
Life Affirmation Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"Judaism does not revolve around death... This is a tradition about life."
"Therapy... It's not only life-changing, it is life-affirming."
"Your subconscious mind is in touch with infinite life and boundless wisdom, and its impulses and ideas are always life-affirming."
"We must always assert the positive reasons for life."
"Jews were liberated from Auschwitz Birkenau in January 1945... choose life."
"The art of wu-wei, on the other hand, is an affirmation of life, because wu-wei is a trust in the function of the universe."
"We let ourselves go... This is the sacred world in which we escape from the servitude of utility and affirm life itself."
"You are not old. You are not getting old. You have so much life ahead of you."
"A truly lifechanging, life-affirming work of art."
"Every human life is worthwhile, every single one."
"Life's worth living. That's not the answer. You're gonna be okay, you just have to have hope."
"I want to live, that despite everything, I believe this world is my birthright just as it is yours."
"I'm living already, I'm not gonna die and so I can live. And guess what, wherever I come back and whatever I come back as, I'm going to live all over again."
"It's time to say yes to life and to show up and start using your gifts."
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere as long as my dog's alive. I'm alive."
"That's a baby right there, there's no way to look at that and not saying it's a baby, it's a baby."
"A baby in the womb is in fact a baby in the womb."
"The message of Christ, the message of life, this is on God's heart, it's God's heartbeat."
"I found out what really happened to her, and I got to finish her work."
"All horror movies, all scary movies are an affirmation of life."
"Say it loud and clear: I can't die young, even in the realm of assumption."
"This man says unapologetically: 'I want life.'"
"You can be a Victor... believe in life... I would choose life over and over again."
"Your names have been written in the Lamb's book of life. It's amazing."
"It was a case of me rejecting death and insisting on life."
"I just want to live. This is part of living."
"I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living."
"Perhaps above all, we affirm life over the cults of death and human sacrifice."
"Through Jesus' sacrifice, God showed His love for us and granted us life over death."
"This beautiful amazing piece of work is making me happy to be alive."
"The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but you came to give life abundantly."
"Satan is out to kill, steal, and destroy, but Jesus said, 'I've come to give you life.'" - Paul Begley
"I found something inside of me that I didn't want to give up. I found life inside of me that I never felt before."
"The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus said, 'I've come to give you life and life more abundantly.'"
"Jesus comes to bring life that the enemy comes to destroy."
"I want to live, it's actually a very beautiful touching moment."
"Is there anything better, I ask, more life-affirming than sitting down to a meal consisting in whole or in part of food raised by our own fair hands?"
"The court affirmed today that every life is worth living."
"Life is totally worth living, whether or not there's a girl there or not."
"You're just relentlessly positive and life-affirming."
"This is premature death, unnecessary death. You will not die before your time, never fulfill your purpose."
"Burton’s ghoulish, morbid movies are life-affirming."
"I'm going to live and not die and declare the works of the Lord."
"This is God's gift to the Negro: evidence and proof of life after death."
"Death does cause sadness, however, we know this. This is understandable, because we were created to live, not die."
"Just make it because you deserve to like make it, you're alive, it's your life, you're on earth only once."
"Your existence is a testament to the Divine Miracle of Life."
"Hold on devil, you can't do nothing to me because the very word that I got, it's gonna produce all the life that I need."
"You have to affirm life even if you know there's going to be tragedy and upset and crying and depression."
"Sometimes I think it's a good reminder that there's... ending your own life is never ever ever the answer."
"I feel so alive right now this is like incredible."
"Your heart is beating, bro. That means you are alive."
"We say over our children, they will not die but they shall live and declare the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"All the happiness, joy, laughter, all the positive vibes."
"That beating heart, it's hard to then deny that there's um, there's a baby."
"Life is worth living and I hope you know that you're beautiful no matter how frustratingly hard this world tries to tell you that your existence is not."
"You are alive and you shall live in Triumph and victory as my desire for you."
"Death wears thy sting; we have the promise of life."
"Therefore I should be alive, not I should have been dead."
"Jesus is the only one that can he's the only only one that can give you life."
"The dead are alive. Let's not let the alive be dead." - Kevin Eubanks
"Nietzsche believed very much in affirming life."
