
Thriftiness Quotes

There are 459 quotes

"I did not think walking in those doors today that I would find a $116,000 dress that I'm paying less than $1,000 for."
"Having a thrifty mentality is something that we've lost in this consumer-driven and convenience-led world, but it holds so much value."
"It's always wise to see if you can find something second hand first because you'll save money, and it makes me more intentional about my purchases."
"Everything on her dresser is thrifted, and I'm so proud of that, that we were able to be resourceful but everything also still just looks really beautiful."
"The more time a person is willing to live like they're poor, despite not having to, the richer they will become."
"I'm good with money, I'm kind of like my dad where it's like you have it but you don't spend a lot of it."
"Always look on the pre-loved websites or pre-loved vintage boutiques before paying full price in store."
"Our motto is 'we buy used and we save the difference' and so we are being very resourceful for the things that most people would discard."
"If you play this game and don't spend Roblox, you're actual legends."
"Being a thrifty shopper is smart, but be aware."
"He became so renowned for his penny-pinching ways that he is credited as the inspiration for Ebenezer Scrooge from 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens."
"We were really big with not buying new and just buying used... because it still has a lot of use in it."
"You'd be amazed what you can find for free out there."
"Never doubt the power of your local thrift store."
"We encourage you as you're out and about shopping at those flea markets thrift stores Etc to really open up yourself to older used items in good condition they last so long they're economical and they will save you money."
"I love being able to refresh my decor with some inexpensive thrift store finds."
"Imagine calling yourself thrifty because you washed your piercing with used pasta water."
"Shop your stash! Take a look at what you've already got because there will be some gems in there."
"It's amazing what you can find on bulk trash day in this area."
"If you can find something at the thrift store that works for your decorating then that's definitely the way to go."
"Why pay retail when you can go shop resale."
"You can buy a suit second hand and just get a tailor to fix it up."
"Your ability to find items at a cheap rate with a fast sell through rate and a high demand... that's going to be the game changer."
"It makes far more sense than buying a brand new one anyway."
"I love thrifting, y'all already know that."
"Give yourselves a little pat on the back you have officially become a stinky little Thrift Goblin so proud of you you grew up so fast."
"I've always been a Thrifty person but now with the added expense of everything going up it's like I'm gonna try even harder."
"I was cheap and so I kind of, you know, managed to hang around and kept getting promoted."
"Every time I wear something that's secondhand, I save enough energy to watch two TV shows."
"Don't be afraid to pick up one or two of them and then keep looking at thrift stores."
"I like cheap and I like different, you know? I don't want something to be... I don't want to buy it if I can make it."
"Save yourself two hundred dollars."
"If you are a band and not annually hitting up Burlington's Rosses Walmarts [ __ ] City Trends on tour then you're missing out on cheap socks cheap underwear cheap suits."
"I am so cheap, I didn't not want to pay even what they were asking."
"Stretch a pound, get all your money's worth."
"Don't you love it when you find a really good deal, something that's valuable but doesn't cost very much money?"
"like me they end up doing that because they're so cheap"
"Nothing screams Christmas like being a... cheap."
"Most of my clothes I actually did not purchase, so I don't want anyone to feel bad or feel like I'm spending all my money on clothes, I definitely am not."
"I just don't like spending money."
"You know how there are just some pieces that you feel like are so cool and such good finds that they're priceless?"
"Minimalism corresponds with being frugal."
"Show you how we make like spring decor and cottage decor from things that we Thrift."
"I actually don't spend a lot of money on clothes. I spend a lot of money on like used shoes."
"...though times were hard, they were easier together. It's like a potluck with a side of thriftiness that would make even the most seasoned penny-pinching cook nod in approval."
"Vintage so good, $4.99, yes yes yes all day long!"
"If I could save a coin, I'm definitely gonna save a coin."
"These vintage lamps sell online for between 75 and 120 five dollars so for four dollars and ninety nine cents this is a great deal and now I have a pair of matching lamps to sell which always increases the value of each individual lamp when you are able to sell it in a pair."
"You can create a really, really beautiful home that looks really high-end and elevated without spending a lot of money."
