
Dramatic Events Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"For a civilian, that would be one of the most dramatic and defining experiences of their lives."
"I thought blowing up the whole Earth was pretty dark. I think this one is darker."
"It's gonna be something out of a movie, like a Tarantino film."
"He thanks them all for their bravery, heroism, and for saving him, his family, and quite possibly all of Emon."
"We've seen some crazy stuff happen on the stand, it could absolutely happen."
"These movies will make you grow up, yeah, oh for sure, you watch some of these, you're just like oh [__], a dude just dies, yeah, off a bridge."
"Who knew our drama was gonna turn out to be a tragedy?"
"Drama can often be even more shocking when it happens out of nowhere."
"In a top 10 anime betrayals for the ages, Shepherd caps Roach and Ghost and leaves his elite Shadow Company soldiers to dispose of their bodies."
"That's a big, pretty, epic way to die though."
"This Queen of Scotland got the axe, literally."
"When you hear that sound, shit's about to go down."
"I feel like everything went zero to a hundred, going out with a bang."
"Get ready for what could be the biggest meteor shower of the poorest year of your life."
"Frieza turns up and becomes black Frieza, one-shotting Gas, Ultra ego Vegeta, and true Ultra Instinct Goku."
"It is the most dramatic situation in human history. The idea that there was a non-zero chance that hitting that button would destroy the entire world and then they still hit that button, I don't know how you can do that, that's insane."
"When there's a Biblical intervention, it's going to be biblical."
"He just got deleted. That was like a Thanos snap where he saw him and next thing you know he was gone."
"What an incredible ending to the character and the show really."
"Probably the most dramatic event in the entire history of the solar system."
"Imagine being fired, arrested, and divorced the same day."
"Sukara made a beeline for Cleopatra and in a dramatic act of loyalty, Swallow rushed in to back her up."
"As if on cue, my house blew up with the dramatic violence of a blockbuster action movie."
"The climax of an arc is usually something crazy, something big that happens."
"The changes going on all over the world are unbelievable."
"Han confronts his son hoping to bring him home, but instead Kylo kills his father and faces Rey in a duel; she defeats him but leaves him alive as Starkiller Base explodes."
"Well, you see, Maya is kidnapped by her stalker, right... didn't they kill all the black characters?"
"Fortunately, the results of one such collision were actually filmed back in 1914, and it's really dramatic stuff."
"Will Smith slapped Ned Fulmer at the Oscars and they died."
"Few television series and moments can equal the Red Wedding."
"As soon as he snapped my new best friend cartoon cat's neck, well, things got personal."
"This is the day that everything changed, the beginning of the end".
"I pull the tower, which is a dramatic happening event, baby. There's a halt in progress, really bad ideas, and influence reverse, embarrassment, you know, public humiliation, issues with direction, issues with destiny, issues with everything."
"Sometimes it takes a cataclysmic event to bring two lovers together."
"Some of these are very dramatic cases, you would think that they would get coverage not just for the heroic nature but also because they coincide with other cases which have gotten covered."
"Basically a story about two Hooters waitresses strippers… involving prostitution, guns, and justice."
"The tsunami was surely the most dramatic single catastrophe."
"The capture attempt of Ovidio Guzman, son of notorious drug lord El Chapo, sparked a dramatic chain of events."
"This is the most interesting entertaining dramatic thing that has ever happened in the wrestling business in or out of the ring and it's fascinating."
"With a final guttural scream, it's over. Lawrence can finally rest and this nightmare can end."
"The main thing people were really upset about wasn't even the movie itself... they shot him right out the gate, that was wonderful."
"We're in an absolute period of time where the heavens are shaking."
"Your family and friends will be amazed at this majestic drama."
"The vision of the Third Secret includes a bishop dressed in white, believed to be the Pope, being killed by soldiers."
"Afterward, Unicron would attack Cybertron's moon bases. While we know Jazz, Cliffjumper, Bumblebee, and Spike survived, anyone else still present was most likely eaten by Unicron."
"It's got to be pretty embarrassing I mean you yeah you strut your stuff on d-day you're doing so well and then BAM German super fortress hate to see it absolutely hate to see it."
"Some of the best love stories start with a murder."
"Oh, comics, the only place where someone gets one-punched to death."
"One of the most dramatic comebacks we have ever seen."
"A climactic moment demonstrating any character can be killed off."
"That's right... everything is destroyed... literally leads to the end of a world."
