
Financial Wisdom Quotes

There are 2643 quotes

"Please do not end up in debt to go into society already having debts that you need to pay off to make $25,000 a year in a career path that you didn't even know you wanted to take."
"It's not how much you make, it's how much you keep."
"Delayed gratification: being able to say no to liabilities today to be able to say yes to assets tomorrow."
"Do you know how rich people get rich and how wealthy people stay wealthy? It's pretty simple: they spend less money than they have."
"Spend less than you earn and invest the difference."
"You can always make more money, but you can't file bankruptcy on a reputation."
"Avoid debt like the old rich people and Grandma's ways of doing it."
"You know, cash in the money for experiences when you're young, give the money away to your kids when they're younger and they actually can use it."
"Over the long term, long-term investors always beat the short-term traders."
"There's no get-rich-quick scheme. It's common sense. You work, you make money, and then you put that money to work, and then you, hopefully, one day use the money that money makes."
"You will get a significantly higher return investing in your own ability to make money than you will in any market."
"Be content with enough. Do you have more money today than you had at the start of the day? If you do, stop, go home in profit."
"Save as much as you can but also live a little bit."
"I don't talk about money to attract people; I talk about what I do with my money."
"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children but also gives them the inheritance of the mindset of what to do with the money."
"Any fool can make a fortune; it takes a man of brains to hold on to it."
"Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it."
"Over nearly five decades, the hedge fund billionaire and investing legend has built an iconic set of principles for how to thrive in the market and in life."
"Always when making any decision, especially financial, important to follow your own judgment."
"Wealth that comes easily disappears quickly, but wealth that is gathered little by little will grow greater."
"You are blessed to be able to give to other people and still be able to give to yourself and live comfortably well within your means."
"We do not necessarily believe that living a financially responsible life always entails spending as little money as possible."
"Compound interest is one of the wonders of the world."
"Your money is not a legacy. It's a tool, but it's not a legacy."
"The best investment I ever made in myself was myself."
"The important part here is that we spend our money wisely, we stay true to ourselves, we enjoy what we do."
"It's not about how much you make, it's about how much you keep."
"Debt is a trap that holds us back from living the life that we truly want."
"The smartest financial decision was probably investing in real estate and living below my means."
"A losing trade is nothing but a tax on success."
"It's not how much money you make that matters; it's what you do with the money you make."
"Live like no one else so you can live and give like no one else."
"Credit card debt should be like unicorns and dragons; it's something you should definitely read about, hear about, but it's something you never actually see for yourself."
"It's not about how much you make. It's about how much you save."
"What money you lose will come back. And then the same way, the money you steal will go away."
"I like to spend extravagantly on the things I love but cut costs mercilessly on the things I don't."
"Avoid the lifestyle creep. You don't have to keep up with the Joneses; they're all broke."
"Don't save what is left after spending; spend what is left over after saving."
"Remember, they don't build casinos with winner's money, they build casinos with loser's money."
"Get used to money leaving you to go and wait for you in your future."
"If you're aiming for unrealistic returns, then you're probably going to get hurt."
"Green is green if you made a profit and you sell your investment for a profit."
"Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves."
"Only fools buy totally new off the lot cars."
"A man that earns money fast loses it just as fast. A man that grows wealth slowly learns how vital and important it is."
"Money can't buy happiness, but money sure can solve the problem of not having money, and that's a good problem to solve."
"The more you chase money, the more it's going to run from you."
"It doesn't matter how much you earn; it matters how much you keep."
"Principle-based financial wisdom builds legacies."
"Remember, it takes a lifetime to build wealth and a second to lose it."
"Thank you, Lord, for your favor upon me. Please give me financial wisdom and freedom to get out of debt."
"Minimalism is good for you. It feels good getting unneeded stuff out of the house. It also helps you save money because it stops you from buying things you don't need."
"Pay yourself first... You want to make sure that your cup is filled before pouring anything into someone else's."
"The best advice anyone is ever going to get is 'Buy Low and Sell High'. The thing that people are least able to do is buy low and sell high."
"We'd be way better off with the norm of cheaper weddings and the money repurposed for family vacations down the road."
"Even today when I do spend more money, I don't spend it unwisely."
"Bear markets are actually gifts that most of us won't recognize or bother to redeem."
"Having money isn't everything, but not having it is."
"Safe returns are better than giant gains that go away overnight."
"Stop spending money you don't have on things you don't need to impress people you probably don't even like."
"More money doesn't solve a money problem. If it did, millionaires wouldn't go bankrupt."
"Save your coins. Don't go into debt just so you can look good."
"The boss doesn't make any money; the investor does. Don't be the boss; be the investor."
"If you can't buy it twice, don't buy it at all."
