
Revival Quotes

There are 3563 quotes

"The Divine King's first thought after being revived a thousand years later was to return home."
"Suburban markets and street vendors' economies are beginning to revive, evoking a sense of nostalgia."
"The great ancient civilizations of the past are rising up from the depths below and returning in all of their titan splendor."
"To the degree that we want to preserve the understructure of our culture...the stories have to be brought alive again."
"But Gia is not dead, she comes back alive in 2013 and now she's ready to do whatever it takes to not relive the same fate."
"Reconnection... a connection is reigniting, rekindling, or reviving."
"United are finally being resurrected; the sleeping giant has been awakened."
"Revival is not an accident; it's a harvest of your sowing."
"I believe that we are seeing elements of great spiritual awakening and revival here."
"I believe that in recent years, Christianity has undergone a revival of its intellectual tradition, and a new generation of believers is emerging equipped to engage the world with all of their heart, soul, and mind for Jesus."
"Let us highly resolve that we will not only pray for revival as we have never prayed before, but that we will also actually live in revival as we have never lived before."
"I feel alive. It feels good to finally be able to smile again. That's a new beginning."
"Revival is delayed by the disobedience of preachers."
"The greatest revival in human history is going to happen in the tribulation period. Millions will believe."
"The greatest revival in the history of the world is coming."
"The end game, if you can call it that, is revival; that's the heart of God."
"You don't stumble into revival. The church prays for revival."
"The greatest revival the church has ever known is about to take place."
"The greatest revival will not happen inside the walls of the church, it will happen in the marketplace."
"There will truly be a revival in Africa; there will be a renaissance."
"I'm praying for revival. I'm talking about straight up old-school, flat-footed revival."
"Revival is when His Spirit, the immaterial, in some way becomes material, tangible."
"America as we know it will not survive where we are right now, but she can be revived through the power of the Spirit of God in the Church of God as we begin to intercede for this nation."
"It's an incredible blessing. I love camp meetings; it's like a time of revival."
"The phrase 'latter rain' is taken from Joel 2:23 and 28, and sometimes James 5:7, as a label describing an end-time revival and evangelistic harvest expected by many. They believe the Holy Spirit will be poured out like never before."
"The young people, campuses, college campuses, the fires of revival begin to burn completely grassroots, completely spontaneous, led by no person, controlled by no person, planned by no person."
"Revival's real, it isn't just a story. It's come, and it's not just come here today, but it's about to spread out to the nation."
"Without repentance, there can be no revival."
"I've lived my whole life with a vision of a third great awakening. I believe the promises of a revival are bright in our future."
"You want revival? You know what I learned? You can't have revival without repentance."
"The one single reason we do not have revival is we are content to live without it."
"No one knows when revival is coming. It comes on suddenly, and suddenly there's this moment where everything has shifted and everything has changed."
"If you start in revival, the revival starts now and God is going to bless your life."
"When I see men and women and young people all over the world praying for an Awakening, to me, that is the first fruits of Revival."
"This is Revival. It isn't hype; it's ordinary people who are hungry."
"Once you're touched by Revival, you'll never be the same."
"We're not going to accidentally enter into revival. We'll see it when we're willing to assume the posture that says, 'I want you and you alone and I won't stop praying, I won't stop crying, I won't stop worshipping, until you come.'"
"I believe the survival of the American experiment requires a revival of true American principles. Florida has proven that it can be done."
"Thankfully because of the league of explorers it did bring some hype back."
"In the end, it was the fans that got 'Firefly' another shot at the main stream."
"In such a case you would have an entire civilization waiting on ice, hibernating till it lived again one day."
"Religious revivals almost always come after periods of struggle and fear of death."
"I really love the new approach in Indie scene... to go back to Old genres and bring them back... some of my most fun in gaming playing more recent Boomer shooter games... there's been a number of really great strategy games that have come out..."
