
Health Journey Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"Self-love has to be intertwined with a weight loss journey and just a general health journey as well."
"This is live for my kick live. I just want to let everyone know right now, if you're doing great, I'm back on my journey, eating very healthy right now—healthy chips, healthy food."
"As of today, I am 26 and a half weeks pregnant, which means I'm nearing the end of my sixth month."
"Stay hydrated, stay focused—fasting is a journey worth mastering."
"This is the last cheat meal before I'm on my path to 200, road to 200."
"Be patient. It took you a while to gain the weight; it's gonna take you a while to lose it."
"Weight loss is not a destination, it's a journey."
"There's actually a popular Netflix movie that's running right now called 'The Root Cause' and this fellow catalogs his journey of being an athlete and then being disabled after he gets a root canal and then doing all this stuff trying to get well."
"If you hated the journey to a healthier you, then by definition that isn't healthy."
"I had no idea what the recovery process was."
"Stroke recovery can last a lifetime, you can recover from stroke."
"It was really hard in the beginning because it was just eating deliciously, and again, it was just work. But at the end of the day, my body and I couldn't, my body, it wasn't my body."
"I think my recovery is coming along... the real thing."
"If you're finding these people, you're probably looking to embark on your own health and fitness journey."
"That's 200, that was 284 pounds, and then I got down to 184 pounds."
"I've lost so much weight, so much, and now I'm down at a healthy weight and I'm very, very happy and I'm very stable and I'm healthy finally woo."
"It's a journey to figure out what works best for my body..."
"Don't make your journey about the number on the scale."
"It's such an empowering journey to know whatever you're going through physically that there is a way to address that."
"Almost hitting 500 pounds was my low point in life."
"The first 10 plus years as a heart surgeon I was increasingly unhealthy... I was morbidly obese... and I realized that I was destined for my own operating."
"I've lost total as of today 150 pounds, incredible."
"mental illness is a medical journey not a journey of willpower"
"I literally just started with nutrition and focused on getting a handle on that and mastering my calorie deficit from the start."
"I feel like I'm healthier, getting better every day."
"If what I've been trying to do to get well hasn't been working, then I've got to open up to the possibility of another way."
"Hopefully, I can get to a better point with my mental health. I can say that I've gotten somewhat better over the past few years."
"I kind of had a resurgence and everything I've obviously been on like somewhat of a health journey I've been losing weight but even that aside I just feel like I've kind of recharged my purpose."
"I feel like I'm making progress, my stomach is not as bloated as it was last year but I'm getting there."
"Very grateful, so grateful to be on the other side of our cancer journey."
"I'm doing this diet I've lost almost 30 kilograms or about 65 pounds since I started."
"Progress takes time. It didn't take you overnight to gain all the weight."
"I'm definitely going to try to get that off and go even lower than my lowest weight in this video."
"I just want to get on the other side and be on the journey to recovery, so it's weird that like I'm these next three months are just that's what I want."
"Congratulations on having the loose skin there. Why you losing weight and it's going to be easy to heal."
"In the future, your health journey should reflect everything that you are."
"I've gained nearly 30 healthy pounds of mostly muscle and overcome almost all of my autoimmune issues."
"There's a bigger picture in our health journey."
"Fitbit Charge 4: Your path to a healthier lifestyle starts here."
"I'm super grateful for the outcome and I'm loving recovery is going well."
"Join my journey of health as we transform our lives together."
"It's a process, right? Not suddenly switching to this perfect diet on day one."
"This is the first time I actually lost weight because there was an accountability there."
"Remember, it's about an ongoing journey, not a quick fix."
"I've officially lost 50 pounds since I started my health journey."
"Your body will change more than a number, okay? Just telling you that facts."
"Finally, in the comment section below I would love to hear what has been the truth about your birth control experience, what has been your journey and where are you currently on that path."
"You're telling people who are trying to lose 20 pounds or improve their health that it's a lifelong journey."
"Fitness is the world's longest endurance race, there is no finish line."
"I felt incredible. I don't think that there is a time that I have done a program or a weight loss journey diet situation where I felt as good as I did."
