
Contracts Quotes

There are 688 quotes

"A contract between human beings should be honored."
"Second round picks are very, very valuable to NFL general managers, especially the picks like 35 to 50, because you're finding high-end players for a four-year contract at about $5 million."
"The problem that I have with teams is that when I want to renegotiate my deal, you say, 'Well, you signed the contract.' But when they want me to take a pay cut or restructure, suddenly it's a different story."
"We got to simplify these contracts. These contracts are intended to confuse and disempower artists."
"Rex Lapis placed great importance on the integrity of contracts."
"Contracts are binding. If you don't stick to your words, then this shows a lack of character."
"Every contract is a secret pact, a bond forged in blood and shadow."
"You always got to look at the fine print and do your own due diligence."
"Running backs such as Le'Veon Bale and Ezekiel Elliott have shown that second contracts may not be the best idea."
"DMA was using their newfound fame to score a contract with one of the biggest game companies in the world."
"Give me an example of something we went over today that would make a contract voidable."
"Contracts are important, folks. You think you're talking the same language, and you're not."
"Isn't it absolutely bonkers? She signed a new WWE contract, and now she's gone."
"You really cannot believe anything until it's actually signed and happened."
"I had signed a contract that essentially locked me into the cult."
"Punk's contract was going to expire, this gave him the opportunity to part ways with the organization with the belt in hand."
"Our contract with Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, whatever, our contract is going to be signed next week."
"The real thing that needs to happen here is for the end users, the utilities, to sign long-term contracts."
"I'll be very surprised if we don't see long-term contracts at significantly higher prices."
"You can't just cancel a contract when you feel like it."
"Even if Rashford does have a poor season next season, he'll get a contract, he'll get a very good one as well."
"If it is the last one, Jake Paul is very welcome to send an offer or contract."
"We have a show purse. That's where my contract was at - a show purse, not a winning purse."
"Their incentives are not to be accurate because they won't get the contract again."
"Stephen Crowder's contracts ain't no better."
"Contracts can and in many cases should be negotiated."
"I think it's just exciting, even maybe some players would panic, and be like 'oh, I'm out of contract.'"
"A contract can't require you to do something that you're legally obligated to do and it also can't require you to do something that is illegal."
"Nowadays these kids get like freaking half-mil contracts and [ __ ]."
"Contracts could be drawn up between players to create shipping routes and procure rare ingredients for player-owned shops."
"I just want to see them succeed. Why the fuck you setting buyouts at 200K and locking them into three-year contracts?"
"James Harden jealous he want that type of deal. I already got that."
"We want you to sign something so we can take it away because I think you're something really special in this world."
"That flipping of a coin landed me a better contract and what has shaped my life for the past two years."
"But now it seems like the only way it can happen is if comes in on a permanent deal."
"If any Creator wants you to sign an NDA... absolutely not."
"Smart legal contracts have the ability to empower employment contracts... it shifts the balance of power that sits unfairly with corporates at the moment."
"Smart contracts are a certain execution of agreements okay and this is all done through code."
"Contracts, policies, and boundaries are crucial for a smooth business operation."
"People think money makes the world go round, but they're wrong. Contracts make the world go around, my friend. Obligations and commitments."
"Why create a story about a UFO and alien abduction when there were so many alternative, less spectacular, and more believable ways to get out of a contract?"
"I don't know, we've seen what good teams do and how they act and we've seen what bad teams like what ends up happening with like contracts you're stuck in or you know not promoting players, the weird like roster decisions, etc."
"Whatever airplane was awarded the contract for VFX, it was going to be built around three components: the TF-30, the AUG-9, and the Phoenix missiles."
"If you can't enforce contract, you shouldn't partner in the first place. Boom, exactly."
"Always fully understand what you're signing."
"Ukraine is open for business... Advantage Ukraine includes $400 billion of contracts."
"It's common for people to have to deal with bribes and threats when seeking contracts."
"Record labels were screwing over their artists, giving them bad record deals with terrible royalty splits."
"We got people being resigned to Twitch, we got people moving to YouTube, and now more people being signed and making deals, and it's like it's how it should be."
"Throw a massive contract out to Chris Bryant."
"Derivatives are contracts and for every contract there is a winner and there's a loser."
"You're gonna get that bag, you're gonna get that money, there's a major contract of success here."
