
Player Retention Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"A game doesn't die because people quit; it dies because more people are quitting than starting."
"The Phantom's are here, Angie, with a new XP."
"Sometimes keeping players is just as important as signing players."
"MMOs need people to play them, but the more they try to keep people playing, the more you ultimately push them away."
"United must do everything possible to keep Pogba, would be a massive loss." - Victoria
"If you can keep him and the money's there to do it, then I have no qualms with it whatsoever."
"Progression feels really good for quite a while and there's a solid reason to come back to play every day."
"The hunt for short-term results could actually be burning through people who love RPGs."
"So many games could have more players if they weren't so stingy with codes. Treat players right, and they'll want to spend."
"He's one of the best strikers in the world. We desperately need to keep Ronaldo."
"Telling someone it gets good after 100 hours isn't a positive description of your game."
"Players will stop playing your game, but the key is to give them a lot of opportunity to re-engage."
"The fact of the matter is, it wouldn't be successful if it wasn't a good game. It wasn't keeping people on board."
"Artifact lost nearly 75% of its population after the first two months of live."
"He's mentally done at Tottenham, but if Vertonghen wants to stay, we need to give it to him."
"Even if Rashford does have a poor season next season, he'll get a contract, he'll get a very good one as well."
"Chris Smalling... might say listen chris marlin we need you you're not going he's still our player."
"If you can't explain a game design decision by anything else besides what we did this to retain players where we did this for profit it's probably not a good game design decision."
"Maintaining a healthy endgame is crucial for player retention."
"We've put a big effort on keeping this game fresh."
"Those are not gonna be the reason why people stick with this game."
"Outriders: 'Outriders does exactly that, it throws just enough enemy variety, level design, and loot to keep you hooked.'"
"Anthony Martial is not for sale." - Mark Goldbridge
"If people quit the game before they even hit the end game, what's the purpose of even having it?"
"For a live service game, player retention is like the most important thing. If nobody's playing the game, there's no reason to keep the service element of it going. That's how these games make their money in the long run."
"If we get a good CDM and Varane, maybe Pogba thinks I'll sign a new contract."
"What if anything about Overwatch 2 will keep those players playing longer than they played Overwatch one?"
"Games that release in unplayable conditions mostly end up with a quickly dwindling player base."
"Customization can benefit the game's longevity and therefore player numbers."
"Joe Ingles four years 80 million to stay with the Raptors."
"If you don't show ambition, your quality players start getting restless."
"World of Warcraft is doing strong... engagement is at its highest point in a decade."
"Hell Divers 2 captures lightning in a bottle by cultivating novelty and Intrigue."
"I think this patch is actually doing what it needs to in that regard and they'll provide people with good reasons to come back."
"You don't know in a year's time what's going to happen. It takes a brave club in this climate to say, 'We'll keep the player who's unhappy.'"
"Absolutely imperative that Manchester United keep him."
"What would make you come back to Hearthstone? Because if you're not playing right now, there might be something that changes your mind and brings you back into the game."
"If we can get De Gea to stay, that's massive."
"Cristiano Ronaldo stays at Manchester United."
"Liverpool could face rebuilding if Salah leaves."
"Liverpool's firm stance on Salah: Not for sale."
"United will not want to sell Martial, so if he wants to stay, he's a valued part of this squad and fights for a first-team slot."
"I think something's gonna happen with Pogba this summer and I hope it means that he will be staying at the club long term."
"The battle pass & the mastery system... meant to direct players... and drive retention."
"Honestly speaking, there are maybe three or four players that I'm willing to keep."
"If De Gea left I'd be gutted but I would absolutely understand it."
"With 50 million people already quitting, the damage has already been done."
"The reason why people aren't playing the game and the reason why they quit is because they can't play alts."
"One good update could revive a large portion of the player base."
"The raiding in WoW was fantastic. Why am I still playing? If it wasn't for the raiding, I would probably have given up and moved on to other games."
"For a game such a creative director of a game to choose for that to happen, it's not your or than it. It means it immediately removes any kind of carrot, which is really essential if you're gonna keep players coming back."
"You brought Ben Roethlisberger back because you're trying to chase a trophy."
"Since Daniel Day-Lewis retired, it makes me sad that we will never get the greatest actor and the greatest actress Meryl Streep in a movie together."
"First impressions do matter, Todd Howard. First impressions define whether a lot of people keep playing your game or whether they move on to other experiences."
"Everything was there from launch, and everything at launch kept players coming back for more."
"I'm sure there are people who have stuck with the game all the way through, but I'm also sure there are a great many people who tried it, hated it, and left."
"Black Desert is a marathon, not a sprint. If you don't like what you're playing, you're probably going to get bored and quit."
"Blizzard knows how to keep their game fresh."
"If Halo Infinite was a full product at launch, it would not have the player drop-off that it currently sees."
"The goal isn't to bring players back, it's to retain players and keep the life cycle of the experience."
"Western audiences don't like pay to win and don't seem to stick around long when too much of the game's monetization model is based on pay for convenience."
"Usman Dembele is also a player that Barcelona must keep next season."
"I think players like Mason Mount will stay at Chelsea."
"Milwaukee, this was the game where you look up to the gods and you say thank you for letting Giannis sign that extension this offseason."