"The heyday of porter in the UK was very much the 1700s... however, the Porter style was sort of resurrected by American craft brewers."
"But what’s recently put the franchise back into the public consciousness is this man. Eddy Burback."
"Delighted to see the streets of rage series back and relevant again."
"It did sort of revive the game. Is exactly what everyone was craving."
"In a world of bad news, be the good news. The world is going to experience its greatest revival."
"Star Trek: The Next Generation was born and Star Trek's second Dark Age was over."
"I think coach built car companies are gonna come back from the dead... I think we'll see stuff like that happening."
"There's an opportunity here for revival, yes, yes."
"Put our light on a hill, there's an opportunity here for revival."
"I love to read about revival moments... some of the most incredible things I've ever read about have to do with the glory of God being seen upon an individual or a group of people."
"It's been a long time since I felt that way and I thought they brought back to a real menacing scary imposing point again."
"This event alone has kind of revitalized the game for me."
"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game is back. Back [ __ ]! Whoa, okay, I know it's crazy, I know it's weird, a lot of you guys may not understand why I'm so hyped for this game."
"Revives the franchise in appropriately violent fashion."
"Italy has been returned to the fold, long live the empire!"
"If we would truly seek God and repent from our ways and turn our hearts totally back to him, revival will come."
"Expeditions Rome will be releasing on the 20th of January as well bringing back a series that has laid dormant since 2017."
"The Star Wars they know and love is back, baby!"
"Nintendogs should come back, especially with Animal Crossing being so popular."
"It was the fourth song that raised a ruckus and saved that album from obscurity."
"We desperately need the dry bones of the church to become alive again, vibrant again, potent again."
"Prophesy to the breath...come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on the slain that they come to life."
"I see revivals breaking out in homes as they're listening."
"No matter what you see, feel, hear, or experience, revival is on the way to the United States of America."
"Some Girls provided the shot in the arm that the Stones' career so desperately needed."
"Resurrection, can I get a resurrection? Amen for Wales."
"2023 would be the comeback year for many games people had previously given up on."
"This next person that you fall in love with literally brings your heart back to life, opens your heart chakra like they hold a key."
"Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening would prove to be the rebirth that the series needed."
"I see the current rise of populism as fundamentally a Christian Revival."
"Overall Nimona was the movie that refused to die and I respect the production company on the print of pictures for giving it a second life."
"That victory for Cyril Gane breeds new life into this division."
"Deception intensifies, the world gets darker. Yes. But people are still being saved. Revival is still happening."
"Let's engage our world and lead the greatest revival."
"A game that illustrates Ubisoft's capacity to revive iconic Brands."
"Lay your hands on your belly and say, 'Lord, don't let revival fail in me.'"
"After the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot failed to launch a new film series in its own right it seemed like the beloved supernatural comedy franchise might never hit the big screen again."
"A victory over the devil, let a mighty revival of baptisms come to their city, come to their home."
"The excitement and hype surrounding Security Breach reinvigorated my love for the series and for gaming culture all over again."
"We need real Revival in this country... it's just Christianity in other countries and they don't have mass shootings."
"God's using her to lead one of the most prolific real Revival movements the Earth has ever seen."
"Vampires are starting to feel, if not scary, then at the very least interesting once more."
"We're talking about the revival of dead Activision IP and there are a lot of them."
"Resident Evil 7 was a surprising one because Resident Evil was in hardcore decline."
"Fighting games are back, I'm gonna have to get good again."
"The film was the first original Popeye production in 15 years."
"Revival has hit this land Revival has hit America come on babies babies Sons and Daughters will be saved."
"There's still an audience for this... these kind of dead categories of movies are coming back to life."
"Final Fantasy XIV is reviving the MMORPG genre."
"We need a spiritual revival in this country. We need to get back to the basics."
"JJ Abrams crushed it, brought the magic back."
"Thankfully, 90s fashion is back or at least our fixed version of it is."
