
Homelessness Quotes

There are 1189 quotes

"I always give money to the homeless. It's a good deed."
"The thing I crave more than anything, after being homeless for so long, is just that closeness of just human contact."
"Manchester United stars offer hotel to homeless."
"Homelessness isn't something that exists in perpetuity; it's like some people are down bad for like a year, and the fact that they have shelter, they're able to come back."
"For $54 million, I want you to imagine how many people could be fed, how many homeless could have places to sleep."
"We need a system that recognizes the problem of homelessness in the most compassionate and pragmatic way."
"My end goal in life is to open like a thousand homeless shelters, maybe ten thousand. We'll see how it goes."
"Imagine if 2.5% of that wealth that's in San Diego... we could build houses for all the homeless."
"We are a social enterprise company. We work with homeless charities in Toronto to give back."
"Being homeless is not disgusting; you should lend out your spare rooms."
"Japan was in a state of ruin. Millions had been left homeless by the fire bombing campaigns."
"Every person who dies of exposure on the street has been murdered by an economic system that prioritizes someone's right to make a meager profit on Airbnb over the lives of its most vulnerable people."
"Homelessness could not exist without landlords. Homelessness could not exist if we, as a society, stop treating homes as something it was permissible to profit from."
"For some, Armageddon has already occurred. The homeless people that walk our streets live already in a post-apocalyptic world."
"It's like a crash course on empathy. Before seeing stuff like that, I was like, I saw a homeless person like, why don't you just get a job? No, there's more than that, you know."
"This is our new beginning; together, we can tackle this at the root by specifically helping our homeless black boys who are already disproportionately represented in the American foster care system."
"God didn't envision any one of us living in a tent on the street with a needle in our arm."
"I would rather be a homeless person in the United States than the average working-class person in any other country."
"Homelessness: it's one of America's vast epidemics, sleeping on park benches, drinking gasoline, and committing insurance fraud just to be able to pay the bills. It's not as fun as it sounds."
"The homeless ministry is gearing up for some distribution of needed supplies."
"Treating severely mentally ill people and drug addicts as though they have a right to sleep on the street and use open needles in front of your children is not compassion."
"Children from fatherless homes account for 90% of all homeless and runaway kids, 71% high school dropouts, and 63% of youth suicides."
"Homelessness has many faces. It has every color, every creed, every gender."
"Once you lose the security of having a home, the fight to get it back is incredibly difficult."
"For every pair of socks that is purchased, they donate one to the homeless."
"Homelessness encampments are a manifestation of how broken our housing and homeless system is."
"The illusionist handed a cup of steaming hot coffee to a man living on the street, who was all too happy to get a hot drink."
"Once when the pandemic happened, things got like really bad. There was always homeless people in California, but the numbers just jumped."
"Poverty is a man who has no house, who has no food, who has no water... that's not a free man."
"There is no benefits to being a man when you're homeless. Being homeless is a much heavier burden for anyone to bear."
"The fact that they're women, it doesn't matter. The fact that homelessness is the problem."
"We need to transition from identity politics to issue politics. Does it matter who's homeless? No, it matters that anyone's homeless."
"No person should be homeless if we can have public structures and public policy to allow for people to have homes and food and lead a dignified life in the United States."
"We're trying to prevent them from dying, you know. 2,000 people died on the streets last year in LA."
"So if you see somebody sleeping during the day, it might not be because they're lazy; it might be because they felt like they had to be up all night for their own safety."
"You have to learn how to separate the person from their housing status and to hate homelessness with everything that you have, but to love the person even more."
"Instead of passing laws that provide support to people clearly in a housing crisis, municipalities, states, and federal agencies pass regulations that largely criminalize an entire population for not being able to find housing."
"The way that we treat people experiencing homelessness is inhumane, and I think one day we will look back on their treatment aghast at how society could ever be so cruel and draconian."
"The state of California can no longer treat homelessness and housing insecurity as someone else's problem."
"Homelessness is a humanitarian crisis, but there are solutions."
"Public housing...a necessity to solve homelessness."
"Homelessness is not an act of God. It's not the result of economic collapse in this country. America did not run out of housing."
"This is a manufactured crisis. It didn't happen by accident. People paid for it."
"Bergen County is the first community in the country to have achieved the end of chronic homelessness."
"At the end of the day, it's housing that ends homelessness."
"The lack of affordable housing directly impacts how many people are becoming homeless."
"What we're dealing with here in reality is a prejudice against homeless people."
"We're keeping going, standing our ground, and pushing forward for our community and our neighbors experiencing homelessness."