"It's always about declaring who is contracting on your behalf."
"Every single individual has the private right to contract."
"Releases are important, even for fine artists."
"Everybody would like the more reliable contract."
"Contracts make the world go around... obligations and commitments."
"This idea that we would write a contract that says the word forever in it I think is a little bit silly."
"Ask your boss to put any promises that they're making in writing. If they don't put it in writing, it's not a good sign."
"All my contracts are built to create Superstars entrepreneurs..."
"I think there needs to be a more fluid and a live contract system in the game."
"About to secure the greatest contract in the history of the profession."
"If we had the right owners at this football club, we wouldn't be moaning about new contracts for Solskjaer."
"You should start approaching every contract with the possibility at least that this thing takes off and goes to the moon."
"Here we go, agreement reached on personal terms, gonna sign the contract soon. 15 million euros plus 2 million add-ons to fire Anode Malaccia will be the first signing of the Tenhard era."
"In Edwardian Devon, it was often part of a tenant farmer's contract to line his fields to neutralize the acidic soil."
"Tonight, let there be a supernatural termination of every satanic contract."
"NDAs can live beyond the thing that they're covering... depending on how an NDA is written, this could take some time."
"I think we all agree these contracts are in principle fine."
"How can you reward somebody who's been crap for two years with a new contract?"
"Please pay close attention to any contracts that you're given because anything you sign now even if you've been doing what you do for a long time it will be nullified."
"Contracts make the world go around, my friend."
"Legal contracts around anything that's creative or artistic could bring big success."
"Will the prenup get thrown out for cheating? How often did that happen to the contract?"
"Follow the money. There are big contracts behind keeping people locked up."
"There have been some pretty wild allegations when it comes to contracts, things like girlfriend applications, $20,000 fines, and players being benched for who knows how long."
"In a stroke, Riedelin of ancient contracts, this new era for the forge would be sealed."
"Just kicking folks out the door and expecting them to have the ten thousand dollars in their pockets? They signed the contract knowing that there was going to be an international pandemic."
"Every single contract has been our scaling contracts, their contract scales with how well we do."
"The seriousness of year 10...the goal is to earn the year 10 contract."
"Committing to agreements and contracts, not giving up."
"Contracts are contracts, you know, I mean they're between the two people they belong to."
"Only sign the contract when you're 100% satisfied and you've understood every inch of that piece of paper."
"Avoid unnecessary limits on anything this month, particularly in contracts."
"The existence of a contract called the social contract takes us out of a more scarier form of existence called the state of nature."
"Smart contracts and blockchains are the next evolution of contracts."
"The agreement also gives him complete creative control over what he delivers."
"They're making over 40 mil, Bradley Bill is going to be their highest paid player."
"He's getting contracts based off the fact he's just a wicked bloke, and I think that's incredible."
"Send the contracts Dana, send the contracts!"
"What is the world-destroying Deadman switch in Puck's contract?"
"He went into a new apartment and started unpacking his things. Shanin came to him and brought him a contract. It was written in it that he was required to spar once a week."
"Kyle O'Reilly is undoubtedly coming into AEW. There is no [ __ ] reason why that man would ever sign on the dotted line to stay with WWE."
"Witchcraft is a person talking to demons making deals with demons and asking demons to do something for them through a contract."
"Development and infrastructure contracts, powerful information."
"United Auto Workers got contracts in which they gave away a lot..."
"Smart contracts are a major, massive big deal."
"Always read the fine print because I feel that whenever you start."
"Men lie, women lie, contracts don't."
"Agency relationship exists between a principal and an agent in which the role of the agent is to bring the principal into contractual positions with third parties."
"A contract of sale can be done orally, it can be put in writing, it can be implied from conduct."
"What distinguishes the contract of sale from other types of contracts usually revolves around the passing of property."
"...contract rights are one of the fundamental rights that fall in the category of civil rights."
"Contracts 101: It's simply an agreement between two or more people that is enforceable by law."
"Start: What are your goals here? What do you hope to accomplish with this contract?"
"A contract is not a legal document; it's a business document that is enforceable by law."
"The goal again being to avoid misunderstandings and disputes."
"Trust but verify. If it's important, get it in the contract."
