
Emotional Growth Quotes

There are 815 quotes

"Letting go of some of these feelings is going to be a step forward for you."
"The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears."
"My skin has gotten thicker, but my heart has gotten softer."
"Feel the pain, be able to say moving forward, if a person treats me in a way that is similar to what I just experienced because I've allowed myself to feel the pain of how it actually feels on the inside, I'm going to draw a line and say it ends here."
"Over this next year, you're going to be pursuing your emotional fulfillment."
"Recognizing and releasing pain from past romantic relationships can lead to emotional healing and growth."
"When we're in the trance of unworthiness, our identity is small and deficient. After rain, when we check and we've really nourished, there's a sense of spaciousness and tenderness."
"Your heart is growing when it's crying, when it's hurt - it's part of things, so allow it to be."
"These are all wonderful feelings that make you feel like you're growing, which is the whole point, right? We're here to grow, we're here to expand."
"I was scared, insecure, jealous, fear of failure, fear of success."
"Vulnerability is the center of difficult emotion but it's also the birthplace of every positive emotion that we need in our lives."
"The emotions are there like a garden; the mind is like a gardener; emotions are the flowers, you can make those flowers grow and blossom."
"Venus and Mercury are being born in your fourth house...something really positive can be born in your family life and in your emotional world."
"You've got to be it intellectually, you've got to be it emotionally."
"This relationship is going to trigger a lot of healing."
"Guilt and shame are emotional teething rings to keep us immature."
"All the sad moments are very much worth it...the sadness is just like a big challenge of life, and if you can make it past that, then you can make it to anywhere and beyond."
"I took anger, I took depression, I took all these negatives, and I turned them into something positive."
"Unconditional love... understanding love more than you ever have before."
"This person's gonna open you up and like free your emotions in a much deeper way than I think you even knew that you had or were capable of."
"When you start to feel that emptiness, remember, it's good. That empty pocket is where you can sit and do the footwork to face what is in here and in your heart."
"We grow as humans through happiness, through sadness."
"Healing attachment trauma is possible. We can learn to heal our deepest connections."
"Yoi praises Wasson's composed attitude compared to when they first met."
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder after all, and we've come a long way since leaving the comforts of home."
"Most of the characters will go through some kind of emotional arc where they really develop as a person."
"Root ourselves in love in the very present moment."
"Every muscle, in order to build it, has to rip. The more you are willing to feel and let your heart break, the bigger your heart becomes."
"Release and heal the past, you experience more love in your present moments."
"You've helped them open their heart, unlock their heart."
"The negative emotions can be a pathway to transformation."
"If you can just recognize and allow the play of fear, it shifts you from that resisting, scared person to the space of presence that has room."
"New thoughts should lead to new choices, and new choices should lead to new behaviors. And new behaviors should lead to new experiences. And then new experiences should create new emotions."
"Pain, recovery, and love are three of the most beautiful things that a human can go through, so don't deprive yourself of them."
"Rejection is not as bad as it seems; sometimes those negative emotions act as your biggest inspiration."
"Lily's evolution from fearing Pokémon to embracing them is truly heartwarming."
"Everything happening now is leading you to emotional fulfillment."
"By the end of April, you'll be setting a new foundation for your love life, filled with emotional growth and realizations."
"Your heart begins to blossom and open, fueling that fire with that dragon card."
"My way forward is to really let all of that love come in."
"Radical acceptance and surrender can help you let go."
"The emotion of letting go is tough but necessary for change."
"They want to reach a whole other level, a new height with you."
"Loving and being loved holds the power to grow us and heal us, making us into kinder and wiser versions of ourselves."
"Sometimes the things that break your heart end up fixing your vision."
"Healing from your past is crucial to moving forward."
"Their heart is opening, leading them towards acceptance."
"Appreciate the low to understand to appreciate the high."
"This month is really offering up a breakthrough moment."
