
Diversity Of Opinion Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. We can agree with people on some things, we can like people and disagree with them on some of their beliefs."
"Wouldn't it be really boring to live in a place where we all agreed all the time?"
"You can't, in modern America, not have people in your life that you love, care about, and spend time with, that have different opinions."
"Your opinion might differ, and I think that's kind of the point."
"We believe in unity; now we may differ in opinions, but we don't believe in all that racial stuff."
"We're fact-based, and we believe in a range of opinion."
"Free speech is only important when someone you don't like, or I would say someone who doesn't have your same point of view, is allowed to speak freely and to say their point of view."
"You can ask two Jews, you get three opinions."
"The only way that we can continue living in a country that we can all be proud to call home again is if we allow for diversity of opinion and we push for challenging our perspectives."
"Discussion is meaningless if everyone has the same opinion."
"You never really want to be a part of the echo chamber, and that's why you need to have people from both sides."
"People don't necessarily agree with everything they say but I think you need people like that."
"I think the problem is censorship and the only way you find out the truth is by having a variety of opinions."
"Why should fandom be such a wide and shareable passion full of different opinions and interpretations about a thing united by a shared vested interest in love for storytelling?"
"Invite people on your show that you disagree with, that discourse is very important."
"We can have two different opinions and we don't always have to agree on things. That is why we're human beings and that's what makes us interesting."
"Finally, we have a disparity on our rankings. We did it!" - Reflects the excitement of having differing opinions among the hosts.
"No one here is saying only hydro. I'm not, you're not. No one here saying only nuclear. I'm not, you're not."
"It's tempting sometimes to say certain things but when you know like people across the political eye on the other side you're like well no there's probably reasons why this isn't supported by all of America."
"Reasonable people have different views based on their backgrounds, based on their heritage, based on how they grew up, based on a range of other issues."
"Diversity of opinion and viewpoint is important to the strength of a society."
"When it's a level playing field and we go out and compete and we're going to compete and we're going to have difference of opinions."
"Whatever direction we go in, somebody's going to have an opposing opinion."
"There isn't a single scientific field that has a 100% consensus."
"If we were just sitting here agreeing with each other all the time, it would be boring."
"There's always going to be a variety of opinions."
"The fact that you have different opinions from me is exactly what I'm hoping for."
"People don't understand, people don't take it seriously, people take it very seriously like there's a little bit of everything."
"Each YouTuber will give you a different, but important perspective."
"It's okay to not feel the same, agree with somebody. That's okay."
"I'm allowed to have a different opinion and to voice my opinion. I should not be silenced because I disagree with you."
"You get to disagree and have fun and have completely different opinions and feel like you got something from the conversation."
"You can have different opinions and still respect each other, that is very, very possible."
"I don't just talk with people that I'm in agreement with. I mean, what kind of conversation would that be like? I'd be a liberal if all I did was talk to people I agree with."
"It's okay to have different opinions, we live in a free country."
"Academia needs diversity of opinion... challenge you."
"You live in a fantasy world if you think every person has to agree with you 100%."
"We obviously don't agree on things but that's okay we don't have to agree."
"Just because you personally don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist."
"No matter what, no matter who gives you [ __ ] online, no matter who tries to start stuff, if you have a different opinion on Star Wars or entertainment in general, always be excellent to each other."
"There are roughly nineteen thousand seven hundred and sixteen legitimate anti-Trump arguments."
"We don't have to agree on that as long as you're coming from a truthful position."
"We do ourselves a disservice if we try to stifle every contrarian voice out there."
"If we're not willing to allow other people to have different views from us, we're going to remain entrenched and intransigent."
"It's okay for us to have a different opinion on this hot topic."
"We like to bring other people that have different opinions... We're trying to lift the entire crypto space up and provide perspective."
"I love debate, I love conversation, I love different opinions."
"Some people are going to love it... and other people are going to be like it's not for me."
"It's okay to see and hear things you don't agree with. We want free speech everywhere."
"There's a wide range of opinion about just about everything."
"Isn't the whole point of being a feminist though that women are entitled to have their own views? Absolutely."
"It's just insane to expect to agree with somebody on everything."
"You have to have contrarians, you have to have people who will disagree with you."
"If you disagree, there's nothing wrong with that. We shouldn't all agree on the same thing, right?"
"The great thing about football is that somebody's got every different opinion you can have."
"There is no one, there are some good ones and there are some bad ones but there is no one one."