"At the end of the day, we know we're failing people. If anybody's on that street, that's a failure."
"We can't criminalize homelessness and people that don't have a shelter."
"The problem is that there's not enough shelter space for people who need it."
"Ultimately homelessness ends with someone being housed."
"It violates the Eighth Amendment in so far as it imposes criminal sanctions against homeless individuals for sleeping outdoors on public property when no alternative shelter is available to them."
"At least we have our vehicle to sleep in. There's a lot of homeless people that don't even have that."
"Housing First is a philosophy that argues that to make progress on homelessness, particularly chronic homelessness, you need more than temporary emergency solutions."
"What's more important though is that homelessness isn't just low in Finland, it's actively going down."
"After 60 days of my governorship, nobody sleeps on the floor or streets of California anymore. That ends in 60 days."
"The story of homelessness in this country is grounded in a failure of perception compounded by failures of policy."
"The truth is there are many reasons someone might find themselves without housing: medical debt, job loss, fleeing domestic violence."
"The solution is simple, this is what the solution is, it's the only thing that is: house keys."
"Basically, we need to stop being dicks and assuming that the unhoused are a collection of drug addicts, criminals who've chosen this life for themselves."
"The way to ensure that more people don't become what I call 'tier three homeless'...is by creating more housing, affordable housing."
"Homelessness is by far the single biggest issue in Los Angeles right now."
"After billions, literally billions of dollars spent, homelessness has increased in numbers and complexities."
"The most effective solution to homelessness is permanent housing."
"It's a harsh truth that many of the homeless population aren't ready to reintegrate into society properly."
"We can fix homelessness; it's not that hard. It just takes political will."
"Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need."
"Four out of five people affected make their way back to a stable life."
"Housing first reverses conventional homeless aid. More commonly, those affected are expected to look for a job and free themselves from their psychological problems or addictions only then they get help in finding accommodations."
"Four out of five homeless people will be able to keep their flat for a long time with Housing First and lead a more stable life."
"Being used to living lives with homes, that sentence hit different. Wow, that's beautiful, man."
"Thousands and thousands of people have lost their homes."
"Glamorizing van life reveals the hypocrisy of the ways in which we view homelessness in the United States."
"House the unhoused, and address the root cause, prevent others from becoming homeless by building and supporting nationwide affordable housing!"
"We're going to feed every homeless person on our street with three meals a day. We're going to provide clean bathrooms and security."
"I believe Californians are good people. I believe Americans are good people, and we don't want to see people dying on our streets."
"Homelessness isn't just people living on the streets... 'Doubled-up' is a term used for people who are temporarily staying in friends or families' houses while not on a lease."
"The new approach... is predicated on the idea of how do you get a job and go through drug rehab and stuff like that when you can't even be sure where you're sleeping at night."
"People experiencing homelessness are people, just like you and me."
"Libraries have become de facto homeless shelters and how librarians are now operating as social workers and first responders."
"Homelessness is an issue that we can solve if we get our arms around it."
"We must move beyond those band-aid solutions to a policy that seeks to end homelessness."
"Families with children, the majority of these children under the age of six, are the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population."
"The Housing First Initiative follows two tenets: First, the most effective solution to homelessness is permanent housing. And second, all housing for the homeless should be provided immediately without any preconditions."
"Homeless women used to be invisible to me but I appraise them now with curious eyes, wondering if their stories started like mine."
"The solution isn't just housing. It's multifaceted. You need people, need therapy, a lot of surgery, some people need to be removed from the streets because they're a danger to others, you need education, you need job training. Some people don't want to work. It's very complicated."
"It costs taxpayers more to police poverty and homelessness than it would to put that money into public housing, and actually just house people!"
"Two things are destroying America: record homelessness and record rents."
"More than 653,000 people are now unhoused, a 12% population increase."
"Real pressure is when you haven't got anywhere to live, you're going into a mental health crisis on your own, your homes don't if you're going to get into a shelter that night. That's real pressure."
"Housing first policies... reduced homelessness by 63 percent over 10 years."
"We're homeless in this city because there ain't no hospitality here in Ottawa, that's for sure."
"When she learned that homeless people and drug addicts often slept outside on the ground, she started sleeping on the ground as well instead of in her bed."
"We could be homeless as long as I got you, that's all that matters."
"Experiencing homelessness is not experience; it's a struggle, it's a daily grind to work to survive."
"It made sense that we have to do something quickly because people are unsheltered and vulnerable on the streets."
