
Mistake Management Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"If you want people to perform at their best, they have to know that if they screw up, they're not going to get shouted at. The question is not 'Who did that?' it's 'How do we fix it?'"
"Great leadership is the ability to recognize a mistake and rectify it."
"A failure to admit fault leads to more faults."
"I believe in transparency. I made a mistake. It was stupid."
"I can admit I made a mistake. I just wish like the process of making a mistake, having people tell you, realizing it, and then owning up to it and doing better was a little bit easier."
"All we ask for is competence and accountability. If you mess up, just say, 'Yeah, that was a big mistake, and we're going to learn from it and not do that again.'"
"Mistakes are normal; we can make mistakes. Mistakes happen, but it's how you deal with the fact that you made a mistake."
"All we can do from our mistakes is learn from them and make sure that we don't make them again."
"A good anti-fragile system is a system in which all mistakes are good mistakes."
"The worst thing a trader can do is make a bad trade that works out... it sets you up for future failure because it's kind of an outlier."
"The most important thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and learn how to do things better."
"You need to take ownership of your mistakes."
"I think everyone makes mistakes; we're human, we learn from it."
"Part of ethics, it's the painful, key part of ethics, but it certainly is a big part, is unraveling mistakes. It first requires admitting the mistake."
"They're aware of the mistakes... They have analytics companies and really smart people."
"Honestly, you can't stop stupid. Your brother is making a huge, stupid mistake."
"Creativity is to allow yourself to make mistakes; art is to know what mistakes to keep."
"Embrace whatever has been exposed or any mistake you've made... Acceptance has nothing to do with condoning something or condemning something."
"Stop thinking that the fact that you spend a lot of time making a mistake is a good reason to continue making it."
"Laugh at mistakes, don't be so hard on yourself."
"Own your joes, own your mistakes, push forward and correct it."
"This mistake should not encapsulate his whole identity."
"It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to be wrong."
"Ownership, analysis, correction. That's how we deal with mistakes."
"It's not the mistake you make, it's how you recover from."
"Learning from a mistake means reflecting on it, not just deflecting blame."
"When you make a mistake, you have a responsibility to admit it and try to be better."
"Just because someone makes a mistake doesn't mean they should pay for it for the rest of their lives."
"I want to make sure I can eliminate [mistakes] as much as I possibly can."
"It just shows you, though... it's easy to make mistakes," - Acknowledging the human factor in cybersecurity.
"Good luck, don't beat yourself up if you slip up."
"I'm not afraid of getting things wrong. I believe that everything is a lesson and you shouldn't have any regrets at the end of the day."
"Excuses are the rationalization of a mistake; if you didn't make a mistake, you'd never mention the excuse."
"I want people to just learn from our mistakes."
"Doing things the wrong way is a very good way to learn how to do them the right way."
"Making mistakes is an essential part of learning anything new, but I imagine that you want to avoid mistakes and try to level up your skills, don't we all?"
"Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure."
"It is really impossible to make a mistake that you can't easily correct."
"Everybody is bound to make mistakes but it's really important to learn from your mistakes."
"There is no easy answer to it. Like you as a day trader, it's learning from your mistakes, it's making mistakes so that you can learn from them over and over and over again."
"The difference between a gold player and a GM player is not constant highlight reels, it's rarely making mistakes."
"Words and actions are on different planes, different spheres of importance. What PewDiePie did was an impassioned mistake, one that even he himself admitted was a wrong move, a bad thing, one that he wished he didn't have done, shouldn't have done."
"Step up early into your biggest mistakes and own them."
"Own up to your mistakes; if you can't, how can you correct them?"
"It's okay to know you've made a mistake because we all do at times. Just be ready to live with whatever that comes with it." - LeBron James
"If you're not making mistakes, it means you're doing something you've done many times over."
"Be sure to own up to your own mistakes. It's the only way to get better."
"Sometimes you just gotta own up to your mistakes, you gotta always hold up to your mistakes, you really gotta do it, that's how you grow."
"There's no such thing as a mistake, just only happy little accidents."
"We don't make any mistakes. We have some happy accidents sometime and we learn to work with those."
"Identifying that and learning from your mistakes is very important."
"Failure: I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn."
"People make mistakes, that's fine. You can make mistakes, but it's that in the future not doing them, understanding that you made a mistake, and trying to set yourself up for a better spot in the future."
"Life is full of mistakes. You just gotta navigate them as best you can."
"You've made massive mistakes. I've made massive mistakes. That's what happens when you can own up to your own mistakes."
"Everybody makes mistakes, you just have to start thinking about what you do."
"I think you have to trust yourself. And when you start making those mistakes, you have to be able to forgive yourself afterwards. If you can't forgive yourself, you're not going to forgive anybody else."
"I am not my mistakes, my mistakes don't define me."
"A good man apologizes for the mistakes he made, but a great man corrects them."
"Every single mistake that happens in a game, whether it's your own mistake or an ally's mistake, is something that you can learn from."
