
Depth Quotes

There are 11482 quotes

"Innocence is about truly allowing the soul to be seen and fully felt, not about that stuff on the outside that you're gonna go do and accomplish, or that you two together would do, but the deep inner, deeper world that you want to feel."
"Chelsea are losing 3-1, oh my God, poch out."
"Fear has a very deep existential dimension it's really a universal problem of consciousness people don't appreciate that it goes much deeper than just psychology."
"Some exciting news: This is like falling so deeply; this is reaching depths you've never reached before."
"You're a deep person, you go deeper than the ocean; you are a deep, deep person."
"Every word that Allah states in the Quran has a tremendous and deep meaning."
"You're starting to attract more purposeful partners towards you, more connections that are deeper."
"This is a deep deep connection; it's a soul bond."
"The love for a child is so specific and so dense and rich."
"Politics is far more complex than that, far more nuanced, far more in-depth than that, and I think we do a disservice to ourselves by considering it to be anything but."
"Invest in yourself. It's deeper than you guys think."
"This person wants to get to know you right on a deeper level."
"Meditation is often misunderstood in the western world because we think it's about clearing your mind, focusing on your breath, getting very peaceful. But you can go way deeper."
"Look deep within your heart, you will feel my love; my love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"But those three people, I just see them liking books with this type of depth to it."
"It seems like there is a bit of depth that people were waiting for."
"It's because I'm quiet that I'm able to think. It's because I'm quiet that I'm able to have depth."
"You're accessing depths of your being that you have not experienced before, bringing more solutions to you."
"I've learned through this journey that sometimes it's deeper than the food, it's deeper than the marketing, it's deeper than the customer service."
"You cannot do deep business in shallow water."
"A magic system that you have explored deeply in an interesting way is far superior to a large number of things. Considering the ramifications of what you already have is worth doing instead of creating something new."
"Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
"The atheism, the lack of belief... leads to greater depth rather than to superficiality."
"Finding casual sex or even a random relationship with no depth would be easy for me, but it's not worth [__] when you want nothing more than a genuine human connection."
"Intimacy is so much greater and so much more than just having intercourse with your spouse."
"I've always been a curious person and someone who wanted to know things, who wanted to get deep into the nature of things."
"There's no telling how deep the significance of the information encoded in stories goes."
"The key ingredients of landscape photography are foreground, mid-ground, and background."
"This is one of the most beautiful romance books I've ever read in my entire life and it's just so much deeper than just romance."
"I would much rather you do one social media platform really well and create depth there."
"Look deep within your heart, and you will feel my love. My love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"You can't have a real quality relationship with your child or another human being unless you take the time to get below that surface."
"The pixel art, the style, the overall fun, this is a deep game, and there's a lot more to dive into."
"The definition of beauty is so much deeper than just a physical appearance."
"Sigma males detest superficiality and shallowness."
"Beneath the hilarity and those catchy one-liners lies depth."
"This movie has layers; it's not just focusing on this badass military unit who's just going out there and kicking ass."
"Entertainment is not just about what you see or hear, but about what gets into you on a deeper level."
"The item system is a lot deeper than people realize."
"But the facing of the reality of this is profound, actually."
"This isn't superficial, this runs very deep."
"Monarchy is about profundity. It's about service."
"Depth is the future, and all the creators that are going to last a long time are going to build depth."
"They feel like you have a very spiritual bond. They feel like your connection has deep meaning, deeper than like a surface level."
"You can't skim it... it's an experience, it's not something that you can just strip mine for meaning."
"This person puts a lot of thought and care into getting close to someone because they love extremely deeply."
"All about the heart today and not just about love. It goes deeper than that. This is really about finding balance in your life."
"If you don't prioritize depth, you won't be remembered."
"Capturing all the reflections of the room gives so much more natural colors to the orchestra and so much more depth."
"You never know how deep somebody loves someone."
"You don't know how somebody loves somebody, bro. This [ __ ] run deep sometimes, man."
"Verse is one of our last stands against the instant and the infantile."
"The honeymoon phase may be over, but now you can get down to real stuff. And honestly, it's the best part."
"These deep dives are all about going deep into the lives of the victims and everybody involved so that you can make a better determination of how you feel about the outcome."
"What is a soulmate? A person with whom your soul connects with on a level so deep, so completely unexplainable."
"I'm not flattering because I'm a hugely very critical person but very rarely I come across somebody with depth and breadth, with huge bandwidth, and clarity, honesty, courage."
"At the end of the day, we only remember the people who have depth."
"This life is full of reminders and doorways and pathways into depth and darkness but also back out into light. They are both for the same purpose."
"Encanto is a pretty crazy movie. It has some real deep moments in it."
"Session 9 isn't just a cheap hack-and-slash, instantly forgettable type horror film, but a psychologically probing, deeply unsettling journey off the edge and into the abyss of the human mind."
"Some of the best essays I've seen have a deeper soul to them; they show me what people value."
"A real word from God will never speak to the surface of your situation."
"There's just so much in there, and there's so many avenues to this case that are beyond the surface level."
