
Purchases Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Don't rush into buying something too quickly."
"This quarantine was crazy, man. Think about all the purchases you made on late-night pizza deliveries, all sorts of weird food, your online trainer. All right, there's one of your biggest purchases of the year."
"That taught me a lesson: don't buy day one if you are not going to play day one."
"If you buy something you should pretty much have complete autonomy to do whatever you want with it."
"I'm just trying to buy another stamp and exercise my constitutional rights."
"Why do people buy things? To solve a problem."
"I pretty much regret every high-end audio or video cable purchase I have ever made."
"Jumping aboard are five new skins to choose from between marauder kalista kled and xin zhao as well as warden groggis and quinn now being available for purchase."
"What are you getting by buying expensive pickup? You're getting consistency."
"We're very strict on we don't buy anything unless we can buy cash."
"What I'm gonna be doing next up, I think I'm actually going to buy myself another cobblestone generator."
"If you don't have enough money in your savings for six months, you should be making no big purchases."
"So when I saw this at the ban you know reseller in Tokyo I snatched it up because it was priced at 90,000 Japanese Yen which I was charged $599."
"Most of the best purchases of my life have come from delayed gratification."
"If you have two identical items... which one are you actually going to buy?... You just want the assurance that if anything does go wrong, you are protected."
"...so incredibly happy with this month's Amazon Fashion purchases."
"Be intentional about those purchases."
"I wanted to have just like a few new things so I'm really happy with everything that I got from them and their prices are amazing."
"Sometimes it's good to be a skeptic, especially when it comes to making purchases like supplements for your body."
"If you're not quite sure about buying something, ask yourself this question: If someone were to come up to you right now and tell you you could have this thing for free or you could get the exact amount of money in cash that that thing cost, which one would you take?"
"You're stepping into your self-control, your self-respect."
"Am I happy with my purchase? Yes, I'm absolutely happy with this car."
"This will actually make it so we have our money's worth out of this box."
"You don't have any specific knowledge that suggests that Chad Daybell was involved in helping her purchase these items, do you?"
"But you also don't know that, but you do know that she had access to his credit cards because she made these purchases or at least looked at maybe making these purchases, correct?"
"How much you guys go over? Eighteen dollars. Oh, most of those tasks because we got Red Bulls and Doritos and Paydays."
"...if you purchased content digitally, you do not own that digital content."
"Honestly, I am so happy that I got it in the black."
"You put light poles in it guys I have to buy the guitar now yes I do she has to buy the 3 000 pound guitar to go with his 20 pound ounce."
"Most expensive vehicle I've ever bought: an Ironhead to jump start. What a piece of crap."
"Records shown it's like this I bought a record collection just five days ago or something like that."
"it's kind of that emotional uh feeling you get when you buy it I suppose you can probably buy phds online as well that's is that what you did you know what in the UK and in Australia although I think that's changing surgeons are not called doctor they're called mis whatever."
"If something you buy goes on sale within 30 days of you buying the item... they will refund you the difference on that item."
"One of the best purchases of all time."
"Wait 24 hours before making a purchase, and if you still feel strongly about it, proceed."
"And speaking of buying trucks we may have bought a fire truck."
"Just think about it, almost every major purchase made by most people uses terms."
"...if you join the party there were perks and one of them is you could buy an rzm PPK."
"Speaking of wasting money, one of the tools that you'll see me use throughout this project that I regret buying is that red woodpeckers track Square."
"Every engineering decision is a buying decision."
"I just dig when people really like the things that they purchase."
"This video is going to cause me to buy an induction oven and a spiral staircase."
"At the end of the video, I also want to share with you a bunch of items that quite frankly we wish we had never bought."
"I got really into that world. I bought some new cars."
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with buying a car used and saving even more money."
"Amazon purchases, yo, best that, that's how obsessed I've been lately."
"Amazing little purchases, really, really buzzing."
"Nothing is wrong, you are okay on those purchases. Yes, I don't recommend junk."
"I was able to go into my stash and find all the brand new things that I have purchased."
"You're not only buying a high mileage car, you bought a modified high mileage car."
"I'm so used to so many regrets when it comes to purchases like this. This is a nice switch-up right here."
"NerdWallet can really help you make smart decisions about how to pay for big purchases like this."
"I particularly like to buy pieces that are part of a memory."