"He's such a top player, we need to keep him."
"You probably don't sell anyone if you can keep Eriksen, Son, and Kane."
"The biggest problem Overwatch 2 faces is you have so many other games featuring a battle pass."
"I've never played an online game that keeps me coming back like Fortnite."
"Percentages can be deceiving. 90% of the highest recorded player count on the platform ever is still a very large number."
"If they keep Pogba, it'll be a real statement, but you don't actually have to spend that much money to do it."
"All we know right now is all of your unlocks and everything from modern warfare will carry over into whatever they're doing with warzone in the future."
"With all of this involved and it makes it so the game doesn't pretty much die off for PC players after about four or five months."
"If the core of Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown got you to the Eastern Conference finals last year, then there's no question you have to keep these two together."
"Atlanta Hawks are willing to move everyone outside of Trae Young."
"Maybe there can be a rewards program for a guy who gets the game consecutive years in a row."
"We got one more year, we're gonna try to keep Kenny Moore."
"If you lose the casuals... you don't have an eSport."
"If a small market team has a star and they build a good team around them, you don't get those players asking out."
"Clash of Clans developers hope that the game is something people will play for years."
"The best thing that could happen is Pogba signs a four-year deal."
"The most important thing to Supercell and for us as well is long-term player retention."
"Roller champions provides a solid gameplay base but only time will tell how dev support will keep players coming back."
"Idle games have some of the best retention in the single-player market."
"The game world and the overall aesthetic design means that I want to continue playing this game."
"Elash wants to continue at Barcelona; the club wants to renew him."
"What's the point of keeping a player who doesn't want to be here?"
"You can't stand still in the Prem and you can't stand still and lose someone like Casper Schmeichel either."
"I think it's a good window for them, they kept hold of their most important players."
"The facilities are really, really bad, and basically they're losing a lot of their high-quality players to other clubs."
"Diablo 4 struggled to retain its player base... players spoke louder than words."
"I'm now wondering what else they could do to keep people engaged at endgame."
"Lost Ark had a huge splash, retaining more players than New World. It's a breath of fresh air."
"He signs a contract, he's not leaving until the contract ends or we decide to sell him."
"Saka's gonna sign a new deal, but we're waiting for new players."
"He's a Manchester United player, and we've got to keep him. I completely agree with why he wants to go, but how does it benefit me for Ronaldo to have a good time elsewhere?"
"Pogba's future: staying at United makes sense financially."
"The more we remove all the different ways a player can express skill within our video game, the less of a reason players have to play the game in the long term."
"Free DLC: not only stopped that fragmentation of the player base later on in the year, but it also encouraged more engagement with the game as the year progressed."
"Seeing that these faded raids are seemingly doing a good job at retaining players... is a brilliant sign."
"There's not enough new stuff in Genshin to keep players interested and entertained. The little stuff that is new only caters towards a fraction of the total demographic of players."
"Unlike a number of complicated games from the past that received a reputation for being tedious, Terraforming Mars holds players' attention from the start and never lets up."
"United need to keep the hire at the club. We cannot afford to lose one of the only true world-class players in this squad."
"Luke Shaw: I'd absolutely keep him at the club."
"Martial: I'd certainly keep Anthony Martial next season."
"I wouldn't want to get rid of Caps, but I would never get rid of Perkz under any circumstances ever."
"He's our best player and if Tottenham want to finish as high up in the league as possible, you need your best player to stay."
"Sala scores and this right here might be the reason why I don't replace him in the next season because if he actually pulls off a goal like this at such a magnitude how am I supposed to get rid of him?"
"We are not looking to keep a player in the team who doesn't want to be here."
"A draw's not a great result for them, if Arsenal win this game, does Kante stay?"
"I refuse to give up on Timber and I refuse to say we're going to get Martinez."
"It would be suicidal for Arsenal to cash in on Martinelli because he really is even though he's not been playing we can we count he really is a fans favourite."
"I think that every single day that this is an issue, it will be bleeding players, bleeding respect, bleeding integrity, and the faster that they come out to stop it, the faster they stem that bleeding and actually start healing that wound."
"Manchester United are not necessarily in a rush or an urgency to sell [Maguire]."
"I think it has the potential to make or break the game's experience, and players have been going exhausted of league for a while, so hopefully, this will make them come back."
"It's tough to find online matches in general, unfortunately not a lot of players stuck around."
"With the way the game has changed, actually it's okay to leave for a bit."
"Games have to find that sweet spot to keep people engaged."
"As much as people [__] on Fortnite, there is no getting around the fact that they put things in that bring people back."
"It's not just about numbers going up, but having a healthy and thriving long-term player base."
"We want to resign our own players rather than go sign somebody else's UFAs."
"Manchester United doing very well in the Premier League at the moment, if they can sustain that, maybe that will give Paul Pogba the view that United are on an upward trajectory."
"Easy games keep people in the short term because they never challenge them, but they don't keep people in the long term because they never give them the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge."
"It's a very good team, most of the players are back."
"You just can't lose Salah, that's as simple as that, they have to hold on to him."
"Silverware also keeps players more settled."
"It's a weirdly good day for the NBA, it's nice to have somebody who's awesome on the same team for more than five years."