"Health is one of the most exciting journeys you can go on."
"Sacrifice is the biggest part of a serious healing journey."
"After two years of suffering from a really weird mystery disease, I finally got my diagnosis."
"Nutrition is such a huge part of your journey."
"I went from gigantic, like damn near 300 pounds, all the way down to like 200."
"Moreover, the guitarist bid farewell to his smoking habit and embarked on a tour while maintaining his sobriety for the first time ever."
"It's not so much of a weight loss journey, but more of a health journey."
"...take any action you can now even if it's adding a little bit more green means a little bit more water start taking the actions in any way that you can now to start working towards the health that you really want."
"Committing to a health journey is like laying a foundation for a home."
"Treatment could be part of the problem or it can be part of the solution I'm a living proof of that."
"You can ask anyone that has gained muscle, lost weight, felt healthy—they weren't perfect in their pursuit, they were persistent."
"I'm actually on a weight loss journey."
"I've lost over 70 pounds with W goie diet changes and lifestyle changes."
"I think I've been on this beautiful Health Journey now for the last about a good eight years."
"I decided tonight that I'm no longer gonna do that. My health Journey will now be my business."
"Health is wealth, where you are both on a health journey which then leads you to a wealthy journey."
"I want you to be happy in this journey to what should be healthy, I want you to be strong in this journey."
"I need to do something that's really when I discovered plant-based eating and I just every day I just felt better and better and it just sort of put me on this journey of like wow like there is a better version of me in here and I'm just gonna keep going."
"I think it's important when you're working with somebody on a health journey, just have somebody that gets you."
"I have lost five plus four pounds, nine pounds I have lost so far on this Trek of eating a little bit better."
"you can't you know these things don't change overnight you know it took us however many years uh to get obese to get insulin resistant and it takes time to undo that uh and but all you can do is improve from where you are and that's exactly the goal you should have."
"Be kind to ourselves about how difficult it is to be healthy."
"Being yourself is really, it's all about a process of shedding, a process of removal, a process of washing all that mud out."
"I get so much out of the groups because I I get such great feedback of how much it's helped them finally move forward in their their progress of losing weight and getting metabolically healthy and getting off of medications."
"11 years in, it's been 11 years of my wife and I adopting this lifestyle, and today I weigh approximately 190-197 pounds, which is what I weighed in fifth grade. I was 10 years old the last time I weighed what I weigh today."
"It feels like such a huge step back and like your body's betraying you."
"My main goals with this is just kind of like clearing my hormonal acne and getting rid of my bloating stomach discomfort figuring out if I'm intolerant to foods and whatnot so it's definitely a journey."
"I went from almost dying to feeling great to literally like going postal."
"We've really been working at it. We've both kind of like in this new healthy journey that we're both trying for ourselves."
"I want to publicly give credit to Nicole for helping me with my health journey."
"...you can love what you are and who you are and how you look and also want to strive to be healthier..."
"Your health and your Fitness is a marathon not a Sprint. It takes time it takes patience it's not going to happen overnight and if it happened overnight it wouldn't be worth it."
"The old methodology of cutting calories and working out more just stopped working for me. It wasn't doing it anymore and I couldn't figure out what was going on."
"I've done this millions of times before; I know how to lose weight."
"I'm finally confident in myself, my health journey, and my ability in science and research."
"Focus on your health and you'll get there eventually, just stick with it, you'll see good things."
"Fitness is a lifestyle, that's what it's about, it's a path that you need to travel."
"If all you focus on is weight loss, then what are you going to do when you're done with it?"
"You didn't gain the weight overnight, so you're not going to lose it overnight."
"Health is not a destination, it is a vehicle."
"Begin your journey to better health through balanced hormones."
"She feels it's important to love yourself and lost 25 pounds on her self-described health conscious journey."
"I'm eating more than I was before I started my weight loss journey."
"This whole journey really has been about learning to listen to my body."
"I'm now on the road to transplant, so prayers praise prayers that we can be able to get healthy and get stronger."
"I'm really not on a weight loss journey, I'm on a lifestyle change journey."
