
Patriotism Quotes

There are 12473 quotes

"We have to fight this together as one people, as the United States of America."
"Liberty or death, we value life, we value freedom."
"Supporting Ukraine allows us to fight in one of the most direct ways possible against an enemy that we should all stand in opposition to as Americans."
"I'm a patriot first and a partisan second. We have to preserve the institutions of this democracy."
"I'm in this because I actually want to give back to a country that has allowed me to succeed in it."
"As a veteran, I want you to be a leader and serve this country before you tell everybody else they got to serve."
"Service to your country should come before personal benefit."
"His love for his community and country led him to make a decision about joining a branch of the military."
"You value a country that you have a stake in building, in creating."
"May God bless you, your family, your friends, and may God bless the United States of America."
"We defended the Capitol from native-born citizens, and that says a lot."
"In this house, we begin each day with a prayer and a pledge to the flag, and every day I am in awe of the majestic miracle that is American democracy."
"I think we deserve better. Americans deserve better."
"The future will be built right here in America."
"We're in a 1776 moment. I think we are in a war for the future of our country."
"Liberty shall break out across the land of America."
"Nearly 6,000 of you have joined our insiders club; it's an amazing network fellowship of patriots all over the world."
"America stood strong and democracy prevailed."
"When America gets knocked down, we get back up."
"I am a patriot of this country, a country that once let in a 13-year-old immigrant and gave me the opportunity to be where I am today."
"It's not what the country was built on; it was built on our rights, period."
"This nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you."
"Proud, hardworking American Patriots, you are amazing. You built this country."
"We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God."
"And the greatest expression of all time, it's called make America great again, it's called MAGA."
"I am so proud of this amazing country that has given me everything, and it is my mission to give back."
"If you love this country, you fight for the people who make it work."
"It's powerful to be empowered. It's powerful to hear that optimism and to have it resonate and go, 'You know what? That's right. We are the United States of America, damn it. That's who we are.'"
"A new Gallup poll shows fewer Americans than ever are proud to be American."
"This country is unbelievable; this country is God's gift to planet Earth."
"The founding principles of the United States are inherently good."
"It takes courage to say, 'With all its flaws, I love America.'"
"It's been an honor meeting you. I can see you are indeed a patriot among men."
"I'm unconflicted about the good within our country and the irreplaceable role we play as the leader of the Free World."
"Migrants...are going to probably be way more patriotic than your average American."
"I'm an oncologist, I'm a doctor, I'm a father, and I'm a lover of this country."
"Every time we wave a flag on Independence Day, we're reinstilling those values."
"I don't have the words to capture this journey. I want to inspire people to feel like they belong in this country."
"You can't be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American."
"With patience and fortitude, with one heart, we are the United States of America."
"My ultimate responsibility is not to my party, my conference, or even our Congress. Our responsibility is to our country."
"I never give up. I'll never give up for you, the American people, and I will never give up on keeping our commitment to America."
"Our nation is worth fighting for; our rights are worth fighting for; our dreams are worth fighting for; our future is worth fighting for."
"With love for this country and charity for each other, let us now take our oath and be worthy of the office on which we are about to enter. God bless everybody in this chamber, and God bless America."
"I will always be defending the sovereignty, the safety, and the security of the American people."
"Our government belongs to the people... We gather today, Madam Speaker, to ensure the survival of our grand American experiment, the greatest democracy this world has ever known."
"The government is betraying the American people."
"You may not agree with me on policy, but at least you respect my love of country and my ability to try to reach a consensus."
"A lot of folks I found, immigrants come to the United States are the most pro-America folks I've ever seen."
"He was another person that was treated badly, and uh, he was a patriot."
"We cannot give up. The life of our country is at stake."
"Nationalism is not a good thing. Patriotism is a good thing."
"The United States is the most free country on the planet."
"America is not a land cloaked in darkness; America is the torch that enlightens the entire world."
"We're making America a better place for everyone."