"The homeless population should be the population that you pay the most attention to during a public health crisis."
"In America, everybody has access to clean water, but what we're going to show... is that people on the street aren't getting the things that they needed."
"After 10 years of being homeless, I'm holding the keys to my first rented property."
"For a lot of homeless people, they probably need a place to stay before they can get the rest of their life together."
"Hopefully, raising awareness can help solicit tips and also I really want to shed a light on the realities and vulnerabilities of homelessness."
"Sometimes people become homeless because they don't have the mental health required."
"You cannot have a housing market and no homeless people because if everybody has secure housing, you cannot sell them housing."
"Many of the chronic cases of homeless are people with mental illness. It's a healthcare issue that needs near constant treatment."
"We've got to keep talking about it. I mean, I understand how people just wind up stepping over somebody and just going to work because you wind up wondering how big a difference can I make. But I feel like we can't give up."
"Homelessness is at an all-time high right now, which sucks because in a country as wealthy as mine, where there are more empty houses than there are homeless people, we better have some strong reasons why some folks are left out in the cold."
"These folks are not living on the sidewalk; they are dying on the sidewalk."
"Our housing crisis is out of control, and it's one of the big reasons we have a homeless crisis."
"Once you're on the homeless ride, it is hard as hell to get out of it."
"It has humbled me, it has made me very grateful for when I did have a home and for all those that do have a home... that you really have something special."
"I dream of living anywhere that's a home, that has running water, a faucet, a bathtub. I would really love to take a bath for a change."
"Addiction is not a byproduct of homelessness; it's the other way around."
"Look at all these homeless people... we really need to tackle this problem."
"You won't become homeless as long as you put in the effort."
"New York is investing twenty billion dollars to combat homelessness and preserve and expand new affordable housing across the state."
"The poor woman was on the street until she was sheltered by a kind man."
"Homeless dogs living in the street often have to find shelter in piles of trash."
"You're homeless because of these bad policies."
"We have 28 empty homes for every homeless person."
"We must not force them into shelters and we need the state to make a much bigger investment and the city to make a much bigger investment in ending homelessness."
"What Martha did not realize was that the address belonged to a shelter for the homeless."
"People are not homeless by choice. Think about your own situation right now if you got put out of your house today or tomorrow."
"We have to be honest about what they're suffering from exactly, and we have to be honest that one way or another they're almost always homeless due to their own behavior, their own choices."
"Well, it was amazing to read today that he has no place to go, no place to live, he has no apartment, he has no house, he only has the governor's mansion."
"You know what's actually dangerous? When you leave hundreds of thousands of people to fend for themselves on the streets."
"I don't know how to gotta fix homelessness, it's not my area of expertise, you know? But I sure think it'd be better to fix the disease itself, the societal disease, rather than just put a bandaid on the symptoms."
"He launched the Bezos Day 1 fund where he would pledge two billion to support homeless families."
"I wish I owned one of the hotels around here so I could open it up to the homeless people."
"Don't engage with the homeless population; just mind your business."
"We need to construct emergency homeless shelters to make sure that everyone has access to shelter, healthcare, and nutrition." - Senator Bernie Sanders
"No one's talking about criminalizing poverty it is a criminal act to live on a public street."
"You've got to be the worst kind of heartless if you go around slashing homeless people's tents."
"They're found sometimes without shoes without boots."
"Equality matters. One million homeless men, no problem. 200k women, omg crisis."
"Cocaine had taken over this society, and they had taken over me. That's why I was homeless."
"What he did for the homeless in Manchester speaks volumes about him."
"They are homeless, but they ate better than me."
"Housing affordability is the primary reason for homelessness."
"Homeless individuals are often marginalized and face many challenges, including discrimination and mistreatment by law enforcement."
"That's why homelessness for me... I spent a lot of time in my element in my zone in nature completely disconnected."
"Homelessness is complex and it's often misunderstood. People choose to look the other way, the rhetoric of 'it's not my problem' and 'they should have made better choices' are the norm."
"There are different kinds of homelessness which we'll look into next."
"Here are six things you can do to help those in need: change your rhetoric, greet people experiencing homelessness, volunteer, donate to reputable charities, become an advocate, and do your homework before giving away your hard-earned cash."
"If you're a person who is living on the street because you have schizophrenia, you need to not be on the streets."
"Living on the street was horrible because you kind of don't have a purpose."
"No one should be homeless in America especially someone who served this country."
"Why do people have to live outside? We have the resources, we have the means."
"Nobody wants people to [] live on the streets okay I don't want that like what the [] nobody wants that that's insane."
