
Natural Processes Quotes

There are 321 quotes

"Water just flows naturally the easiest way because it goes with the flow of the gravity and the direction of the universe."
"Bees carry pollen for themselves, but it helps the flowers bloom."
"Awakening is simply a natural process just like the caterpillar that awakens as the butterfly."
"The screaming mummy...because it was allowed to naturally mummify and it did so in a way that the mouth is agape while the facial muscles are strained."
"The wave collapsing on the shore is called a swash and the return of the water back into the ocean as a result of the slope of the beach is called backwash."
"The very processes that created life on your planet created life on many. Life is created naturally from the processes from the elements that you all enjoy."
"Evolution happens; that biodiversity and complexity do increase, that both occur naturally...in the field."
"You don't birth unless you break water; it's impossible."
"We accept a lot of things as being natural... where poor performance is dealt with, where amazing performance is recognized and awarded, where people are treated differently according to their talents and performance and track record, all this is natural."
"Heat escaping from the interior provides energy for the formation of our planet's mountains, valleys, volcanoes, and even the continents and oceans themselves."
"All the creatures that come to die in Pantdora, never actually leave our rainforest. They become the soil, the plants and the vines, they become the creatures that eat them, the creatures that eat those creatures, they become the minerals in the ground water, the gases in the air, and even live on in their offspring."
"Your life is unfolding just like your breath. You say 'I breathe,' but you don't breathe; breathing is happening."
"Your body is wired for fasting; it's designed to fast."
"Now is the time to allow nature to run its course. You are being called to effortless movements in the path of least resistance."
"Evolution doesn't have a goal; we are what happened."
"The circle of life is evolving. It's growing."
"It's totally natural and it's fine, but long-term it has some effects."
"The body's way of saying, look, I gotta get rid of some bad stuff."
"Death gives way to new life, Death is not evil; it is part of life."
"Death for a worm is more like a transformation."
"If you're alive, you're a living person with some air and a bed of wood chips. If you're dead, you decompose and turn into soil. And those are sort of your only 2 options."
"If you make it through a full-term pregnancy, that's gone through Nature's Quality Control process."
"It kind of goes down with the sunset and tricks your brain into thinking that it's it's dark outside which is going to help you sleep later on."
"You will not ruin your brain, you will not run out of fuel, you're not doing something unnatural to your body."
"Allow things to emerge, allow things to come in naturally."
"We as a species didn't come this far by accident, we came this far by letting things take their course."
"Beans carry this bacteria that interacts with the air and helps to create a natural fertilizer in the soil."
"The tide is directly tied to regulating the temperature on this planet. Otherwise, we'd end up in another Ice Age."
"Evolution gets us up mount improbable without miracles."
"There's no reason why you can't do fasting it's just a part of natural um you know natural physiology."
"Few things are more exciting in this world than seeing the cycle of life in action."
"Movement now, pollination sometimes without even trying. The bee is beneficial, right? So, know that."
"Wealth grows the way a tree grows, the way an animal grows, the way a newborn baby grows."
"Your body is really powerful at detoxifying itself."
"There's power in being passive, nature will run its course."
"I just wanted to stop taking testosterone because I wanted to let my body do what it was naturally gonna do."
"Everything in the universe is cyclical. Life follows a pattern of growth, decline, and then growth again."
"Let it happen naturally, that's the best way."
"Are we willing to wait?... Nature has an answer for everything."
"Rivers meander through life, seeking the easiest way downhill."
"We have witnessed a new species evolving right in front of us and entirely naturally."
"Even the smallest streams over millions of years could make the Grand Canyon. Erosion, right? It's a current, a flow of something consistently over time, makes the deepest canyons."
"You simply plant and let the harvest take care of itself."
"Fusion is completely natural. It's called The Sun."
"The things that happen organically tend to work out the best."
"Manifestation is a natural byproduct for how reality works."
"if flowers know exactly when and how to bloom then you do too"
"Start working towards the things that you want."
"You're waking up to new opportunities in your life."
