
Independent Thinking Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"You have to be an independent thinker in order to be successful."
"The importance of young men thinking for themselves."
"Be an independent thinker, be a critical thinker."
"He's a private man who prefers to spend his time reading and thinking, who invests far from the spotlight, and with no care for either mainstream opinion or consensus strategies."
"People are starting to think for themselves, and this whole concept of thinking for yourself is starting to become popular and cool again."
"My tinfoil hat tells me Kyrie Irving is loathed by globalists and their corporate media puppets because the system is doing everything in its power to prevent Irving from inspiring other athletes to think for themselves."
"Kyrie has gone off track. Kanye West went off track. Dave Chappelle went off track, and they're all being punished."
"Make sure you believe it because you believe it, not because everybody else does."
"For 7 years I’ve been trying to provide a nuanced look at American news and politics that shows multiple sides of complex issues to let you decide for yourself what you should think."
"Let us be united by our appreciation for nuance and our refusal to blindly accept dogma and to explore the issues and decide for ourselves."
"You have to respect people who don't check their brains at the door when it comes to politics, you know, that they're going to just repeat, you know, the NPC approach. And that goes on both sides."
"People are becoming more and more alert because of our ability to communicate, because of independent media, because of independent thinkers like you."
"You have to think by yourself and oftentimes go against the herd."
"Don't simply conform to conventional ways of thinking."
"We're at our best when we're independent thinkers who respect new ideas and extend and challenge the status quo, not just accept it."
"It's critically important to form one's own opinions based on one's own homework and digging."
"We're trying to reform our minds, critically think independently, not follow the herd but actually look beneath the surface of things."
"Become an independent thinker is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself and your family."
"The commitment to always think and utilize one’s independent judgment is called Rationality."
"Do your own research and then form an opinion of your own."
"Do your own research, people need to stop looking towards their leaders and start thinking for themselves."
"Knowing saves half the battle. Got it? It's not hard. Analyze, think independently, be informed, find the data and you'll know a lot that no one else does."
"Follow the science has turned into a euphemism for follow the leader... do as you're told and don't question it." - Viva
"Do your own research, make up your own minds."
"It would just be better to let people figure it out... over time."
"Most people are actually capable of thinking for themselves and want to do so."
"I don't ever want someone to say I think this because Tyson said so."
"Our projects have always been focused on raising awareness, challenging individuals to think for themselves, and inspiring a more proactive lifestyle."
"When everybody is thinking the same way, you should start at least thinking, hey wait a minute cannot be right."
"Stop being brainwashed by the media, start doing your own research."
"Q encourages us to do our own research, think for ourselves, trust yourself, trust your own judgment."
"I just want to help people to start to think for themselves."
"I would like to live in a society where people think for themselves and don't let other people dictate what offends them."
"Independent thought is the most important thing that I think society needs more than ever."
"Now more than ever, it's becoming more and more important to think for yourself."
"I want to encourage other people to carve their own path and do their own thinking."
"Passionate about thinking for yourself... willing to explore it rather than follow the public opinion."
"Seek out the information for yourself and make your own decision."
"He's not swayed by popular opinion or feelings."
"Let's trust our own eyes, our own ears, and our own guts rather than the mainstream media."
"The number one thing you need to escape the maze is to think for yourself independently."
"The more I've gotten older, the more I've been less willing to listen to the herd mentality when it comes to game opinions and stuff."
"I seem to be thinking independently for the first time."
"Don't blindly believe what other people tell you."
"Make sure what you finally do is the product of your own conclusions, conclusions from the debate, conclusion from what makes the best sense to you to Trump."
"Think for yourself, use critical thought, reject critical theory, question authority, follow the facts, and don't let anyone bully you into being a sheep."
"Learning to think for oneself is one of the most important things that a person can learn in this world."
"The extremism on both sides makes it really hard to think for yourself."
"I would like the news to give me all sides of a situation and let me make up my own mind."
"Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way."
"Don't just blindly follow other individuals thinking that they know what they're talking about."
"People are thinking for themselves and they are awoke enough to know."
"Question for yourselves, think for yourselves."
"Question what you're told; seek to know for yourself."
"That means that, when you think, you must think in your own creative way."
"You shouldn't agree with somebody's stance just because it's the popular thing, you need to be a free thinker."
"I want people to do their own research and to think independently."
"A huge first step is to get people thinking for themselves."
"You gotta see farest through the trees can't get into the group think."
"People are starting to think for themselves and this is what I really enjoy: black people, white people, brown people, yellow people, think for yourself, don't be a puppet."
"Don't just stop there, look at everything yourself."
"If you don't conform to popular opinions but ask questions and think for yourself, you get campaigns. Welcome to Twitter."
"I don't need Joe Rogan to do the thinking for me. I don't need him to tell me what I need to be doing in my personal life."
"To think for yourself is to battle with your mind."
"Your own thoughts, therefore treat this divine gift with the profound respect which it is entitled and do not allow anyone to do your thinking for you."