"It reportedly cost nearly a hundred fifty thousand dollars to transform housing for the homeless."
"It's time for fun with math. How many homeless people are in California? 181,000. If 181,000 people split $24 billion, that would be $132,000 per person."
"San Francisco's homeless problem is a serious one."
"Homelessness should not be a homicide. This was a cold-blooded attack."
"Putting homeless people in houses is not a long-term solution and does not address what caused the homelessness in the first place."
"Dumping thousands of migrants onto the street - this is coming soon, and it's not going to work out."
"There's nothing progressive about having people sleeping in 10 degree weather."
"The homeless tents have disappeared, we should be able to build a marketplace there."
"Homelessness is still at 103 which is definitely a shame."
"At the bottom of the homeless class status are the people who sleep in doorways or in sleeping bags on sidewalks."
"This would be a game-changer for the level of incentives necessary to help get these homeless people off the street."
"I am tired of seeing people dying on the streets of California. If I become governor of California, I don't care which non-profit stands up to work with me, I will end homelessness in California everywhere in our state."
"There's no excuse for anyone like me, going to school almost done, to be homeless and on the streets. Where's the American Dream?"
"The Christian thing would be to end homelessness instead of shuttling it out of sight."
"The homeless man is like asking and begging for food."
"Homelessness: a deep-rooted issue in society."
"Even if we don't have a home, family is the real home after all."
"When someone loses their home, it creates a reverberating effect throughout their lives."
"Could you imagine... going outside and... building a house to help the homeless?"
"Homelessness is an incredibly complex issue."
"LAPD has historically been our first contact for people experiencing homelessness."
"You give homeless people homes, their life tends to turn around, and it's cheaper than just cycling them through criminal justice and all this crap."
"I almost accidentally peed on a homeless person."
"It's defined as design features implemented into city or towns which were constructed specifically to deter homeless people from sleeping in those locations."
"It's easy to see someone living rough as the orchestrator of their own downfall, but that's not what kids see."
"People associate hunger with homelessness. Homelessness is definitely ground zero for hunger, food insecurity, but the majority of people who actually suffer from food insecurity are the people who barely live above the poverty line."
"This child living in this truck, in a shelter, on the street, wherever, that cannot be this child's future."
"Homeless people are victimized by poor decisions at multiple levels of our government."
"There's literally no reason to go against this those are human beings with no homes you wouldn't want a dog to sleep on the street but how can you let humans do that it's so cruel and heartbreaking."
"Massachusetts is the only state in the country with a right to shelter law, which guarantees homeless families access to emergency shelter."
"Janet is an extreme hoarder, she's living in absolute squalor. I've actually seen homeless people live a cleaner lifestyle than her."
"Five people a day die on the streets of LA in the gutter like a dog. Five a day from overdosing on drugs, from illnesses that are treatable."
"We're going to see more homeless than you can even comprehend unless we fix the affordable housing crisis."
"Maybe these people aren't homeless because they're addicts; maybe they're addicts because they're homeless."
"We forget about the homeless people, we forget about the people in prisons."
"Every young person that becomes homeless, it's not because they're bad. It's a situation, it's not who you are."
"The right to vote is denied to many homeless individuals."
"They've been cleaning it up, but if you walk all the way around any block, I guarantee you're going to see a few tents on the sidewalk."
"I seriously just do not like seeing people like without homes or just like no shelter no nothing... but I mean hopefully that like cheered her up a little bit."
"It costs more money to jail a person who's chronically homeless than it does to put that person connect that person to a social worker and put them in a home."
"We have homeless veterans, we have people that can't afford rent, we have people that can't afford food."
"What makes us proud human beings healthy human beings is understanding that when anybody in this country is sleeping out on the street that is our issue."
"I'm praying for those of you that don't have a home tonight, I'm praying for those of you that might be in your car."
"He repossessed her car anyway and made her sleep on the street for a week."
"They're homeless Americans homeless veterans living in tents defecating in the street."
"These kids should not be homeless, stationed not be in the streets. We're gonna provide housing for them."
"We'll send billions of dollars in foreign aid while we have people sleeping on the streets."
"Because what does it mean for us as a society, what does it mean for me as a member of society in the wealthiest country in the history of the world to blindly be stepping over homeless people on my way to whole grains?"
"Large majorities believe that housing is a human right. Large majorities believe homelessness can happen to anyone."
"It's insane to me that we have 150 000 people living on the streets in the greater LA area and we have heard Austin's worse."
"A homeless person is not free to pursue happiness."