
Africa Quotes

There are 2206 quotes

"In the African continent, the population is by and large much younger than the western world, and new technologies are adopted far more quickly."
"Africa is about to grow because we are ready to add value to humanity."
"The child mortality rate in Africa is now the same as it was in Europe in 1952, which is a statistic that I just regard as absolutely miraculous."
"The independence of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in 1956 marked the beginning of the decolonization of Africa."
"They have trained over 1.5 million young Africans... creating over 400,000 direct and indirect jobs."
"Africa is an increasingly attractive destination for African-Americans seeking to return home or for expats seeking higher salaries overseas because of the demand for skilled workers."
"Africa is very rich, but its people are poor."
"This metallurgical leap...makes Africa the originator of humanity's Iron Age."
"Everything in Africa rises or falls with leadership."
"Modern humans, the direct ancestors of people who live today, emerged first in Africa, accumulated genetic variation there, and a part of that variation goes out and colonizes the rest of the world."
"Africa is the most culturally diverse place on earth."
"Just 50 years ago, most of Asia was in the same economic situation as most of Africa today."
"A Wind of Change is blowing across Africa today, that new Wind of Change since the ballot box has been instrumental to changing bad leadership."
"There is more genetic diversity within the African continent than in the rest of the world put together."
"It is important to work towards a more balanced and nuanced portrayal of Africa in the media, one that reflects its rich cultural and intellectual heritage as well as its significant contributions to the world."
"We're seeing in Africa on average the average woman is having one less child every 15 years."
"The truth is if you want to know how well we could have done, look at the continent of Africa. 1.3 billion people, fewer than 30,000 deaths."
"As a result of that, in Africa today, there's more statues to John Kennedy, more boulevards named after him than any other president."
"Africa's development is one of the most critical issues on the global agenda."
"The emergence of modern technologies and communication facilities in the African continent has been an essential factor for development."
"Africa is home to seven of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world."
"Africa's agricultural business will be worth one trillion dollars by 2030."
"Science, technology, and innovation are Africa's blueprint for accelerated development by 2030."
"Africa's emerging economies present exciting opportunities for global business expansion."
"Our perception of ourselves," as the one thing he would change in Nigeria or the entire Africa.
"It's time for Africans to make Africa home again."
"The narrative of Africa is the richest continent in the world, but the people are so poor; that narrative needs to change."
"Africa is actually home to more than 50 nations and over 200 distinct languages."
"Great Zimbabwe and Kilwa...were two ends of a trading network that stretched all the way up the East African coast and traded with the Middle East and even China."
"Parts of Africa are very poor, but for the most part, they're poor because of colonization."
"Modern humans originated in Africa and spread out from there."
"By recognizing their shortcomings and focusing on human development, Africa might not be the next China, but African countries just might be."
"Christianity really does survive, it will be African Christians who make it possible."
"There was empires in Africa called Kush Timbuktu, where every race came to get books to learn from black teachers."
"Africa had gone from 9% to 55% Christian in the last hundred years."
"So just to recap, right now we're in the process of driving to Africa with two very expensive cars and one supercar, which is definitely not meant to be in Africa."
"Africa is expected to become a powerhouse in the coming decades."
"By 2050, more than a quarter of the entire world's population will be African."
"The industrialization of Africa could be one of the most important events of the 21st century."
"Africa's powerful demographics these countries are now willing to compete for influence."
"How many countries are on the continent of Africa? ...54."
"There will truly be a revival in Africa; there will be a renaissance."
"Africa can no longer be held by its former history. It has now to move on."
"People in the West tend to see wildlife conservation as an unambiguous good, but it's controversial in Africa itself."
"This is the African nation with the most pyramids."
"The one thing that will get us out of this cycle, work and breaks the chain, is Africa uniting."
"Africa is the birthplace of humanity and... the birthplace of culture and civilization."
"Is it really possible that dinosaurs have remained hidden for millennia deep in the African jungles?"
"Africa has changed, and Africa has not changed. That is the reality of Africa."
"One of the remarkable facts about the African continent is that, despite being much larger than the continent of Europe, its coastline is shorter than the European coastline."
"Africa's growth story becomes a case study for forging global collaborations, prioritizing shared growth over historical power dynamics."
"The sardine run easily rivals East Africa's great wildebeest migration as the largest animal migration on the continent."
"Africa handles diversity better than Europe does."
"We're welcoming you to Africa. We want to see you here in Africa. We want you to come back home... because this is all we have. Apart from Africa, we have nothing else."
"This is home, this is Africa, this is Ghana, so you're always welcome."
"It's important to take into account the dispersals both out of Africa and back into Africa to really understand patterns of Neanderthal ancestry."
"My main goal is growing skateboarding in Uganda, in Africa as well."
"I care way more about the Essential Elements and The Rare Earth elements that drive the entire global economy that exist in Africa."
"Africa has no friends, the only thing Africa has is a lot of resources."
"The sky ain't the limit in Africa, it's limitless."
"Africa is the future... the future is already here."
"Ethiopia and the wider Horn of Africa have a unique history."
"Black Panther is the dream of an un-colonized African nation."
