
Customer Feedback Quotes

There are 591 quotes

"Ideas can come from everywhere and from anyone... The customer is a great source for ideas."
"We were never driven by a big research department. We're driven by these people who are our biggest fans and our biggest critics."
"Every business problem can be solved by talking to your customers."
"Real Steve Jobs iterates and talks to customers. Fake Steve Jobs just dreams and creates art. Don't be fake Steve Jobs."
"We've really looked at some of the top hitting items in terms of what customers said we'd like to see some improvement in."
"We're listening to what our customers were saying and making sure that we're being responsive to what the market was asking for."
"I am genuinely lost for words how good this box has been."
"We're constantly hearing from customers about the many ways that the Apple Watch has changed their lives."
"You need to just have your pulse on what your customers are saying constantly because the answer is there, you just have to develop it and give it to them."
"It's fantastic that they've actually responded to the user base in that regard."
"Are they actually listening to feedback now though?"
"Quickly launch a survey and ask the users who clicked on your ads what mattered most to them? Was it the free shipping? The 15% discount? Or maybe the product reviews?"
"We really understand what are those frustrations."
"I think there could be some improvements that could be made to this grape peeler."
"I think that Tesla should just fix the problem."
"To say that this is all done to human error and customer error and potentially that it was because they didn't cook it long enough or to the right temperature, I think is bullshit, frankly."
"They're listening to us they're improving their product they're giving us better stuff they're giving us a wider variety of stuff."
"Leave a nice review and a preferable five-star rating if you can."
"Thank you very much for your feedback, hopefully you feel like we've taken it on board."
"Complaints are short-lived weak, and even then only apply to those who are actually your customers."
"The feedback has been really really really positive with respect to everything but Spelunky."
"The least satisfied with their purchase tend to complain the most."
"We don't get offended when you tell us no. We want to improve what we're doing. We'll do better. That's ours."
"If we make a mistake here or there, we've always tried to listen and make it better."
"Love comes walking in, maybe in the form of an apology."
"We're so excited about this, we are so happy with the feedback from you guys from our announcement."
"Hopefully, Amazon can think about these issues and come up with some fixes."
"So this clearly shows they are working really hard. I love it."
"Just the very fact that they were so receptive to fan opinions... really shows some good commitment."
"Anastasia Beverly Hills will always take seriously the opinions, concerns, and suggestions of our community."
"Customer feedback is crucial. What you've got to do is just listen."
"99% of the time that a customer says 'you've lost my business,' that business is thankful. Karen, I've never actually been upset about someone saying 'unsubscribed' or 'won't be watching anymore.'"
"Make sure you have reviews on your product pages."
"They made the best camera. They're willing to listen, they're willing to adjust, and that's going to be really important."
"How come I have all these people say my calamari is the best they ever had?"
"We want to let you know that we're actively listening and will change for the better."
"The acknowledgment about things that they haven't done right or they acknowledge when people are disappointed and say yes you have a point and we're going to fix stuff, which is super important."
"How would you feel if you could no longer use [the product]? Very disappointed, somewhat disappointed, not disappointed."
"If the customer says 'yes,' that is the best evidence that your plan is ready to succeed."
"We will continue to listen, adapt, and change based on our customers' needs."
"It was a big mistake to not allow players to reject phone calls."
"We heard your feedback... we are gonna make continuous improvements."
"I think the cool thing though is that they're always being updated... I like that they listen to community feedback."
"Did you know if you drop a like and subscribe in the next five seconds, nothing will happen but it will put a giant smile on my face?"
"This promo overall, I think, has not been a bad promo at all."
"I appreciate your honest feedback. I never want to sell anything unless it's amazing."
"I think they actually listened to the feedback."
"And, you know, you are a user. You experience the goodness of the machine, and when you talk about it, I love to bring that back to my team."
"I just wish they would focus on certain things that I really want to see change like certain."
"This is the first time ever where I felt like Bungie is considering my feedback seriously."