"There's more to life than just these immediate pleasures that you're pursuing."
"The metaverse isn't just about fun avatars having virtual meetings, it is way deeper than that."
"It's not enough to think someone's hot; you have to really get to know them if you want to be close to someone."
"In the eyes of society, beauty is more than just skin deep."
"I definitely love horror books that have some sort of extra layer, like social commentary."
"I just hope you know my depth, even though it makes no sense."
"Kyoto Animation's method of visual storytelling gives its shows a level of realistic depth and characterization rarely seen but far more memorable."
"Introverts are also wonderful friends... they tend to be characterized by more depth, and the conversations go deeper."
"The girly girl can have as much depth, drive, and strength as any tomboy if she's written with care and empathy."
"We've scratched on the surface; there's so much more to it."
"Many of us are just longing for actual creativity, something that actually has depth to it and isn't just superficial and shallow."
"Love changes, it transmutes and becomes deeper, more profound in many ways."
"This book gets even deeper than the first one, and we get personal and get real, just like Season Two of The Chosen gets more personal and more real than even Season One."
"He talks with a sort of blunt, plain-spoken honesty that I think makes him a very effective explainer."
"When people look into your eyes, they see huge depth, and they feel like they could stare into them forever."
"I think being a geek is more about being passionate about something to the extent that you're willing to dive deep into it."
"I definitely feel like relationships and pregnancies are pretty flushed out in the game. I wish there was a little more depth to them, a little more, you know, mystery, chances of things going wrong."
"Drawing's all about adding a lot of textures and making things look kind of more interesting and not so flat."
"You have to ask in life, do I want to live as deep a life as possible or as easy a life as possible? Easy and deep generally don't go together."
"The pursuit of truth is the noblest quest upon which one can embark; it is a journey not of distance, but of depth."
"I wanted to create a game with more depth. Back then, games were simple: you run around and shoot stuff. That's it."
"Soundstage width is epic; depth is equally impressive."
"The religion is not just surface and amplitude, but it is depth as well, and it is about an enhancement of our humanity rather than a capturing of our humanity within a particular exoteric paradigm."
"You could write a book on the depth and intensity of experiences that you've had."
"The uniting yourself with someone creates a powerful spiritual unity."
"This is the type of stuff that somebody can really dive into."
"There's a level of death in this placement and there's a level of understanding death and understanding true endings."
"What really makes Quake special is something much deeper."
"Your current relationship is undergoing deep healing and transformation."
"The deeper you go, the more mysterious and obscure things will get."
"There is so much more to it than meets the eye."
"Liberalism is not just a political stance, it's far deeper."
"The depth of this combat system is incredible, absolutely incredible."
"The philosophical conflict at the center is what gives the story its meaning."
"I really enjoy having the ability to have genuine meaningful conversations that are also fun."
"To be able to have genuine meaningful conversations that are also fun, yeah exactly."
"There's a difference between sweet and surface level, and 'Heartstopper' is not the latter."
"A very deep, very powerful piece of this software."
"There's certainly a very deep spiritual connection here."
"A woman with a reservoir of deep flowing love."
"Spiritual connections go beyond the superficial layers."
"This world is deep, it's compelling, it's cooked to a perfect medium rare."
"That depends on how deep they're prepared to go in investigating what actually happened."
"Jamie was my favorite character in this entire show... he had so much depth and subtlety."
"While it might not be the most profound game or have the most profound moment, it is without a doubt the most philosophical game ever made."
"There's always so much more to history than what meets the eye."
"We want our relationships to be transformative, transcendent, meaningful, spiritual, purposeful, erotic, passionate..."
"This was the first truly in-depth character study that we've ever had in the MCU."
"The deep search for absolute truth comes from philosophy."
"Love is not just 'I love you,' it's deeper than that."
"Once you establish that somebody's safe, we can dive into the deepest secrets of the universe and skip the small talk."
"Embracing silence and discretion does not mean shrouding our lives in mystery or withholding our truth from the world; instead, it is a conscious choice to honor the depth of our experiences."
"They're able to connect with others on a deeper level."
"You're not dating hair, you're not dating skin, you're not dating cheekbones, you're not dating lips hips and fingertips as the old preacher would say, you're dating philosophy, yeah."
"How we see fit and if you want a more in-depth look."
"It really touches you on a deep, almost subconscious level."
"If you really want to grapple with this game and its world and its characters, you can do that as well and that's really only possible because the writing is so damn solid."
"There's definitely more depth in these than I thought."
"A lack of social world building results in characters that feel surface-level and flat."
"I want to stick to a narrower subject... so it goes deeper and has a greater impact."
"The lore adds replayability and depth to the game."
"There's stuff in certain places where I was just like wow that's like in one one thing you see tells a story."
"It's actually surprisingly deep when you think about it, but still on the surface it absolutely sucks."
"You stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
"It is a conversation that needs to be had. It is a conversation that runs deeper than religion and politics."
"The second effort by Supergiant following up their smash hit Bastion was very different... awesome story... has that depth under the hood."
"They feel like you get them on a deep level."
