
Value Exchange Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Our world runs on money, the exchange and store of value, and cryptocurrency seeks to build the next chapter of how money works and what it can do."
"The blockchain will provide the network infrastructure for tracking and exchanging all these micro and macro quanta of value."
"Nothing is free. You must give your attention, devotion, and loyalty to some subject, then you will get a response."
"We love on you, give you tons of free advice, let you load up. Why in the world would we give something so valuable away for free? It's the abundant cycle."
"People don't really want something valuable for nothing; they want to contribute their part."
"If you weren't charged for whatever you were entering the information for, well, unfortunately, if there's no price, you're the product."
"The value you put out will be the exchange you get back in the form of abundance."
"The customer is always right, you know why? Because the customer is providing you money, their time, they earn that money, they gave up part of their life to earn that money and then hand it over to you."
"Wealthy people trade value for money with the value that they bring to the world."
"Offering best friendship was part of a social currency."
"Money is the exchange of value in our world."
"Marketing is... providing value and then receiving a profit in exchange for the value that you're providing for people."
"The capitalist objective is to provide something of value to a consumer that they would be therefore motivated to part with their dollars in exchange for."
"Finding men to take care of you is easy, but do you provide the feminine experience in exchange?"
"Money is the material shape of the principal the men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value."
"Bitcoin should be fungible, any Bitcoin that I have I should be able to give you another Bitcoin."
"At the end of the day, all a platform is as a network where producers and consumers can meet and exchange value."
"That's the ultimate currency exchange: my time to your show."
"This is cool, it's kind of like the internet. It's a new global decentralized protocol for moving information or not just for moving information around but moving value around."
"Gold is money, silver too. Therefore, it's not a gold price, it's a gold dollar exchange ratio."
"Nothing is free. Understand that my hope that this is an effective marketing strategy and by the way it is, means that nothing is free."
"Have the courage to give up a piece of coal in exchange for a diamond."
"Distributing value is how you attract people. If you don't attract people, you will never have someone else in the value exchange process."
"If people have something to offer and people are willing to pay for it then there's just it's a beautiful transaction where everybody's whole and pure."
"You know how to connect with people, meeting people offer them something of value."
"Boomer fell from a high place... boomer boomer boomer."
"Trust is really the currency that makes the things moving."
"The history of money is human beings looking for some system that they can use to store and trade value."
"Exchanging your time for something you want."
"Everything has a price. Everything's got a price."
"We have to survive we have to make sure we have an equal fair exchange of value."
"You should never give up giving everything you do for free, or else people will abuse it."
"Build your skills and relationships by offering value without expecting anything in return."
"You get value for what you provide to the marketplace."
"Beautiful system capitalism value for value."
"I work for free every day. Life's about trades."
"If you want to get something for nothing, you almost always end up getting nothing for something."
"The metaverse is not a place, it's a set of tools that allow value to pass freely from one place to another."
"Trading is simply taking an asset or taking a product or taking something for and buying it at one value and then selling it for a different value and keeping the difference at its fundamental core that's what trading is."
"Networking: meeting someone, sharing value, building connections."
"He ain't just out here giving it for free, bro."
"If you want the goods, you gotta pay for it."
"Money is your friend. It allows you to exchange for desires and be free. It's not the ultimate exchange but it is just one simple exchange."
"Networking is an exchange in value. It doesn't necessarily have to be monetary."
"What do you think value exchange means? Well, we both provide a service, both add value in different ways, and we offset the value that we can both provide."
"I'd rather create the relationship that I can then have an ongoing exchange of value over and over and over again which makes you unbeatable."
"You're here to negotiate and you're here to figure out what the optimal exchange of value is between you and the business."
"A relationship should involve an exchange of value; you're not obligated to stay with someone if they don't serve you."
"It's funny what happens when people pay money, John. They expect something in return."
"Knowing what you have and basically giving three before taking one. Building that network and making sure that you're not just asking and taking, but you're also providing value back."
"When you're looking for a mentor, don't think what they can give you, think what you can give them and provide value to them."
"Real capitalism is based around consent. It's based around this idea that like if we're getting revenue, it's because we're providing at least that much value to another person."
"If you treat me well, you get a better product. It's in your best interest to listen to me, to treat me well, to honor my inherent offerings."
"The way to test the market is to create something of value and get value in exchange like money."
"...if you're giving people more value for staying engaged with your stuff then they have to give you in return, you're way more likely to see success."
"As soon as you get the value of your product or service above the value of their money, an exchange takes place."
"If only one party is making the sacrifice, if the content creator is paying for everything and the viewer is paying for nothing, you can rest assured that video channel is not sustainable."
"Money is made by an exchange of value."
"Money is only a means of exchange of value."
"'So as this world of link building becomes more and more about reciprocal value, we as SEOs need to rethink the way we approach how we build links.'"
"We should be able to store, transmit, and exchange value with the same ease as content and data."
"Links are like a value exchange. Links have value in the real world."
"Find people that have done or are doing what you want to do, and then just figure out ways to give them value."
"Man tries to get something for nothing, usually ends up getting nothing for something."
"Earn my attention, don't steal it. Give me something I value before you take something I value like my time."
"The rich don't trade their time for money, instead they trade value for money."
"I own Bitcoin because it's a utility, it's a technology, and I want to make sure that I have some of it because it's a tool that I can use to exchange value, plain and simple."
"Email addresses are not something people just give out; you need to offer something of value in exchange."
"The secret to permanent prosperity is to be prosperous; you must deliver value and accept value in return."
"When we transact with money, it's a fair trade; we're transacting something of value for something of equal value."
"You give value to the world, then the world will give you value in the form of dolla dolla bills."
"That contribution is an exchange of value from the people that you're helping."
"The bargain between capital and labor in the market is simply this: we give you the value of your labor power and that's it."
"I see the value in when I get value out of something, I do not mind putting value into something."
"Nobody ever gets anything except by the sweat of his brow; value receives value."
"Money is not wealth; money is just a medium of exchange."
"Make it worth your time, don't be afraid to charge people because frankly, you're providing a service."
"Giving away the eBook for free in exchange for an email is the first step to making money."
"By providing that quality to the customers, we're able to exchange that for money that then pays our bills and makes us profit."
"You design your program as a core of independent functional pieces that take values and return values."
"People are not going to pay for the words on the page or how long the guide is or how pretty it's designed; no, people want to exchange their money for a result."
"It's about exchange of value which you put so nicely and it's about building relationship. We're not in the sales business."
"Payments is another form of communication, it's another exchange of value."