"99% of people do not think for themselves including you. They just blindly accept the thinking of others."
"Free your mind... be a free thinker, use the facts, look at logic, look at statistics."
"I want more people to have this critical ability to think independently."
"Please search it out, don't take our word for any of it."
"Mug Club to me is for free thinkers. We are constantly bombarded with rhetoric from mass media."
"Don't ever outsource your thinking to anyone. Use your goddamn brain."
"Form your own opinion, don't just follow trends."
"To be an individual, like your own thought, independent."
"Let's learn how to critically think, not what to think."
"Independent thinking is crucial for success, especially in the markets."
"Shout out to the free thinkers of course absolutely."
"You cannot rely on the propaganda machines for your narrative."
"I love that you're not just taking other people's word for it."
"You demonstrated thought outside of faith and you demonstrated the ability to make your own system of rules and judgments beyond your own faith system."
"Not every judgment that someone has ever made is only influenced by what other people have told them to think."
"Don't make the cardinal sin of passing judgment on a show because you heard a YouTuber that you follow say this or that."
"Create your own opinion and watch some other travel vloggers on YouTube."
"Think for yourself, is a phrase that I might say."
"Our loyalty should not be to one party. Our loyalty should be to the interests that best serve our community."
"You shouldn't just listen to one opinion; you should make your own mind up."
"Independent thinking is what makes us all human beings."
"If you truly want to change the world for the better, we have to start with ourselves and that involves thinking for ourselves and not allowing the government, the media, or victim vendors to do the thinking for you."
"Defund the media, fund your life with your own thinking."
"I'm politically homeless, I don't pick a side, I go where the truth is."
"College will teach you to think for yourself."
"The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself."
"Formulate your own opinions by the end of this video."
"Stop letting others control your thoughts. Start thinking for yourself. Let go of your fears about the unknown and start focusing on what's actually happening."
"Those who learn to think for themselves are the ones who are truly free."
"Independent thinking is extremely important if you're going to negotiate."
"Come up with your own thoughts as well around stuff. It's too easy to just follow what someone says."
"Men don't take the only two choices given; think critically and Forge your own path."
"More people should be independent free thinkers."
"Fact check to the best of your ability. At the end of the day, we all choose who we trust, but we cannot just blindly trust the media."
"Be an independent thinker, get the facts, and see it with your own two eyes."
"We must have faith that you've given them a good education, that people can make up their own minds."
"I think my biggest takeaway from this trip is to be an independent thinker. Get the facts and see it with your own two eyes."
"People were taught how to think, we're taught how to feel. We don't know how to think for ourselves, we don't know how to feel for ourselves."
"Don't let society define what beauty is or don't let society define to you what you like. Don't you know, be free, think independently."
"Cult-like behavior is you're not allowed to have a thought that goes against the group."
"What you need to do is find the right balance for you personally I invest in stocks and I invest in real estate it's just something that I'm interested in you don't have to go out and blindly follow anybody else you don't want to be a sheep."
"Skin color doesn't define who you are your character defines who you are your mind defines who you are you are allowed to be independent-minded and black yet these black liberals think that they can boss you around."
"Do your own research, guys, do what you think is best for you."
"Go deep. Don’t listen to me. Don’t believe me. Don’t accept my conclusions. DO THE WORK YOURSELF."
"The goal is not to just be ordinary or to counter culture, but to actually use your brain to come up with unique thoughts."
"A contrarian reasons independently from the ground up and resists pressure to conform."
"Don't give your power away to anybody, think for yourself and make up your own decisions."
"Do your own research, keep listening, keep learning, keep reading your Bible."
"I am my own thinker... but overall, the Democrats are the only party right now that handle situations like adults."
"Don't let the school make a fool of you, because the teachers may be fools too."
"Trust your own intuition above all else, no matter what anyone else says."
"You know i mean don't just follow one person blindly."
"Break away from the majority mindset and think differently."
"If you learn to think for yourself, you can figure things out very simply."
"You need to develop your own values and your own opinions and your own thoughts outside of what you grow up with."
"I'm presenting to you as my findings, I always encourage you to go find everybody else's and then draw your own conclusions."
"Whatever the mainstream media is telling you, whatever narrative they're pushing, go the other way."
"I'm successfully helping people to think for themselves again."
"You are never taught to critically think and go, 'That is an interesting thing. Why am I being fed this narrative?'"
"Ignore conventional wisdom and follow your own research."
"Be a critical thinker. Don't believe everything everyone says. Now, it includes me."
"They don't want us to think outside the box, man."
"Why are we getting ridiculed so much when all we're saying is go out and do your own research?"
"You need to start thinking for yourself now it's not bad to reach out to some of these people but at the end of the day you have got to look out for you."
"Don't just rely on an indicator... do your own thinking."
"Dana understands the picture for what it is and it's kind of looking past what's going on with the NRA and just thinking for herself and just being her own person."
"You can't control someone who's willing to think independently."
"That's my message: just literally think for yourself."
"That should be something that you arrive at through your own independent thought process, not because somebody else tells you not to."