"I always let them know upfront before any contracts are signed that I will only review them if I have complete control and the complete ability to say all of my thoughts, unfiltered, good or bad."
"We are in charge. If you want a contract, you have to pay the royalties to us because we are in control."
"Contract law can be understood as a set of private laws that individuals can make among themselves."
"if like me you're on a very expensive contract where text messages are all included you don't need to worry about that"
"Contracts, transfers, endorsement deals - agents are a crucial part of the modern game."
"The contracts they're signing now are extremely profitable that they'll be able to deliver on into the next decade."
"They told me there were problems with a lot of my contracts."
"The most important thing in a contract is actually the exit clauses. It's what enables you to move a driver on if things don't work out."
"The more specific you can be in these wedding contracts, the better."
"Kelsey is indeed now the highest paid tight end in the NFL."
"They basically added more money onto his current contract that ends in 2025, giving him a very well-deserved pay bump."
"There are going to be new soul contracts that you're going to be making."
"This contract being broken takes away their influence."
"They signed this many moons ago, but it's being taken away now."
"Herbert was rewarded with a $262 1.5 million contract in July of 2023 and it's pretty clear the Chargers have their guy."
"At the end of the day, I'm not gonna lie, I've seen some clips of [ __ ] saying they were getting some fat [ __ ] $100,000 brand deals and [ __ ] through FaZe. So you can't say FaZe didn't pay you, but you're getting hella brand deals through FaZe."
"Every large contract signed created a positive feedback loop."
"Not only the national television but the contracts... took some of the edge off the game."
"The whole situation was just a complete mess, coming down to bad management, bad creative, and ridiculous contract clauses."
"...in a dream world, I'd bring in Dong and Onana, but maybe we'd have to wait till next summer when he's got one year left on his contract to bring in the Barcelona man for a more reduced fee."
"I want to share alternatives to signing one-year contracts in New York City."
"The devil that Chainsaw Man Church members were making contracts with wasn't the Justice devil, but instead the Fire devil."
"Contracts are important for photography. Don't ever take someone's money without a contract."
"Always have contracts because if not, they will take you to court and be like, 'I don't like it,' and you won't be able to defend anything."
"...they founded archwell Productions and signed multiple huge deals... worth around 18 million pounds."
"The Cowboys messed this situation up because they should have signed Dak early. Dak loves the Cowboys more than the Cowboys love him."
"A lot of these artists are in bad record deals."
"When you get sucked into a bad record deal, God help you because it's going to be a battle if you want to get out of it."
"Your lease should be a living breathing document."
"...people just don't want to pay contractors like us what we're worth."
"I think too much of the world is contract-driven, and we've lost the idea of your word being your bond."
"We're not under contract with Urban Caravans."
"You're about to be signing contracts, literally and figuratively."
"If you sign that PG contract, this [ __ ] straight in prison."
"Never sign a contract without legal advice."
"Oh, I agree. Every word in this contract is totally binding. Which is why I'd like to turn your attention to this."
"An amendment makes changes to a contract while an addendum adds terms to a contract."
"If a brand offers you terms, you should offer terms back. Brands have morality clauses in contracts all the time. If you have requirements, they have to be communicated and put in writing."
"...it also does highlight how nuts these contract situations were..."
"That's not how it works. You have a binding agreement that you sign to pay back $2,000."
"Wording a contract in just the right way or finding a loophole so that it doesn't come back to bite you requires a type of cunning that anyone can enjoy and appreciate, as long as they're somewhat fluent in legal ease."
"Most of your time is going to be spent on property and contracts."
"We don't discriminate on age as long as you can get to a legal contract."
"Don't ever sign anything without a lawyer present."
"Entering 2023 Belanger was not intended by the Dodgers and yelch's contract is considered one of the worst in baseball."
"never ever rely on a verbal agreement if there's a writing in place add that verbal agreement to the writing you will lose otherwise"
"you live by the written contract you I suppose you do that's the law but it's not Justice it's like buying a car as is as is and there are lemon laws for cars too I didn't know there was a Lemon Law for a horse yes there is Lemon Law for horses"
"We can specifically specify how many contracts we wanted to buy or sell anytime we click those buy or sell buttons."
"We're going to have 19 contracts making $785.65 a week."
"This is my whole move for 2022. [__] y'all rappers in slave contracts."