"Maybe what you do is listen to the audience the paying customers the ones who will actually give you a positive bottom line."
"Have you guys considered giving one or two additional free tabs?"
"You're nine times more likely to get feedback from a negative encounter or a negative experience a customer has been a positive experience."
"We do still have some of these available so if you haven't checked it out yet I'll have that linked in the description box below feedback has been amazing so many people say it's their new favorite flavor."
"A lot of people are very upset with how this game has launched."
"We're reading your feedback, we're already making improvements based on it."
"If you want an example of what you will be receiving then you'll find a complete analysis and feedback from a man who emailed me."
"There will always be people who don't like your product, and it is not personal."
"Take-Two and Rockstar have a piss-poor history of listening to their community."
"The show sucks, and I don't think Amazon can fix this. Short of just pretending it didn't happen, they're screwed."
"Before he does that, give him a five-star review."
"You'll start wrecking better from there you'll start getting more organic sales and then naturally you get reviews."
"Listen to what they're saying and give them what they want."
"Ubisoft has listened every step of the way and it's kept this game rolling."
"So I think the happiest moment, especially while I'm building the product, is when our customer tells us or tells me that, Oh, I am writing my new business plan with Typed."
"So that's just the basics of importing products and also importing the reviews for your products."
"Don't just build whatever's in your head without talking to your customers."
"Good job Popeyes, this was your turn. I am very happy for you and happy for me."
"The build quality was quite low, buttons used are a bit cheap."
"It's a month or two after release, so we'll definitely be looking into that, and if it's still a problem, then that is going to be a big problem for 12th gen."
"Well, okay, but it's too much. Oh, it's perfect! Thank you, thank you!"
"If you have a good product, you don't really need to worry about the bad reviews because the amount of good reviews will overpower it very easily."
"Crippling server issues led to negative reviews on Steam."
"Customers told Jane that they weren't actually losing any weight, and Jane had to spend $200 each month on boxes just to stay active since she could no longer sell any herself."
"I'm really just really excited to see what everybody thinks about the product when this video drops."
"You need to pay attention to what people want and the feedback they're giving you in order to succeed."
"I give them credit for listening cuz a lot of times movie studios and developers for games and publishers don't listen."
"Reviews speak for themselves - customers love it."
"Listen to those people because they're telling you, 'Hey, our experience sucks, and here's what we identify as the problem.'"
"If you as a Digital Foundry are happy with the product, we also think that the majority of people will be happy with the product."
"We always like to listen to our customers... that's why there's a gearbox in the car that's manually."
"My favorite way to get reviews is actually product inserts."
"We've been doing a great job hearing the reports from you and making sure that we fix as much as we can in each of these patches."
"We receive comments and feedback from our customers that say things like this is the best money they've ever spent."
"Nobody gets excited about the caramel enhancements. Marshmallow is an experience."
"I'm really happy with the product, it gets a thumbs-up from me."
"It's a slap in the face to fans of the franchise who have supported it for so long."
"People love these shirts, they fit wonderfully."
"Bruh, some of your prices may be too high. Here they go again telling me my prices are too high. Why can't I just set my prices and they accept that?"
"Improvement is our aim: From reading bad reviews to finding better products, we strive for excellence."
"The best business models in the world are the ones where you ask people what they want and they tell you."
"Make it even longer to get there, that stinks."
"You're having sex that isn't building and bridging two souls together."
"Did we just find your new favorite restaurant in Disney World? We'd love to hear from you in the comments."
"The best way to judge is just by looking at the orders of a product."
"If people unsub and it's not fun, Blizzard gets that message."
"Each time you leave a review, each time you give feedback, you help us reach more men with this message of inspiration, impact, and self-mastery."
"What am I doing wrong? Please leave me a comment as this product made me sad."
"Listening to your customer is an invaluable practice."
"The main thing is, I tell my customers to come back and tell me if it's bad or good. So then I start looking for ways to change."
"It's like after years of us badgering them to fix things they're actually like hey maybe our customers might know something."
