
Crypto Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"The spiritual forefathers of crypto, who built the early Internet, thought it was a new technology for global freedom of expression and a blank canvas upon which they could build their dreams."
"This is a human endeavor, and the point of crypto is to bring people together, not divide them."
"The largest economy on earth is financial services. I think crypto will be the 12th sector of the economy within 10 years."
"Crypto has arrived when you get U.S. gov congressmen senators and the likes... talking about the future."
"Yield earned through staking can mitigate the opportunity cost of owning cryptos versus other investments."
"What can you take from this? Cardano will solidify itself as the number three coin I believe in the next three to four months."
"Ripple is not going anywhere. They're making investments, they're pressing forward."
"Celsius is probably the only profitable lender in all of crypto."
"If you want to learn the ins and outs of fundamental analysis and investing in the world of crypto consider checking out our new Academy program Primal crypto Academy on Primal crypto.io."
"Welcome back guys, welcome back! I'm Crypto Man Run. We come to you each and every day 6 a.m. EST with a charting show and 10 a.m. EST with a fundamental show."
"Volatility is going to be crazy... setting us a range."
"This correction is about getting the people that came here for easy money out of the market."
"It's good if we want real growth of crypto... we needed a cleanse."
"Use this as a lesson... the market is not gone."
"You guys are the absolute best community in crypto."
"Peace of mind is extremely important in crypto and it's extremely hard to get to that point especially when we first get started."
"We have hands down the greatest community in crypto."
"We are witnessing the crumbling of a project predicated on the notion that you can create money and assign it a specific value if people are willing to go along with the pretense that money has the value that crypto companies assign it."
"There is no such thing as play money for me and yet I have to invest in this space for my children's future. How do you keep emotion out of it? Manipulation is taking its toll. Just hold tight."
"Coinbase calls for new regulator and framework for the crypto sector. Now, this is very important."
"China has a massive head start over the U.S. when it comes to blockchain and crypto."
"Over time you know we wanted this to be the marketplace for sustainability basically crypto written all over it."
"When I think of Steven nff I think about exposing the truth and I think that's something that everyone in the crypto space will remember this guy for years to come." - James
"Crypto is being adopted faster than the internet."
"If you're new to our channel, welcome to our warmest, friendliest, most familial place in the whole of the crypto world."
"If you want to make life changing money this alt season then you've got to put your money into the better old coins."
"I think if you're a long-term holder, a lot of kind of the metrics that I look at are pointing to this being a good fantastic time to average into BTC."
"It is the end for me for now... this is the end of the Crypto Zoo Saga"
"NFTs are filling the void of providing gains and excitement to the ecosystem during crypto winter."
"This could be the decoupling we've been waiting for. This could be the part of the market that says, 'Forget you Bitcoin, we don't need you.'"
"Welcome to BitBoy Crypto, the people's channel, home is bitter, the largest and greatest crypto community in all the interwebs."
"Appreciation, that's always the case for the staking and stuff. I think we're just, we lost the point a little bit, though. So like, is that why you're making Pulse Chain?"
"There's a lot of newcomers to the crypto mining space which is, I think, is super cool."
"Crypto will become the 12th sector of the S&P."
"Buy that coin directly, don't invest in a fund, don't invest in crypto stocks, buy the underlying asset yourself."
"Could we see the FSOC draft regulations that could make it clear what agencies actually are going to regulate crypto?"
"Crypto has evolved and matured to a point where you're able to find something that interests you specifically, get super hyper focused on that, get super knowledgeable in that specific area, in that specific niche, and become a master of that."
"Crypto will change the world... but it's going to take time."
"Crypto's technology so it was easy for me to learn."
"Whenever you see a fud article, just do not care what the heck they think. That is a sign of manipulation to try to scare anyone from getting into crypto."
"Guys, if they can paralyze you, you're not going to buy at 45.5 or 43.5. They're gonna buy."
"Even though it's retail-driven, real estate transactions through crypto will be adopted."
"If you don't realize that you are using crypto and blockchain Technology that's when you win."
"The people who remain here after everyone has given up will create a much more significant, better crypto ecosystem."
"Terror was marketed as decentralized, but it couldn't be more centralized."
"It was a true Lehman Brothers moment for the crypto community."
"What does MMM stand for in MM Crypto? Mastermind on the community."
"There's going to be some insane opportunities... in the next 6 to 8 months, maybe even 6 to 6 months to a year."
"I have seen so many crazy things in crypto... I remember when I bought Antshares before it was Neo... it went to $180 at the peak of the market."
