
Cultural Norms Quotes

There are 421 quotes

"People should naturally be body positive, and body positivity should be something that is built in our culture."
"The idea that kids should not do any kind of labor at all until they graduate college is an extremely modern, extremely Western notion."
"Culture is the set of unwritten norms that guide people's behavior and gives them a sense of what is right and what is wrong, what is appropriate and what is not."
"Gender identity is very much tied to cultural norms. At one point in time, having long hair meant you were a woman... these are social things."
"There are different things that are considered normal versus exotic, but somehow the benchmark for what's normal is always decided by white people."
"Instead of defining our worth, purpose, and identity according to their culture, we are now defining it according to God's word."
"It's like a common belief, especially back then, that if you don't go to the military service and serve your two years, then you'll never be a man."
"We first learn to say mum and dad, and then say thank you to all of the leaders."
"I don't think there's anything wrong in first cousin marriages because it's all culture and it's the norm really."
"All of us were taught and raised to tell. You have to be brainwashed and indoctrinated with street stuff to go against that foundation."
"I believe marginally safer if everybody wears face masks out in public. It will become de-stigmatized the way it has in many Asian countries."
"Should a skirt be seen as feminine or masculine? Well, we know from India where the lungi is popular, for Scotland where there's a kilt, that this is a variable."
"Many anthropologists and significant research throughout the 20th century demonstrated that culturally shaped gender roles considered appropriate for males and females in a given society could not be reduced to or predicted by the biological sex of an individual."
"Why can't we just say Merry Christmas and enjoy the festive season?"
"Every human culture has some concept of the right to self-defense."
"It's really crazy growing up in India. If you're growing up in India, you're either becoming a doctor, an engineer, or a family disappointment."
"They take existing cultural norms and either ignore them or subvert them beyond recognition."
"Our anniversary comes first, but not necessarily. Toxic Monogamy Culture makes us think that our relationship comes first and foremost over everything."
"Thanksgiving is the one holiday where it's accepted and even expected for you to eat like a goblin. 10 out of 10."
"There is no such thing as eating like a man or eating like a lady."
"Why is one a fascinating question because, why if I put pork sausage on a biscuit, I call that breakfast, but if I put beef patty on a piece of bread, that's lunch?"
"Is it the right of every woman and man to dress as they please, or does each society have a right to set limits according to its cultural traditions?"
"All you have to do is ask yourself, which group of people, which group of Homo sapiens in my given culture are open season for killing? Is that simple?"
"If your conception of masculinity boils down to aesthetics like nail polish or dresses, I just think that's such a weak argument."
"In Western culture eye contact is expected to be regular, but not persistent enough that it becomes creepy."
"Valentine's Day is fastly approaching I hope everybody needs to start acting right."
"It should not be cool to be mean-spirited. It should not be acceptable to spread hate."
"Arranged marriages last much longer than marriages which are the heavy outcomes of romantic love."
"Why do you drive on the right side of the road? Because that's the side you're supposed to drive on."
"This looks incredible. Is this kind of a normal breakfast?"
"One generation ago, waiting until marriage was the norm."
"Leaving any Orthodox religion is not easy. There are layers and layers of psychological and cultural conditioning that you don't even realize is there until you start to peel it back."
"I think people are kind of coming around to this cultural appropriation thing being BS."
"There's meaning in not anglicizing to be taken seriously, to move outside your cultural and linguistic norms to accommodate them."
"People say it's about the veil, it's not about the veil, it's about the right to choose."
"Our fear of laziness has made us allergic to fun and rest."
"Sometimes we're so in the cultural norms of the way that things have been done that it actually takes a lot of courage to step back and say wait does any of this make sense?"
"The fact that sex is so very important to our nature... we've got to make sure it remains within certain confines."
"Polish mothers are very much like, you got to be back early, you know what I mean?"
"The cultural left in the United States has a longer list of rules for how you can date, how you can [], how you can feel sexual attraction for somebody, then the [] Pope has with his encyclicals."
"Unlike most times, we do not condone the use of ouija boards."
"Safe horny: a type of Attraction you're allowed to show in public unashamedly by Progressive standards."
"There is no morality then, is it subjective? Right, because is it immoral to marry an 80-year-old woman or an 8-year-old woman?"
"The culture of respect in Japan is apparent from the moment you arrive."
"Fashion is often a visual manifestation of the cultural norms and values and/or societal fears."
