
World War II Quotes

There are 1433 quotes

"Alan Turing basically won us the war. People really understate how effective he was... He basically just broke open all Nazi communication."
"The Navajo Code Talkers were super effective. They were very, very effective in their contributions."
"The Allied Supreme Commander General Eisenhower paid tribute to those in France who fought German occupation."
"December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"While the impact of World War II will never be forgotten, its history reminds us about the perils of war and the importance of learning from our past."
"The unit inflicted a hundred and thirty thousand casualties on the German Army and captured, destroyed, or aided in the liberation of more than 30 towns, several concentration camps, four airfields, and three supply dumps."
"The heroism of young men, men who are now half my age, who walked on to beaches, who crawled onto beaches in order to fight off Nazis, in order to fight off fascism, is something that did more than I will do my entire life."
"Soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force, you are about to embark upon a Great Crusade."
"It can be said that the most influential time period for the development of the tank was that of World War II and the years building up to it."
"No discussion about the history of these vehicles can go without mentioning those that gained immense fame from the war, such as the T-34, Panzer IV, and the Sherman, and the design doctrines of the nations that built them."
"Overall, while the P26/40 was a promising design for the early stages of the war, the delayed and complicated development process for the vehicle, combined with its overall nature more similar to other nations medium tanks than a heavy tank and its low production numbers proved to make the vehicle an embodiment of the term 'too little, too late'."
"For years, rumors had abounded of an ultra-secret stay-behind cave that had been secretly built during World War II should the rock have fallen."
"Should the British indeed lose Gibraltar, it would be essential that observations of shipping and military movements along the Straits and around Gibraltar itself could be observed and relayed back to the Allies."
"I picked up multiple different older guys, and gals too, somehow one way or another, the conversation would lead to them talking about how my old man served in World War II."
"World War II has many endings. For some, it ended in a Berlin bunker. For others, it happened when a formal declaration of surrender was signed in France."
"The craziest part is that World War II didn’t actually end for several more years after these events for some people."
"The craziest part about how World War II actually ended was that for some, the war continued on even after September 2nd."
"Officially there are three different days that World War II ended."
"With the bulk of the South Seas Detachment finally on New Guinean soil, the Japanese now prepared to start their main drive against Port Moresby; an offensive that would be opposed by brave Australian soldiers in what is considered as Australia's Thermopylae."
"Aircraft Carrier Survival puts you in charge of an aircraft carrier and its crew, officers, and aircraft during World War II."
"By draining away the German tank strengths, the short but intensive Battle of Kursk would tip the scales of World War II decisively in the favor of Soviet Russia."
"The crushing defeat of the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad affected Hitler deeply as it came as a direct result of his refusal to allow a withdrawal."
"The stunning victory at Kharkov achieved against the odds became known as Von Manstein's miracle."
"Determined and professional, the German soldier of World War II would prove his ability again and again."
"During World War II, nearly one in three American men went off to war, and women were expected to take their place at work."
"Rosie was created during World War II to represent the women who worked in the factories and shipyards as part of the war effort."
"The modern Battleship of 1944 and 1945 was now something more akin to a mobile fortress that had to withstand a prolonged siege coming in from all angles."
"The Germans had taken the bait and fallen into the first part of the trap."
"It's important, obviously, because of its role in the Second World War and primarily its role in the Battle of Britain."
"The Nazis build new aircraft factories with war in mind."
"Germany's warplane factories were lavishly funded, they were led by aviation pioneers, operated by skilled workers, and were producing warplanes long before the allies were forced to do the same."
"The effectiveness of these raids would vary greatly over the course of the war, but by the war's end, they had had a shattering effect on key elements of the German war economy."
"Ernst Udet's appointment marks the third and possibly the greatest failure of the Luftwaffe."
"The Me-262 is years ahead of its time, symbolizing the fatherland's creativity and innovation."
"Franklin Roosevelt was slowly dying during his last campaign... But during that last year of his life, he was also personally strategizing... about the single largest military operation in history, the D-Day invasion."
"The marginal tax rate actually reached a peak of 94% during World War II."
"It is estimated that three million Indian people died in World War II, which is something I have literally never heard of anyone talk about before."
"During World War II, in Russia, they had trained dogs with bombs strapped onto their backs to run under tanks... these dogs couldn't differentiate between a Russian tank or an enemy tank."
"World War II was won by the Russians. It was won by Russian lives... they lost over 20 million people in World War II, dwarfing casualties of the Allies by orders of magnitude."
"World War II, I think, for a lot of people, regardless of your politics, there was something really bad going on in this world, and my understanding is the US didn't know the Holocaust was happening until after they got there."
"Most historians agree that Hideki Tojo...did play a crucial role in the instigation of World War II in the Pacific."