"Democracy is supposed to be the ability to sit down with people whose opinions you don't share and to have a vigorous debate."
"Freedom is not free, and if we can't talk about our differences, can't have different opinions, I mean where does it go? It's very dangerous."
"Science is not spoken in some unified voice, it is a technique for trying to get closer towards something approximating the truth."
"The freedom to be wrong, or rude, or offensive... because there is nothing human about having only one belief on every single subject."
"There's room for all kinds of viewpoints, but be wary of biased sources."
"People in China, country of 1.4 billion, have a range of political opinions." - Vijay Prashad
"Freedom of speech is meaningless unless it's for the person who thinks differently."
"Reasonable people who are well informed can come to a different conclusion."
"What is democracy? If we all liked the same person, where the hell would we be right now?"
"There's always going to be people who disagree with what you have to say and that's great otherwise life would be really boring."
"I'd rather they be polarized than everyone just marching in lockstep towards a single goal."
"After all, it would be really boring if we all loved the same thing and we never disagreed."
"I don't really get angry at other people's opinions because I recognize that everyone likes the same stuff I do. I think that's a healthier way to live."
"We need to be able to hear from all sides, even if we don't agree with them."
"I think that's what makes America wonderful is that we have a right to have our own opinions and to be able to express those opinions freely and to allow people to disagree with us."
"The existence of other opinions is not an attack, and our unity comes in proportion to our maturity."
"Not everybody agreeing but everybody having an opinion... that's what it's all about."
"Everybody is free to disagree, and that's what makes it fun, right?"
"I love the fact that we offer different viewpoints, it keeps the wheels turning."
"You don't have to agree with everybody on everything. I mean, I don't even agree with myself on everything, you know what I mean?"
"Please explain why even if your opinion is different from mine that's okay."
"The internet has created unique challenges around this issue because people don't just go around seeking all the different points of view on a particular issue."
"I think it's fairly obvious that Google is largely liberal or Democratic, but I do want to be clear that diversity also means diversity of opinion and political persuasion." - Eileen Naughton
"That's the whole purpose of freedom of speech because when you have the ability to speak your mind, speak your freedom, not everyone's going to agree and that's totally okay."
"There's really no wrong answers when it comes to things like this."
"Anytime we can get a lively debate where people truly believe in what they're saying even if they take positions I find kind of silly I'm here for it."
"The idea that only some people support gun ownership and those on the other side don't is not true."
"If your opinion is different from mine you can always make a comment down below and let everyone know... what your opinion is about certain lenses."
"It's okay to not agree with everybody. There's no cancel culture; it's just news picked by us, by you, by me, by anybody else."
"It's all about talking to different people with differing opinions and starting a conversation because I genuinely believe that's the way that we're going to find the best way forward."
"It's okay to disagree, there will always be people on both sides of the fence."
"Sometimes people disagree, and that's a good thing."
"For every person that says one thing, there's someone that says something else."
"There is a way to have different opinions and still show love and still maintain relationships."
"The sooner we as a race of people start to understand that someone else can have an opinion on something and we don't need to get triggered by it, the better it's going to be for everybody."
"I think we ought to have these discussions more often as a society, whether we agree, disagree, whatever, because that's part of life."
"The beauty of sports is that everyone's entitled to their opinion."
"It's really important for you to do your research and try and hear as many opinions as you can."
"Let's have a diversity of opinions."
"Life would be so goddamn boring if we all agreed all the time on everything."
"If you support free speech, then you need to support the free speech of people who disagree with you."
"I'm talking about my personal experiences, and some people agree with me and some people do not. That is perfectly fine."
"No matter what I have ever created... there have been people that have loved it and hated it and everything in between."
"Whether we agree or disagree, we have the right to have all shades in reflection of opinion."
"We can all respectfully agree to disagree."
"We may not agree today, and that's fine. We don't have to agree because this is a special show where we all can have our own opinions, whether we're right or wrong."
"Debate is very good; it's always good to have two or three or four opposing sides."
"Always look at a cross-section of content creators in the space so you can get different opinions from different people."
"I think that you can have a different opinion and I don't have to manically try and ram my fact-based opinion down your throat."
"People with different opinions should respect and get along with each other."
"We're never going to agree on every subject."
"Ultimately, everyone wins: the people who like Whedon's Justice League film have that film; the people who want to see Snyder's version will have theirs."
"Sometimes you don't necessarily agree with everybody's opinion and that's okay."