"A woman's going to be provided by provided for by four men that doesn't make sense rather than a man who can provide for four women and families and provides for all four of them as someone who's supposed to take care of them."
"You need to be able to let comedians take chances, take risks, cross the line because that's what comedy is."
"What a wonderful opportunity to continue to push the envelope of what's funny and acceptable."
"It's all about respect the gun and why do the swiss respect the guns i think is ingrained in the culture"
"If you think that moms don't matter, go up to somebody who's a guy who's bigger than you and insult his mother and see what happens."
"Let Ariel have the guy, lady, let her have her sparkly 80s dress, it's fine."
"Our society and the culture that we've set up doesn't support healthy relationships at all between men and women."
"There may not be a strong biblical worldview but there's a sense of what normal looks like and that normal is becoming attacked to a great many Americans."
"It's not accepted within those cultures or whatnot, but as we get older, our understanding evolves."
"Western civilization is largely predicated on the idea that men have to protect women."
"Thinking that when you get sick it's because you've done something wrong is ingrained in you in Scientology."
"In this alternate history, cape superheroes have been the norm for years, with Dr. Manhattan being the first with actual superpowers."
"Thinking that we need a sweet treat every day is a very modern thought."
"The problem is every single American would have to stop tipping overnight to solve the issue, and that's like asking bears to stop in the woods."
"Whites are allowed to have all these weird things and nobody can question it, that is goddamn true."
"Hip-hop is based off the [ __ ] streets. Literally. Yeah, we don't tolerate snitching, we don't tolerate certain things, you know what I'm saying?"
"Virginity until marriage is stupid... waiting to kiss until love, that's stupid."
"Beliefs like diamonds are a girl's best friend, diamonds are forever, that you can only truly propose to someone with a diamond ring is so ingrained in our culture."
"What's so wrong about keeping it that real? People don't like to be honest."
"That's what happened I didn't have to say much if you say anything like hey man sometimes women do some crazy stuff dudes will give the comments like women ain't [ __ ]."
"I don't know how to dance, but lean and make the together women put their hands on their knees."
"Some of y'all didn't have language police at your house like I did."
"Virginity is a social construct that is just a fact."
"There is no objective definition of virginity... the only person who can tell you if they are a virgin or not is that individual."
"It's still shocking just how satanic things blatantly are, and yet the world embraces it and acts like it's completely normal. No, you know what isn't completely normal? People telling gay people that they should go to hell."
"I think most Americans are just going about their daily business making basic assumptions about American life that reflect the essential founding values of the country."
"Explicit language in everyday life is more accepted in Germany."
"Manners are a huge thing in the south, whether you're a little kid or you're an old man. You need to have your manners when you're here."
"The southerners are super friendly. So don't be scared to ask for help when you come here."
"In terms of the bikini aesthetic, there's already precedent of people going into battle naked."
"Reject the cultural narrative that sexually free women are liberated women."
"You can't dictate to a country or religion about how they handle things."
"Teaching modern women like myself how to be more traditional."
"Greed begs more greed, it's part of our culture fundamentally."
"Love as it's commonly understood in Western society is a 100% social construct."
"People's mental healths are being pushed to extreme lows because of the culture that is just being normalized."
"Ruining individuals over social frustration... it's just an American thing now."
"We're not politically correct to each other but if you do that in our culture, oh somebody's gonna start throwing rocks at you."
"Sex scenes are never necessary; any attempt to justify as important to the story will get you laughed at."
"When the child wants to marry, you must follow Allah's instruction."
"Marriage might come in the early teens for girls, while for boys it tended to occur a bit later."
"The English always say sorry so beautifully."
"But again, this is what these people want because apparently we're throwing straight Pride right in their face because you know heterosexuality is more common."
"This is so stupid, but back then people hated dark auditoriums."
"She greets Ren’s parents and asks them to call her Sumire."
"They are in the period directly preceding marriage called going out."
"Now dessert? This is breakfast here in America."
"If you want to get friendly with the Scottish women, you better know how to talk, 'cause they won't be doing any of that until they're ready, and then they don't stop, am I right or wrong?"
"Masculinity and femininity exist in nearly every human culture."
"Don’t ever say happy birthday to a German before their actual birthday."
"Alleging something such as that on a channel such as this is just downright un-Australian."
"Being a warrior, being a badass male, has nothing to do with the military."
"If we can create a society in which respect and friendliness is the passport that we all have when we meet each other."
"There's nothing you're a man bro ain't nothing toxic about that."