"Okay, I screwed up, but it's not the end of the world."
"Never forget, never repeat. Learn from your mistakes."
"Never make the same mistake twice." - Gus Fring
"What did Disney do? They learned from their mistakes."
"It's okay to make a mistake. Everybody, every single person, whatever profession you're in, makes mistakes. It's fine to do. It's how you fix them and how you deal with that is what counts."
"Atrio made a very, very stupid mistake but has worked to try and redeem himself."
"Learning from the mistake allows you to grow."
"Maintain a level state of mind... laugh off blunders and keep playing."
"Skulls are good to do because if you do make a mistake, generally you can hide it."
"Know that you're gonna make mistakes, and it's all just a learning lesson."
"The only difference between a beginner and an expert woodworker is... the expert knows how to fix his mistakes."
"You don't need to fear throwing an interception like that."
"Just start laughing at your mistake because everyone knows you've messed up."
"You gotta be able to fall on your face and never make the same mistake twice."
"The best way I feel to deal with a mistake is to fully accept responsibility."
"Everyone can learn from their mistakes and grow."
"I hope you enjoy the journey and seeing me making mistakes as usual and trying to correct them."
"Mistakes aren't necessarily bad. Not learning from a mistake is bad."
"The process of learning and maybe heading towards the wrong conclusion and then getting it corrected that's actually the way to refine ourselves you can't just be perfect."
"Making mistakes is the way we learn, grow, and develop."
"Accidents happen but owning up to them is what matters."
"Learning from your mistakes is way better than not making mistakes at all."
"Just know that you know, there is no real mistakes."
"Minimize your mistakes when you screw up off the tee or get yourself into a bad second shot."
"But when a mistake does happen, the fixing of the mistake becomes an entirely new discipline of problem-solving, and it pays to get good at that too."
"So what you should do at this stage is to make a mistake book or a mistake sheet."
"Wouldn't it have been better to not make the mistake in the first place?"
"You actually can't mess up because the worst thing that could happen is, in the process of messing up, you actually learn, and you refine your aesthetics of what that is."
"...mistakes are made to be learned from."
"Positive reinforcement creates an environment of security because people are encouraged to discuss mistakes people feel like it's okay to make mistakes here and that's how we learn and we grow and it's seen as not not a terrible thing."
"We're all about breaking Cycles so it's not that you can't make mistakes it's that you learn from them."
"You know if you make a mistake that you can fix it's like that's all right."
"Complacency about making mistakes is damaging. Complacency blocks progress."
"People make mistakes and learn and grow from them."
"It's not holding yourself so perfect that you can't make a tiny mistake, but it's also being able to understand and recognize between the good ones and the not good ones at all."
"Practice to improve and learn from whatever mistakes you make."
"When you make a mistake, move on."
"My greatest skill is in covering my mistakes and making things look like I did them on purpose."
"Sometimes they learn from their mistakes and sometimes they don't."
"Nor should you let a mistake define and dictate the decisions that you are going to make in the future."
"When you make a mistake, it's how you deal with it."
"It's not whether you're going to make a mistake, it's how do you handle it when you make it."
"I was twice as loud in correcting my mistake as I was in making the mistake."
"It's not about who's going to make the least mistakes, it's about who can adapt from their mistakes fastest."
"You should be a strong leader and make decisions. It's okay to make mistakes as long as you fix them."
"It's like 99% of it is knowing what to do when you mess it up, make a mistake."
"Be okay with not knowing stuff, be okay with messing things up."
"It's not how bad you screwed up, it's how good you recover."
"It's easy to blame the last person making the last mistake, but if we do that, we don't learn anything."
"When you make a mistake, just go with it. Everyone makes mistakes, it's fine."
"Some mistakes I can recover from quickly and at a low price. Some mistakes I can only recover from after a long time and a great price."
"We're all gonna make mistakes when we paint, but maybe the way to fix those mistakes... is a little bit clearer because I have fewer choices available to me."
"We make mistakes and we learn together."
"The great thing about hockey is you make mistakes and you learn from them."
"We all make mistakes, and I'm going to show you how to just go ahead and work through this because you don't have to take everything apart and start over."
"Everybody makes mistakes, just learn from it, move on, everything's fine."
"Let people know how to deal with the mistakes in life, and so then the mistakes do not really worry you, and you're not afraid of what's going to happen in the future."
"Easy easy to make those little mistakes, but the more you can learn to refocus yourself and not let that affect your round, the better rounds you're gonna have."
"We're becoming more adept at dealing with it and we're learning from our mistakes."
"If you're wrong about something, don't double down on it; just admit fault, learn, and keep it moving."
"You know you're in good form when your blunders aren't that bad."
"I make mistakes but I don't repeat them."
"I am human, I make mistakes, I have a recovery protocol in place to recover very quickly from those mistakes."
"You never screw up in crochet because if you screw up as long as you keep screwing up all the time in the same spot it's not a screw up. It's just a creative license."