
Gender Perceptions Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"It's easy to make these assumptions with the bombardment of news lately that either all women are crazy or all men are scumbags, and I know that's not true."
"Male attention is ever so available, and that's why so many girls don't respect men."
"Women oftentimes think that they understand how it is to be a guy, that everybody that we have all the power in the world and everybody listens to us and life is easy and we control everything. That's not the way it goes."
"We may think we're in a process of reevaluating how women are seen, but are we guilty of just creating another one-dimensional box that doesn't fit?"
"Women are born with value; men have to earn their value."
"Society believes that when women are confident in their work, we are arrogant or we're bitches."
"Guys are just like regular looking women are fine."
"People really love seeing that because men can be shitty."
"Women are human, we can be both irrational and rational."
"If a man says that, it's viewed differently."
"Men are just soft. I had no idea they're sensitive or soft."
"Well, she's right isn't she? But the show wants us to think that the only reason people are listening to her now is because she's a man."
"It's just refreshing to see lads their age channeling that energy into the great outdoors."
"Some people might write this off as some kind of women's movie. It's phenomenal, it's incredible."
"When people think I'm a woman, people in general are nicer to me."
"It's a world where strong women were perceived as aggressive, and this was between women and women, not even men and women."
"Women are more productive, hard-working, and less corrupt than men in Nigeria."
"It's time for men to start changing what the idea of what people think a man is."
"It's much easier to find a female voice that everyone likes than a male voice that everyone likes."
"I don't think a man will ever care about your status like we don't care if you're Oprah or if we come across you working at McDonald's what we do care about is your attitudes let's keep it funky."
"Every girl feels that. You're kind of crazy."
"I personally think it's one of the worst things that happened to women - over inflating your ego because women actually believe they're entitled to something that they're not."
"The only group that gendered marketing works on is men because we all have caveman brains."
"I hope that when young men see a powerful woman character, they can kind of extrapolate that out to the women around them."
"I created a fake dating profile using a good-looking male model who I named Carl... proved how much looks matter to women."
"If men can be in a mindset where the predator thinks they're the victim, don't you think women can do the same thing?"
"Everyone deserves the same respect and treatment, but it has been scientifically proven that children are interacted with very differently based on whether they are assumed to be a boy or a girl."
"I wish women could see yourselves the way men see you. Men don't hate women, we love women. Desperately want women to be women."
"Women in activism usually get what she calls a default eye roll."
"Women aren't really that bothered how you look."
"Because women are seen as the weaker gender... double standards are unreal."
"Girls fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. That's why women wear makeup and it's why men lie."
"Women are terrified of life-altering events, while men are scared of a little joke."
"People aren't angry because they don't see men as human beings."
"As women, we're harder on women than we are on men."
"Honestly guys, I don't even know why I need to make these videos because these six pieces of common sense should make it so blatantly obvious that women care about looks way more than men."
"I mean women are smarter than men, am I missing something?"
"We cherish women more and we understand men are visual."
"It's 2023... Women in general and men for that matter, they see that kind of behavior... and they don't like it."
"Women tend to be attracted to men who build things, who are upwardly mobile."
"Women by and large feel the need to be told that we are beautiful, we want society to perceive us as beautiful and desirable."
"If I've ever seemed like a woman hater or somebody who's only making fun of her books because I hate women I hope you know that's not the case."
"Humans think of women as being more beautiful than men, but in most animals, it's the males that are competing fiercely for female attention."
"Men on the other hand, equate love with respect."
"There's a large segment of men there and really the ones that most women are referring to when they say men are pigs are the guys that can't be with women and desperately want to."
"Women have that kind of sheer strength that nobody knows."
"If you think that there are toxic men, you have to also believe that there are toxic women."
"When we think of Aven Predators you don't necessarily think of a girl but they are really up there."
"Men are vulnerable, heart-centered, and caring as well."
"Men and women do not think about sex the same way and it is very flattering for men to believe that women think about sex the same way that men do they do not."
"If vulnerable and shows his feelings is incredibly sexy to a woman."
"They always say that you should set your state standards by what the female version of you looks like."
"There's nothing more self-satisfying for a woman than to imagine that she has figured out a guy based solely on her feminine intuition."
"The more you sweat equals the more she views you as a man's man."
"Women sexually respond to masculinity. That's not going to change because that's not some cultural invention."
"These are myths that exist in our culture, which means women tend to believe these things and men tend to believe these things."
"I want to feel like, 'Oh, like I'm so little next to this man.' So, that's just them being naturally feminine." - CRX Show
"Women don't want to be equal women want to be special."
"Throughout history around the world people's ideas of gender were very different than the ones we had that we have today that they were not so rigid in so many other places."
"Men are so easy, I can take their power because men just want to get laid."
"There's nothing more alluring to a woman than confidence."
"Being so feminine, this is really intriguing to her as well."
"If you walk around in this world thinking that men hate women or are looking to take advantage of women you are going to miss out on some of the greatest joys in life."
"Thor, just like the other gods, or in this case the divine in general, are genderless."
"Perception of sexual market value and self-esteem differs between men and women."
"There's always a level of people aren't used to strong women and I don't think that there are tons who even know how to talk about them."
"If you view women wrong, you're gonna view everything wrong."
"Men are scared just as much as women are scared."
"The Madonna-whore dichotomy denotes polarized perception of women...feminist theorists suggest that the MWD stems from a desire to reinforce patriarchy."
"Men are afraid when they see women that are assertive."
"I've discovered through my long life that women are much tougher emotionally than guys."
"Things girls and women like are irrelevant and stupid until the moment men decide they are not stupid anymore."
"Men tend to overestimate their work, women tend to underestimate their work."