"Tetris: Plumbing the deepest, darkest, and most insane depths of the legendary video game."
"You're seeking commitment on a deeper level."
"This has got to be thoughtful and smart and deep."
"Oppenheimer is much more of a character study."
"Long-form conversations produce more meaningful discussions."
"There is so much that goes beyond the surface here."
"It's everything we cherish about Zelda and much much more."
"Having different solutions to problems is something that adds depth frankly."
"The Final Fantasy Multiverse is a fascinating concept that adds an extra layer of depth and richness to one of Gaming's most beloved series."
"They're not just strong, they're fully formed human beings with such incredible backstories."
"The lore in this universe is so deep and everything is so well thought out."
"Adding dimensions to his character, which is always a good thing."
"True friendship is not about the length of time spent with one another."
"It's more than just a chat bot, you're looking at a deeper level in this."
"In a perfect world, a sequel gives us more of the stuff we love, and shows us our heroes and villains in even more depth and detail than before."
"Somebody needs to look deeper. They need to look deeper at a partnership."
"If the universe you see inside there's so much more than just her."
"Our first playthrough barely scratched the surface."
"The combat itself has enough depth to keep you interested throughout multiple playthroughs."
"What makes age special is it's easy to pick up and play but it's really deep."
"The world is desperate for depth, and you can only create depth by forging your own path."
"Every scene is very loaded with stuff to talk about."
"The Book of Mormon surprises us with its depth and wisdom, revealing eternal truths."
"It's a game where you draw lines to solve puzzles but it gets really really deep."
"What is scarier than the truth? That's deep, really deep."
"So much to discuss but not in a cheap way... they earned it."
"I hope this video sort of explains it in depth."
"This mod list will no doubt transform your game into an experience with much more depth, variety, and many additional hours of content."
"There are so many layers to this project, and each layer has its own rabbit holes to explore."
"Its depth is astounding, and its maturity is frequently impressive."
"Multiplayer is shaping up to be the franchise's deepest, most rewarding, and most engaging to date."
"Fire Emblem is awesome. You can play on the go and it has all the in-depth stuff from a proper console."
"There's an actual depth to it beneath the surface of all the raunchy humor and all that kind of stuff. It's actually beautifully done."
"They love how much you understand them at such a deep level."
"I think there's a lot of depth to this movie."
"Power and responsibility, what a perfect match for Peter someone who understands his core principles on such a deep level."
"Instant trust and it just is instantly deep."
"These are subjects that require more than just a yes or no answer."
"To know Jesus Christ intimately, we want more than Redemption, we want a relationship."
"I love his writing, he's more mysterious though definitely more deep."
"Religion can add depth to a game's tapestry as long as it's used intelligently."
"It's not just an action film, it's much more than that, it's truly artful and epic."
"We cover the basics, but also go several layers deeper."
"Compassion allows us to see into another person's experience far more deeply."
"So politically, culturally, psychologically, and in every other way, I think the enduring effects of this are going to be much deeper and much longer than people realize right now."
"There's a need for something that the average person can understand but still has depth."
"Do you ever think about how messed up Danny Phantom is?"
"I still think the original idea of the Turing test is a good test for intelligence... a real Turing test that really goes into depth."
"Bray's character would often leave fans with the impression that there's more to his world than what we truly understand."
"The more layers there are, the more rich and full the experience becomes."
"The haunting of Hill House is more than your average ghost story, delving deeper into the characters and as a result making it feel like a much more personal, impactful experience."
"It's going to be very deep, and it's going more along the lines of what we would see in the comic books."
"I feel like this is just a movie you could analyze to death and still get so much out of it."
"I believe the true goal of spirituality is the deepest expression of one's soul."
"It'll take some time But I think you'll agree that digging deep is well worth it."
"Burial's tunes are just so expressive and poignant in so many different ways that they sound like straight up emotions just being beamed out of your own heart."
"It's so much more than that and it really provides the story with a lot of heart and honestly a lot of heartbreak."
"EverQuest gives you a huge amount of depth and control and freedom."
"The Avatar universe is much and I mean much more than just Avatar in Korra."
"The most exciting and amazing thing about engaging with another culture in any depth it's the way that it not only changes in front of you but changes you."
"They really, really love how deep your connection is."
"But this story just has so much depth and so much meaning and it has meant so much to me in a very personal way as well and I just love it I love everything about it and I want everyone in the world to read this book."
"Star Wars is a complex, well-built universe, but it's nowhere near as tight as Tolkien's Middle Earth."
"That concludes this layer of the iceberg, a layer full of obscure knowledge with an emotional ending." - Reflections on the emotional depth of Mario Galaxy.
"The show got fan service right then it decided depth."
"Eventually, you realize all of the laws come from deeper and more fundamental laws."
"You have to prioritize, you see what I'm saying?"
"Don't just identify it, make sure you go a step further and talk about the 'so what' of that."
"It's deep what we're dealing with, deep, amazing, right?"
"There is something here that could feel quite internal like you're really processing, you're really in some depths of review really going into parts of your experience."