"Alright, so I did have a chance to look this up, and I could not find another one like it, but it's only $2.99. I figured, why not?"
"I'm cheap. You don't want to hear miles."
"I'm also on a new Mission you know and thinking I got this new flow for my business kind of a new model that I'm doing and with that I have to process everything I purchase at a thrift store."
"Being thrifty like that is a thing over a very long time horizon."
"I like to shop in advance and get good deals on stuff."
"We saved thousands of dollars by not doing professional styling and just thrifting everything, diying everything."
"I love to make each and every trip worthwhile, even if that means I end up with just bread and butter pieces."
"Frugal as Rome. She knows a bargain when she sees one."
"Take care of your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves."
"Every penny counts, especially in today's tough economy."
"Save half of your money and be cheap, and get other people to pay for your stuff. Make gift lists, Christmas lists, and ask for what you need instead of just taking crap you don't want."
"This is one time you're going to be grateful to your family for being a bunch of cheapskates."
"Buying secondhand really does give life to clothes and sometimes can keep clothing from going into landfill."
"There is nothing wrong with saving money or shopping at the thrift store."
"This year, I've picked up a microwave, a nearly new $200 Delongi espresso maker, a 52-inch Sano TV."
"I'm hoping I do pretty well on it. I didn't pay a whole lot for it so, that's good."
"We've lost the ability to be creative and reuse what we already have in order to save us money."
"There's just something about people who shop at thrift shops."
"Thrift stores, garage sales, etc. You can get stuff so much cheaper now, a thousand times cheaper than you ever did in the 70s."
"Little things like this add up. A penny saved is a penny earned."
"I just had some extra frames from Dollar Tree."
"Keep thrifting stay positive stay creative and keep on DIY."
"That's why every time I encourage people if you're looking for some extra money, check your local trash days."
"Thank you so much for watching. My floor has come full circle and is now once again a gigantic pile of thrifted clothes. It's the circle of life."
"My rule is, if I bring home five things, five things come out of the closet to go to the thrift store."
"When you see a good deal, you take it."
"If you're out there and resale land and you see a piece if it's in good condition which you have to look carefully then pick it up."
"I'd rather buy a blouse for 4.99."
"Do your wallet and the planet a few favors by shopping secondhand instead."
"If you can get them pretty cheap, I don't tend to spend a lot, you know a few dollars maybe."
"Go do some thrifting if you can and if you can't rearrange something that you already have and refresh a space."
"Not trying to fix that old thing... they're pretty cheap online."
"What a great little Locker a dollar I couldn't pass it up for the price right."
"I love buying things secondhand online."
"Buying things used. There are lots of things beyond just tchotchkes and trinkets that we can find used and purchase used."
"...if you don't want to spend a bunch of money you can still go buy Levi's just don't buy them new."
"We're not in the consumerism mode this year; we're in the let's DIY and get some stuff from the dollar store mode."
"I think it was over a hundred dollars. I think I paid five dollars for that, but let me continue on looking for the Jim Shore."
"You just never know what you're going to find at a garage sale."
"We did find actually a whole bunch of Walmart pins and you wouldn't believe that some Walmart pens go for like really good money."
"I'm still looking to see if we can find a good bargain."
"I feel like yard sales should be the lowest priced items that you can find second hand right."
"95% of her wardrobe is luxury items that have all been bought at charity shops."
"I don't want to sell, what's the most you've ever paid for a piece of silb back, um, ever £56 I think."
"I often just take things to the dry cleaner which i feel like I'm wasting money i'm also wasting time i'm not being as environmentally friendly by going to the dry cleaner and so"
"I told you guys that I was going to try really hard to buy around 75% of our clothes and things like that from thrift stores, Consignment Sales. It's better for the environment and it's better for my wallet."
"The things that we have found are 10 times better than anything brand new that you can find in a store."
"If you're making five dollars every hour by selling little trinkets that you get from goodwill, that adds up."
"A dollar and 48 cents, like this is where you need to go to construct a gift basket a birthday package an Easter basket especially with spring being 90 off."
"The best finds are free like the ones you find on your neighbor's curb."
"I got these two for five at Burger King I can't lose a dollar."