"A breathtaking return to Middle Earth and the Lord of the Rings."
"You've brought them back to life; you're like a fire starter in their life."
"The spirit of Star Trek had successfully been recaptured."
"If God is not the number one priority, religion says that you can have God somewhere on the totem pole of priorities but revival says that God has to be number one."
"I am so glad that Evolve is back in a big way."
"Please one day can studio Madhouse Tagashi in general bring Hunter Hunter back."
"Let's revisit American folk music and electrify it."
"Give up their lives for it and bring back dinosaurs. It brought back possibilities, hope."
"One of the best-selling fashion dolls, Monster High, is making a comeback."
"Monster High and it's going to be bigger than before."
"We need Jesus, I think for real. Like if he came back now, it'd be great."
"If we begin, as women, to come into agreement with our identity in Christ, we will see a revival."
"We're gonna go back and make iCarly the way we like it and then the audience applauded."
"It is going to be the greatest revival in history."
"We are in the greatest revival numerically that planet earth has ever witnessed."
"Scientists successfully revived two worm species that spent tens of thousands of years in a state of suspended animation."
"I just felt like we had Manchester United back."
"I mean, I would love for Splinter Cell to come back."
"The people want to come back, they want this country to be great again."
"If there was ever a savior of anime Evangelion was it."
"I'm more of the type that holds it to the ground and watches it die because I always believe it's gonna come back."
"I thank you Father God for showing us Your Glory. Show us your glory Lord, we thank you for this revival that you're giving to us worldwide."
"Tag team wrestling is not dead, it may be dead in WWE, but when LAX is on a show, tag team wrestling is at the forefront."
"Scream revitalized the flagging sub-genre in blockbuster fashion."
"A revived person will be an Evangelistic person."
"Revival is nothing more or less than a new obedience to God and then it's long obedience and the same direction."
"Revival is just a new beginning of obedience to God and then it's long obedience in the same direction."
"A big wave is coming: a big wave of glory, of miracles, of revival, of transformation."
"Let revival start with each of us. It is time."
"This is the first time the DeLorean is gonna have power in over three decades... and it's alive again!"
"We need to fill that void with the sense of revive Pride... that is what it means to be American."
"The trend has died really. It's coming back up again."
"Passages such as Ezekiel 37:1-14 depict God breathing life into a valley filled with dry bones signifying the Revival and reunification of the scattered Israelites."
"There is a God he sends down fire from heaven in the Days of Elijah and a little bit later he sends down a fire to the church and those are the two options my friend fire of judgment or fire of Revival."
"Who will go for us who will go who will go and minister to the people who will go and actually carry this Spirit of Revival to people who really need it."
"Revivals reintroduce most or many of the original program storylines and characters, usually attempting to resolve story arcs that the original may have failed to complete or simply updating a familiar format to address contemporary concerns."
"This is the resurgence, this is the revival."
"Your hopes, relationships, health, wealth, and happiness are being revived."
"One of the greatest revivals in America started with a prayer meeting."
"Revival tents and outdoor meetings on a radical scale are coming."
"The Outer Worlds quite literally revived its genre in one simple stroke."
"Restore peace between humans and monsters. Rune Factory 3 returns on Nintendo Switch."
"The revamp of 'Here I Go Again' was a towering number one hit."
"Thanks to the recently released Sonic Mania, things are looking up again."
"Death row can be brought back it is look who running it man Snoop doing so much [__] business-wise."
"Will you be the resuscitation paddles in My hand that will raise dead things back to life?"
"Moon Knight's ability to control moon rock trumps Mjolnir's enchantment."
"We are going to have the greatest revival Wales has ever seen."
"Coming revival destined for America will be mighty."
"Revival begins at home, specifically within you."
"Passionate reawakening of the pioneer spirit."
"Revival is a restoration—green, life, singing, and joy. It's the substance of breathing."