"When you start to like yourself more, you're onto something."
"Towards the end of the month, you're gonna be feeling more passionate, more alive with your purpose if you learn those lessons."
"It was a happy ending for Shuri... having this really healthy emotional growth as a character."
"The emotion of anger was something that I've always been really scared to tap into."
"The sentence, I used to beat my girl and then you got in my head and made me see life, that feels better to me than extra zeros in my bank account."
"Our reactions are a huge opportunity for learning and growth."
"I think it's great that you guys are making a film that shows that it's difficult to grow up and it's okay to be sad about it."
"What's meant to be will always find its way and when you both have evolved you know appropriately in a spiritual sense and an emotional sense on your personal journeys you will naturally come back together and the Sun will heal all of things."
"Anybody who is hurting you and really triggering you, they're here just to help open you up and bring a lesson to you."
"Your emotional heart space for this person is expanding whether you want to acknowledge it or not, and that, my love, is real."
"Lungi has pretty obviously become much more of a caring and sentimental person than he was at the start."
"Celebrate progress; we grow from the joy of winning and the pain of losing."
"Your emotions are shifting, enabling you to open to greater love."
"It feels like somehow through all of what she's gone through with Lev and Yara, this is what finally allowed her to move on."
"We thought we were experiencing the bond between two brothers and how that bond transcends death because we feel it helped a character grow in a way we once thought impossible."
"Thank god for these moments, thank god for the pain."
"We can only find true self-love, we can only truly raise our vibration into love, into self-worth when we embrace that within."
"Transform us, God, by the power of your word, in our thoughts, and our emotions."
"The heartbreak changed me, it brought me into a state of enlightenment."
"You leave these type of [ __ ] situations and you want to stay insecure you want to stay jealous you want to stay like that that is not a trait you want."
"I've never left worse off than I came, there's been times where I'm teaching and I'm just crying, I know I'm okay."
"Negativity is only there as a reflection to help you grow."
"Follow your heart, follow your soul, the calling of your."
"You can't fully heal unless you acknowledge that part of you."
"Heal and love yourself; forgive our mutual flaws."
"Peace, happiness, love, and also wisdom of understanding why it is that you guys went through so many things."
"Forgiveness allows you to let go of old personas and masks, paving the way for something new in your life."
"The deeper the pain, the bigger the growth, the greater the expansion to your consciousness."
"It's time to face the emotional baggage within and find out what it's really been trying to teach you."
"Our marriage is like getting better and better every year like the love is deeper and every like you know life transition and emotional like rollercoaster it's like we come out stronger and stronger."
"To move forward physically or to bring in the manifestations that you want into the physical world you have to get more comfortable with the emotional world."
"If we manage to turn rage into grief, we will have made psychological progress."
"Cruise comes alive as a character that grows not only physically but emotionally as well throughout all the trials in his life."
"She's shown incredible growth, incredible emotional maturity."
"Most importantly, she's learned to be vulnerable."
"Vulnerability is at the intersection of heartbreak, failure, shame... but it's also the birthplace of happiness, gratitude, and tranquility."
"What if we just once and for all decided that we were strong enough for the pain in our lives, so instead of hiding from it, we just rushed straight toward it and allowed our pain to become our power."
"First, the pain, then the rising. First our pain, then our rising."
"Envy in some shape or form does not have to last forever."
"Emotionally, things start to click for you and you're probably going to be very thankful to a partner at the time."
"After that, they'll be able to feel more joy, more happiness in life, to feel less fear and all of those things."
"There's someone coming towards you Pisces, the knight of cups energy wanting to share love with you."
"Every situation... it's really to get us closer to loving ourself."
"Learn to cope with tragedy...channel those feelings into growth as a person."
"Growing emotional connection, deeper connection, increasing emotions."
"If you truly are love, then you will be challenged always to a greater level of love."
"When you're dealing with emotions and feelings, you gotta go through it."