"An unlikely hero perhaps, but in the dark days of the 20th century, he helped save Britain."
"World War II accelerated the development of electronics and the stored-program computer. Such machines were to be the future."
"Cracking the Enigma code was one of the top projects of World War II; it took years to do it, but in the end, it did save millions of lives."
"Adolf Hitler is dead. He is dead, and how he died, the world little cares. For Hitler's death, millions are now thankful for justice."
"The second world war and the German invasion of Poland was a result of carefully constructed lies. That is war by media."
"Kelly's next sentence is, 'You do know they tried to kill Hitler three times.'"
"During World War II, every American was on board with trying to win the war... and now it's like, 'I don't want to wear a mask'."
"World War II would transform America's global presence forever."
"The United States was the only major power to avoid economic ruin during the war and it was the sole country equipped with atomic weapons."
"The Nazis lost... finally going to get that painting back."
"Like a rock in the center of a raging stream, Bastogne reduced the momentum of the German assault."
"Montgomery returned to Britain as a hero, he was the country’s most famous and most popular commander to have emerged from the Second World War."
"Although he may not have been one of the most talented or ingenious military leaders of World War 2, he was certainly one of the most effective and iconic."
"Montgomery arrived to find an Eighth Army low on confidence and morale, with Rommel’s Afrika Korps less than 60 miles from Alexandria and desperate to strike soon before American resources could tip the material balance in favour of the Allies."
"Himmler's intention was to negotiate a peace settlement with the Western powers."
"We did what we had to do and what we were trying to do was prevent the Germans from taking over the whole world."
"Hitler appoints his second in command, former World War One flying ace Hermann Göring, as minister in charge of the new government air ministry."
"By 1939, after the Nazis have spent vast sums, the Luftwaffe has become the largest, best-equipped air force in the world."
"The superiority of German engineering will secure an Aryan victory."
"The man given the task is Field Marshal Erhard Milch."
"Romania contributed over half a million troops to the fight against their former axis allies."
"Truman won't need to use the atomic bomb, because he can count on a man, General MacArthur."
"Well, you know, and I'm just gonna, I just want to discuss this a little bit, you know, when Hitler was gone from Germany and all this, a lot of the scientists, a lot of his generals, they disappeared, uh, they disappeared with lots of submarines."
"World War II in particular has long remained a favorite backdrop for first-person military shooters."
"When Admiral Nimitz took over Sink Pack on December 17, 1941, he humbly captured the gravity of the moment by simply writing to his boss: 'It is a great responsibility, but I shall do my utmost to meet it.'"
"A war of revenge to reverse the outcome of the First World War was always a central aim of the Nazis."
"Hitler's flight to New York is escorted by supersonic jets and greeted with German victory celebrations like those in occupied France."
"World War II saw modern industrial nations descend into once unimaginable cruelty."
"It's been nearly 10 years since Call of Duty has been in the World War two ERA."
"It has been a true privilege to... share with the world the small role that we've gotten to play in bringing this game to fans and a whole new generation to understand World War two."
"Nothing would have prepared me for what we've seen here today. It's spectacular, walking amongst the ruins of World War II."
"It is a remarkable thing, unique thing, the Battle of Britain."
"Had Churchill not convinced parliament and the nation in 1940 that Britain needed to continue the struggle against Germany the map of Europe in the second half of the twentieth century would have looked very different."
"Optimism was high in The Finnish populace the populace as a whole believed that the Nazis would be quick to reach their objectives in Russia."
"The Finnish government took great plans to portray themselves as a co-belligerent fighting a common enemy alongside the Germans."
"Welcome to our documentary on the Battle of Greece and Battle of Crete."
"Canada was a firm member of the Allies, and hundreds of thousands of Canadian soldiers fought bravely in Europe and the Pacific."
"I still struggle with that decision to have chosen to not fight during World War II."
"Hitler's weapons constructors had progressed much further than anyone had suspected."
"Former Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to death in 1948 for his role in masterminding the attack on Pearl Harbor."
"Miller was in his 30s when he joined the army and became a major, putting on musical performances in Europe to boost soldiers' morale."
"Eighty percent of their marked units reported having executed commissars during Operation Barbarossa."
"Somewhere near 3.1 to 3.3 million Soviet prisoners of war died in German hands in World War II."
"Failed relationship when defeat looked on the cards" - Mussolini leading Italy astray.
"America's entry into the war against Nazi Germany began in Earnest with the first American troops arriving in Britain by the end of January."
"As we stood there in that very spot overlooking the hundred-foot cliffs that our guys scaled so bravely eight decades ago, it got me thinking about why they did it, why what would make a man do that..."
"The ultimate irony of World War II is that Adolf Hitler had to be stopped and destroyed."