"This time last year, I had my appointment, and now, I'm exactly 11 months post-op and 121 pounds down."
"Remember that this channel is here not only to document my weight loss journey but to hopefully inspire you to start your own journey to wholeness and health, whatever that may look like."
"After you have cancer, you have 6-month checkups, and then after he went to the next checkup after he didn't have it no more, he relapsed literally like 6, 7, even months later."
"Finally, we are done with the detox. We are super happy."
"I don't want to have regrets about my cancer process, my surgeries, my decisions."
"A health journey is a long journey that encompasses a lot of things like self-love and confidence and feeling beautiful with yourself and who you are."
"Finding new ways you enjoy moving your body and finding new healthy foods you love to make and you love to eat that make you feel good after you eat them is a lifetime's worth of work, and that's okay."
"If you really want to get rid of that extra weight, you really have to work at it."
"Magnesium was probably one of the best supplements that I took throughout my whole journey."
"Diagnosis itself can be incredibly fraught; people tell me over and over again that their diagnosis brought them validation."
"We've been working on it; I've lost two stone, she's lost a stone and a half."
"Seeing the number on the scale go down is great, but like non-scale victories are just as great."
"Getting healthier, getting fitter, getting stronger."
"This is a joke, right? So you're starting off your health journey by getting Burger King."
"Better health doesn't happen overnight, but I like knowing that I'm taking all the supplements that I need."
"I got into this for my health, and so I continue to learn, grow, and evolve."
"Everyone is on their own health journey and that is totally okay."
"Sarah and I have been living a ketogenic lifestyle since January of 2019, and we've lost a combined total of 160 pounds."
"I've kept off 115 pounds... I consider it a success."
"I'm on a journey to lose 30 pounds."
"I am healed from ulcerative colitis, a whole other video, but just look at the change in my face and hair."
"You have laser focus on your journey of health and wellness."
"You are inspired and you are excited to be on your journey of health and wellness at a pace that feels good for you."
"Join me on this adventure to discover what these dates have to offer."
"At the end of this journey, you will be as surprised as we are by their powerful effects."
"If you're on a weight loss journey or on a health journey just to feel better, I'm gonna tell you how I did it my way."
"I'm very passionate about sharing my health journey with you because I think there's value in it."
"I'm not cured, but I'm in remission, and I'm confident that I will be cured."
"It was also fun, enlightening, and if I'm being completely honest, a life-changing experience."
"Over the course of the next two years, I lost a hundred pounds, about a pound a week."
"It's a lifestyle change, it's not a one month, two week program; if you want to take care of your health, it starts now and it goes on forever."
"The really big question is how much improvement she will have, whether she will go on and make a full or near full recovery."
"The good news is I'm supposed to make a full recovery; the bad news is it's supposed to take a couple of years."
"There's no rush, this is not a race, we just want you to be getting slowly but surely healthier."
"I'm really excited for this gluten free lactofree journey."
"I had my first checkup with my surgeon... I'd already lost a quarter of my excess body weight, which made me cry."
"I had to accept the power of walking... walking was probably one of the most powerful weight loss tools there is."
"My goal every year is to lose a little more size all around, I want to come down slowly and work my way down."
"Quick and delicious meals have been the key to success in our health journey."
"That's another stone in weight lost without a fad diet."
"Thank you for joining us today, and we wish you all the best on your journey towards a healthier life."
"I'm on a journey where I want to eat healthier."
"It's an amazing journey from every day of how much better she is."
"Taking massive action, leaving no stone unturned in my quest for health and wellness and healing."
"This is everything that I made for the next three days for my man and I on our weight-loss journey."
"I just cannot wait to continue losing weight because how good I feel now, I literally can't even imagine how I'm going to feel when I reach that goal."
"It's been a journey, but I would say that all this led back to a vitamin/mineral deficiency which caused a slew of other problems."
"We will be discussing weight loss, how we control diet, we will be exercising and things like that."
"I am happy that I lost some weight, I'm not gonna hold you, the weight was weight, and I was wailing, the weight was crazy."
"I'm just really proud of her and I'm glad that all the chemo and radiation was over."
