
Season Quotes

There are 3254 quotes

"I love this time of year because it's the holiday season."
"We're in a moment, a season, where God is moving."
"Well, it's that time of year again, early September, that time between summer blockbusters and Oscar movie season, where the studios serve us cheese."
"Winter is not only approaching, but it's actually here."
"Fall is a season of change, and I find it to be a great time to be learning a new language."
"Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I love fall fashion, crisp air, and the changing of the leaves."
"I absolutely love summer. It's probably my most favorite time of the year."
"Me and you out tonight, we are gonna wear a scarf 'cause it's a chilly little fright, 'cause it's a spooky type of season."
"Remember the season as a whole, not just the ending."
"Wow, early spring for all! I think everyone likes that. Everyone likes the early spring."
"G2 Esports RLCS X has been the longest, most challenging season in the history of the sport."
"You're definitely stepping into your power this fall season."
"Merry Christmas holiday you old time period winter merry winter everyone"
"Jumping the gun by Stanley, Whitney Port's Spring collection is the ultimate girly-girl collection for the current season."
"As the veil between the living and the dead thins this time of year, many people find themselves wondering: are ghosts real?"
"Thank you guys for supporting me throughout this season. It honestly went a lot better than I expected."
"It's a brand-new year, it's a brand-new season."
"The work that God wants to do in your life in this season is directly connected to the people who are in your life."
"This is going to be your cardigan that will not break the bank, that you will really enjoy incorporating into your wardrobe this fall."
"The Boston Celtics would have their most successful season to date during the 2021-2022 season."
"We finally took some initial steps towards beginning our harvest prep work... won't be too long before cutting beans."
"Ebony Wood: Original and perfect for autumn - 9 out of 10."
"Le'Veon Bell just put up the best season I think I've had from a single skill position player in a rebuild."
"The weather has not been cooperating at all this fall... it's been pretty lousy."
"This is the time of rising; it's time of rising in the season."
"I'm just excited for what the season brings, I'm very looking forward to it."
"This is going to be one to wrap up the summer season transitioning into the fall."
"The Air Jordan 1 Mid Mocha, this is a shoe that definitely speaks to me on a fall winter vibe level."
"Welcome into one of my favorite times of the year."
"This season is the season of continue to grow and develop."
"Every season He brings in your life is for a reason."
"There's a reason for every season in your life."
"Best believe the winter is here in full force."
"We're looking forward to a productive spring."
"I'm really into bright spring pastels at the moment."
"Move over hot girl summer, it's spooky Witch season."
"Spring is coming and truly in love with this outfit."
"Do you remember what it was like, a cool fall breeze is in the air?"
"It's spooky season, as you can tell by my scary costume."
"I'm just happy that it is now spring."
"I think it's often that I'm good at the start of the season."
"You're in a season where you're going to be attracting like this king of Pentacles energy, like a lot of them."
"It's warm out, spring is in the air."
"This color is beautiful for the fall time, I feel like it's the prettiest color."
"It's your season, it's your time to receive the abundance of God."
"We have so much to look forward to this season and may it continue."
"The Christmas season has become a trigger; it is always a difficult time of year for Jess and I."
"God say this the season for you to make haste."
"Welcome to Christmas in the summertime."
"This is the time of goodwill toward men, of unselfish devotion."
"He's become a very important part of the Arsenal team, particularly in the second half of the season."
"Spring is springing in full force right now."
"Smile with delight, this is the season where you're just going to smile."
"I think they can win it now, they're the best team for me this season."
"There are so many things to enjoy at this time of year, the warm friendly spirit, that's most important, the time to be with family and friends."
"This chunky knit sweater is probably the most perfect thing for fall."
"I am so excited, this is a wonderful time of year, it's now Springtime is coming."
"It was very cold, unaccountably so for the month of June."
"It's a lovely time of year because it's very forgiving and everything can grow together, nothing's too hot."
"It's perfect for the spring summertime."
"It's perfect for fall, it's a thinner fabric but still quite warm."
"Happy birthday, we're entering your birthday season."
"It's a perfect pick for Springtime."
"This right here, it's definitely springtime vibes."
"I love Halloween too, I just love fall."
"This is a very exciting season, it'll be really fun."
"Bring on Spring and bring on the sun and the warmth and all the rest of it."
"I love fall so much, just the vibe of fall."