"You know you're alive because you're gonna die someday. That's what proves you're alive."
"The realm of life, we are life-giving spirits."
"I have a younger brother who's a transplant surgeon. He wrote on his med school application, 'The reason I want to become a doctor is because I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, and as a follower of Christ, I affirm life. I want to promote life.'"
"I am living and loving, my darlings."
"...she realizes that she does have a future ahead of her, that she does want to live..."
"The curious case of benjamin button is the heartwarming affirmation of life."
"For the first time in my life, I'm now very sure I want to live."
"You might as well do whatever it is you're here to do. You're not here to off yourself, that is a complete waste of birth."
"It's not about death but rather the preservation of life."
"Renounce and rebuke the thought of suicide."
"I choose the thoughts that express beauty and gratitude. I proclaim my oneness with all of life."
"You're still here, your blood is still pumping through every single cavity or whatever the hell you have."
"...comedy is the world where people choose life over death..."
"And if we know it can be done for some, we can find the ways to do it for more. All right, I go beyond statistics. I am not numbers on a chart. I am a divine magnificent expression of life, and so are you."
"Committing suicide is not the way."
"What is this life? I want to be here."
"If you want to feel truly alive in life, here is the place. This is life personified."
"I will support anyone that believes in the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and more importantly believes in life."
"Fate is yours to decide and Humanity deserves to live."
"Life Goes On, my little baby, that's a good one. I like that, it's one of my favorite songs."
"The gladness of the heart is the life of man."
"Instead there was life, instead there was the triumph of life, instead there was the great yes to all lofty, beautiful, and daring things."
"Our enduring commitment to life will always prevail."
"I will not die but live long to declare the good works of the Lord in the land of the living."
"All I needed was someone that would make me feel like it was worth it for me to remain in this world."
"God's plan for him was he was instructed on what to do; you will live, he got the prophetic word."
"No more regrets, you're not dead yet."
"It is a witness to tragedy, it is an affirmation of human life, it is a reminder to us and to all future generations that freedom carries heavy responsibilities."
"Oh, I don't want to die," I cried. "I want to live."
"We need to fight against capitalism, which is basically anti-life, and project ourselves as a life-giving force."
"That's what you and I do, keep each other alive."
"The world was better because Frankel decided to live."
"I am blessed and cannot be cursed. I will live and not die."
"I will live and not die. The number of my days God will fulfill."
"God created me to live, I'm gonna live."
"I don't want you to die for me, I want you to live for me."
"I give a lot of people reason to live. I just do."
"When we understand that God is our life and we refuse to give up, then we too can prove that life is eternal, right here, right now."
"Magnify your intentions by not expecting the worst but breathing life, the best of life, into your intention."
"I will not die but live to declare the name of the Lord."
"I'm really excited about life... I have a zeal for life, a lust for life. I love it, I love people."
"I will not die prematurely but me and my house, this house, and all that concerns me shall live and proclaim the wonders of the Lord in the land of the living."
"God is good, and we're gonna live."
"I am so glad that I am still alive, and I want to do everything I can to help you realize that life is worth living, even when it hurts."
"I will live well all the days of my life; all my needs are continually supplied by His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
"I want life, I want something that honors the Father."
"Let's not talk about death, let's talk about living."
"The moment I listened to this album, I thought being born to this world was worth it."
"Having flowers is actually very valuable to me; it just shows me that there's life in this apartment."
"Life is unstoppable, life is good."
"There is no death here; there's only life."
"Believe with all your heart, with all your nerves, with every sinew in your body that this world is worth living in."
"Lord, you are my life; fill me with life."
"Life is just always saying, 'Hey, you are me and I have your back and I'm always carrying you and I'm looking out of your eyes.'"
"There is more to life than shrinking, I promise it will all work out."
"Don't let go, you've got a reason to live."
"I want to live. I've come to understand there's a difference."
"Life continues on, I knew it was true, but now I know it was true."
"It would be better to doubt and keep on living than to remove all doubt and necessitate death."
"The Ubermensch looks at life when all is said and done, he must joyfully and proudly express his wish to do it all over again."
"You don't have to die. Life is worth living."
"Life is beautiful... this person is created by God and our job is to give them a chance like we've all had."