"Stocks did come back. I think crypto will come back, but the losing ventures, the frauds, the bubbles - right now is the moment of their comeuppance."
"Crypto is a technology that can update the financial system."
"Let's elect leaders in the United States who believe in crypto."
"We have entrepreneurs who have basically been like hey we did this thing called crypto to centralize it's like open it's the internet it seems to align with U.S values."
"I'm pretty bullish on NFTs over the long term. Just like many things in crypto, they had a big run up, a correction, and now they're going to slowly grow from here."
"It's like crypto, like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make all this money that you shouldn't be able to make and they're throwing it at his ass."
"Crypto adoption is catching up and going faster than internet adoption."
"Trading is not easy. You can't just get market cipher and expect that you're going to start winning every trade."
"Witnessing no amendments in the crypto taxation policies have discouraged firms and investors..."
"I believe Matic has more to run. Layer twos will still be important, and roll-ups are the future."
"Crypto represents one of the best growth opportunities and emerging technology opportunities that we've seen."
"Banning crypto is like banning the internet so good luck with that."
"Crypto is being used on both sides. Ukraine is receiving a ton of crypto in donations to support their defensive needs, while Russia is resorting to crypto to evade swift restrictions."
"Interoperability is the future. Avalanche users can now buy Polygon or BSC assets in a single transaction, enhancing cross-chain transactions."
"Cardano is screaming that it is undervalued right now."
"Being able to spin up a token... being able to spin it up is an innovation."
"AI in the traditional world is giving crypto that fuel at the moment."
"The SEC needs to be completely defunded, removed from crypto."
"One bitcoin continues to be more dollars... one bitcoin continues to be more Teslas."
"Crypto is gambling, it's influence gambling but it's not the same as actual gambling."
"Can you make money yield farming? The answer is yes."
"Crypto now is growing faster than the internet and until now the internet was, I think, the fastest growing technology innovation that we ever had."
"Crypto market dips after fed chairs latest statement."
"FTX was attracting new users every day and was turning into one of the largest exchanges in crypto."
"Welcome to Big Boy Crypto, home of the best squad, the largest, the greatest crypto community in all of the interwebs!"
"If you're still watching YouTube videos about crypto you are setting yourself up for a life of victory."
"Crypto opens up possibilities that traditional finance can't offer."
"The ICO phase three will end in five days, so it will end on December fourth at 12:00 PM in Spain time."
"Do you think the SEC is the entity to be in charge of how to govern and kind of secure help crypto and blockchain is going to move forward?"
"Crypto is an ecosystem, and we have a very easy ability to do these kinds of things."
"Every single token that I tell you that I'm buying or that I tell you that I think is worth buying, it's because I hold it. Rest assured that every single token that is on this thing I hold a position in."
"Crypto tax reporting made simple, easy, safe, and stress-free with CoinLedger."
"There's gonna be a massive upheaval in the landscape of the crypto industry."
"Stable coin legislation will increase institutional adoption of crypto. I have likened stable coin legislation as the same impact and explosive impact that the telecommunications act had on the birth of the internet in 1996."
"You can either have my money work against me or for me, and that's why I'm so bullish in the crypto space."
"Maybe the best way to approach this for all of us interested in crypto is to pick one pillar of value."
"We are so close and I mean like a smidge away from the euphoric phase."
"People are flooding into crypto, especially if the inflation rates aren't handled properly."
"In crypto, we kind of need to stop trying to find who's better than the other or like competing with each other."
"The tokenization of capital markets is the first step; crypto is just the proof of concept."
"Crypto needs more than anything else is like consumer social applications that you can do with NFTs."
"The MAA, which is the new crypto regulatory framework in the EU, is actually better than the US."
"I think what people are really reacting to is the corruption of the fine art market to begin with. The idea of crypto being really bad for the planet, it doesn't have anything to do with the art markets."
"If you're going to play the crypto thing, then you need to know which crypto is going to win. They're not all going to win."
"if you're running a scam you will be drawn to crypto you are running a confidence game and crypto offers the most efficient market for turning confidence into money."
"...the future of crypto is going right here."
"Dominic Williams, the founder...he's like the Steve Jobs of crypto."
"We have three years to make it happen, three years to build life-changing wealth in crypto."
"Be careful with your money, crypto exx and analyst have been saying that crypto can go to $100,000 every single year."
"Crypto is a financial system designed with the modern world in mind: instant, permissionless, and 24/7. It's not perfect, and nothing ever will be perfect, but crypto is a world-changing technology at a time when the world needs it the most."