"Surprisingly, I think the best part about COD WWII is the Campaign."
"There's a gentleman named Wilhelm Brahman. He was able to score 76 tanks with one of these things."
"Polish Cavalry mounted a futile Cavalry attack against German tanks in World War II... false... it was all propaganda."
"The USS Barb sank 29 enemy vessels just in the period from May of 1944 to August of 1945."
"The USS Barb was the first U.S Navy submarine to successfully employ rockets, destroying several factories and towns along the coast of Japan."
"The USS Barb is the only known U.S submarine of the war to sink a freight train."
"The battle was a turning point that eliminated the Japanese Navy's ability to conduct large-scale carrier operations."
"The largest armed conflict in human history demanded all an individual soldier could possibly muster and the American glider pilots flying in unarmed and powerless aircraft were among the bravest individual soldiers serving on the allied lines."
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked."
"In World War II there was no question... that one had to go and join the Armed Forces."
"The courage of those guys on the C-47's and the DC-3's, piloting those planes was great."
"The history of World War II gave people something to feel proud of."
"FDR saw the United States through a period of economic disaster and global war."
"In February 1945, President Walter Funk orchestrated the transfer of gold reserves valued at 238 million dollars to the Merkers mine for safekeeping, shielding Germany's financial lifeline from the ravages of war."
"The Spectre of World War II Looms ominously in our future as global conflicts simmer."
"Roosevelt drew America closer to embattled Britain."
"Emerging from Greenock on June 2, 1944, the once-majestic Warspite had seen compromises to her structural integrity and firepower."
"I think I've almost learned everything about the Second World War at this point."
"The premise features Frankenstein's monster teaming up with a werewolf, a vampire, and a gorgon to fight Nazis in World War II."
"Ribbentrop's diplomatic coup with the Soviets was the background against which Germany launched the Second World War."
"One of the reasons for fighting the Second World War was to foster liberalism, democracy, and all these big ideas."
"Midway has always been a candidate for turning point was the outcome of the war in the Pacific decided in those two days."
"The only part of the world which did not really do very much in World War two."
"The battle for North Africa was over. After months of fighting, the Allies had won."
"The invasion of Sicily was a massive success for the Allies."
"The capture of Rome was a significant milestone."
"Britain was the first country to declare war on it, was in the war on the first day, and it was there on the last day of the major belligerence on both sides."
"The war started because the United States was isolationist and let aggression go."
"The victory in World War II is the source of legitimation of Putin's regime."
"World War II was not a white man's war; it was a world war in every meaning of the term."
"The Battle of Midway... was perhaps the most significant engagement."
"Hitler and his nazi hierarchy were incandescent with rage at heydrich's assassination and ordered severe and brutal reprisals to be carried out as revenge for his death."
"London had barely survived World War II the empire had just lost India in an orgy of ethnic cleansing known as partition."
"In reality, Market Garden was a high risk but high reward operation."
"D-Day is the great victory in the war that the British had been fighting since the first ship rolled off the docks."
"Britain fought a profoundly industrial war, a war of factories, technology, and science."
"The Lancasters get one last chance to strike at Hitler just five days before the Nazi Fuhrer takes his own life."
"The real story of how the world wars were fought and won lies in the competition in production."
"All of this together in aggregate produces a rapid unraveling of German industrial capability."
"They wanted to win the war and they wanted to do everything that they could in order to do that."
"If Hitler had been a little smarter, we might very well be living in a messed up Nazi-controlled world full of Hitler Youth today."
"By 1944, air power in World War II was definitely a British and American monopoly."
"Barbarossa was to become the largest ground invasion in human history."
"What became known as the final solution to the Jewish question."
"She overcame mental illness and physical disability to become an unlikely hero of World War two."
"The fighting on Iwo Jima quickly descends to new levels of barbarity."
"The M1 Garand was referred to as the rifle that won World War II."
"Von Manstein's effectiveness in overcoming superior numbers had been noticed by Hitler."
"For all that von Manstein attempted to exonerate himself and his fellow generals, he was just as complicit in the crimes of the Third Reich as many of the Nazi leaders."
"This airplane is one of the best looking fighters of World War II."
"The Tony: A formidable adversary in the Pacific theater."
"The avenger was the best torpedo bomber of World War II, and not by a small margin."
"I think it's pretty easy to conclude that the avenger was the best torpedo bomber of World War II, and not by a small margin."
"Nobody has ever seen anything like it. What they were able to do during World War II."
"It's truly a national effort, just like we saw during World War II."
"The Nazis led one of the most brutal regimes in human history."
"The Empire of Japan had a relatively short history, but it made itself infamous during those decades."