"Money alone is not the solution, it has to be, obviously, resources, money that is, I think, earned, and then also that is in the context of a culture that has a set of values that can hold it together."
"Capricorns...they're not cheap; they're just hard workers and they know how to work for their money."
"People would be better off if they say, 'I bought a business today, not a stock today,' because that gives a different perspective on it."
"Never ever ever ever ever ever invest more than you can afford to lose."
"Every single day, I'm reminded not to be foolish with my money, to invest my money, to save my money."
"What is the difference between someone who is financially well off and someone who has the capability of being financially well off but they're not? This person who is financially well off was willing to sacrifice things for 12 months to change the next 12 years of their life."
"Being smart with your money is not about the size of your account, but how you manage what you have."
"If you ask for money, you're going to get advice; if you ask for advice, then you'll get the money."
"Frugality is not about deprivation. It is, however, about choosing when, where, and how you're going to spend your money."
"'If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some; for he that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing'."
"You really don't need millions of dollars to make a lot of money."
"By just taking a breath and slowing down that impulse buying, I was able to dodge a lot of potential buyer's remorse items and prevented myself from buying things that I didn't truly need."
"If you are living on less than what you are making, you are rich. Period. Paragraph."
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it." - Albert Einstein
"When it comes to investing my money, I always go classic. I do not like to invest hugely in trends that I'm not sure if they're going to be long lasting."
"Keep your head out of your purse or wallets. Some of you spend on the premise that 'Oh, I'll make it back.' Don't do that. That's a dumb mindset to have."
"Money is a byproduct of value creation. Money is not something you chase; it comes to you when you focus on delivering value."
"Staying out of debt and managing resources wisely is foundational to self-reliance."
"Stop buying stuff. Build an asset to pay for the liabilities."
"In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil; wise people save money."
"The hundred dollars you spend on sneakers could be worth thousands if invested wisely."
"Stop spending money on dumb stuff that's not relevant."
"Panic selling is never a good idea, and patience is the best idea."
"You don't get rich by investing. You get rich by doing whatever you're doing. And investing is about preserving what you made elsewhere and growing it."
"Liquidity will give you both the courage and the means to take advantage of volatility rather than being taken advantage of by volatility."
"The longer the base, the bigger the breakout."
"When something sounds too good to be true as a financial opportunity, it usually is."
"Work on avoiding lifestyle inflation... live below your means."
"No matter how much money you make, you can always desire something more expensive."
"You're not buying the pumps; you're buying accumulation stages."
"If you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things you need."
"Do not give up your life for a 2020 brand-new Mercedes because they're gonna make a 2021 and a 2022."
"Watch your spending, don't spend what you don't have. Stop trying to keep up with an image."
"I would rather spend my money on things that cost 10% of my current car that make me 200% happier than to spend 200% of the price of my current car to only get 10% happier."
"Don't rob Peter to pay Paul. Don't have champagne tastes on a beer budget."
"Don't get greedy. Don't try to squeeze out every nickel, protect yourself."
"Just because it's on sale does not mean you need to buy it. You're not saving money."
"Ask yourself twice if you really need something before you buy it."
"Stay lean and frugal, and if you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things that you do need."
"The people who buy and hold the index will beat the whole collection of people who don't do that."
"It's not how much money you make, it's how much you save and what you do with that saving."
"If you want to build wealth, it's very long term, and you want to be smart with your money."
"I would rather spend money on experiences like traveling versus right. Don't chase labels because what's the point?"
"If you buy things that you don't need one day, you'll have to sell the things that you do need."
"It's better to buy quality because even if you buy it at the wrong price, you will still be in the money."
"Einstein said compounding is the ninth wonder of the world."
"Enjoy your life and live within your means without hating your life."
"Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered. Don't be a pig."
"If it does not cash flow, just say no." - Kevin O'Leary
"You should live as far below your means as possible because the pressure everywhere is to live as far over your means as you possibly can."
"Millennials are much more savvy about making the most of what they have and demanding that their financial services companies work for them."
"If you die with anything more than zero dollars in the bank account then you have done something wrong." - Bill Perkins
"The richest people are those who control their emotions."
"No matter how much money you have coming in it's important to only spend what you can afford to spend and set money aside for a rainy day."
"The consistency of investing matters more than the platform."
"Earn more than you spend, be well educated to help you earn more."
"And I believe that the person who has a big brain, and a little money, and a lot of time, and exceptional insight can find great bargains."
"Don't be stupid with the money—make it work for you."
"A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow."
"Living below your means is the ultimate motivator."
"There's no price that you can put on a peace of mind and good investing is just as much of an emotional game as it is a numbers game"
"Rule number one to investing is don't lose money. Rule number two is see rule number one."
