
Self-harm Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"If you don't heal, you're going to keep hurting yourself and the person you're in a relationship with."
"When you run from your healing, when you deny the truth, you're only hurting yourself."
"It's a cannibalistic system in a system that's hurting itself."
"Sin is self-destruction... when we sin, we commit an act against ourselves."
"What's happening is self-harm for all humans on Earth because we are all deeply connected."
"Caring resentment is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill your enemies."
"She stabbed her boyfriend 108 times, killed her dog, and then when the police got there, she started stabbing herself."
"Self-harm among 10 to 14 year old girls has quadrupled in the last 12 years."
"A man that breaks his woman is like a farmer that poisons his own soil."
"This feels a lot worse than shooting yourself in the foot; this feels like what happens when you self-emulate."
"Carrying anger or resentments against another human being is like swallowing poison and hoping someone else will die."
"Harboring resentment is like eating rat poison and hoping it kills the rat."
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than on the person on which it is poured."
"To do wrong to someone else is to do wrong to yourself."
"As long as you stop the conversation and agree that you're never going to harm yourself, then you have hope."
"You harm yourself as dust thrown against the wind comes back to the thrower."
"Not forgiving means we're drinking poison thinking someone else is going to die, and all that does is hurt us."
"Self-harm and suicide are important subjects and they need to be shown."
"Every time you victimized someone you were victimizing yourself."
"Suicide means you've killed the most important existence of all - yourself."
"Being mad at people and angry is literally just hurting yourself."
"Sexual sin is the only sin that you do against yourself."
"We cannot defeat Donald Trump's politics of personal destruction if we practice the politics of self-destruction."
"He's causing harm to himself because he's pulling so bad through a normal collar."
"In hurting you all they've done is hurt themselves because like you have this joined energy with one another."
"When you sell your body in any capacity you are doing damage to yourself."
"Nobody can hurt me more than I can hurt myself, so what power do you really have over me?"
"Hate bitterness, they're just wasted emotions, they just eat you up and it hurts and you suffer."
"I went through a period that when I felt trapped I would cut myself. I have a lot of scars." - Angelina Jolie
"You don't have to go this way. You're hurting yourselves."
"When you're angry at someone, it's kind of like going to the store and buying a bag of rat poison."
"If you keep calling this guy a Nazi, it's not what you're doing to him that's going to be the problem, it's what you're doing to yourself."
"It's like shooting yourself in the jugular and saying ha haa you know I'm gonna bleed out slower than you are."
"I've tried to hurt myself with it, I ground it into my wrists, it won't cut [ __ ]."
"Maybe she pulled out her eyes to stop the creature from controlling her."
"Hate is like taking poison and hoping the other person gets sick."
"Hating them only hurts me. Carrying that around, it doesn't do them any damage at all, it just damages me."
"Never ever lie. Any time you lie, you're only harming yourself."
"Offense is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
"The only damage that's happening is in your mind; you're hurting yourself."
"Advocating for stronger borders is shooting yourself in the foot."
"There's nothing beautiful about killing myself with food."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and thinking it's going to hurt someone else."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison, hoping that the other person is going to die."
"And let's be honest stabbing yourself has never looked this cool before."
"What we see is that even though women, certainly in England Wales, make up only 5% of the population in prison, they count for a third of all the attempts to harm themselves."
"The only person you hurt when you hold grudges or anger is yourself."
"Here's my answer: the one who killed Sakura, Sakura herself."
"You're hurting yourself though, you just haven't been taught this."
"Envy and jealousy harm you as well as hurting others."
"The only time not forgiving someone hurt someone is you."
"In that sense of oneness you realize you're only hurting yourself, and it's shameful."
"Having a grudge is like drinking poison yourself and expecting the other person to feel the effects of it."
"Suicide is just murdering the most important person in the world."
"The only person you're really hurting is yourself."
"Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting it to hurt the other person."
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone but you are the only one who gets burned."
"The truth will not set you free. In fact, the truth was so horrible that Deju cut his own tongue out."
"Comparison is an act of violence against the self."
"Anger in my opinion, there's a classic like Buddha quote that says it's like drinking poison and expecting your enemies to die."
"Don't be exceptionally fearful because ultimately you could end up attaching that fearful energy onto yourself and doing yourself more harm than good."
"You harm yourself... when you need something."
"He that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul; all they that hate me love death."
"Tommy's matchbook overheats the longer you hold down the trigger this damages you in the process but it also deals some bonus damage."
"If a man or a woman kills themselves, are they not murdering themselves?"
"I really just self-afflicted more harm on myself by not allowing myself because I hate being sad."
"Unforgiveness is the poison we drink, hoping the other person will get sick and it doesn't work."
"If you're never going to forgive him then you're the one taking the poison pill hoping he's gonna die or he's gonna be affected."
"Everybody's angst and focus and anger doesn't hurt him, it hurts you."
"Our pain has always been for sale, and it's so funny that we buy our own pain. We're the main consumers of our own pain."
"Every time we resent another or are jealous or envious of another's wealth, we steal from ourselves peace of mind, health, joy, inspiration, happiness, and the laughter of God."
"Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it kills your enemies."
"Getting into a social media battle with a narcissist is like punching yourself in the face."
"Drinking poison only hurts you, it doesn't hurt them. And that's what hate is, hate is poison. So be careful with that."
"By getting angry you are hurting yourself... you need to calm down, you need to stop and think and be rational."
"The compassionate thing is to do what you can to stop them for they are harming themselves as well as those who suffer from their actions."
"You must go full ass because you will end up hurting yourself if you bail."
"The special relationship is the acting out of Vengeance on yourself."
"You see it in the self-cutting behaviors, a tremendous epidemic of cutting now."
"You're numbing yourself to the poison you're taking."
"The pen is mightier than the sword. I turned the pen into a sword and cut myself both times."
"You can do damage to yourself by believing things that are not true."
"Unforgiveness is drinking poison and thinking the other person is going to die."
"When we hold on to anger, when we hold on to resentment, we are not hurting the other person. We're hurting ourselves."
"Hate is like taking poison and hoping the other guy dies. It doesn't work."
"Every time you delay the decision or every time you go back on your decision to quit, you're doing damage to yourself."
"The only person you're hurting by holding on to resentment is yourself."
"Hate will hurt you more than the people you're directing it at."
"Sum1 puts a knife between his arm and his device brace just to feel something."
"Self-harm is emotion regulation. If I feel the physical pain, the emotional pain goes away temporarily."
"The last thing you want to do is scar yourself."
"Nobody can hurt you more than yourself."
"Anger is like a hot coal, it burns the person who holds it more than the person they intend to throw it at."
"When you hate, who do you hurt the most? Hate hurts you."
"Being angry is poison, it eats away at you from the inside."
"I'm hurting myself, at the end of the day, I'm hurting myself."
"It's pain," he said, drawing his hand on his shirt. "The balance increases with pain. That's why he was hurting himself so bad. Every poke with that pen was another deposit."
"You're only hurting yourself when you hold on to heavy toxic emotions."
"I think ambition is beautiful. I think harming yourself and wearing it like a badge is foolish."
"Those resentments will always end up harming you and creating in you a sense of despair."
"Jesus took our beatings, stop hurting yourself. Learn to receive."
"I don't want to hurt my kids, I don't want to hurt my family, but mainly I don't want to hurt myself."
"House elves find joy and pride in serving their masters even if it means inflicting self-punishment, torture, or even self-harming to please them."
"Because this is unhealthy in every sense and honestly you two have to walk away from here you two have to leave but what I hate to see is two beautiful black women who are in love fighting and hurting themselves."
"You hurt yourself more than you hurt anybody else."
"You try to get me angry now, you're only hurting yourself. I said, cut it out, alright?"
"If you carry around resentment inside of you about anything or about anyone... those resentments will always end up harming you and creating in you a sense of despair."
"When you're alone, the only person who can hurt you is yourself."
"Self-harm is never the answer. Any type of harm to yourself is never the answer."
"Nobody was convinced that Jessica was out to harm anyone, most of all herself."
"I just needed help and nobody could hurt me any worse than I hurt myself on a daily basis."
"I feel like a lot of people who self-harm get into this trans identity stuff because it gives them a place to feel like they belong."
"It's not worth it and the end you hurt everybody around you like I said I have a 5-year-old that one day I have to tell him he was born in prison you hurt everybody else that's around you and most importantly like you hurt yourself."
"When you carry a grudge or a beef with somebody, you're not hurting anybody else but yourself."
"Digital self-harm: looking up things that horrify and scare you or making you feel insecure is a form of self-harm."
"It's like people damage themselves so they can heal themselves."
"Would someone really try to take their own life by stabbing themselves in the chest with scissors?"
"We're killing ourselves with the thing that we think we're using to protect ourselves."
"When we do something to harm another person, we bring harm to ourselves. By harming you, I harm myself. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned."
"I don't think God wants you to hurt yourself."
"If you are hurting yourself, you're sinning because Allah has taught us not to harm ourselves."
"If we know that we're harming ourselves on purpose, if you have tried and tried and tried and not gotten anything out there, then you are just harming yourself and you are sinning for not leaving."
"Unforgiveness is hurting yourself, it's like holding onto a sharp knife."
"The moment you bring your expectation that you have seen elsewhere, you are going to hurt yourself."
"She started scratching her arms... Leaving obvious red marks where her fingernails dug in."
"You're not harming anybody. Why, in a free country, can you commit a crime against yourself?"
"I really, really, really want to play it because I want to harm myself out just like everybody else will to get views."
"No one can harm the man who does not injure himself, not even the devil. We are the sole architects of our future."
"My mental health, I thought, was a problem when I was very young. I used to cut myself when I was really young."
"Sometimes people will turn to self-injury and they will find that that will work. It doesn't always work for everyone, but it can work. It's sort of like a self-medication."
"He was ripping his goddamn tooth out with the knife blade."
"She started stabbing herself in the heart and it started to bleed."