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"FDR inspired a nation at its lowest ebb and led it to victory through a monumental worldwide war, emerging as the strongest and wealthiest society the world had ever known."
"Visiting the Anne Frank House humanizes the horror of the Holocaust."
"Throughout the Second World War, the Queen Mother frequently adorned this brooch."
"The passage of time tends to obscure history. That event would change the course of World War II."
"Without it, we would not have had the pilots with the skills necessary to prosecute the war against Japan."
"In the summer of 1940, a small group of young men and their aircraft were all that seemed to stand between the British people and invasion by the Nazi war machine."
"If the British had lost the war of the Atlantic, if we had been cut off and starved into submission, the Americans could never have launched the D-Day from America."
"Lieutenant Dick Bong had become a fighter ace."
"The second world war basically ended the great depression."
"The DC-3: a key factor in winning the Second World War."
"Germans seriously underestimated the Spitfire because of their experiences flying against it in the Battle of France."
"At the start of World War II, 20,000 Chinese Americans served in the US military, despite nationwide anti-Chinese sentiment at the time."
"The Corsair was universally acknowledged to be the finest naval fighter of the Second World War."
"Welcome to Kondomari, site of one of the bloodiest and most brutal massacres that took place on Crete during the German occupation."
"The River Kwai Bridge saw brutal combat during World War II but the death Railway Alias actually comes from the dark history during the initial construction of the River Kwai Bridge..."
"Hitler is uniquely the most genocidally evil dictator there ever was."
"With the discovery of his death camps, everyone learns the true evil of his regime."
"Reinhard Heydrich was in many ways the vilest of all the Nazis, an individual who oversaw the extension of genocidal policies and mass murder across the continent of Europe during the Second World War."
"Heydrich would become one of the central architects of the Holocaust."
"World War II ended the depression and transformed America’s economy."
"World War II became a war that was about freedom, but was also about what Gunnar Myrdal called the American Creed."
"Delivering a World War two experience that no one's ever seen before."
"Witness the Second World War through the eyes of the men and women that changed the world."
"Mirror the immense arsenal of the Second World War."
"Sometimes being president is also a matter of timing."
"Midway is fairly decisive in breaking the Japanese Navy's strike power."
"But what I love about World War II there are still so many Mysteries just waiting to be explained."
"Avro Lancaster bomber a lot of you been asking to see this thing in action in the Sicilian historical battle against the Luftwaffe watch your six guys I'll catch you next time."
"I think it's fair to say that Hitler doesn't take bad news very well."
"Well, within three days Soviet forces had achieved The Impossible, they'd surrounded the sixth Army."
"The more precarious Paulus's situation is, the more entrenched Hitler becomes that there can be no turning around."
"I am a sucker for World War II movies, so honestly, like the campaign for Vanguard, I think would make for a really cool movie."
"The National World War II Museum offers comprehensive information regarding the most significant event of the 20th century."
"Hitler was pleased that the tractor factory had fallen."
"It is widely accepted that it was the Soviet Union and its people that crushed Nazi Germany and won World War II in Europe."
"Could this Chariot have been a UFO—an unknown glowing flying object that must have boggled the minds of us Muggles on the ground?"
"The relationship between Nazi Germany and Italy would have gotten far worse if Hitler was able to win the war on both fronts."
"Thanks to their valiant sacrifice, British codebreakers were able to decipher Enigma messages once again and thousands of allied lives were saved."
"The Allies finally won the Battle of the Atlantic."
"Churchill's prayers of bringing America's wealth resources and technological expertise into the war were answered."
"The United States was building so many ships that the Germans couldn't sink as many as the Allies were building sometimes two or three a day."
"The Battle of the Atlantic was the most important battle of World War two, the most fundamental battle."
"Germany needed to win the Battle of the Atlantic because it was the only way that it was going to be able to destroy Great Britain."
"No matter how bad things get I Adolf Hitler have the willpower."
"Imagine being encircled and listening to this and going okay so he wants us all to die you know that's our leader and the German public they're not buying it."
"Stalingrad is the beginning of the end for Adolf."
"It's clear to all the top bras around him that it's Hitler's fault this did not need to happen."
"The irony is, by the end of the war, virtually every Enigma code was being read as fast as the Germans themselves."
"The bravery of the Blenheim crews cannot be underrated."
"It's difficult to overestimate the part that U.S submarines played in the Pacific War, they practically annihilated the Japanese tanker fleet."
"In the long, bitter Battle of the Atlantic, the Germans were losing 15 new boats a month to the Allied hunter-killer groups."
"Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan opens with the completely unforgettable Normandy invasion sequence..."
"The Holocaust and treatment of POWs were not only sad but also strategically misguided."
"During WWII, Iran was a vital oil resource for the Allies."