"The more difficult it is for you to go through with a transaction, the more likely it is that you won't make unnecessary purchases."
"And the thousands upon thousands of purchases and private donations from members and viewers like you that keep this place running."
"Buy once, cry once" - a mantra for quality purchases.
"...one of those tiny little purchases that are invaluable."
"I'm a firm believer that you shouldn't just buy things just to buy them."
"Don't forget about our knife rewards program because you can earn up to 5% back on these multi-tools to spend on your next purchase."
"I thought it would make this video slightly boring but then I thought it is very POS positive that I made so many great purchases."
"If you buy something, you really do own it."
"These are my go-to's, the things that I kind of keep buying more than once."
"I also registered for this bundle of headbands."
"I will 100% be purchasing Renogy products in the future."
"Aside from that wood bird house that's on the side of the road or back at that girl's booth, that's everything that I bought from vintage picking."
"This is one of my most recent purchases and it's already one of my favorites."
"I don't regret any of my purchases even though I told myself not to buy too many florals."
"Fair to say I'm very pleased with those two furniture purchases or furnishing purchases: the rug and the desk."
"I think people will definitely be more picky on what they buy and they will be waiting for more reviews to come out before they drop $125 on a one step. I definitely think that's going to be the case."
"Especially in the early days, those purchases are a bit slower to come in."
"I think we should be very, very conscious about our purchases."
"It's better than credit cards because you usually get like six weeks to pay off an item."
"You don't buy anything that you wouldn't be able to pay for in cash."
"We're better off buying things we need."
"Just so I can sit on the decision for a few weeks and make sure it is the right one for me."
"Recording your purchases makes your spending real."
"Is what I'm buying in alignment with my values and my life purpose?"
"Live your life right now, take the trips you want to take, buy the things you want to buy."
"One of the best ways to deal with our poor affective forecasts, hedonic adaptation, buyer's remorse and social comparison is to make more frequent experiential purchases rather than few big material ones."
"I am happy overall with my purchases."
"It's wonderful to purchase something like that, even if it's only a few bucks, when you're on vacation."
"I've been trying to be more environmentally friendly with my purchases."
"I actually purchased from my followers' subscribers' small businesses."
"Don't shop mindlessly, I'm very intentional in what I purchase."
"Practice common sense; if you can't afford them, especially right now, just don't buy them. It's not worth it."
"Hopefully this helps you guys in making your decisions and your choices and purchasing your caging options."
"If you can cash flow the payments, just buy and be done with them."
"I don't know why I bought it, but I do know that it makes me happy."
"Wait at least three days on large purchases and three weeks on huge purchases."
"For me to make a decision on a purchase now, it has to give me joy."
"I am so proud of myself because these are purchases that I know I love."
"Having an amazing card that will give you a few percent back on all your food purchases is pretty amazing."
"Both bikes were just amazing purchases."
"If it makes me this happy, is it really that dumb of a purchase? I don't think so."
"Make smart decisions; buy things that you love."
"The best thing that we could do is support those and buy those releases."
"The idea of sparking joy is so important, especially when it comes to luxury purchases."
"Buy what you like, and you'll get a lot of enjoyment."
"I am happy that everything that I did buy, I can say that it was quality."
"We should be pragmatic in our purchases, and that we should not let fear dictate our actions, and not turn us into freakish hoarders."
"I earned double points on my credit card through gas and grocery purchases."
"If you don't have the money to pay for it in cash, you don't have the money to buy it."
"I've become a lot more conscious about my purchases and I want to make sure that whatever I'm buying, I can wear many times and wash many times without it falling apart."
"I really want to try to be more intentional about my crafting purchases."
"Save evidence of large purchases."
"Welcome back to my channel, and welcome to this video where I am going to be ranking some of my latest purchases from fail to the holy grail."
"Purchase the things that are gonna add value to your life and make you happy."
"These are like the best of the best things that I've bought in the past six to eight months."
"I absolutely love everything that I bought and everything I showed you guys."
"I'm all for you knowing what you want, doing what you want, and getting what you want out of your purchases."
"I was trying to be a little bit more intentional on the things that I was buying."
"I'd love to know what you think and if you've made any really good purchases or if you've made any slightly dodgy purchases this summer."
"I always find it very helpful to plan my purchases in advance."