
Urban Design Quotes

There are 367 quotes

"The example I used in my simulated urbanism video was the Grove in LA... vibrant pedestrian Main Street with tons of amenities, Alfresco dining everywhere."
"It's all designed to encourage people to hang out and spend money."
"They really are evidence that people will gravitate to well-designed urban spaces if you provide them, and they really do hunger for walkability and places where cars are tamed."
"Imagine a traditional city and consolidating its footprint, designing to protect and enhance nature."
"That kind of makes sense... a public restroom by the... or the parking lot."
"I love this sort of busy highway road running through the middle of these districts."
"If our environment and these cities are supposed to reflect the world we desire and want to live in, then hostile design should give us pause."
"The Line is pitched as a futuristic linear city, crossing four different ecologies, designed as part of a series of modular segments, offering all services and amenities within a five-minute walking distance."
"The Line will work with 100% renewable energy, with a major bet on a $5 billion green hydrogen plant, the biggest in the world."
"The Line will be a car-free city, emphasizing vertical movement and featuring an ultra-high-speed transit system."
"Overall, if I only had to give a few pieces of advice, I would say: one, make the city feel human scaled using small details like trees and benches; two, make it complex and lay out a plan before you start; and three, stick to a theme and only vary the architectural style when changing districts."
"Humans need humans... Very true. Soviet blocks are depressing but they were designed so that the essentials were always within walking distance."
"It would be wonderful to give the cities back to the people rather than keep them strictly for cars: larger sidewalks, more people walking, and some actual public transportation."
"I really enjoyed that, how there's been no cars going around; it's just people walking and cycling."
"It's carbon-neutral, pedestrian-friendly, and powered by renewable energies."
"Sustainable cities, sustainable buildings can be more enjoyable, not just good for the environment but also great for the people living there."
"I mean, who doesn't want a floating city with a shipping lane passing through the middle?"
"Yikes, guys, look at that city, that was so cool."
"3D concrete printing allows for optimal material usage, less waste, and design freedom to create healthier and more appealing cities."
"European cities are so wonderfully designed compared to our own so livable."
"The town feels almost sort of lifeless. It doesn't have these quirky little touches."
"The absence of children in cyberpunk is a very obvious in the design of these cities, and it just speaks to a society that's not only struggling with crime or cost of living, but also a society that has no hope and no vision for the future."
"How can we make apartments living and urban living feel more personal, more stylish, but how can we do it affordably?"
"When you design a city for cars, it fails for everyone, including drivers."
"Another important aspect of good urban design is opening up the buildings to the pedestrian realm."
"Transit planning... You don't need a car. That is your choice and it's reflecting itself in the transit utilization."
"It should become a federal requirement that all sidewalks have one of these next to them."
"The villages and cities they designed and built were powerful expressions of the innovative spirit of our ancestors."
"All people did by giving up windows was indulge their own claustrophobia."
"Through the process of designing and the resulting street space, both the means and ends of creating low-traffic neighborhoods are an exercise in community building."
"There'd be guaranteed pavement wide enough for a double buggy or wheelchair throughout the town."
"The result will be increased connections between people."
"The architectural design of some of these areas in the city are just fantastic."
"Every area has its own design, painting the picture of a fascinating city."
"It's difficult to have a special street without naming our streets. This will be Umbrella Way."
"None of Howard's designs, as brilliant as they were, ended up really changing the way we live our lives."
"Most cities are not very pedestrian-friendly."
"I think China is the best in the world at lighting things up at night, every city we go to."
"There may be clues that Washington DC, our nation's capital, could in fact be a city dedicated to goddess worship."
"Female shapes and symbols suggesting it's the city of the goddess might have secretly been included in the city's design."
"It's defined as design features implemented into city or towns which were constructed specifically to deter homeless people from sleeping in those locations."
"The Camden bench was a specifically commissioned piece of concrete designed to deter anti-social behavior."
"San Van Alona in both iterations were created as a city first and as a virtual skate park second."
"i'm really impressed with the city i i give kudos to the creator of it"
"Placing bus stops on main streets to avoid disruption to residents."