"You shouldn't be shaming people for their skepticism. That shouldn't be a part of our culture."
"I think we would live in a much better culture if every time someone insulted our wives even during an awards show someone got up and just smacked him across the face."
"It's just a word. It's how black people greet each other. It's how Hispanic people be. It's like everyone uses this word except... oh my god, a white guy said it."
"In Asia, it's all about keeping your word. Handshake is the contract."
"Americans got it in their heads that everything has to be a win-win."
"Americans are much more comfortable with films that are explicit in their violence than in sexuality."
"When doing sujood to Allah, there is nothing to be embarrassed about."
"Harry blamed the royal family for their stiff upper lip ethos."
"So many of our Muslim families... when a woman dresses... everybody else has a heart attack."
"Western culture evolved to a point where that type of conduct is not tolerated, at least in the public space."
"You see their patriarchal beliefs, their emphasis on modesty and purity."
"Society can put on to you this idea that it's wrong to be who you are."
"Hot cross buns should be a year-round thing. I agree, what's people's problem with that?"
"If you don't wear the hijab, there are chances that you shall be molested, there are chances you shall be raped."
"I remember my mom never really said, 'Oh, you're a Muslim, you have to dress this way.'"
"Our culture's norms don't reflect our true human needs and potential."
"Freedom for women is in modesty, not revealing."
"We live in a time where people think nothing of grown men gyrating their genitals in front of kids at Pride parades."
"Rape is wrong, murder is wrong, according to the cultural conversation."
"He's a man's man, his entire image and brand and personality is centered around traditional masculine imperatives."
"Let's just agree if you're not filming a western or if you're not a pirate drinking it straight out of the bottle is definitely not the best way to go."
"Bringing back a healthy understanding of standards and taboos can restore patriotism in our day-to-day lives."
"This is no different. It's so ridiculous to me that this is such a serious debate when this is literally the same thing that we've always done with everything scientifically speaking and culturally speaking."
"You do not have to use culture's methods to get God's blessings."
"The inherent insult to a woman's natural modesty, I don't want women in my locker room either." - Andrew Klavan
"When you're in the Souks and the Medinas, don't expect not to haggle—it's all about bargaining."
"A growing number of South Korean women are banding together to reject rigid patriarchal norms."
"In a world that seems to celebrate stubbornness, it's pretty amazing to see such a thing."
"There's no cancel culture in Quebec if you say you're separatist."
"As if you were forbidden to listen to music older than you or just because you're older you're not allowed to like music by more recent artists."
"Virtue signaling is universal; we all do it."
"A slap? Hands down, is one of the biggest disrespects you can give a man."
"I've seen it and you will not be disappointed."
"There's a culture that was established, probably started way back in the Slick Rick days, with rappers somehow believing that they have to wear like 80 pounds of jewelry to become legitimate."
"In bird culture, this is considered a dick move."
"Men have to earn the ability to be selfish, women just naturally are."
"Men who take on more than one wife should be looked at as kings. It's a noble act."
"The simping stuff, it works when women do it, but a man, like, you can't simp extract a dude that's there with girls."
"Telling people what they should or shouldn't be allowed to do based on their race is an act of racism."
"Would you use your mother's name as a cuss word?"
"We all have a collective responsibility to ensure that respect for others becomes the global norm."
"We see that pipe tobacco is going to be very common."
"If you've got a man and a woman and they're both virgins when they get together, the more likely that they're going to stay together is a much higher incidence."
"Back in the day, the worst thing you could be was a snitch, a hoe, a junkie, or a thief."
"How do you balance tradition and obligation with personal freedom?"
"We're literally in 2023 and we are still at the point if you dance as a guy you're gay. That's pretty archaic, right?"
"Lying is actually a part of our culture, even manners themselves masking your negative emotions to be able to present a positive emotion to people is in essence lying."
"It's just like women calling each other bees, it's not the same thing."
"Rich people and wealthy people do not cut their kids off when they're 18. They don't throw their kids out the house."
"It should be something that is discouraged and I'm a hundred percent supportive of it being a cultural taboo."
"Normalized crying, yeah, real men cry, dude."
"But what is the reality now? Like somebody get an ambition they say I want go be Paramount Chief that's a fine ambition but you not born the chief teny clan for you go so your ambition versus the reality which is which?"
"Europe is kind of in the middle between extreme individualism and collectivism."
"I think if you get a Ferrari, it's gotta be red. That's just how it works."