"Africa is still putting itself back together after centuries of conquest, colonization and exploitation by European powers."
"The inspiration behind the city was a vision of transforming lives of people in Africa."
"We want to build a sustainable city in Africa."
"Here in Ghana, you have the opportunity to be able to mold Africa into what you want it to be."
"Russia totally erasing 23 billion dollars of debt across Africa, this means now zero, can you imagine?"
"My hope and my boy is that Kevin becomes a continuous testimony of what is possible in Africa."
"As large companies like Sony that have really strong footholds in tier one and tier two markets start thinking about where the next billion customers and gamers are going to come from our pitch is that Africa is a prime market for that."
"You want to make sure that you're committed to the continent."
"A unified effort against terrorism in the Sahel region would encourage a sense of pan-African solidarity and unity."
"Ibrahim Tori knows that he must never give any excuse to the West to interfere in the African region."
"It was the best sleep he'd gotten since arriving in Africa some 11 months ago."
"Archaeologists have discovered the earliest honey jars in all of Africa."
"We believe African countries have the capacity to devise their own path to progress."
"People still think that Africa is a very poor continent and it is lagging behind the rest of the world but it's catching up fast and when it does it is going to be an economic juggernaut."
"We need to put back into Africa... Become investors in our own future."
"Making Africa great by ending raw material exports."
"Africa eagerly looks forward to partnering with the United States and other countries."
"African nations are actively shaping their own Futures."
"Chinese investments in Africa will continue to rise."
"Africa is not a problem to be avoided or pitied but the key to the world's future."
"It becomes quite clear that Africa has been intentionally marginalized on the world stage by Western countries."
"Isn't it right that Africa should have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and be given more respect?"
"Why was Africa kept marginalized and away from world matters?"
"The decline certainly isn't happening in Africa yet and population there is going to continue to grow as far as we we can tell."
"The future belongs to Africa, and the better days are ahead of us."
"China has done more for Africa than any other country."
"The message for Africans is that we must increase intra-African trade."
"For those hoping to export competitive products, obtain affordable credit, find work, or fight for an Africa free from colonial relics, the CFA Franc is an anachronism demanding orderly and methodological elimination."
"Africa is the only continent on this planet that you can have a white person as an African, a Chinese person as an African, an Indian person as an African, a black person as an African, Egyptian, Israeli, you name it."
"Come to Africa, come to Ghana, you will love it. Don't believe what others say about Africa, come experience it for yourself."
"It's important for every African-American, every black person not just in America, to visit Africa at least once in your life. If you don't want to move, you have to make that visit."
"Africa has taken a new leadership role that is making Africa a billboard model for the world."
"Get ready, it's coming, it's on its way, blessing is over Africa."
"Amin would hold power for eight years in one of Africa’s most brutal dictatorships."
"I thought it was important to highlight this video I mean it just speaks volumes about why Africa is where it is today."
"Achievements that would make the emperor proud they include ending white minority rule in southern African nations helping to create a new nation in South Sudan and promoting stability in Somalia."
"So are we missing a trick from Africa data? I think we are."
"Ethiopia aims to increase the influx of smart capital into the African continent."
"It is in Russia's interests to forge links with Africa."
"South Africa is kind of a big deal in Africa."
"Entrepreneurship rather than global pity is the key to Africa's growth and development."
"Once you have education which Africans are saved as education is the most important thing."
"The question is not whether Nigeria is open for business, the question is how much of the world is truly open to doing business with Nigeria and our African neighbors in an equal mutually beneficial manner."
"Africa's 54 nations include some of the world's fastest growing economies."
"The African economy is projected to reach a GDP of 29 trillion US dollars by 2050."
"Companies that dominate Africa's business landscape are flourishing."
"Shoprite Holdings is Africa's largest supermarket retailer."
"Dangote Cement is sub-Saharan Africa's leading cement company."
"The genetic diversity in Africa is staggering."
"Africa is projected to have the fastest urban growth rate in the world by 2050."
"I want to have a base on the east of Africa and a base on the west of Africa."
"The Western World finally realized they had made plunders in Africa."
"The US strategy in Africa is rooted in genuine dialogues with African Partners."
"The day of you oppressing the African continent is over."
"To foster growth and development on the continent, we dream of bringing Africa to the world."
"Africa celebrates its triumphs, its richness, its culture, and its colors. It has become well known as Africa Day."
"Africa still has its brightest years ahead of it."
"Nigeria should be the country that gives other African countries aid."
"The future is not set in stone, nor is Africa a single country."
"Escaping poverty is possible, even in Africa."
"Teaching you how to farm in Africa with little amount of money."
"African nations are showing a growing interest in space."
"I am unique in a way that I want to tell the diaspora that it's time to make Africa home again."
"Peace in Africa has been steadily increasing since the 70s."
"I have taken it upon myself to travel the entire continent just to show the positive images of the continent by celebrating African excellence."
"This moment is calling for unity, meaningful unity of purpose among the African leaders."
"We must prioritize African education, control our resources, and build our own institutions."
"Africa is much more than the challenges. Africa is a place of immense beauty."
"Promote your own culture, make Africa a good brand."