"Adjust the height of buildings, punctuation of the facade, roof shape, and material."
"I like the idea that we can turn Paris into a... weird cyberpunk futuristic thing."
"Now instead of just designing a whole city, they can literally design a city block."
"The hopping bridge, the one that connects the museum in the residential area, I just love that."
"Mirror's Edge never would have happened without the city-state mentality."
"It's such an artistic city, with different layers of architecture."
"A picture of a repurposed underground car park in the Netherlands, complete with coffee and cake store."
"Customize your builds and beautify your city effortlessly."
"This is something that you know is incredibly valuable if you want to create neighborhoods that have a certain feeling and ambiance to them."
"You know there's a park there but it's it's tough to see it and that is the point from belmont you shouldn't be able to tell that this park is there."
"We have this huge open canvas now to replan this part of the city."
"The dream of free and easy parking has motivated a lot of very bad Urban Design decisions."
"When we design other things, say a subway car or a bus for municipal use, it's going to be used 50 to 90 percent of the time."
"Bus stops with air conditioning: even the bus shelters in the UAE are air-conditioned since 2007, offering air-cooled comfort while awaiting transportation."
"Three designs used on different sized obelisks linked up to form a really cool-looking town."
"Wireless charging even low powered wireless charging, if it was kind of embedded in the street... that could help people charge their EVs in urban places."
"The foods that we put into our bodies will dictate what kind of clothes we can wear."
"Urban design considerations: Integrating green spaces into downtown."
"I honestly think that a jungle city would be a really cool idea."
"There's an indescribably serene urban flow to the overall feel of Shadow of the Colossus that only Team Ico have ever managed to deliver."
"That is beautiful, it's definitely more lanes than I would prefer but I do like it."
"Our cities are not green and that's what I think my biggest problem with them."
"Design this entire area thinking of pedestrians first."
"G-money, excellent job thinking about pedestrian connectivity because it's super important."
"There's a mix of uses, and some logic and thought behind all of this."
"Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir man's blood, and probably will not themselves be realized. Make big plans, aim high in hope and in work." - Daniel Burnham
"New Atlantis, the biggest city they've ever made."
"We've even given some of these buildings their own unique trees so that they'd have a little bit of humanity right there, a little bit of nature in their backyards."
"Sometimes leaving areas vacant can enhance the overall feel of the neighborhood."
"Getting the street and block structure right is a massive step towards a walkable, livable city."
"They weren't designed for the car. They were bulldozed for the car."
"The rest of the plaza mostly contains little flourishes to give it character such as billboards, signs, and even road signs."
"Do you see the rainbow benches? Bistro tables and chairs await."
"Plus one for keeping the modes separate... shared by pedestrians and cyclists but totally separated from cars."
"Creating Connectivity: Pedestrian-Friendly Urban Design."
"It's amazing looks like you could be outside on the street really isn't it incredible I'm so thrilled."
"New York is a joy to explore and the concentrated effort that we see here shows itself in little bits of concentrated effort like verticality breaking up the typical battle zones of so many other games."
"I legitimately love Night City. The artists did an incredible job designing all of the varied locations."
"We've built a world of endless dead dormitory suburbs connected by sterile wide motorways all because we labor under the false impression that we want to be far away from other people."
"Night City itself is absolutely stunning... one of the best open world cities ever made." - YouTuber's opinion
"How do you make an incredible cycling road even more incredible? Not by banning bikes, but by banning cars."
"It's honestly quite amazing the amount of love and care that went into our beloved city."
"Not having any sidewalks in places like Dallas is an aspect of car Reliant infrastructure."
"By nurturing vibrant and cohesive urban spaces, skate parks strengthen community bonds and create a sense of belonging."
"In the context of the entire street it looks absolutely fantastic."
"So much so that there are floating walkways underneath the ground that we can walk on."
"Americans only encounter walkable cities when they're either in college or in shielded areas."
"Let's make places that feel human, let's make places that feel special."
"Instead of trying to get people to go to the gym, design our streets so it's easy, safe, and aesthetically pleasing to walk."
"When you design a city for the people that live there, you create places that people actually care about."