"We have to re-establish for men and for the culture what masculinity actually looks like."
"There's guys that you fuck and there's guys that you marry. And pretty much every girl in Western culture will pretty much agree with that."
"He said in his culture when you eat a lot at a person's house it's disrespectful because you should never go to a house on an empty stomach."
"It's almost like a religion where you're like no, this is part of the way that we're supposed to talk and feel about ourselves so as long as I contribute towards that like I'm helping everybody out."
"Institutions like monogamy, marriage, the pressure on men to provide for a family - these were all ways that culture filled the gaps where biology failed."
"Give Thanksgiving room to breathe and no Christmas lights still up and on in February, thousand-dollar fine every day they are up."
"Subversion is meant to critique societal expectations that have been re-established and reaffirmed multiple times by fictions across generations."
"That's okay, but me growing up you weren't allowed to have questions. I mean you were, but they would just give you answers like 'because God said so' or 'because the Bible says so'."
"It's about what other people... our society accepting today as the new normal."
"To me, there are three things: the laws, the culture, and then there's the reality on the ground."
"Y'all should be laughing and talking and being mad and about politics saying what you do when you talk about sports or anything else that you talk about. That should be a part of the culture."
"I don't want super cars, I don't want jewelry, I don't want clothes, but I want enough money to be able to go because in my culture you have to speak to the girl's father."
"Cowboys don't run from stuff, that's the rule. Cowboys don't run that fast because they don't run from ****."
"Remember that a young man and a young woman on a date are responsible to protect each other's honor and virtue. Wow."
"You ain't gonna never disrespect your OGs, so you're gonna have to just bow down and sit this one out."
"Germans wait for the green man to go before they cross the road... nice and orderly, just very different."
"Mandalorians are also allowed to take their helmets off in the presence of their significant other, someone that they're married to or mated to for life or their children."
"You can't come into Saint Peter's Basilica and start moving around the chairs."
"You have to look at that through the lens of what our actual laws are, what our cultural standards are, what our country's standards are."
"Each culture defines what a man should be/how they should look, and I think that is just such a good summary."
"Africa is very patriarchal, most countries, and so men are gonna get a lot of respect as a man."
"Marriage isn't an achievement and in a lot of ways it is very much wrapped around achievement."
"You don't get disregarded cultural norms and then expect to be treated the same."
"The primary role of a mother is for her children over women. But why can't a woman work if she's wearing hijab and dressed properly?"
"Take back the politics. Swiftly move to take back the norms in the culture. They've lost their damn minds."
"The Fourth Circuit is the guilt circuit because every society has its own sexual rules."
"The foundational ideas: raiding is a very respected thing to do."
"Tip culture is out of control—it needs to stop."
"In South Korea, having a child out of wedlock is frowned upon."
"The Amish fully subscribe to traditional gender roles."
"It's considered extremely rude to be loud in public, and to be honest, the world would be a much quieter and better place if this rule existed everywhere."
"To what extent can we live with ourselves when we are actively choosing to do things that are both legal and supported by the culture?"
"If you ain't having a money conversation, you're not having an American conversation."
"How do drinks have a gender? A dude ain't got messed up taste buds to know beer is nasty and whipped cream tastes freaking good."
"Greet one another with a holy kiss...it's entirely appropriate in their culture."
"Amish women generally do not wear makeup, reflecting their dedication to humility, simplicity, and their distinct way of life."
"A lot of Southern women stay in cheating marriages. Tisha is not novel."
"Depending on what country you live in, it's actually not traditional to take your husband's last name."
"Taboos are foundational pieces of any culture, any system."
"I don't disrespect the dead that's dis respectful like cuz these Spears they change form I don't do those type of things I don't smoke op packs and all that you know people that do that's your thing but I don't disrespect the dead."
"The wedding in the West is more about the couple and the love."
"Bikinis, underwear, it's just given another name. It's like for example, a strip club they call it Gentleman's Club, giving it another name doesn't take away from the fact of how disgusted it is."
"You don't get that by telling men to eat more beans and fewer steaks."
"Surely only in Britain would we consider it perfectly appropriate to put on a spread of cakes worthy of the bake-off."
"He said he always, always loved me, that he accepted our early dynamic because he knew that it would be hard for me to find someone who would understand and respect my relationship with sex in our culture."
"Authenticity is the key for me; I need to be authentic, and sometimes being authentic goes against culture."
"Minnesota nice is that politeness that is bred in from childhood."