"I'm here to just be honest. I'm here to take your opinions and thoughts about my products and make them the best that they can be."
"The best thing has been all the people hitting us up like 'yo you were right, this thing is amazing.'"
"Well, I gotta say guys, we got some pretty outstanding and glowing reviews from our customers today."
"Raid Shadow Legends literally did nothing for me."
"EA sports can you please explain to us why you have this safety round still sucking when you get most rounds give me 97."
"The response has been fantastic... one of the first trade shows that we're actually able to go to because of curve restrictions."
"The whole experience of... give all this valuable feedback has been fantastic."
"I'm here to help this place. I really need your honest feedback."
"So many nice little changes... almost every problem I had with the ID Buzz is now fixed for our market."
"Congrats to this customer for pushing us to be better than what we already are."
"Once again, this customer challenged us, and I think we stepped up and won the challenge."
"Always try to put your best feedbacks from clients on your portfolio website."
"If I roll up at one and it doesn't work, you're getting that video."
"I want answers, I don't want fixes for the game."
"100% of the team's time is going to be focused on listening, responding, iterating, and then tuning. All right, excellent, thank you."
"Daniel Defense has done a really great job of listening to their customers."
"Addressing concerns and listening to feedback on key issues like the removal of a series staple would go a long way."
"These missing features are without doubt some of the strongest reasons why Warcraft 3 Reforged failed."
"Blizzard is willing to make changes and improvements we want to see more of."
"Don't forget to give us a 5-star review on Google - more giveaways and instructional videos coming your way!"
"If it sucks, trust me, you're gonna hear about it."
"Tesla responded very quickly to feedback here."
"We heard from players that they want us to see us take a look at competitive system as well as our battle pass."
"Some of these companies actually listen and improve their products."
"It's really important for us to live off player feedback."
"We've been listening to your feedback and really focused on improving the day-to-day lived experience of using a framework laptop."
"Guest feedback: Reviews pouring in as guests enjoy the attractions."
"Royal Caribbean heard the feedback loud and clear… And there will be a pool in the Solarium on Symphony Of The Seas."
"Sare approaches vehicles by grounding them within their origins, reflecting customer input."
"Well, there we go. They've got a new one. We've listened and we're done."
"This new version was Disney’s attempt at saying, yea we kinda screwed up so we brought back as many references to the original as we could."
"Apple listened to us it never happens." - [Tom]
"I've been running it for a little while and I've been really happy with what I see, thanks Ingenious."
"Thank you Bungie for hearing that feedback even if it is a smaller audience that enjoys that space, thank you."
"You spoke up we listened and now I have myself one of my favorite hoodies to wear in and out of the house."
"If I was on that ship, I'm leaving a one-star review everywhere. Google, Yelp, everywhere. You will hear me complain about this experience non-stop if I survived."
"I think Com2us is actually listening, they're taking things in the right direction."
"I'm also very proud to say that some of those people who questioned Us in the past they've come back to us and said you did achieve what you said you were going to do and thank you for doing it."
"It really showed that they did actually care and they were receptive to feedback, which is such a rare thing these days."
"Thank you for your patience... we heard the feedback... we'll get that done."
"If nobody's complaining, then we don't care. That's all there is to it."
"EA's chief studio officer: 'Your voices are heard and we are acting on your feedback.'"
"They listen to us you know they put out a product people weren't happy with it they were vocal about it they addressed it and now they fixed it that's the perfect example of we hear you we're listening."
"That's sometimes your best defense, getting your customers to write legitimate good reviews."
"We as a fandom certainly are allowed to ask for things because we are paying customers."
"Thank you as always for playing and giving us your honest feedback."
"I completely agree with the complaints on Ulta's website that the formula is too thick, it doesn't spread easily, and eyeshadow goes on patchy."
"Disney is so open to feedback and ways they can improve which I really appreciate."
"There's a reason why every Twitter post, every comment on YouTube is literally telling you to fix the game."
"One of the most common things that you'll hear customers say... is it's often lacking in door side windows. I don't think this one is."