"Are people thinking for themselves, or are we just influenced by celebrities and blue ticks on Twitter?"
"We need to have faith in our own ability to think and use logic and reason."
"Be an independent thinker, don't just follow the hype train."
"We need to begin functioning as free thinkers."
"Do your own digging, do your own research, make your own conclusions."
"Think for yourself like Michael said earlier all the time."
"Our only hope, and actually also our only joy with this great risk, is that of thinking for ourselves and realizing it cannot be done for us." - Christopher Hitchens
"Be a critical thinker, I'm an independent, I'm not owned by some stupid party."
"I don't care what the world thinks all I care about is what you think!"
"So long as you follow the herd, you will only be led to the slaughterhouse."
"Since when and at what point in time were we not able to think for ourselves?"
"Well really we're the anti-cult. We're actually trying to get people to think for themselves."
"Do your own research and then decide for yourself."
"You gotta think for yourself ladies and gentlemen you gotta do your own homework you got to do your due diligence stop listening to other people don't listen to me start doing your homework."
"Every show here has always been to give you keys to think for yourself."
"Don't outsource your thinking ever... especially if their track record is atrocious."
"Think for yourself but understand this is a paradigm-shifting, curious notion."
"Just because the establishment doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you're correct."
"The motto of this channel is 'think for yourself.'"
"Independence and thought is not a superannuated phenomenon but in fact empirical precept crucial to the continuity of a productive and harmonious society."
"Instead of recruiting more people, just be open-minded and free essentially, you know, to follow the logic on their own, I think."
"You don't accept stupid ideas just because they're accepted by the masses."
"Well, yeah, I mean... people just kind of get programmed into not thinking for themselves."
"Ignore the morons, ignore the idiots. Think about things yourself and trust your own judgment."
"Thinking for ourselves is hard, and it doesn't mean being right or being original, but it means having the courage to swim in shark-infested waters."
"Start thinking for yourself again. I think this is all a knee-jerk reaction to people criticizing him."
"Education trumps everything because if the kids are smart, they're gonna be able to figure the [expletive] out on their own, facts."
"Think for yourself, do your research, find out who you really want to believe and trust, and who you do not want to believe and trust."
"Be honest with yourself about the things that you want; don't focus too much on how others feel about things that you want."
"Don't ever let these people tell you what to think."
"Respect that you have a different perspective, come to your own conclusions."
"Trust your own eyes, not what the media tells you, not what they create some kind of false narrative around."
"Let me tell y'all what 'MEN' stand for: motivating oneself and I encourage you actively to think independently."
"Who said what's right and wrong? A better question here is why do you need a 'who' to tell you what's right or wrong?"
"It's easy to turn on the television and watch what they're offering. It's more difficult to think your own thought."
"I think so many people blindly believe what's been told to them without really doing the research themselves."
"Congratulations for being able to think for yourself. That's big, it's huge."
"They need to fast so let's jump into the first interesting part and you know we don't know who we can trust anymore best not to trust anybody just listen and learn and do your own research make your own calculations."
"If we learn to think for ourselves, we will grow as strong."
"They claim that they want to support strong women and strong women voices, but yet you actually have a woman who's willing to think for herself."
"It really comes down to what you believe in, do your own research."
"They don't want you to think, they want you to obey."
"This isn't about believing what I say, it's about thinking for yourself, know thyself."
"Go watch these films and form your own opinion."
"We mustn't allow ourselves to be told what to think or what to feel by the same old voices."
"I just like to think for myself based upon what I gather from everywhere, not just one thing or two things, just everything."
"John Paulson’s story is a powerful reminder of the value of in-depth analysis and independent thinking, even when few believed him."
"I encourage everyone to think for themselves, let their own taste influence their opinion, not numbers."
"...read it for yourself, don't judge it based on what everybody else is telling you."
"Independent thinkers with the courage to love."
"It's all about independent thinking and the jaw-dropping rewards of going against the crowd."
"...go and search it yourself, go look up the bible verses yourself..."
"You are an independent thinker who challenges the conventional status quo."
"I don’t want to influence anybody. That is the worst thing to happen because if I influence you, somebody else can come along and influence you too in another direction. But if you see something for yourself, it is clear."
"I think the most common mistakes is following the herd and just doing what everybody else is doing."
"It doesn't feel like an echo chamber hive mind."
"You've got to think for yourself."
"We're trying to teach you how to think independently and not make decisions based on other people."
"To think for yourself, without cliches, and think independently, and stick by it, is something that does work, and that has to do with the innovation."
"If you read what everybody else is reading, you're going to think what everybody else is thinking."
"I want to cultivate independent thinking; I want to cultivate critical thinking."
"Thinking for yourself, not letting the noise of mental chatter drown out the inner voice of infinite intelligence within you."
"If you don't do your own thinking, who is going to do it for you?"
"Top traders are experts at independent thinking."
"Do not act based on my advice alone; I am but one man on the internet."
"She is highly respected, an independent thinker who brings a different viewpoint to the court."