"Designing suburbs within walking distance of a tram line is a necessity."
"This whole area is so open and easy to access because they got big wide roads, not traffic."
"This is somewhat emblematic of urban acupuncture."
"Architecture should be assessed aesthetically on its own merits, which must include harmony with existing townscape."
"The way the Scandinavians design their cities is an inspiration."
"Instead of creating a sea wall that segregates the life of the city from the water, we got inspired by The High Line."
"This place is like human-sized Legos."
"The city feels alive, and that is in large part due to how the city's public spaces are designed."
"As a science fiction fan, the marriage of skyscrapers and urban design with futuristic technology is also fascinating."
"The way the city designed the overpasses so that pedestrians don't need to cross the street is absolutely one of my favorite things about walking all over Vegas."
"The benefits of each style of curb."
"Towards New York Harbor, the resulting plaza in the sky is proposed as a flexible space accommodating new sweeping views, quiet spaces for reflection, and a diversity of activities for New Yorkers."
"But zoning in the suburbs has become so restrictive in some areas and combined with the lack of connectivity, it's made it incredibly inconvenient for people living there."
"Evolve and adapt our existing cities and design new ones that work in harmony with nature and our precious planet."
"That's how many submissions came in when I asked all of you to help me redesign this street."
"Sustainability has to look like high-rise apartments and Subway systems."
"You see these plazas with the reflecting pool, and the reflecting pools also got new artwork."
"Residents can walk to shopping and the new metro station. There's also senior housing in an office park."
"I want some cooler, more ancient style cities with modern amenities."
"Grasses provide oxygen and contribute to urban aesthetics."
"Lawns are functional and economical in urban settings."
"An open city is dialogical in focusing on self-correcting or self-revising processes rather than looking at discourse as a means to the end of action."
"What can design do to open up the city? Edge conditions, incomplete form, and arbitrary markings of value."
"The house is not defined by one object or one boundary, but it's more melting into the city."
"...this city is built into a mountain."
"The underside of a bridge could be an attractive public space and today it's one of the most extraordinary spaces to purchase fruit that you can find."
"I focused upon activities of light and dry spaces amidst the extreme chaos of Tokyo's urban status quo and from there derived the concept of progressive anarchy."
"Most architects think urban design is large scale architecture. They are colossally wrong."
"If you're going to define the space of the street, you need to have at least a one to one proportion to define the space."
"It's so convenient how everything's walkable, it's got everything you need."
"Brisbane is one of the most stunning cities in the world with its grand parks, waterfronts, and skyline."
"The city is laid out on a grid system, making it super easy to navigate."
"The city had many pedestrian streets so it was easily walkable."
"The Salesforce Park is a 300-yard completely accessible to the public rooftop park."
"The Green Line is shaped like a U and it diverts from the Red and Blue line trackage to the south, terminating at Clackamas Town Center."
"An approach to Urban Design aims to improve Quality of Life by creating cities where everything a resident needs can be reached within minutes by foot, bike, or public transport."
"The Outrun area will be filled with neon lights, flashing signs, and brand new ways to traverse its not very crowded streets."
"Architecturally, Saint Louis is a marvel with a wide array of different neighborhoods and styles."
"Designed for the urban environment."
"Creating innovative design for urban lifestyles."
"A man with a car in a world made for feet is a god; a man in a world made for cars is in traffic."
"Places that are made not for cars but for men are places where we can be moving to in order to find that natural life again."
"I love this area and I love how cleverly they managed to use it."
"We don't need a car... we walk everywhere."
"The pavilion symbolized the imagined future of architecture and urban design."
"If you can't connect people's home to work, you put their home and work in the same place or at least within cycling, walking, and transit distance."
"Many of the houses in Charleston are built right up to the road, no room for a garden here, but walk to the back of one of these properties, and you will find a hidden garden."
"Trolleybuses were ideal for the city's hilly terrain and they were clean and quiet."
"The goal is to make connective fabric between all of the walkable winners in your city."
"If you can make a place that is walkable, you will make a place that is well planned."
"The principal thing that we can do to make streets safer and therefore more walkable is to slow the speed of vehicles."