"Your feedback plays an essential role in shaping the future of our games."
"Drop me an email, tell me what you don't like and we'll collaborate on together and we'll make it, we'll fix it."
"Stephanie McMahon talked about her father Vince McMahon, she says that Vince listens to the fans."
"Go review us on everything, five stars everywhere."
"Starfield for me, guys, has been the biggest letdown of 2023."
"Hey, my team, upgrade your servers. It's 2021 bro, technology is there."
"Product reviews are great because it allows customers to communicate and give you feedback..."
"Waypoints finally. Thanks Elon. Sorry it took so long."
"Overall I think that apple did a great job they listened to their fan base and they delivered a machine that is finally better than both the m1 macbook pro and also the 2013 15-inch macbook pro the two macbook pros that impressed me the most."
"You do actually have to listen to your existing customers and make sure they're comfortable with literally everything you're doing." - Adam Post
"Give the players what they want and try to work with the players."
"Customers often speak to us about the return they get in terms of the hours they're able to recapture."
"A customer had a great suggestion she really loved what you did with that black spider vein running through there."
"You're dealing with a company that takes what their customers say seriously."
"Epiphone actually asked me last year about a revamped prophecy line."
"Fair play to them. They don't even need pens to push them, they start giving us more and more of what we want. Amazing."
"Every single player that plays destiny, if they're on our feedback forum or if they're on an external website that they host and moderate or if they're engaging us directly on Twitter, they have our ear."
"Thank you so much. Please rate and review us on iTunes."
"We have somebody working full-time at the moment to get all the feedback from the forms to the devs."
"I definitely understand that a lot of you think that I underpriced."
"I don't understand why WWE refuses to listen to the audience. They refuse to listen to the heartbeat that is this company, the fans who watch this fucking show."
"Responding this way to bad ratings will only net you bad ratings. This is just a scam."
"Touch base every once in a while to see what they're liking what they're not, don't railroad them but they're clever tricky hidden ways that you can."
"Thank you again for all your continued support and feedback, we truly appreciate it!"
"Thank you for the $5 Super Chat after a week of radio silence, this being Watsi's 'update' is frankly insulting."
"We want to make the best products for you guys, so we want all the feedback that we can get."
"The Horizon task force surveyed potential customers."
"Thank you for doing that Capcom. We appreciate your service."
"I just want to say, Colonel Clean, I do love your services and I appreciate everything you do."
"Until you actually have people purchasing and giving feedback and leaving reviews, that's when you really know what you can improve about your product."
"They listened to us and they pretty much added everything that we asked for."
"We really want to bring all the experience and feedback from our viewers out there to help us improve this product."
"One of the really key components of building products is to talk to your customers and to understand what their needs are."
"No idea survives contact with the customer."
"I normally never see brands releasing this many cool shades—I think they listened to us."
"If you're going to figure out what problem you solve uniquely well for who, you're going to need to listen to your customers."
"Everyone who has purchased it has come back to tell me how much they love it...that means a lot to me when they take the time to say, 'Oh my gosh, you're right, I absolutely love it.'"
"Great Founders talk to future customers before they even have a product."
"This is a good thing here with the new infotainment system with over the air updates that they can improve things when they see some customer feedback."
"Apple is actually listening to their customers."
"Identify what's possible and test it with real customers. It is the only way to market. We have to understand we do not know what our customers want."
"You guys keep making some badass reamers for us."
"If I was part of a big organization, it would be making sure that we funneled that up to the executive leadership to really get them aware that actually what's wanted by customers is actually starting to shift and change."
"Remember, you're the customer. If you're unhappy, speak up about it kindly."
"You have to also listen to customers who don't like what you do."
"The number of five-star reviews we have is truly humbling and we couldn't do that without you."
"If you're making something and it works and it's cool and your customer base likes it, keep making."
"It's all about talking to customers and learning that you're building something that's actually useful."
"Thankfully it appears that McDonald's has heard these cries and responded accordingly."