"Timbuktu, once recognized as West Africa's preeminent center of Islamic knowledge."
"The modern diamond business originated in Africa."
"I mean, surely has some educated worker issues, but we're gonna bring education to Africa, let's do it!"
"BAM! Fantastic, Africa is building up so nicely."
"Putin's actions in Africa seen as safeguarding regimes, offering alternatives to France."
"Russia's expanding influence in Africa may have broader geopolitical implications."
"The minute we have Jay-Z's, you know, the Oprahs invest in Africa in such a level, and not just schools... that is the time the continent will change for the good of the people."
"It's time for other superpowers to start treating Africa within those terms of references."
"It feels like you're home when you're in Africa."
"Once your boot has stepped its foot in Africa, you can never get the dust off."
"There is no England, there is no Dutch East India Companies, there's certainly no Portugal and Spain without Africa."
"Africa is going to have 30% of the world's population in the next 50 years."
"Africa is doing a lot more better than people realize."
"The majestic natural wonders of Africa and Asia."
"The legacy of imperialism, colonialism, globalization in Africa."
"A new age is coming in European-African relations."
"The United States approach to Africa has evolved over time and faced challenges in its engagement on the continent."
"You actually helped millions of people lighting Africa right, brought electricity to places that have never had it ever period."
"Africa's future is a lot brighter than its past."
"Africa doesn't need the world, the world needs Africa."
"We're going there to connect with the motherland, to heal, to establish business, to hire locals, to integrate with the people."
"We are not the children of Africa, we are the parents of Africa."
"The adoption of digital assets in Africa will continue to grow exponentially."
"Africa made the right choice to pursue economic independence."
"Africa becoming independent, it can't be controlled by the West."
"Moving to Africa is more like a movement right now."
"There are so many firsts in mathematics from the Africans in Kemet."
"Revival is here, a new day is here for Africa."
"Let's change the narrative, let's prophesy into the African continent."
"Morocco again shocks the world and becomes the first African nation to ever reach the semi-finals of the World Cup"
"The future of Africa will be... economies that are green largely because they'll have had the money to invest."
"Whether there's disintegration or unity in the Horn of Africa will determine a lot about the nature of the continent, the region, and the globe moving forward."
"Africa's significance is rising, and China's contributions have played a crucial role in this transformation."
"China's investments in subsaharan Africa have transformed the economic landscape."
"Africa wrote the greatest place on the planet. Limitless resources and minerals."
"The recent internet disruption in Africa is more than just a technical glitch; it is a wake-up call for policymakers, businesses, and Civil Society."
"They're sucking everything out of Africa, just like they're doing in America."
"Africa is rich in natural gas, oil, and various other natural resources. However, natural gas stays the center of attention."
"You are going to be the warriors that are going to be enabling this in Africa."
"Even the Bible talks about all life originated in Africa."
"Africa is the future, let's believe in ourselves."
"There are opportunities in Africa that are more than you can handle."
"America is a sinking ship, it's the burning house. Africa is the future."
"Black people should be here because it's more peaceful, safer, and offers economic opportunities."
"When it comes to Africa, you know how you get the main event spot."
"God has given us enough. Now it's up to us Africans to take what he has given us and do something out of it."
"Africa can become the number one tourist destination in the world."
"Africa is open to you. Work hard, educate yourself, save, and come and reinvest in this continent."
"Imagine you're wandering into the forest near Lake Victoria in Kenya or Tanzania when you spot something strange crawling on a leaf."
"It's not only the business world that binds friend to Africa."
"The stories about the railway built by the Chinese for Africa are still inspiring."
"Hopefully, the clinic will be a legacy left to Africa, just like the Kisara people."
"Belgium's growing Colonial Empire in Africa, along with new means to prevent malaria, has made us a serious contender for Colonial control of the continent."
"Believe in yourself, believe in Africa, believe we can do this that your skin is not a disadvantage it is actually the best asset you've ever had."
"Italy's commitment to supporting African development signifies a departure from the traditional focus of major world powers."
"Italy understands that a stable and prosperous Africa contributes to global stability and economic growth."
"This sort of adventure you can only experience in Africa."
"Africa's vital role in human evolution research."
"The energy and climate goals that Western governments, the United Nations, and other organizations are pushing on Africa constitute a crippling blow to its economies."
"Welcome to 88 Nairobi Condominium: Redefining luxury living in sub-Saharan Africa."
"The Sahara Desert wasn't always a desert, and what people don't realize is that Sahara Africa up until about 4,500 to 5,000 years ago was totally green."
"Africa, like every other continent, has a small percentage of mega wealthy individuals whose combined fortune surpasses that of the masses a hundredfold."
"Muhammad Duji: Africa's youngest billionaire transformed his father's business from a measly $30 million to $1.5 billion in valuation."
"Aleko Dangote: Currently the wealthiest man in Nigeria and the entire African continent."
"Africa has some of the greatest diversity in physical features on the planet."
"Africa cannot and will not be a testing ground for any bugs, thank you, World Health Organization."
"We're literally trying to educate and empower people so that they can live better so that Africa can stop being this [ __ ] dark hole."
"I believe anglo-american is the biggest Mafia company on the African continent."