"Roman architecture is primarily an architecture of cities."
"This allows for easy walkability and for cars to have to slow down on these narrow streets."
"The principal Plaza provides a beautiful area for people to hang out and enjoy the vibe of the city."
"It's quite a lot of open space which is really nice, loads of benches everywhere to sit down."
"He designed buildings that reshaped cities and changed the idea of space."
"It's so strange how the skyscrapers are right next to the beach."
"Having this element in your city just makes you instantly happier."
"What if our cities didn't have to look like this? What if instead of being crammed into giant vertical glass boxes, we had terraces with gardens, air, open space, and a real connection to nature?"
"The open-air Sky Plaza provides a communal space as well as views of the city and the mountains beyond."
"The best urban waterfront promenades are easy to reach."
"The fountain was the functional, symbolic, and geometric center of urban life."
"By looking after the pedestrians, the public life, and the bicycles, we address all these four issues and we get a much better city."
"I wish every town had a Promenade around their Bay like this."
"This whole esplanade out here really does add to the whole why it's such a livable city."
"I think America needs a dancing fountain in every city."
"It's not just aesthetically pleasing and because it gives people more public space, but actually protects their homes."
"Walkable cities... most cities in Europe were designed and built and founded long before cars."
"It doesn't feel like you're surrounded by these giant looming skyscrapers; it feels very, I mean it's still, I guess they say, human scale."
"The availability, accessibility with bike parks, with public parts, there's pump tracks everywhere."
"...most of those restaurants are not roadside; they're in fact suspended over the auto strata, which looks really cool."
"It's a beautiful city, it's won awards now for being walkable and its outdoor living."
"We thought, why don't we reimagine the traditional urban podium and turn it into a lively village full of alleyways and plazas for a dense, lively urban environment."
"The shape of the city is very important in terms of its performance and its attraction."
"Wakefield incorporates a lake very nicely into its layout."
"The cities here are just designed better."
"It called for creating a more pedestrian-friendly environment."
"Less traffic and wider sidewalks would make downtown more of a destination."
"Narrowing Carson Street was fixing an error from the past."
"Cube houses... represent a forest within a city, where each one is a tree."
"Good third places are hard to come by today; ones that encourage regulars to just hang out for hours talking to strangers or reading books with little to no pressure to buy things."
"...every city worth its salt needed to have a showpiece like this an ostentatious Fountain."
"I built this place like a mini city, so once I step in the building, I don't have to leave."
"The walkability of this city is amazing."
"The sustainable neighborhood—it's a place designed so well people will willingly walk."
"The design of the city is actually both informed by and informs the story."
"Urban integration does the stadium interface seamlessly with the surrounding neighborhood without overly disrupting the grid."
"Pedestrian friendliness: are there good walkable connections directly to the stadium?"
"Bike friendliness: do you have high-quality routes to the stadium and do you have good places to park your bike?"
"A compact stadium is an efficient use of urban land."
"It's really leveraging the things that make Cincinnati great."
"It's Central, there's very little parking footprint, and it's compact and squared off to the grid nicely."
"Your cities are unlike anything I've seen before, such a perfect blend of technology and nature."
"How beautiful are the streets of the city, those platforms for the people, for the pedestrian."
"This transition from hard edges to layered, from clear axes and hierarchy to more enmeshed systems, is clearly seen as you walk along these water's edges."
"The Riverwalk acts as a gateway, connecting the windy city to the beautiful waters of Lake Michigan."
"We wanted to create large and meaningful public spaces."
"The city itself had to contain beauty in simplicity."
"Savannah had 24 original squares, 22 squares still in existence today."
"Curb cuts... serve an important purpose in allowing those with mobility challenges to cross the road."
"Don't treat pedestrians as an afterthought."
"Wrong. Pedestrian overpasses are romantic and offer a chance to take in the scenery."
"Pedestrian overpasses are romantic and aesthetically pleasing."
"Human behavior is unpredictable and unfathomable, and you really just want to build as forgiving a transportation system as you can."
"The contortions traffic engineers have to go through to make it all 'work' and how people who have to navigate it without a car are usually complete afterthoughts."