"I know it's not very creative but it's very simple and saves me a lot of money."
"I had 82 cents off it all adds up folks don't you think."
"A penny saved is a penny earned—it's actually better than a penny earned."
"Yesterday I actually found a pair of gap 1969 Japanese selvage unwashed raw denim jeans and crazily enough tag and everything still on them. I got them for 11 bucks."
"I don't want anything new, I want something old and used, it's just cheaper that way."
"We only spent two pounds, come on."
"There's nothing wrong with saving money or shopping at the thrift store. Believe it or not, I still go there today."
"The best things come second hand."
"I don't know if I'm gonna pay six dollars for something that I could probably get for like 25 cents."
"It also saves me money because when I find something on sale, I don't just buy one, I buy multiple."
"Buy used clothing instead of buying an all new wardrobe."
"Why spend money when you can do it yourself?"
"I'm like, I don't want no damn hand-me-downs, used clothes, but you charging people to rent and wear used clothes over and over and over again. It's the gift it keeps giving, so absolutely [__] you ain't getting it for free."
"Every time I shop somewhere for the first time, I always sign up for these emails to get a little bit of a discount."
"Definitely save your wallet some money."
"All I did was spend about maybe two cents worth of spray."
"If you can get second hand, do it."
"I waste nothing. I throw nothing away. Trust me, someone could call me cheap but I call myself a little frugal."
"If you're going to be patient and you've got a little extra money and you can, you know what you're doing, then look around for a secondhand machine, a known brand secondhand machine."
"I spent less than $14 on this year's Easter dinner."
"I think it saves me a lot of money."
"So whenever you start your next project, head on over, just dig through, and see if you can find the color, find the size, and save a little bit of cash."
"I should put minus money in this thing right here but plus money because we say, but we don't spend full price."
"...extreme cheapskates, that would be me."
"If you are on a budget search out those used diapers because that could be just a huge expense weighted lifted weight lifted off your shoulders."
"I love the colors in them. The frames are in good shape. But for six bucks, it was a great price for the pair of them."
"Thrifting is a great way to combat that because you're just reusing stuff that already exists."
"It's just that every minute I'm away from the table is a minute that I'm saving money."
"Keep an eye on Craigslist... I found my aluminum bed box for 50 bucks."
"You can buy decor from charity shops and secondhand places, and it can literally look amazing without having to spend loads of money."
"It's very much like shopping in charity shops."
"It's okay if I use a fork because I paid 25 cents for it at the thrift store."
"My wedding dress my mom made and I think it was less than a hundred dollars with supplies."
"Nickels and dimes do add up to dollars."
"I get $ left now all right, my game pound was to get the best point I could with my budget and I try to cut corners on that stuff see Works my interest."
"A skip is a huge yellow flashing sign which says maybe there's free stuff."
"I had someone today who actually said to me, 'Dr. Laurie, I'm ready to quit my job because what you've taught me has made me actually make as much money thrifting sourcing and reselling using your tips as my salary.'"
"...the best option is always to buy something used and to keep what you have."
"You don't mind buying used things. It becomes easy to purchase used items when you realize how much markup gets added to brand new things."
"Everything I used to make this came from the dollar tree."
"This is sort of a pattern: I think I'm always going to try to save you as much money and give you as many tips as I can."
"Frugal: Looking for great deals, balancing quality versus quantity, making what they have go farther."
"90% of everything you see I got from the thrift store."
"Who wants to pay full price for trying and experimenting with your wardrobe?"
"You're going to save so much money by shopping at your habitat restores."
"There are so many ways you can get rid of those clothes, recoup some of the money so that when you've lost even more weight and you need even more clothes, you can resell them and get some money back to buy more clothes."
"All I got was this picture. It was six dollars, I got it for four change anyways, that's it to start today."
"If you have children in your life that are showing any kind of interest in thrifting, I encourage you to give them items."
"I want people to understand is that you can decorate and make your home Beautiful by thrifting items do I add retail items as well absolutely but for the most part I decorate my home on an extreme budget by thrifting it just takes time to kind of curate your style."