"I just love this time of year especially in New York and Boston."
"Our harvest was quite bountiful this season."
"The season's up, the season is up."
"End of summer is the perfect time to join and commit back to your daily practice."
"Simply know that you met for a reason, even if for a season."
"It's that time of year where if you don't want the sun to come in because it's daylight savings and all that."
"It's such a good time. This is like the best time of year for me."
"Fall is the superior season. The colors, temps, hoodies, bonfires, hot cider, etc. Come on, not even a contest."
"I was grateful when summer rolled around."
"Well, I think we have our new signature moment of the Season, my oh my."
"It's the experience that matters at the end of the season."
"It's a great transition piece for the spring season."
"I think white is a great transition color."
"A must-have for the spring season, especially because it's going to rain a lot more."
"The colors of the season are often yellows, reds, golds, blues, greens, white, and pinks; they're often very vibrant colors."
"This is the season which seems to be attached to my soul."
"Spring is nature's most action-packed season and the time of new awakenings."
"Fall is that period; it's not cold yet, but it's not summer anymore."
"I feel like Autumn is such a good time to pick up some new denim because I just love wearing jeans in Autumn."
"This is your season of restoration, this is a season of renewal."
"This magical season for the Warriors continues."
"Spring is that season where we get to kind of have a little fun with our wardrobe."
"He looks like he just got a little extra pep in his step this season."
"We're all so happy because spring had come, and pretty soon we would have vegetables to eat."
"All of the glory goes to God for this season that I'm in in my life right now."
"Summer is officially here and it's time to stay cool while it's getting hot outside."
"I always would think of coming to Provence in summer but I think it's going to be so lovely to explore in these early autumn days."
"Something about the summer time, summer and growth."
"Football season is the perfect reason for chili making and cornbread, bacon, and let's gather all the cheer to the boys of fall."
"September is here and autumn is upon us."
"This season changed Formula 1 forever."
"I just got back from a camping trip, fall is coming up. The best time of the year."
"Springtime is happening right now, it's a beautiful time when life begins again."
"I feel like that's what this season is: just making the worst possible decisions."
"You were not designed to stay in the waiting season."
"This season was like a Katy Perry song. You're hot and you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out."
"Being content in your season... just brings so much fruit and so much blessing."
"This is the season of the ER: crazier, healthier, wiser, happier, wealthier, stronger, bolder, greater."
"Wild blueberries are harvested from late July to early September."
"It's so hard this time of year, but it is the season to just thoroughly enjoy yourself."
"It's starting to get warmer so why not combine potentially the best method I've ever fished with a bait that is hot at the moment?"
"Every character goes through some form of trauma throughout the season."
"This season does wonders for asexual representation."
"It's not the best season of the show, not by a lot to be honest, but it's still an excellent ending to the series."
"If they win their last four, that will be a phenomenal end of the season."
"It's that time of year once again."
"Washington had won the NFC East, beating Dallas 28 to 8, reeling off seven straight wins to end the season."
"This game would be a testament to their epic season."
"I'm just grateful that the Lord really got me through that season like I felt his grace through that."
"It is a beautiful time to be a gardener."
"You're about to enter a season of receiving and harvesting."
"Great season, really proud of our guys. Even with the score lopsided, they were having fun fighting."
"Winter's a good time to stay and cuddle, but put me in summer and I'll be a happy snowman."
"Max's defending on lap one from Charles Leclerc summarized Max's season of why are you so good, it's almost obviously irritating for every other fan of any other team."
"Bruno at times has been like a bloody Brazilian Roy Keane for us. This season's been insane."
"Spring's been a long time coming but feels like it's finally here."
"The boys down here are basically relegated, in fact they are relegated at this stage before the final game of the season."
"Certainly a month into the season as it was because you've you've spent the whole summer preparing."
"With 183 innings on the season, Johnson was still well within qualification for the ERA title, an honor he clinched on the final day of the season."
"David versus Goliath is a great season top to bottom and I mean like what is it that I need to say it's pretty much got something for everyone."
"The end of summer, humid and quiet."
"We think of summer as bountiful, but even in this season of plenty, slight local variations in climate can massively change."
"It's super summer appropriate, super spring appropriate."
"I definitely think this will be a really good essential for the spring as well."
"It's absolutely classic especially for this sort of a season."