"All hope for Humanity seems lost when he's killed by the God of destruction Tartarus in battle."
"Thanos is tired, killed his own daughter, and then wiped out half the universe's population. Get the wine ready, this boy is primed and ready for a big, bad retirement."
"They're gonna be gone out of your life you're never gonna see them again and it's gonna be a huge dramatic turnaround"
"The Sundering is upon us, and with it comes the end of the age of upheaval."
"Sometimes nothing happens for decades and sometimes decades happen in weeks."
"Zombies touch the rope with their feet and there's a loud explosion."
"Incident systems dial up the authenticity... wheel-to-wheel clashes and dramatic turn one collisions."
"It was amazing, you know, even though they burned down the whole city and all that."
"That is the most unexpected death I remember being shocked in the theater."
"That England Columbia game was like a f****** movie, like it really was that dramatic."
"I thought it was really funny susan's reaction when she found out that mike and edie were together because it obviously put a huge damper on her day."
"We need it in a way, we need to spice up the show, I think our mid-season finale will open with a boxing match between me and Mary."
"One of the most brazen murder/assisted suicides I've ever seen."
"It's not fun if you're not taking a little chance."
"The ground is shifting beneath our feet, witnessing great changes, a plague upon us, our city on fire, a nation divided, the most radical anti-God agenda."
"Jaime had been captured, the siege of Riverrun broken and an entire Lannister army destroyed."
"This fruit's power was once used to split the world in half causing a great reset."
"So the criming kicks off with what may be an actual murder."
"Bad luck? Well, that's when you get jaw-dropping stuff like this."
"The ruthless organization torches his Ranch."
"The earth was shaking, and everyone was just looking at each other."
"The events that will unfold will be epic, biblical, and a complete reset of society."
"You couldn't have made this up. I mean this is truly a Greek tragedy, Shakespearean tragedy, and farce rolled into one."
"What happened to some of the people involved in the making of the film was every bit as horrific as the movie itself."
"Fire and Blood: the Targaryens' house words become a brutal reality."
"A car that is clearly very dramatic without all of the information yet."
"The whole world, too, were waiting for news of her, the epic undertaking of her venture to circumnavigate the globe along with a dramatic disappearance would have far-reaching implications."
"Sigurd and his father Byron are wrongfully pinned as murderers... sets Sigurd and the rest of his army aflame."
"We love Sherry and are appalled by the way in which law enforcement ambushed her this afternoon in a dramatic and unnecessary manner."
"Things have been on the edge since the Dark Lord came to beat it stranger."
"The series peaked at the red wedding. Game of Thrones has countless memorable moments but one of the most infamous is season 3's red wedding."
"Deathwing is obviously very well known we're bringing the Cataclysm to Azeroth mm-hmm he flew across the lands burning everyone underneath him he caused the world to break apart and shatter so obviously we had to make his heroic Cataclysm."
"A moment of great violence will coincide with the appearance of a comet in the sky."
"In the original pilot, Brandon Stark was killed by the Mad King."
"This is the sort of drama that I am interested in." - Total Noob
"Imola last year was mad. Sketchy accidents, but more reason for the halo."
"An event which changed the lives of thousands and sent ripples through time."
"Incur CIO's case it was a crime fit for Hollywood complete with decoys and disguises daring escapes on jet skis and inner tubes and bags overflowing with stolen loot."
"I wish they didn't give them such a legendary comic death but I'm glad they killed off them punk-ass hilltop kids."
"They framed me, they fired me, and that's how they eff themselves into a divorce, a prison sentence, and a handful of deportations."
"Heinrich Kemmler is slain by the dwarven throng, wow what a game!"
"We needed a miracle, and that's when we heard the name Thomas Rush."
"What you own owns you, they want the empress, they want new beginnings in abundance, new beginnings in love."
"If these moments weren't caught on camera, you wouldn't believe them."
"Blue Diamond's ship just smashes onto the ground, that is a high five to end all high fives."
"Stop! Can't say it's not exciting guys. Fascinating change in this fight."
"...dramatic endings, brilliant new beginnings, trajectory shifts, breakthroughs, sudden news that changes everything are very common at this time."
"After seven incredible weeks jam-packed with competition at its highest level, pulse-pounding action, awe-inspiring triumph, and savage brutality."
"It was really some movie [__] going on in there."
"Our Earth, a vibrant actor in this celestial theater, boasts a dramatic history with some scenes stealing the spotlight."