"There will always be people in this country, I hope, who are the military types, and I mean that in a wholly complimentary way."
"We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision, and building our future."
"We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again."
"We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again."
"Together, we believe in America that's my prayer: to remember who we are. We're the United States of America, there's nothing, and I mean this sincerely, nothing beyond our capacity if we act together."
"You can love and appreciate your country and hate how it rose to prominence."
"The Declaration and the Constitution and respect for those founding documents, belief in the rights that they lay forth, belief in the system of government that they talk about, that's inherent to patriotism."
"If you are not patriotic about those things, what in there is worth upholding?"
"If your patriotic based on who the president is, you're doing patriotism wrong."
"Patriotism sometimes requires protest and dissent."
"The only path to national unity is through our shared identity as Americans."
"Normally when people say patriotism in the United States, it doesn't just mean that they're proud of the flag or they're proud of the American military."
"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism when hate for people other than your own comes first."
"I still love the United States. I choose to live here. I wouldn't live anywhere else. But I recognize that I am living in an uncivilized country that has many other benefits."
"Nationalism is the politicization of patriotism."
"Patriotism means being able to stand up and speak out on an issue... If I disagree with the president of the United States on an issue, that I can speak out about that, and I'll fight for that cause."
"My country right or wrong? That would be an abuse of patriotism. Saying it's wrong is patriotic."
"If you love your country and your fellow Americans, you should want to fix those problems, not blindly defend them."
"A better conception of patriotism would require a willingness to soberly assess and tackle our country's problems."
"Let's let go of patriotism in favor of genuine solidarity."
"There's no White America, there's no Black America, there's only one America."
"Look, we're the United States of America. There's nothing, not a single thing we're unable to do if we do it together."
"The most American thing is to want to make it better."
"I'm the most American person because I want to keep improving America."
"Anytime they complain about America, they don't love America. Anytime they talk about socialized anything, they're socialists and communists."
"Let's talk to ourselves and see everything positive about our country."
"Any struggle to better this country must be born fundamentally out of the beliefs that first, it can be better, and secondly, it's within our ability to make it so."
"Patriotism is about supporting each other, not attacking someone else. It's about loving your country enough to make it a place where nobody is homeless or hungry."
"Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."
"The act to improve [America] is an act of patriotism... anyone who doesn't see that is mistaken."
"We're only the land of the free if we are in fact the home of the brave."
"Our freedom, our liberty, our independence, the Fourth of July is a sacred day in our country, a day of history, of hope, remembrance, and resolve, of promise and possibilities."
"True patriotism involves preventing and stopping wars instead of starting and continuing them."
"Questioning war became unpatriotic or immoral."
"I bet you love America a lot more than they love America."
"Breathe the man with soul so dead who never to himself hath said, this is my own, my native land."
"We're not here to save the Democratic Party, we're here to save the United States of America."
"Love you all, cheers. One last thing, keep the faith, keep the hope, God Bless America."
"We should do everything we can to bring American citizens home."
"The love affair of our country with America is over 100 years old."
"If the American government said Albanians, do you guys want to be a part of the U.S., are you willing to be the 51st state? We would be the 51st state, no hesitation."
"I love this place. I'll die for this country, man. And for me to see where we are is lack of information, suppression of information, ignorance at the utmost degree."
"Despite our differences, I love this land. It's as much Skyrim as my beloved Eastern holds."
"I love my country because I was born there... It's Perfectly Normal to love your country but not like your government."
"The best defense against these variants is to get vaccinated. It's the most patriotic thing you can do."
"I think this is an incredible nation; it's changed my life."
"I'm here to hold your hand and pull you off the edge of the cliff. I'm here to tell you there's good reason to believe in the Patriots of America and not the black helicopter people."
"How dare he say that. How dare you talk about my son and all us rest like that. I call them patriots and heroes. The only loser I see is Donald Trump."
"Educators must convey a sense of enlightened patriotism that equips each generation with a knowledge of America's founding principles, a deep reverence for their liberties, and a profound love of their country."