"There's something about you letting go of past traumas and really putting them to bed."
"The prize of life is living beyond survival... connecting with life itself on an emotional intuitive spiritual level."
"Bakugo has been upgraded to that emotional core level."
"New moon feelings: emotions, growth, and manifestations."
"The birth and rebirth of intimacy in your life."
"Greg's admission of his mistake is a hard-hitting moment of emotional growth."
"A corrective emotional experience is when you do it differently."
"From the minute her king is born, something begins blossoming inside Pitou - The beginnings of what I view as a platonic love."
"Love has been showing up more and more, allowing love for you to flow."
"Curious about intimacy, respectful of boundaries, patient for growth."
"The pain is the brain internalizing the game. Every time you make a mistake and you feel the pain, you're getting better."
"Shinji learns to accept himself with the hope that one day he might be able to love himself and in turn love others."
"Emotional intensity and introspection are important aspects of personal growth."
"The heart opens and blooms like a flower, setting the stage for consciousness work."
"There's an opportunity to be vulnerable here."
"Forgiveness done correctly causes you to grow at every step."
"There's a lesson in this, there's a reason why you're feeling what you're feeling..."
"You're manifesting a new emotional security, a new homeland, a new grounded sense of serenity."
"This is the time to define the integrity of your heart."
"Kids are anti-fragile. If you protect your kids that nobody ever teases them nobody ever insults them they have no conflicts you're crippling their emotional development."
"Know that every cycle of pain, every cycle of heartbreak, served a purpose."
"You're permitted by law to do it but it's not right that they are doing it from a moral perspective."
"This love journey between the two is full of healing energy."
"This is about opening your heart to receive."
"No matter what has happened in your life, you can use it to become a more loving person."
"Focus on acceptance first and then the love will come... kind of like building a relationship with somebody."
"Start valuing yourself, those feelings of yours can transform into something better in the future."
"Don't blame, don't hate, don't restrict, learn, be patient, be gentle, and move on."
"A lot of times when either our own projected shadows or other people's projected shadows come into our lives they're just seeking forgiveness acknowledgement and a little bit of love."
"For the first time, perhaps you can begin the tumultuous journey of learning to love yourself."
"Even if you do have emotion for them, you're actively trying to move past it."
"There’s been a lot of love and friendship, and I’m thankful for that because it made me see humanity from a totally different perspective and it has frankly given me hope."
"Your sensitivity is increasing but you are in balance."
"Don't be too prickly or resistant; nurture your emotional depths."
"Food was the beginning of my self-love journey and it opened the door for the rest of my emotional mental and spiritual path as well."
"You're learning how to love yourself a little bit more too."
"The love had come into my heart for other people—it was amazing."
"Exposure to diversity is an important part of social and emotional development."
"What we have here is a compelling character arc, Elia is the one who's growing and changing while Blake acts as a Paragon and the relationship actually progresses into a satisfying emotional climax."
"At the end of the month, it is going to be a powerful transformation when it comes to your own emotions."
"Forgive, whether it's towards yourself, another person, or life."
"Watching the characters slowly learn to break down their guard and feel connection was so well performed."
"Movies are experiential events, and if I walk out of the movie with a great experience, that's all that really matters to me, and I had a great experience."
"I love my body and it's been a long journey and a long time coming."
"Graceful transformation, soften your heart and find your flow."
"Even almost negative, ugly, dark feelings can be cultivated to produce something fruitful."
"Your person wants you. They're in a hangman position, receiving downloads, transforming themselves."
"Your heart sometimes needs to break in order to give us clarity and openness."
"Big changes are arising. Emotional and mental changes which are huge right which seem to allow you to spread your wings and feel so much more confident and happier in your personal choices."
"You've helped them transform, you make them rise up."
"Learning to be more vulnerable, more transparent, more authentic."
"By opening up, we're officially turning away from the old shell, the old life, the old relationships."