"Thank you guys so much for watching I'm so glad that I got this all put together I hope it inspired you to kind of have a budget friendly look on things you can find a lot of things second hand which is pretty much what I did for this project."
"I'm a huge believer in buying second hand. A lot of what I own is second hand."
"I got 50 incense sticks for $2.78. This will last me probably for my life."
"It's good to be able to get 10 cents back if you can take it away."
"Nope, go to Goodwill, film your video, turn your day around."
"I really like to use things I already have on hand or a good thrift store bargain."
"Sometimes you gotta cut corners and either get what you don't really want or you know you've got to figure out other ways to make it happen like buying used or just having to find those good deals."
"If you're patient, you can find some killer stuff for cheap."
"I think I have a like a Harbor Freight one I grabbed at a swap meet."
"You don't need to spend a lot of money to catch a vibe you guys it's $4.99 at goodwill and some markers."
"I mean, I'm more of a thrifty shot because I do like designer [__] and I would say this because I'm not rich."
"I go to Food for Less, they have the ten pounds special, so it's usually like sixty-eight and seventy-eight cents a pound which is great, so I usually load up on whatever they have and then the kids can eat that."
"I got it for 87 cents so I stocked up."
"I like finding cheap stuff that nobody wants and see if I can fix it and do something with it because when you don't have no money into it that's the fun ones but anyways guys like share comment subscribe until next time we'll see you later."
"Sharon gets the value of a dollar. Most people these days, they don't understand. They don't get it. We're a very wasteful country. That is probably true, very true. So much goes to waste."
"I wanted to prove in this video that you don't have to spend your life savings. You can find cute things from the dollar store."
"Be more focused on the pennies for the dollars."
"Thrifting has become incredibly popular over the years."
"Dumpster diving is like a treasure hunt for free stuff."
"You're very resourceful, you know you're not somebody who's a spendthrift you don't just go out and buy buy things you can't afford."
"You guys are going to get the best of both worlds when it comes to decorating and thrifting."
"Nothing quite beats the returns on garage sale stuff."
"It's always great to have these things on hand, especially since they're from the dollar tree."
"...I've saved almost $900 over the years of me using Thrive."
"No, I drove this cuz it was $300 20 years ago and I'm too cheap to do anything else."
"...I decided to add some of these styrofoam eggs that you can get from the Dollar Tree."
"Thrift flipping is all about transforming old or thrifted items into something new and fresh."
"I just recently got this new table from a school that was giving away. They were getting new tables and things, so we ran up in there and snagged it for like five bucks."
"No one else's house will look like ours because it's all thrifted."
"Every time you see nail glue at Dollar Tree, make sure to get it, especially if you use fake nails like me."
"Guys, every time you see nail glue at Dollar Tree, make sure to get it, especially if you use fake nails like me."
"Natural look, thrifted pieces, saved so much money."
"I have a tendency to get distracted by all of the things as soon as we get to the thrift store."
"Did you see me? This is my meal for $5."
"This tin flower is from the gardening section of the Dollar Tree."
"This chair is definitely beat up, but it still works. I got this chair from Ross."
"When you go thrifting, how much stuff that you put in your cart actually goes home with you?"
"Alright, well, we survived Walmart. I'm here now at the Goodwill Outlet Center aka the bins."
"Our only job is to find them as cheap as humanly possible."
"I like buying used clothing a lot of the time."
"A thrift store is a great place to find stuff, get out here, try it out, have a good time, and maybe you don't like it, thrift it back to someone who would want it."
"This one's called chain stitching, this is how you save thread."
"Thrifting is very good for your mental health."
"She is like the queen of finding the best stuff at Goodwill."
"...he bought a mic for his microphone from a thrift store for a whopping three dollars."
"I can't believe it, she gave me the whole tote for two dollars!"
"A typical thrifty budget? A hundred dollars per person per month."
"I was a penny pincher before I found you both, and now I'm a super Penny Pincher."
"You'd be amazed what you can find for not a lot of money, put in a little bit of elbow grease."
"If you want to be able to collect your own DVDs or Blu-Rays, check out thrift stores."
"My love for the dollar store and my desire to have a new cage theme, they make a beautiful marriage together."