
"I am a divine being worthy of everything that I desire."
"I begin now today to open myself to ever increasing prosperity."
"Stop telling yourself that you don't matter."
"You are so precious, you are special, you are magical, you need to know that."
"I'm strong, I'm beautiful, I could do anything, I will stay home. With me, Eric Nam."
"You are intelligent, you're beautiful, you're fun, and there are people who love you for who you are. These other people may have no impact on your life whatsoever."
"Your life, your joy, your fulfillment, your completeness is not in the hands of any one person. It's both in God's hands and in your hands, my friend. Repeat that to yourself again and again."
"You are the priority on this planet called earth."
"I am magnetic, I am clear, and this is saying I love myself enough to pull like attracts like."
"You deserve the best in your life, the very best."
"Feels like today is going to be the best day ever. You are the best day ever!"
"Despite what someone else might say, you deserve it."
"He just let me know he loved me... and he just was kind of like, 'You're still you, you're doing a great job.'"
"I always tell myself good job, that's how I know I did well."
"I think there should be a scale, like a weight scale, that every time you get on it tells you that you're amazing in some different way."
"Ill be everything that I wanna be. I am confident in insecurity."
"It's almost a point of activism to say I am worthy of the softness."
"For me, it's almost a point of activism to say I am worthy of the softness."
"It was the most positive reaffirmation that this is what I have to do."
"You are good enough. They see you as incredible."
"I think the hardest thing in the world is, like, just saying to yourself, 'You're better than you think you are.'"
"Your word, that you are enough. And if you don't feel like anybody is saying that to you, I'm saying that to you."
"Now that is what I am saying, that is how that is how it rolls."
"You are filled to overflowing with love from this moment forward."
"Close your eyes and tell yourself you deserve to feel joyful."
"I would tell younger Ivan that he's loved by so much so many and he is enough and worthy of everything good in the world."
"You already have it all. You really truly honestly do."
"All things are awesome... you're gonna love me."
"Give as much credit as you possibly can to yourself, this is very important."
"I deserve love and I receive it in abundance."
"I am stunning. I am irresistible. I am gorgeous."
"I know I'm a great catch and just you know I know this and I just cannot understand it."
"I am worthy of the love I desire for myself and others."
"I am enough, I'm more than enough, and I'll always be more than enough."
"At the end of the day, don't forget, you are a wonderful mother, you are a wonderful wife, you're a wonderful spouse."
"You can be successful, you will be successful."
"You are enough. You are loved. Trust me, I know it's easier said than done."
"You're always worth it, never ever forget that."
"You matter and you can never hear that enough."
"He talks about what it took to be the underdog... he felt like he was the underdog like I was."
"Emotions are running high... remember that you're good enough."
"You're awesome just the way you are always remember that all right"
"I am enough, I don't need to be anything more or less than who I am."
"You are good enough yesterday, you're good enough today, and you're gonna be good enough tomorrow."
"Surely your eyes are upon the Lord and He loves you, Lisa, He loves you with all His heart."
"I guarantee this is how Michael Hearn wakes up every morning: he just looks in the mirror, 'Who's the man?' Oh, I'm the [ __ ] man!"
"You're not less than; you are more than the person who surrounds you does not treat you this way."
"You are so friggin dope just the way you are."
"Love yourself that's all I got to say if you look in a mirror and hate yourself love yourself yes you should love yourself now yes you should love yourself because you're the only person you're stuck with for the rest of your life."
"I am perfect, whole, and complete just as I am."
"To just be like, look in the mirror, tell yourself I love you, and that would change the entire trajectory of my life."
"Just own it, you're great the way you are, you really are."
"You are already 100% perfect and whole as you are."
"You are good enough. Remind yourself that you are good enough, you deserve love, you deserve happiness."
"Your affirmation here is 'I am ready.' Saying that to yourself means that you're telling the universe as well as yourself that you are ready for these events to come into your life."
"I am happy, healthy, prosperous, successful."
"I'm enough for me, nobody has to be added to make me okay."
"I am worthy of the life that I want, the love that I want, of good health and peace."
"I love myself. I am amazing. Have a little fun with it. Maybe turn on your favorite song, maybe do a little dance. Stay there. I am amazing."
"Megan is beautiful, loved, respected, supported, protected."
"You still got it, boy. Yeah, I still got it."
"Just remember always be confident in yourself cuz you're awesome."
"Write down on your mirror, you are beautiful. Tell yourself every day that you are gorgeous."
"You got this! You got this! Oh, hell yeah, you got this, Sad!"
"You're fine, you're gorgeous, you're beautiful."
"And at the end of the day, that's what you gotta do. That is what you gotta do. Here we go, baby. I'm feeling it. We're due."
"Am I against women? No. Do I hate women? I love women."
"Make sure you love yourself enough... more than anybody else in this entire world ever could."
"We care about you. You're a woman of worth. You matter."
"I felt like God was saying it's your turn now. Verify this, your affirmation."
"Everything she's been affirming has come true, that's the simple way it works, that's how the law of attraction works."
"You don't have to do nothing, you're a beautiful person."
"I needed me, I missed me, and I refused to be ignored."
"I love you, but who cares that I love you though? It is like you love you, so make sure you love yourself a little bit more every day."
"You're already enough. It already belongs to you."
"Whenever the devil has a plot, God has a plan."