"It's not perfect and nothing ever will be perfect, but crypto is a world-changing technology at a time when the world needs it the most."
"'Caroline Ellison, math whiz and Newton native, was bound for success. Then she got into crypto.' Cool."
"This shaggy-haired individual looked like a savior of the online markets. In fact, this crypto king was the biggest freight train to hit the crypto scene in history."
"Money plus computer plus hustling hard equals crypto, and crypto equals risk, and Rich equals legendary jet ski. Easy as that."
"We've been talking about all these free crypto airdrops of all these projects."
"I think it's always good to think of like compartmentalizing the way you approach crypto... putting away a certain amount gives you that kind of freedom to take risk as well with the rest."
"America is the nexus of crypto innovation. We should embrace the crypto markets here in the USA."
"It's no secret that airdrop farming is one of the easiest ways to make your first $10,000, $20,000, or even $30,000 in crypto."
"What internet computer is, it's a crypto, it's a cyberspace cloud."
"Internet computer is the leading decentralized physical infrastructure crypto in the world."
"If Millennials put 10% of their savings flow into crypto, that's a two and a half trillion dollar rise per year in crypto."
"It's kind of ironic in that you know crypto was here to kill Fiat, no actually it's here to export to the world and also kill at the same time."
"While stable coins are often called crypto's killer app, our guest Nick says, 'You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.'"
"For something like crypto, it's typically best you make an investment and then you don't look at it for 10 years."
"Dude, let's [__] buy crypto. Let's buy bitcoin dude."
"The promise of crypto around decentralization is still incredibly powerful... it removes centralized power structures... censorship or freedom of speech, freedom of movement of money."
"Drop a like And subscribe for more daily crypto Alpha."
"There's an exciting new announcement out of two of the biggest powerhouses as it relates to crypto gaming and crypto gaming chains."
"This is the biggest partnership in the space to date."
"Crypto is full of opportunities you're not going to miss out by taking your time and being patient."
"Welcome to the Aquatic Crypted Icebreak!"
"Yeah, it's a fantastic call to action. If anyone doubts the power of this, I mean, we built the entirety of crypto this way."
"I think at the core of it is the same reflection that's happening in crypto with people gambling on Meme coins, and really what it is is that we're seeing a world where wealth inequality is significantly increasing."
"Layer 1 business model is the most important in crypto."
"We need to get to the bottom of what happened with FTX but we can't let its collapse cause us to abandon the great promise and potential of crypto."
"I believe there are three main catalysts this year which I think will set the scene for the next crypto Bull Run."
"I think like crypto is just uh one of the most underrated aspects of crypto is I think how you can like analyze the you know the sociology and the politics and the anthropology and yeah."
"This token is the governance token for a gold onchain gold which Real World assets is a huge narrative in crypto this is the best real world asset project I've ever seen"
"As a business person, I saw a lot of opportunity in the crypto and stock trading industries."
"Income inequality and cost of living...people are seeing stuff like crypto as the only real gamble."
"It's interesting because I see a lot of parallels in what's happening in AI right now and what happened in crypto over the last few years."
"It just shows the power of memes and the power of community in crypto."
"The five best ways to earn crypto for free."
"If you're an investor in the space, hopefully, you're not just being whipped around by the winds of whatever the most popular narrative is."
"We're so early into crypto. In the grand scheme of things, we're at the very beginning of these things."
"Number two pick: crypto and NFTs."
"Theft is still theft even if it's crypto."
"Also, if you do want to know about crypto from A to Z, investing in crypto, and trading crypto as well, do check out my crypto course."
"Crypto is gambling, bro. Every time there's more money in my wallet, there's less money in yours and someone else's."
"...it's all dumb, all shit coins are dumb, but you know what's crazy about all this, like crypto and shit coin shit, is that it's all dumb, it's all stupid, but everybody knows somebody who's like a millionaire from it. It's so, it's like frustrating..."
"Crypto is filled with a bunch of garbage information from broke people trying to rip you off and there's very few of us that actually have been in this a long time and actually care about you."
"Having complete ownership is essential to protecting yourself and your hard-earned crypto."
"AI is one of the fastest growing Industries on the planet and crypto is primed to benefit massively from the expansion of AI more so than I think anyone expects."
"The key difference between crypto and traditional startups is that the production capital in crypto networks comes from a community of contributors, not only the core team."