"The soul of man does violence to itself first of all when it becomes an abscess and as it were a tumor on the universe so far as it can."
"He who does wrong does wrong against himself; he who acts unjustly, acts unjustly to himself."
"His power seems to hurt people with the more damage that he inflicts on himself."
"Hate, anger, and resentment is a poison that you drink yourself."
"People with BPD who underwent Dialectical Behavior Therapy showed a significant reduction in self-harm."
"When I kill myself, I'm harming myself for my own sake."
"This one's sad too, but this just, even though I liked the one that still keeps getting me, bro, is when he said, 'I injured myself on purpose.' That one is like, 'Oh no.'"
"Treating other people with ill will, spite, and hatred will do more to hurt you than it will ever do to hurt them."
"You're committing violence against yourself by accepting less."
"Let go of the resentment. It's only hurting you."
"One drag after another, trying to beat the clock, I pulled the knife in and out of my cheek."
"if you run that saw blade across your wrist like you're thinking whatever you're going through magnify that by about 2 billion times"
"Envy is like taking poison and waiting for others to die."
"I started self-harming just as a punishment for me to not stick to my diet or for me to be overeating so much."
"Can we stop the protection that we think is helping us but is actually killing us?"
"People pass away from this. Please don't do it."
"Look at what the devil got people doing to themselves can't imagine their bodies and they don't care you know everything get amiss tell them you're gonna die and they're just taking chances they don't care."
"The devil will make you hurt yourself."
"I never wanted to hurt Lawson like it was never like that I just wanted to hurt myself"
"I'm really good at just randomly hurting myself in really dumb ways."
"People do harmful things to themselves, and that is why representation is so important, almost as important as the lungs we need to breathe."
"Suicide is caused by both a desire to die and the capability of killing oneself."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison expecting the other person to get hurt."
"The first casualty of uncontrolled anger is often the angry person themselves."
"No one deserves to you know hurt themselves and I I know what it feels like to hate myself because of what other people have said to me."
"You're believing your thoughts and that's okay, just know that that belief is what's hurting you, not that person."
"I mean, I could get really good at killing myself."
"They misread what they saw, they misread it as stabs from self-injury."
"Dr Gabai worked through the night trying to treat the injuries that patients had inflicted on themselves."
"When you hold a grudge or you're angry, it's like taking a poison pill yourself. You're not affecting the person; it's only affecting you."
"People were truly prepping to hurt themselves and their own lives before the actual end of the world came"
"They're afraid of getting hurt again, so they hurt themselves before you have a chance."
"You can burn yourself with ice just as quickly as you can burn yourself with fire."
"Revenge can be a destructive force that not only harms the target but also inflicts damage on the avenger's life."
"Unforgiveness is like taking in rat poisoning thinking it's going to kill the rat."
"It's like taking poison, hoping that the other guy is going to die, but you're really killing yourself."
"Did Cindy do all of this to herself? Did she do some of it to herself? Do you believe that she had a killer who got away with murder?"
"It hurts more to hold grudges than to forgive. The anger we hold inside damages us, nobody else."
"The only person they hurt was themselves."
"Stop smoking; you're literally killing yourself with every puff of that cigarette."
"Impatient people are like bees; they kill themselves in stinging others."
"I just think people will make it worse for themselves by engaging with it."
"Holding on to anger like that is like drinking poison in hopes that it will kill the other person."
"Anger is an acid that does more damage to the vessel than it does to what it is poured upon."
"If you make a promise to yourself and you don't fulfill it, you are poisoning your own heart."
"Technically speaking, he's not really a murderer; his victims kill themselves."
"I always found that hate was hurting me. It's an emotion that just keeps eating at you."
"Hate in your heart will only hurt you more."
"While you watch your enemy go down, you poison yourself."
"Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping it kills the other person."
"Being inauthentic from the beginning is only going to hurt you in the long run."
"Holding hatred and like a grudge over somebody is only hurting yourself."
"The cumulative psychological damage that comes from not taking action is far more damaging to you than any potential downside of taking the action."
"...please, you're one of the only people left in this world that I care about, and I can't stand to see you hurting yourself."
"Anger is a poison you want to give the person you want to poison, but you're the one that's actually taking it."
"Holding on to your grudges is like drinking poison and thinking it's syrup."
"Sin would be better defined as anything that hurts you."
"If we allow ourselves to be consumed by anger, the only victim is ourselves."
"Jealousy is rotten to the bones; it's like poisoning yourself."
"Bitterness is the cup of poison that belongs to your enemy, but you're drinking it."
"Every time we lose a species, we're actually killing ourselves."
"You'll hurt yourself if you go that way."
"Whatever it is, just because you have a lot of stress doesn't mean that you have to relieve it by hurting yourself."
"If you hold a hot coal with the intentions of throwing it at somebody, then you end up burning yourself in the process."
"Jealousy and envy only hurt the envious, not the envied."
"In fact, they're far more likely to harm themselves than anyone else."
"If you drink poison, the only person that's going to suffer is you."
"Sometimes dumb people make moves where they think they're hurting others but they're really only hurting themselves."