"People don't get to see certain parts of life itself. The decaying of all things, the ugliness of the natural processes of life. And I think that's one of the reasons that makes us so fearful of death and causes panic and anxiety."
"You are exactly where you need to be because it needs time, same as a baby nine months in the womb."
"This is nature at work, creation and destruction go hand in hand."
"My ability to see was developed in my mother's womb through natural processes, and not by the handy work of an invisible, mysterious, shy man in the sky who can't seem to bring around enough courage to reveal himself... if he exists."
"Even storms serve to clear the air, scatter seeds, and nourish the soil for better things ahead."
"Biodegradable means to break down into smaller parts that can be reabsorbed by nature."
"Plants have been using animals pretty much since we formed. Ever wonder why fruit exists? It's so animals can eat the fruit and seeds, walk away, and deposit it somewhere else... now we have orange juice in the morning."
"If you want to stop climate change, you have to stop plate tectonics, stop variations in the Earth's orbit, and stop variations in solar output." - Author
"For any spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases."
"It's perfectly natural, kids, to have your piss cannons shoot the piss."
"At the end of the day, it takes a long time. Change is a slow eroding process. It's like how rocks turned to sand."
"The biggest takeaway for me was that our Earth is super alive."
"Allow a natural cycle to take place. Surrender, allow things to shift and move around you."
"Dust from the Sahara contributes essential nutrients to the Amazon rainforest."
"The body will always attempt to return to homeostasis."
"It's healthier that way, you know. It's not healthy to hold in your farts."
"Bramblin, how do you think a tumbleweed evolves? It needs to tumble."
"Artificial swarming is a natural process that bees want to do themselves."
"If you leave it on the vine, the cucumbers will start turning a golden yellow-orange color and you really want to leave them on there for a while so that they get maybe three times four times the size of the cucumber."
"Your loved one is not dying because they're not eating and drinking. They're not eating and drinking because they're dying."
"Treehoppers molt five times before finally becoming adults."
"Nature wouldn't get 100% germination rate all in the same day, but under ideal conditions, just direct sowing can yield great results."
"Evolution is guilty of having happened, and it's still happening today."
"Orchids naturally and instinctively will produce roots when they need to based on their pattern of growth."
"Let go of control issues: Just let everything unfold naturally."
"Every single thing, practice letting go and you'll be pulled up naturally."
"The moon always reminds us that things are cyclical, that things work in circles."
"Don't chase these women, what's meant for you will come naturally."
"Your body is like a self-cleaning oven. It does not need you to spend money on detox teas."
"Nature doesn't rush, yet it still accomplishes all it needs to."
"There's nothing you can do to it that it can't figure out how to do on its own."
"Composting isn't difficult nor does it have to be complicated after all it's just a natural process."
"Nature has found a way to return things to stability."
"Many animals are known to shed their skins and fur, but did you know that each year bull elk shed their giant antlers to grow completely new ones?"
"Life is blooming, things are going full circle."
"It's as if a tectonic plate underneath the surface of the Earth is cracking and being washed away."
"The skin wants to repair itself and renew and get ready for a new day."
"You don't have to weaponize viruses. Mother Nature's been doing it quite happily all by herself for some 4 billion years now."
"Trusting your own instincts, letting things happen naturally."
"The life of the world, everything in the world goes in cycles. And I believe in cyclical recurrences."
"Explosion was once a cow patty fertilizing a very small area."
"Other than that, I love you guys so much. So grateful for all of you."
"The snow kind of falls and accumulates and then over time it kind of melts and sinks in."
"Natural beauty, the natural beauty of just growing old, getting wrinkled, dying, decomposing, and returning to nature. Anything other than that is a marketing scheme that's designed to distort your brain."
"Everything happens naturally and effortlessly."
"If you could come back thousands of years later you would see that the water has made a deep hole in the rock... patient water is stronger than solid rock."
"The body has this tremendous ability to heal."
"Change is natural, and it's not something to be ashamed of."
"It's precisely because of the second law that all this exists... it's possible to harness this natural flow from order to disorder..."
"Both cars and humans power themselves by tapping into the great cosmic flow from order to disorder."