"We're going to make America great again. Again."
"It's going to bring a massive revival to planet Earth."
"We need the revival of Mario RPG, we really do."
"This highlights so much. To see people enthusiastic about comics again is a special thing for me."
"Revival is here, a new day is here for Africa."
"Just be good again, make Disney great again."
"We're heading into the most amazing revival, it's going to be led by our Eucharistic revival."
"The greatest harvest of souls in American history is happening right now."
"Soul winning is back on a massive scale because people are hungry."
"God is reviving a church paradigm focused on preaching the gospel."
"We're looking to God for the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit California has seen in 50 years."
"The spiritual revival will exceed the leadership in America."
"We need to shine the light back on Mario Strikers. It's time to bring back Mario's soccer because everybody's in my language game, you know."
"Recent events have seen the resurrection of Guilliman who's come back to lead the Imperium and is pretty horrified by what he's seeing."
"Pop culture is very cyclical, so maybe we're due for a garage rock revival revival."
"The spirit of God and of revival and of awakening is moving across America."
"Your connection brought them back to life, awakening them from a deep slumber."
"I'm still trusting God for an outbreak of Revival."
"Well, actually, that's not quite true. There was a Captain Kronos comic book, so hey, there's a way to revive the series."
"Not only can it launch cars into stardom, but it can even bring them back from the dead."
"Parasite Eve is one of those IPs that's kind of been in hibernation, but I think it's high time for that series to be given to a developer that can do it justice."
"Legacy of Kain is probably one of the game series I miss most. It's one of those series that I'm craving to go back to, that I think really needs a revival of some sort."
"Everything in you would cry out for a move of God. Everything in you say, 'Lord, do it in our day.'"
"I just want to look at was like what had life do to you who hurt you and who are you."
"I immediately get happy... thank God Knights of the Old Republic making a comeback."
"People love the Mandalorian... brought the luster back to Star Wars."
"Revival means that something once lived and needs to live again."
"Praise Jesus for what He's doing through you. Thank you so much for all you're doing. Revival for me, baby!"
"Like a damned Phoenix Rising From the Ashes, Gigantic is coming back."
"Should Airwolf come back? I think it could be done and done well today with the technology available."
"Barry Allen coming back basically retaking his mantle as the Flash, clearing the air and throwing it all back out there in a more concise, cohesive way."
"For those of you who have been believing and contending for Revival it's coming."
"Why are we not going out of our way to reintroduce Siphon Filter to the masses?"
"Attempting to capitalize on the revival, don't call it a comeback and resurgence."
"Resident Evil 7 is undoubtedly a return to form."
"Reviving a lost gem: bringing the game back to life in HD."
"Sometimes old fashion trends from the past come back and are re-popularized."
"Frozen alive then back to life, just like that."
"Swamiji single-handedly took it on himself to revive Hinduism, to bring back its cultural, religious, political, social legitimacies back to Hinduism."
"Israel lives! People say all the time I wish I could have seen the Miracles that God did in the Old Testament. You saw one in 1948 when Israel came back to life."
"It would be cool to have a little metal revival minus the life-ruining stuff."
"A good old-fashioned revival would be the only thing I could see that could turn this country around." - Dr. Burbella
"God is doing something, a revival happening right now."
"Get ready, because you're being summoned for the greatest revival that's ever hit the earth."
"Grey Goo is really solid... a solid revival of RTS."
"His resurrection power is going to reignite the church in these end times."
"This is the sound of dry bones rattling, this is the praise making the dead man walk again."
"We're going to have a revival right where we are. Oh, we need some footstopping hand clapping tambourines slapping."
"We're getting ready to see a revival of the name of Jesus like we've never seen."
"Revival of the nuclear family as the foundation for a flourishing society."
"Yesterday's global revival was incredible, unbelievable."
"The Great Awakening sparked religious revival throughout the colonies."
"Now is the time for revival, now is the time for awakening."