"Learning how to process our anger and how to reach forgiveness is an incredibly important step in making sure that we save our planet."
"Find peace after healing. Overcome sorrow and heartbreak. Embrace new opportunities and creativity."
"Let go of something dear to you. Parting does not mean loss of love, reconciliation is possible. Make the first move."
"Venus retrograde is designed to help us give and receive love better."
"Learning to authentically be happy for other people is a struggle."
"They softened my edges so I became kinder, more loving, more open."
"Love your inner child a little bit harder and process things that have wounded you in the past."
"Every season is not a great season but it always does get better."
"You don't need their hate anymore, you've grown past it."
"Negative emotions can be a pathway to transformation."
"They're gaining wisdom about their emotions."
"Let go of your hate, it's okay, you're allowed to be happy."
"It's going to change the way you love, the way you give, the way you receive."
"We all have issues, we're all scared, but the good stuff only happens when we risk letting the bad stuff happen."
"You're hoping to not only leave the past behind but not to regret not making a move on this person."
"You have to grow from the sulk session of course Yeah right and like I do I get that though yeah but."
"Choose to open your heart by simply being open to these possibilities."
"Understand this, it, like all things in life, it does pass and it always when it does pass it gives way to you feeling more tapped in than ever you more inspired than ever."
"He's choosing to walk away from eight cups and trusting he's walking towards nine cups."
"Love is transforming you, embrace the metamorphosis."
"Share your burdens with others, get stronger."
"The broken heartedness is necessary for growth."
"It's okay, Sagittarius, if you want to bring your shield down because it's not necessary anymore."
"You're not crying over anything... you're transforming in big, abundant ways."
"Relationships are what trigger these healing processes for us."
"Sometimes the things that break your heart are the things that open your eyes."
"Your neediness might increase because you're trying to be more authentic, and I actually want you to experience what that looks like."
"Every flashback you have is a step closer to being the last flashback you ever have it will end let yourself feel what you're feeling emotionally about what happened."
"It's beautiful, you're unfolding into the queen of cups."
"Soften your heart and find your flow. You're about to go through some graceful transformation."
"People who keep finding their way back to each other have long-term staying power."
"Emotional wisdom is what I'm getting... There's something about those huge events that bring forth some kind of cleansing."
"The companionship of peers becomes increasingly important. These interactions are not just social. They are a fundamental part of their emotional and psychological growth."
"A new beginning, emotional and passionate, is on the horizon."
"Strength card, a beautiful healing taking place."
"People deserve a second chance, emotions and growth all the way down."
"Stepping away from passive aggression and hyper-emotion helped me step into maturity and improve my relationships."
"Learning to stay is like healing from scratching."
"This is the divine timing for that temperance, that you truly understand that the abundance comes with self-acknowledgment and an open heart chakra."
"I want to be able to cultivate those feelings within myself."
"Confronting these emotions... a lot of us, me, everybody, heal."
"Desire is a more mature coming-of-age... you start to desire what is in front of you and your question yourself in front of the other."
"Sometimes tears are just watering the seeds of your evolution."
"A man should live with a hurting heart rather than a closed one, learn to stay in the wound of pain and act with spontaneous skill and love even from that place."
"Heartbreak and pain and disappointment, it lets the heart open up in a way that we hadn't expected, it lets us see things in a way that we thought, 'Oh well, it can only be like this.' It's like, no, no."
"It's like how the Grinch's heart grew three times bigger. I think my heart grew bigger because I feel like I'm starting to experience certain feelings that I've never quite felt before."
"It's truly life-changing if you can lean into this."
"I mean, who really, who really gives a [__] frankly? But it helped. It's helped me get closer to my mom."
"You are learning how to forgive, how to let go."
"You're meant to break free from old emotional connections."
"You're getting stronger, you're more realistic about your love expectations."
"Facing our shadow in the month of December maybe playing a really big role for a lot of you."