"You are good. I know you. I see you. I like you."
"Your body is fine. Your body, nobody said that to her ever."
"You deserve love. Remember that, Leo. It's a very, very important thing."
"You are your personal best, Leo. Don't ever let anyone tell you different."
"I don't need anything but me to feel good about me, you know? Right."
"I'm the greatest. My credentials speak for themselves. Actually, true."
"You listening to this right now? You rock. Keep shining on."
"It's like that's what I would go through and say that for sure."
"You are meant to be successful, you deserve this."
"You're a catch, you're amazing, you're incredible."
"I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life."
"Trust yourself, trust yourself, have confidence in yourself."
"You'rethebomb.com and there's nothing else to say about that."
"The rest of my life will be the best of my life."
"Love and value myself without limitation or condition."
"I'm sure you're all sitting there going, 'This feels right, this makes sense, right?'"
"What I do and what most of you do is not abnormal and weird."
"What kind of quality human relations allowed you to be affirmed in your own individual humanity?"
"You are not broken by nature of the fact that you are here"
"You're gonna feel good again, you're gonna feel confident again and say you know what I got this."
"That's actually some intuitive [expletive] right there, good [expletive] dude, good [expletive], that's what's up."
"This thing is going to do exactly what I said it's going to do earlier, exactly, exactly, exactly as I predicted."
"I wake up in the morning and love me. Yeah, I love it."
"You deserve it, Kathy. I know you deserve it."
"There's beauty inside of me. I'm not going to give up the beauty."
"You are enough, in fact, dear one, you were born enough and you've got nothing to prove."
"You're perfect as you are, just the way you are."
"I just want to tell this version of myself it's enough."
"Got my confidence back, can't nobody really deny me."
"You're not just anything. You're Frank Shankwitz."
"I want her to one day wake up and look in the mirror and say, 'I'm beautiful.'"
"It is so great to be in a place of your life where you just love yourself and just don't let anybody tell you otherwise."
"You deserve love, happiness, and success like every other human being on this planet."
"You're a pretty good person, give yourself a break."
"I officially declare that life is wonderful."
"I believe in my believing, I believe in you."
"All the wealth of the universe is mine, the riches of heaven and earth flow to me, and I am made rich within and without."
"Keep doing what you're doing, Steve. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're a good, hardworking, honest guy."
"Just because you haven't found it yet does not mean that you don't deserve to be loved."
"You deserve acceptance, love, and forgiveness."
"Mentally strong, physically strong, emotionally strong. I feel good. I'm ready for the next one."
"Alive. And that's good enough." - Olya Timoshinkova
"We have to radically love ourselves, a lot of people will say I didn't do the best I could, I could have done better, no, and I would say no, because you haven't, because you haven't."
"You deserve goodness, like you do, you deserve a lot of positivity to come into your world."
"You are alive and you matter, and you deserve love."
"You're God's favorite child, baby. He chose you."
"When you are flushed with worry and you think, am I going to be all right, and then you suddenly know. Yes, yes you are."
"You deserve love and happiness as much as the next person."
"Somebody has told you that today, boom, somebody has."
"Sometimes I am right, and anytime I am, I'm happy to proclaim it from the rooftops."
"You are good enough for everything that you want."
"You deserve this, Aries. It's your birthday month. Beautiful things."
"Confidence is very important, so you know, I would say one. If you don't say you're wanted, like, do you really want to? I know the answer to this question before you, just like, do you?"
"You are your best thing, take care of yourself."
"Thank you for my life because it's a great one."
"Feel worthy and know that you are worthy of what you are asking for and what you're desiring."
"Life is different. I am worthy. I am capable."
"You are, you are, you are. There is no need to question every aspect."
"You're gonna get much farther doing you, Pisces. Just double down on you."
"The only person who will get you out is you, 100%."
"I'm not going to quit. Things are going alright."
"Just tell yourself proud of yourself. It's good. It's good. You need to build yourself up."
"Remember who you are... you're amazing, you're smart, you're wise."
"You deserve this. You've worked so hard, especially the last year."
"You deserve this cancer, you deserve love, you deserve all the happiness in this world."
"You deserve love because you are lovable cancers."
"You guys are the prize at the end of the day."
"I believe everything you have said, cool, very nice to hear that finally, to hear like the church, those are the words that make me cry, merely maybe well up, James I believe you."
"There are people all over the world who love you Kesha."
"You are whole and complete exactly as you are right now."
"Self-love for me has been letting go of all of that booyah absolutely yeah that's it that's what self-love is stopping it I accept all of myself now warts and all."
"You got what it takes, know that for a fact."
"You are beautiful and you are definitely meant to succeed."
"I love and approve of myself. I appreciate all that I do. I'm good enough just as I am."
"You are always whole, you are always beautiful in our eyes, you are the prize, you are the chosen one."
"You're actually worthwhile. You're a very beautiful person."
"You are enough this person is going to make you feel so amazing about yourself i feel like this person is going to make you feel so loved so safe like you are completely enough on your own."
"You are a real person, and you do have real feelings, thoughts, and aspirations, and they are worthy."
"Beauty reinforcement is self-care. Repeat after me, it's self-care."
"You are beautiful, worthy, valued, and loved."
"You're still on the right path. You're still doing everything right."
"I want all of you guys to feel beautiful and very special."