"It's not a natural flow... know that it is okay."
"Nature's great ballet while we actually get power back because of course the satellite is orbiting the Sun."
"The Fibonacci sequence is life's way of creating the golden mean."
"Forget about MCT oil when fasting... your body's doing it naturally."
"Death and disease are just natural parts of life."
"Life was designed from the bottom up, not the top down. Natural design, not intelligent design. Evolution, not creation."
"The climate's changing naturally... you adapt to the changing climate because it's going to change."
"Evolution is a fact. Biodiversity and complexity do increase, and both occur naturally only by evolutionary means."
"The phases of the moon really symbolize that entire process of coming into fruition and then withering away."
"I've learned a lot in 12 months, I'm really beginning to understand how the soil is like the stomach for each and every plant that grows on this earth."
"It's just as natural as the eventual end of the world itself."
"First you feed yourself, then you feed the worms. That's life."
"You can think of a star, our own Sun, as a big conversion factory."
"Physiologically speaking, we're supposed to have a bowel movement every time we eat a meal."
"Resolving the cause allows the body to self-repair."
"Evolution blindly discovers designs that are brilliant, but it does it without any cleverness of its own."
"Breastfeeding is natural. It is normal. It is fine. It is why women have boobs. It is what they are meant for."
"And naturally build up a greenish film or covering called patina. Salt and sea spray accelerates this natural process..."
"They rejuvenate their tissues, heal, and they get young again."
"Scientists know today that the solid inner core is actually getting larger as the liquid iron around it cools and crystallizes."
"Allow something to run its course and that's the way life is once you accept that."
"It is a natural thing for man and woman to come together."
"It's not like you can control having your period. It's not like you can literally tell Mother Nature, 'Hey, can you wait until like after dinner to come?'"
"It's all about natural regeneration of ecosystems, it's about letting nature take control."
"Ocean currents: influenced by atmospheric circulation and temperature."
"Ancient humans walked across the mud flats long before it was ever a beach, and their indentations in the muck were then baked in the scorching sun."
"Extinction is actually a natural part of life as long as the world keeps changing life will continue to change with it or fall by the wayside, and in that process there will always be winners and losers."
"Weight fluctuation a thousand percent it's so natural."
"Take the sun out of the equation, you don't have no angle at all, ain't nothing happening."
"Grapes have to be crushed to make wine, diamonds form under pressure, olives need to be pressed to make oil."
"All life is built on cycles and the menstrual cycle is one normal and natural part of nature's eternal plan for passing on the gift of life."
"It is magically making of course in an avalanche this is happening much faster."
"Pressure creates diamonds and fire refines gold."
"Your body is an amazing being. It knows how to take care of itself."
"DNA doesn't make itself any more than a snowflake makes itself."
"Things happen naturally and connections happen naturally."
"Crying is no different than [ __ ] pissing, puking, and sweating. It's a form of purging."
"Radiation alpha decay is a natural radioactive decay."
"It takes time for things to come... It takes time for the fruit to grow but it's gonna grow, alright?"
"It's the perfect opportunity to work with Mother Nature."
"Truly, your body is self-healing and self-regulating."
"Sometimes you just gotta let natural selection take its course."
"Well, the phages that naturally kill them or keep certain ones in check or don't they might also be living in you."
"The body can heal itself with a bit more cell communication available to it."
"The earth brought forth vegetation plants yielding seed after their kind."
"It is so natural and it is nothing to be ashamed of... it should be talked about it's not something to be ashamed of we're all dealing with it it's literally just a natural cycle that your body goes through and it's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Crying is as natural as laughing or going to the bathroom or being hungry. It's necessary, it's healthy."
"It's kind of crazy and very interesting to see how Mother Nature works and how the process of the Natural Forces that exist on this planet sort of create these wild environments."
"Take out the poisons and start if you want to speed up time you add mulch and you add layers and you add different plant combinations."
"The erosion of the river is focused right along the riverbed, and so it will cut down like a saw blade into the rock."
"When you fast, you're using your body fat stores for exactly what it was designed for."