"I realize many shared the same concern as I that some language in the compact contracts between the tribe and the government could be construed to lead to the backdoor expansion of online gambling."
"You have fulfilling soul contracts, you're remembering who you are."
"Highlight and cancel all contracts and agreements that don't serve me for my highest good."
"Once the purpose of a soul contract has been achieved, the connection will naturally dissolve."
"...as plans moved ahead for a third film to fulfill Dalton's three-picture deal..."
"Cheap should be a big warning sign because if the contracts are cheap, they're most likely either very short-term in expiration or very out of the money."
"The only exception to her weird contract that wasn't in it and one I confirmed very deliberately in writing."
"It shocks many people just how easy it is to form a legally binding contract."
"Everything is negotiable, never take the first contract."
"She's the only female rapper to not have a 360 deal, and she's the richest female rapper ever."
"Large companies such as Fimfortans have a morality clause in their contracts, and their actions broke it."
"Have you guys ever been in a situation where you signed a contract or any sort of document that later got you in huge trouble because you did not really read the document beforehand?"
"If the contract is silent, the Uniform Commercial Code can play to your advantage."
"Marriage is an act, and contracts have a special place in the sight of Allah. Fulfill your agreements, for they are binding."
"Despite his poor performance in the Super Bowl, the Rams signed Goff to a 4-year extension before the start of the 2019 season."
"A contract is half an agreement. Remember, offer and acceptance."
"Soul contracts and divine blueprints are sacred agreements that shape the trajectory of our lives."
"Moral of the story: Even if you have trust in your partner's money changes things. Get a lawyer and have a real contract written up to protect yourself."
"Nothing is definite until signed, sealed, delivered."
"Love ain't to be trusted because but it sits next to the emotion that allows you allows things to sneak past your common sense just like bread so [ __ ] signing them contracts sneaking right past that common sense ain't that's facts."
"Implied contracts are legally enforceable obligations that arise from actions, conduct, or circumstances."
"An option contract provides buyers with flexibility in real estate deals."
"This vote that's happening the ballots dropped last week on Tuesday and it's basically this like warning shot to the national union leadership that like if you don't negotiate better contracts we're going to vote you guys out."
"So I signed a contract for three years with my title sponsor Rapa."
"The best contracts are ones that you never look at after you sign them."
"That's the original key man Clause, if I sign you and you, you institute a key man cause means the label fires me or I go to another company, you get to leave, I get the one right."
"I've never would never actually physically signed to someone."
"Even if you allow third-party deals if you're a WWE or Jim Cornette Enterprises if you're allowing your independent contractors to do these third-party things and they can make some money with it do you have an issue with them using the belt?"
"Signing a bad contract just because I want to get music out, slow down a little, slow down, it's gonna bite you in the butt later."
"In the 10 years that battle rap has existed with contracts, who has been sued? Nobody."
"If we have parties, subject, and quantity but no price term, that's fine. The UCC can actually plug in a price term."
"Bullet Club's newest member duped the world into thinking he was letting his New Japan contract expire."
"So, yeah, it's definitely helped with the consistency over the years getting to do like year-long contract with Brands and going to events and promoting all these products like yeah it's definitely helps."
"If one wants to think about why contracts are so important and you look at it in terms of the mutual benefits of the party, it turns out that contracts allow you to specialize and essentially to take people with different sets of skills and to combine them in optimal fashion."
"Whenever there is a bargain between the two parties where each side agrees to surrender something to the other in exchange for what they get back, these promises supported by consideration are always enforceable."
"The law of contract thus, particularly in this protection of voluntary exchange, is that it allows you to explain the universe of mutual gains by harmonizing promises that are performed in sequence rather than simultaneously."
"A contract is a contract. If you don't understand what you're signing, you should seek competent legal advice."
"I think unable was a good shot, you know? Usually when you do a contract for contract, contracts usually say if any part of this contract is found to be either unconscionable or illegal, the remainder of the contract remains in full force and effect."
"So I would imagine he signs a pretty nice very good for some people you know because it's not about how good you are it's about who else is available when it comes to ufa."
"What allows you guys that kind of ability is that these contracts are so crazy now."
"William Regal was going to say whatever he had to say to get out of that contract."
"Even if she is [locked into a contract], the odds are that they would just let her go after the box office for the Marvel."