"The most precious thing after Capital preservation is your mental Capital."
"Fortunes are made in the down market; they're collected in the up market."
"The harder you work for money the poorer you gonna get that's the tragedy."
"Let your winners run and cut your losers short."
"Spend your money on experiences not liabilities."
"Cash is king. You can't buy groceries with your nice house."
"Living below your means means less stress. It means that you can relax knowing that you have enough income to cover all of your expenses."
"Just don't be a mindless consumer and resist lifestyle inflation. Live below your means, therefore I am comfortable."
"The most powerful financial principle that can lead someone to wealth is contentment."
"I think TI is absolutely right because it is an investment."
"Winning with money... you just have to devote yourself to basic Common Sense money habits."
"Deferred gratification... the most important thing in the financial world."
"Live below your means while still enjoying life because your joy and your mental health does matter."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Consistent investing pays off."
"Don't ever buy a cryptocurrency because you think it's cheap. Looking at price alone is a historically tragically terrible investment thesis."
"All money ain't good money and all fans are not good fans."
"Live within your means... life should be about people."
"There's so many things that are like that where it does pay so much to get the more expensive item than the well here's the thing."
"We are firm Believers in that wealth is not built inside of your comfort zone. No one ever builds wealth in a comfort zone."
"I'm a value investor. I want to find things that are worthwhile, useful, important, and excellent."
"Respect yourself, your time, and your money."
"One good investment is better worth more than a life's worth of toil."
"Only when the tide goes out do you see who's been swimming naked."
"Stop thinking money solves all problems because it just doesn't."
"I think it's so important that you live below your means guys."
"If you're having to pay later for the meal you're consuming today... it's probably not a good sign."
"Don't follow the herd: make financial decisions based on rationality, not emotion."
"If you spend your money to buy things you don't need, eventually you'll sell the things you do need to keep up with that expense."
"Things that go up at a high pace are the first things that come down at a high pace."
"When debt is excessive by definition, that means a lot of people who borrowed money should not have borrowed money."
"Bull markets will make you money, bear markets will make you rich."
"If you appreciate the value of money, you'll appreciate the things that money can buy."
"Bull markets make you money, bear markets make you rich."
"You don't have to buy one. The price has already been paid."
"Money does not buy happiness and money does not buy love."
"The longer you live like you're poor when you don't have to, the richer you'll become."
"Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger are some of the most well diversified investors in the market right now."
"Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered almost every single time."
"Focus on what the market is telling you, not on the money."
"Skin in the game is about symmetry. Reaping the benefits of a positive outcome must also be associated with paying a penalty for the negative ones."
"Stop putting emphasis on material things and money because the whole thing is, it's quick money, it looks attractive but let's say, it's not long money."
"Being wealthy is so much better than looking Rich."
"The market is a place that pays the patient from the impatient."
"Be greedy when others are cautious and cautious when others are greedy."
"Strong leadership... presence across America."
"If I cannot buy it three times over I cannot afford it."
"This is your friendly PSA reminding you that Gachas never win, don't do it."
"Because here's the deal: we work hard for the money we're spending, so let's spend it wisely."
"Recognize the ridiculous power of compounding."
"I love a good savings account, let me tell you."
"Time in the market always beats timing the market."
"Live below your means and increase your means, it is both."
"The combo of being smart with what you make and making more will be the key."
"What are you celebrating? You're just wasting money."
"It's better to buy a great business at a fair price than a fair business at a great price."
"I think the safe assumption for an investor in this current environment is that over the next 100 years the currency is going to zero." - Charlie Munger
"When you're outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall." - Rick Rule
"Warren had been taught by Ben Graham to buy things for less than they were worth, no matter how lousy the business was."
"Buy low, sell high." - General investing wisdom
"Becoming wealthy or financially free is more about what you do with your money after you get paid than it is about how much money you're actually getting paid."
"Just because you make more money doesn't mean you need to spend more money."
"It really matters what you're spending the money on."
"Overestimating our abilities leads to poor diversification."
"Not everything is going to just go up. Be patient, the ones who benefit most."
"The ability to say no to something is, by far, the better feeling and by far makes me feel more rich."
"There's happy money and there's sad money. Choose wisely."
"Quality over quantity - support quality over quantity and it will save you money over time."
"Debt is dumb and if you don't have any debt don't do it."
"Spend wisely. You got to be ready and willing to grow. You got to be a life gone chew you up and spit you out."
"There's no party in your goddamn life that is worth putting yourself into debt for."
"As long as we live in a society dominated by consumer culture doing financially smart things is never going to be the glamorous cool looking thing to do."
"Trade with the trend and no one ever got broke trading with the trend."
"Buy when others are fearful and sell when others are greedy."
"Diversification preserves wealth, concentration grows it."