"This just screams fall with the colors"
"Love and kindness is always in season."
"This should be a really, really good season."
"winter has been very kind to me this year I have never had a Winter's fishing like it"
"Spring is here and it's just the best."
"Summertime: the best time of the year."
"This season, it has just been, I've had fun this season."
"Season 1 of chapter 2 was off to a great start but then things started to slow down."
"Baseball breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart."
"This time of year is the best possible time to get them because as you can see we have an absolute carpet of wildflowers."
"I love absolutely everything about this season. I feel like September, October, November, December are just such exciting months."
"Spring is springing, isn't that beautiful?"
"I feel like when you get in muddy water during early spring, the most traditional lures out there tend to do really really well."
"The whole show got a redesign in this season."
"Early springtime bass fishing is the best time of the year to go out fishing."
"November is the crown jewel of fall, the epitome of all things that make the fall season amazing."
"Fall really is the feel-good time of year."
"There's just something magical about the combination of enjoying the feel-good season to the full extent while trying to wrap your brain around a good mystery."
"This color is so pretty, perfect for the spring season."
"So there are times when God will determine your ration. That's part of the training of that season."
"I definitely like summer better because it's cool."
"Hands down the biggest complaint I and many others have had about this season is the fact it feels too rushed."
"Chloe was the most interesting character in season 2, and season 2 was frankly better for it."
"Hopefully, it gives you the inspo to also declutter your space and get rid of stuff for this new season."
"2023 was a great year for anime like the fall season alone I think is one of the best singular Seasons we've had in a number of years."
"Absolutely love summer, especially at the beginning."
"I just love sandals, especially in the summertime."
"Pastor Tim is a marvelous leader, marvelous leader, and took this church in a very, very difficult season and took it far beyond anything it's ever been before."
"...one of my favorite things about spring and particularly around Easter is that I can cut things from my garden..."
"I think spring is always going to be where things start to catch a little bit of steam."
"This time of year is beautiful, it's abundant, it's overwhelming, but it's a good time of year."
"...as soon as I saw them I was like oh these are so nice for spring."
"He doesn't score tap-ins, this boy, does he? Goal of the season candidate."
"It is spooky season, all sorts of fall goodness is here."
"Spring is here and I got super inspired."
"Summer is here... absolutely phenomenal, barely a cloud in the sky."
"I'm in a season of my life of obedience. Obedience above everything else to what God is calling me to do with my life."
"Plenty of racing still to come then for IMSA in this crazy season."
"Happiest season definitely for those who are into Christmas movies."
"It's wide open this season, with surprises at every turn."
"Dan Campbell setting the tone already for this season, anything goes."
"As we say goodbye to the summer season, we should never forget all of those poor folks who never made it back home."
"It's great to see Honda quick at the first race, you know it's really important for the whole season."
"Winter nights are long and cold this far north."
"Winter is here and I could use the extra traction."
"I just love how soft it is, um, it's definitely, it feels so nice and I think during the summer it's going to be really nice."
"It was so much fun I did sorry I I have fun in everything I do like if it's not fun I'm not doing it so I had a blast like I had a really good time meeting all these ladies building these friendships and relationships like it's it was a fun season."
"Winter comes with a lot of good foods, it comes with a ton of indoor activities. If you're an introvert, winter reigns supreme."
"It's gift-giving season once again, and you've probably already thought about what you're getting your partner, right?"
"Strawberry season, it's the best, like my birthday."
"This has been the most amazing season, our 10th anniversary."
"That's my favorite of the season so far."
"May this be the best conclusion of Power Rankings to the season ever ever."
"It's because it's too hot and it's summer."
"Springtime in Arkansas also means waterfalls."
"It is officially pasta salad season and y'all know how I feel about a good pasta salad."
"We are so excited about gardening season this year."
"Summertime is the best time to find mushrooms here in the Appalachian Mountains."
"Football season is coming. Watch for football apparel."
"The winter time, which is when I'm here, much less crowds in the park."
"Season 6 was notable for hosting a soft pilot."
"Winter has arrived and so it is soup season."
"I'm in the mood for all things wintry."
"I'm so beyond excited for summer."
"Summer feels like an important period for the two of you here."
"Your season of singleness is about to end very soon."
"Overall, I wouldn't say that it is a particularly amazing season, however, I think that the ideas behind it are amazing and wildly unique."