"I love my country, but that doesn't always mean I agree with what's going on by those in charge."
"I ask we stand and bow our heads for the nation we love, out of respect for the people who served it with distinction."
"America is by far the greatest country in the world, and the greatest honor that somebody can have is to become an American citizen."
"I want to say that we revived national pride in my two sons and their generation."
"Black Rifle Coffee Company is veteran-owned coffee company serving premium coffee to people who love America."
"You are living in the best country on the planet."
"A lot of blood was spilt to make this country a possibility by very brave individuals."
"The pride, the patriotism, making sure that you give folks their money's worth, that's what matters."
"Imagine a cross between Easter and the 4th of July where congregants are decked out in Red, White, and Blue, wave American flags, cheer at indoor fireworks, and worship to The Battle Hymn of the Republic just as they would with any traditional hymn."
"There's something very special about our patriotism, about our democracy, as messy and as nasty as it is."
"This is America. People fought and died for these principles. Not because they're a joke, but because we have freedoms that distinguish us from the rest of the world."
"I'm one of seven kids born and raised in Wrightsville, Georgia. My parents taught me about faith, family, education, and the love of country."
"It’s not red or blue; it’s red, white and blue, and he was talking about America in a very holistic way."
"I don't gauge my patriotism by paying a higher tax rate. I'm not more patriotic now than I was five years ago; I'm just getting screwed by the government harder."
"Our Founders created the greatest country in the history of the world, the greatest democracy, the freest country."
"America has become the freest, most equitable, most just, most prosperous country in the history of the world."
"Nobody is going to break us; we are strong, we are Ukrainians."
"I still think there's a lot left of us who simply see ourselves as Americans, who think in terms of what's best for the country."
"America is an idea stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant."
"I still have hope in America. I still like this country; this month I consider this as my own country."
"The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults."
"America is awesome. Life is so comfortable here."
"He said it's not about disrespecting the Armed Forces and hopes others will soon get that as well."
"If you love America, you need to take action to protect and save it."
"The love for America should drive us to act, to engage, and to make a difference."
"We are all Americans. I believe in that American Covenant: E pluribus unum."
"True patriots are those people who protect the nation, who stand on guard for the nation. That's the real meaning of patriots."
"The Cossacks are seen as the guardian of the eternal Russian values of patriotism, God, and family."
"Questioning your government is one of the most patriotic things a citizenry can do."
"America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. We fought and died for that slogan, right beside our white brothers, and doesn't that make us worth something?"
"Make America great again... it means y'all should be engaging in community building, community service... to literally make America great again."
"May God bless you, and may God continue to bless these United States of America."
"We are steeped in the blood of patriots who overthrew the most powerful empire in the world."
"The only way that we can continue living in a country that we can all be proud to call home again is if we allow for diversity of opinion and we push for challenging our perspectives."
"Those who stand when they are needed the most will earn the respect and love of their countrymen."
"There's no greater honor than wearing the uniform of the United States of America."
"Music was embraced by the US government to boost morale and encourage citizens to show their patriotism."
"I have boundless faith in this country, just not its leaders."
"For some reason, as football fans, we look at some of our heroes and go, 'Why wouldn't you want to play for your national team? You're a professional, mate. Come on, this is the pinnacle of football.'"
"Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land, and the Union."
"America without her soldiers would be like God without His angels."
"Let us continue to make Canada worthy of our veterans ongoing dedication and sacrifice, a country defined by respect, harmony, inclusion, responsibility, and kindness to all."
"Proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free."
"If this comes out as a moment of reform... then we have reason to be once again patriotic for a country that looks honestly at the things that were wrong and is able to fix them."
"At that point in time, I have never in my life been so proud and so very happy to be an American."
"Since we were little kids, we learn America is special and it is. We do hold the power here, not some dictator or tyrannical murderer. We have the say."