"Having the courage as Dr. Viktor Frankl said to say yes to life in spite of everything."
"I'm still alive, I was just taking a picture."
"I crave these meaningful little excursions that remind me that life is worth living."
"However, where there's life, there's hope."
"Affirming life, accepting challenges, and leading to the actualization of your potential."
"If the Joker is death, be life. If the Joker is chaos, be order."
"I am for peace, not war, and I am for a life, not death."
"I feel pain, therefore I am living."
"Much depends on the multiple ways in which we can disprove that assertion and assert the power of life and pluralism over the morbid, sordid, medieval enemy that we're now faced with."
"In the spasm of terror under the hailing of annihilation, in the bellowing death of explosions, O earth, thou grantest us the great resisting surge of new-won life."
"I'm not afraid about death. I love so much life."
"You still have a heart, you still have life in you."
"When every heartbeat hammers out the proof that life itself is miracle enough."
"Getting a cure... may not be what happens for you, but it doesn't mean that life isn't worth living still."
"Because He lives, Jesus said, 'Because I live, you can live also.'"
"Imagine an opera in which nobody dies, a life-affirming opera without self-sacrificing heroines or overconfident heroes."
"I'm here, I'm alive, we're alive."
"By putting the blood upon the doorpost, the Israelites would see a symbolic picture of life under the token of the blood."
"I do want to get married again. It's never too late, as long as you got breath in your body."
"You keep talking to your life over with, man, what the hell you talking about? You still breathing."
"My life is brilliant, my love is pure."
"It's such glorious weather, and it just makes you glad to be alive like this, doesn't it?"
"I just really want to know that she's okay and that she's alive, it's the most important thing."
"I can finally say that I want to continue to live this life. I look forward to living life to the fullest."
"Never do that again. Never try to end yourself again."
"I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God; wherefore, turn yourselves and live ye."
"While my Motherland-Russia is about life. And wonderful people."
"Life is worth living, as cliche as it sounds."
"Everybody lives, ladies and gentlemen, everybody lives."
"I want to use it to speak blessing and to Speak Life over my family and my husband."
"Life is preferable to death, and we should reduce harm when possible."
"Your tongue is powerful, speak life."
"This is the stuff that makes life worth living."
"The wholeness and love and joy and peace and health of life are just ever-present, they're eternal."
"Life is worth living, just know that."
"It's worth living a life, it's worth making it out alive."
"Life is generally preferable to death, and health is generally preferable to sickness."
"I've been alone, I've been taking my time. I feel like I'm out of my mind, it feel like my life ain't mine. I finally want to be alive."
"When you're on the side of life, you have everything you need to do it."
"It's your life, it's now or never, you ain't gonna live forever."
"All miracles mean life, and God is the giver of life."
"You shall live and not die because it's the God that lies on the inside of you."
"If you speak life, you shall live."
"We're the sword that gives life, one life, one unstoppable life."
"Words have power because that power is from God and it's supposed to be for life, not for death."
"The feeling I had in that moment reminded me why I was still alive."
"I found another reason worth staying alive for."
"Always prefer life and never stop affirming survival. I love you and I'm smiling at you from wherever I am."
"I want to live. I don't want to die, and I don't want you to either."
"Suicide is never ever the answer."
"We're alive, we can move, we have agency."
"He is infinitely in every dimension pro-life, his pro-life love, his life, and he is for life."
"I'm an eternal Immortal age-defying being, infinitely alive, getting better every day."
"I bless you and I speak the love of God and the life of God over you."
"I don't want to take your life; I want to give you life."
"My life as a gay man is no less than your life."
"You have life for a reason... your life is not a waste. Don't do that to yourself."
"In the way of righteousness is life, and in the way thereof is no death."
"If I'm not hot and juicy at 70, I don't want to be alive."
"Living is non-negotiable for me at the moment."
"God is pro-life, God is pro everyone having an abundant fruitful life."
"Babies are a blessing, not a mistake."
"Anything that increases life and decreases death is positive."
"I want to live, right? I want to have a life."
"Your latter days shall be greater than your former days; you will not die but you will live and declare the word of the Lord."
"It's like having the opposite effect on people, making you want to live more."
"You're living, breathing, moving; you can hold your head up high."