
Climate Solutions Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"If you can make this in a modular way that is inherently safe, very cheap, you could get everyone to use it, and we wouldn't have to talk about climate change anymore."
"The problem with climate change is that the solutions are all there; it's just that they're not being implemented."
"It's time for Americans to join together, find solutions on climate change, and protect our planet for generations to come."
"The real question is do we want to have the courage to grab it here, to prosper from the jobs here and to stabilize our economy and our planet at the same time."
"If we could innovate some sort of green energy down below the price of fossil fuels, we would have solved global warming."
"Quantum computers are complex, weird and mighty systems that might give us a better shot at mitigating the effects of climate change."
"We will literally reverse climate change by 2050. That is exciting."
"Earthships are not going to be the one perfect solution to solving our climate crisis or housing issues. There is actually no one perfect solution, but I think we can learn a lot from Earthships, and it's a step in the right direction."
"With renewables becoming ever cheaper, it's now profits not philanthropy driving realistic and reasonable solutions to climate change."
"As her first order of business she vows to end the annual purge for good and finally put a stop to the senseless violence once and for all."
"Solutions to climate change are projected to become the number one focus of new technology in the next 20 years."
"What if we blotted out the sun to fight global warming?"
"Global warming is so rampant that some scientists say we should begin altering the stratosphere to block incoming sunlight even if it jeopardizes rain and crops."
"Start a compost pile. It's one of the most powerful things you can do to help address climate change."
"In some ways, the solution to climate is very straightforward. We just need to stop burning fossil fuels. Whoa, what? That's it?"
"Science does have the solutions for the climate crisis."
"Climate change is a problem... there are ways we can address it, particularly nuclear power and other free market solutions."
"Nature is a tool we can use to repair our broken climate these natural climate solutions can make a massive difference."
"Nuclear power is a possible solution to our dire energy and climate challenges."
"And while that's not purpose of this video, I will share some recommendations that I found through my studying and my learning, of what makes the biggest impact on the climate."
"On climate we need nuclear power." - Phil Cheesesteak
"Project Drawdown listed the repopulation of the Mammoth Steppe in Siberia as one of the Top 100 options available to us."
"This video is weaponized optimism that steers people away from the only genuine solutions."
"The circular economy plays a really key role in solving many of the problems around climate change."
"That's how we solve the climate crisis, that's how they build millions of cars."
"It's going to be innovation and markets that fix the climate challenge, not government regulations."
"Electrical propulsion... holds the promise to significantly help us with the climate question."
"We have the technology to reverse climate change."
"We've already solved maybe 25 or maybe even a third of the total climate problem as a result of technological progress and policies that have been implemented in the last decade or so."
"There's a better way forward. We should fix climate change smartly through innovation."
"We'll need scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, problem solvers who know the consequences of a world with climate change and are invested in preventing it."
"Unlocking the clues as to how we can take advantage of these processes may be the missing piece to eliminating the threat of climate change."
"The solutions for the changing climate will be stamped made in America."
"Fixing climate change will not fix overshoot; everything that is being done today to address climate change will exacerbate the basic problem."
"We have the tools and know-how to limit warming and secure a livable future."
"It is by getting quite specific sector by sector that's the way we will get there."
"If climate's a problem, we need the most solution per dollar, and the most solution per year."
"Carbon capture promises great things on the face of it, it could even lead us down a path to negative carbon emissions."
"The best climate solutions belong in every party."
"If we're going to be serious about climate change and reducing emissions, I think we need solutions like high-speed rail."
"There are real solutions for the global issues regarding climate change."
"We can address all of these sectors, we just need to move faster to get adoption and that's where voluntary carbon markets are really important."
"There's bigger policy and cultural shifts that we have to do to really deal with the root causes of climate change."