"The hardest part about any health journey is just starting."
"Cancer is a hard journey and I know so many people use coloring as a form of therapy to get through hard times like this."
"I love the way you guys have really helped transform because I was going down a bad place, just beating my body thinking more is more."
"I'm on a health and fitness journey and the journey never stops."
"I'm doing really good and that's something that I'm so proud of."
"I started my health journey on January 1st this year... I've lost 20 pounds at this point."
"Getting healthy should be exciting; it's a whole new life I've never experienced."
"For the first time in years and years, I have a healthy relationship with food."
"Once you start eating real food over time and actually getting healthy, there is a more intuitive sense around food."
"I've learned to control it, but there's no cure for it. You just learn how to deal with it over time."
"I've made significant progress; I've shed those extra pounds, and currently, I'm focused on muscle training, and I'm enjoying it."
"It really needs to be a maintainable lifelong journey."
"I sure wish you well on your journey to better health, my friend."
"I'm just on this health journey, this health kick in general right now."
"Weight loss isn't always easy and it does require effort."
"We've gone upstream and we're now preserving kidney function and really having huge success with that whole story of how do you preserve kidney function. It's been a great journey and very joyful."
"Health and well-being is the journey, it's a journey and it can be a fascinating journey if one is open minded."
"Health Journey for me has been a long one, and I feel like I'm in the best place I've been in a long time."
"Working out truly is a lifelong commitment and journey."
"I'm starting a new workout journey, not because I need to lose weight, but because I just need to keep my body active."
"We're all in different phases of our fitness journey."
"Let's get on this health journey together."
"I am over the moon with that and I've still lost weight from what I was at the start of the process."
"Health takes a lifetime, so if today is your day one and you're feeling like there's a long road ahead of you, remember there's a long road ahead of all of us."
"I went on to actually lose that stone, which was amazing, and then another three stone by May."
"Weight loss will be a side effect."
"I have been embarking on a new little health journey recently to help kind of fix my skin and my overall health."
"Good morning everyone, today marks the start of a new chapter on the health and fitness journey."
"You and I together can get in the best shape of our lives."
"I'm done chemo, five months is done, next is my stem cell transplant in February."
"If you guys want to follow me on this Health Journey, going to the gym and actually eating healthy, you guys are welcome to."
"It's just been helpful on our weight loss journey to always try new snacks, new foods."
"I'm so grateful for literally every day because I lived in so much fear of this illness."
"It's been a huge part of my health journey, and honestly, I can't recommend it more."
"The journey to a healthier you might just start with a bite of broccoli."
"Rapid results are not lasting, you need to do something that's sustainable long term."
"If you guys are on a journey of healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, we can join this together, we can join forces."
"Over time, when you take on a healthy journey, your taste buds change."
"Maybe y'all want to start on a fitness journey, not just for fitness but for some mental toughness."
"I'm a recovered compulsive overeater."
"This is a journey of trying to eat healthier, trying to find ways to just be healthier all around mentally, physically."
"I'm trying to get myself together because y'all know I had kidney failure in 2015, then I had the transplant in 2019."
"Each and every one of us is learning to create optimal health and well-being in our lives so that we can sustain and create Lifelong Transformation."
"We're not wanting to do something just for a spectacle; we're in this food growing journey for our health."
"Lost everything: weight, high blood pressure, inflammation in all my joints."
"I'm also on a health and fitness journey, and my focus is getting back on track with my health, my fitness, mentally, physically, all around the board."
"Over the past six months, I have lost over 40 pounds."
"I have lost 40 pounds since Christmas, which is pretty exciting for sure."
"Better health does not just happen overnight; it takes time and the build-up of good decisions, good routines, good habits."
"Remembering your why if you even made a decision to do this plan, it's so important."
"I'm not getting any surgeries or anything to my knowledge, but I definitely am on a wellness journey."
"I've been SOS free now for five years and it just gets easier."
"Accept your current fitness level, embrace where you are, and we're going to evolve forward from there."
"There's no expiration date on my health, there's no expiration date on my weight loss journey, my health journey."