"This is not a time to be Republicans first or Democrats first. This is a time to be Americans first."
"I believe in America. Let me tell you what I believe in about America. I believe that when we're together, nothing can stop us. Nothing."
"Nothing less than American sovereignty is at stake."
"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, because it's gonna put up a fight."
"We got the red, white, and blue flying outside; we got our Gadsden hanging inside; country music playing in the background; Bill is good to go."
"On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for your service."
"We're doing this for the greatest country in the world."
"I felt very proud to be British. I felt very blessed and very lucky... music's been the saviour of my life."
"I don't blame people for attempting to get into the United States. This is the greatest country on the face of the planet. Why wouldn't you try to get in?"
"I am here for this country. I actually do love it."
"I will serve you like I served this country."
"A man who's cool on the outside but who burns for America on the inside."
"This is the challenge of a lifetime but if we keep pulling together...we will win because we have the best of our country on the front lines."
"I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; so help me God."
"They began that day with hope, with love in the morning... out of the fires of terror revealed the steel of our country."
"They would all do the same job all over again for this country."
"The magic and genius of this country is the way in which the Constitution and our culture interact."
"In order to love your country, you have to know what's wrong with it."
"Whistleblowers are patriotic individuals who often sacrifice their own career as well as their livelihood to root out waste, fraud, and abuse."
"This great Republic remains the most noble, inspiring social and political experiment in all of human history."
"I'm so patriotic. I always loved my country. I just wanted to serve my country honorably, and OCD took that from me."
"No nation can thrive if you lose faith in your own values, history, and heroes, for these are the very sources of our unity and our vitality."
"We must never lose this conviction. We must never forsake our belief in America."
"I go from this majestic place with a loyal and joyful heart, an optimistic spirit, and a supreme confidence that for our country and for our children, the best is yet to come."
"Getting vaccinated is among the most patriotic things that you can do."
"You can still be a patriot and, as a component of patriotism, want to improve it."
"What happened to red, white, and blue, baby?"
"We have beautiful people, we have a beautiful country."
"Don't talk ill about your country. Go stand up for it. Roll up your sleeves, get to work."
"I will always protect Canadian workers and Canadian interests."
"Nikki Haley, like you, I don't agree with so much of what she stands for, but she does believe in democracy, the Constitution, and the United States of America."
"The heart of this nation still beats with kindness and courage, that's the soul of America Joe Biden is fighting for."
"What we saw the other night was a return to normalcy where people could get together, disagree with each other, tell jokes about each other, and still celebrate how great this country is."
"To love our country is to fight for the ideals of our country."
"Let's fight with conviction, let's fight with hope, let's fight with confidence in ourselves and a commitment to each other, to the America we know is possible, the America we love."
"We are a nation of full hearts and clear minds."
"I love my country, and sure, I could push buttons, I could get you upset...but let me tell you, I respect you too much to do that."
"It has never been more appropriate to invest in the future of our country."
"America is the greatest country this world has ever seen. It is the greatest country on the face literally of the earth."
"Flags are put on caskets only if you've served... that resonated with me, and I thought, 'I guess you have to serve.'"
"Most importantly, try to be a good husband, try to be a good father, and try to be a good American."
"We're taking this back to New Zealand. This is where the strap belongs."
"Pray we must, as grateful citizens of a country we boldly claim to be one nation under God."
"Freedom is not free. It was paid for by the blood of Americans fighting for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"When Americans are united, we really can accomplish anything."
"Our democracy is the best, and we're going to keep on building it."
"It is a fine thing for a brave man to die when he has fallen among the front ranks while fighting for his homeland."
"It's a fine thing for a brave man to die when he has fallen among the front ranks while fighting for his homeland."
"Stay courageous, keep your head up, keep the fight going, don't ever give up, man. This country hasn't given up on you. Our founding fathers died so we can have freedom, and it is my expectation that we fight for that same freedom at all costs."
"America was the rogue state of the world. They wanted to be told that America was the exceptional nation again."