"Once bubbles form in the lake, it rises rapidly and drags the deep water to the surface."
"There's a natural tendency for things to self-organize."
"Evapo rust, although it seems way too good to be true, is based off of processes that have been going on in nature for, you know, ever since humans have existed, ever since trees have existed."
"Let it be riotous. Let it grow way more than if we tried to have crops."
"Erosion is the term used to describe the gradual loss of real estate due to natural causes such as the wearing away of soil by wind or water."
"Natural selection, an unguided and blind process, is the driving mechanism that created the diversity of life."
"As long as everything is functioning properly, the body can repair itself naturally."
"Natural sunlight is used as a catalyst."
"Remember that inflammation and that macrophage process, these are natural adaptive healing processes and you don't want to impede them, unless it's necessary."
"Here comes nature doing its thing."
"Anywhere that that gravel, that conglomerate actually gets turned back into gravel by rivers or landslides, shows placer gold."
"The body is so capable of taking care of itself naturally doesn't harm itself."
"There was nothing cruel or dramatic in all of this; extinction was as common and as natural as speciation."
"...unless it's because it makes everything grow, right?"
"Hemostasis and clotting cascade—nature's way of ensuring our wounds heal efficiently."
"...many times it is through very natural processes that God is working."
"You cannot force these things, you have to let nature take its course."
"The Arctic Ice is a perfect environment for keeping corpses nice and cool, leading to natural mummification."
"We don't need to micromanage them. They work together, and that's how we end up with compost that can be so different from just what you buy at Walmart."
"If we understand how the natural evolutionary processes work and we emulate those, we can live in the Garden of Eden."
"Part of rewilding is taking a step back and letting nature do its thing."
"Rivers physically weather or break down rock through two primary methods: hydraulic pressure and abrasion."
"Your body will naturally bring you down to a relatively healthy body weight."
"Genetic drift happens as a matter of fact."
"The truth is perimenopause and menopause are natural."
"If you're a pregnant woman and you're having contractions, you can't stop that. If you're a man and you're having a seizure, you can't stop that. But you can stop being ignorant."
"Nothing good happens fast. Example: Coraline booster. If your tank is healthy, it will be there."
"Deep time primitive earth Placid seas slow erosion."
"If sweat is your body's natural way of cooling itself down, then condensation is a Beer's natural way of saying drink me."
"Plants are able to survive and thrive in the wild because the balance within the soil or substitute isn't being artificially altered."
"Body heals itself just like we always knew it did when you get a cut it heals itself you get a bruise it heals itself you break a bone it heals itself."
"The whole process of burial, erosion, formation of fossils, and the exposure of fossils is going on today the way it has for so many years."
"The warm days and cold nights of spring here in the U.P. mean the sap is running."
"The whole cycle thing... it just goes like clockwork."
"Seed time and harvest is real. Put a seed in the ground; your thought is a seed."
"Let nature do that work for you now."
"It's not that winter is bad, it's not that the night is bad or the death is bad, it's all part of the cycle. What's bad is stopping the cycle."
"Your body is doing exactly what it's supposed to do."
"This is how soil is formed, exactly how soil is formed naturally."
"Menopause itself actually just means cessation of the menstrual cycle; it's completely natural and healthy."
"Erosion is a process that usually takes millions of years, but let me break it down for you."
"I think that we shouldn't be shamed for dealing with this because it's a natural thing that we can't control."
"We get to have some influence as humans... but it's not our role to be the engineers or the micromanagers of the soil symphony, we have to trust them."
"The body is amazing, you remove the interference, it will heal itself."
"Most healthy people, when you're thirsty, you drink, and your body kind of takes care of itself."
"The laws of physics and the fact that the early universe had low entropy show that complex structures happen very naturally without any planning."
"Evolution does not rule out God's involvement, both directly and miraculously, in addition to through natural processes."
"Life is the product of natural processes; we evolved from a common ancestor."
"Nature eventually did its thing and got rid of the whale carcass without any casualties."
"These are not static land forms; winds and waves constantly rework and move the island sand."