"There's no one-size-fits-all monetary policy in crypto networks, and it's dependent on the type of network, stakeholders involved, and how they're incentivized to contribute."
"It's important to understand how crypto fundraising is different from traditional startup fundraising. The north star is to exit to the community by giving them ownership and inviting their active participation in operating and growing the network."
"Internet computer is the first thing we've seen in crypto that is truly built to handle World Wide Mass adoption."
"Crypto investing is still fairly easy in the sense that if you can find something that still has a lot of potential, that a lot of people haven't really realized yet."
"Deribit owns the market from a derivatives perspective."
"I think sometimes in crypto because it's engineering driven as opposed to financial engineering driven which the world I come from a lot of times we feel the need to reinvent the wheel..."
"All it takes is a little bit of initiative or just post on Twitter: 'I want to do this in the crypto industry' and then just tag all of us and we'll figure it out."
"There's cycles and then there's secular trends. Crypto has its own cycles but the secular trend is up only."
"The ability to operate crypto across networks has become increasingly critical."
"What I've noticed in nine years in crypto is that is the absolute dream where you can leave your principle without touching it and get rewards based on your principle."
"Crypto markets are stressful, 24/7 hyper volatile, and being entrepreneurs is pretty tough."
"Crypto investing is the intersection of everything."
"We're in the middle of maybe the biggest bull market in crypto history ever."
"Bitcoin is less bitcoin than some other protocols that have much better privacy."
"Coinbase probably onboarded more people to Bitcoin than any other entity or person in the world."
"Instead of having tons of tabs open and going through scrutinizing Google searches, you can have one easy to use place which is crypto-centric and crypto-friendly."
"Autopal is a type of super crypto intelligence which means that you can teach it information."
"It's really nice to see crypto projects starting to focus on user experience."
"One thing that's amazing to me, one of my favorite crypto areas that I wrote about in the book was NFTs and the Bored Ape Yacht Club."
"But I actually found this to be one of the most revealing parts of looking into crypto."
"Certainly just in the seven and a half years I've covered this, I've seen completely new things that have not been witnessed before in history be enabled by crypto."
"That to me is the most powerful, powerful, powerful tool in crypto."
"In my opinion, if you like the value proposition for Bitcoin and other crypto assets, you should probably view it as a long-term investment."
"Modularity is going to be right behind layer 2os and layer ones as the biggest narrative in crypto for the bull run."
"Crypto isn't about luck... it's about being strategic and positioning yourself in the right areas."
"The AOL moment, AOL got you online, Libra's gonna get you into crypto."
"It's basically a way to get exposure to a real-world asset like Tesla stock price on a crypto blockchain."
"It's like if there was a crypto nerd Super Bowl and it really is, it's like everyone who likes crypto or likes to hate crypto is here or wants to be here, and it's really fun."
"Crypto is a value transfer technology."
"Crypto is truly a technology for individual citizens... to essentially be their own bank or take digital property under their custody."
"You guys have skyrocketed to number one in the crypto YouTube genre in my book."
"In the long run, the value of crypto projects will be determined by the value that they provide."
"The crypto world may have some isolated individual projects, but what it really needs is an ecosystem."
"Decentralization is super important, that's like the original ethos of crypto."
"The risk tolerance of people who have been early in crypto is just totally different than anything any current institution has or could even imagine having."
"Your crypto wallet is your bank account, your identity, your reputation, your universal internet login."
"Crypto investors... we're at the greatest point in the history of the world for investing, for potential, if you see it for what it is."
"Trying to be like a sort of One-Stop shop for institutional adoption of crypto."
"We intend for BlockFi Yield to be a new SEC registered crypto interest-bearing security."
"The crypto world will have none of this, the digital space will not have this."
"You don't need a million dollars to be able to invest in crypto, and you don't need tons of money to be able to invest in real estate."
"As the crypto space heats up in 2024, everybody's trying to figure out what are the hot sectors that are primed for explosion."
"We are in a long-term parabolic uptrend for this crypto space."
"In the long term, the crypto gaming industry will inevitably grow in the years to come."
"The value proposition of what you can do with crypto games is unique."
"Gaming is going to be a big medium that ushers in a lot of new people into the crypto space."
"Access to funding for the crypto space is the biggest risk this year."
"What makes crypto and Web3 interesting and kind of cool is that it is a bit behind the curtain, it's a bit of an insider's game today."
"Maybe the goal of crypto isn't to have all of our world's finances out in the open, but to very simply prove that what we are saying is true."
"I'm bullish on crypto people being the spearhead against the corruption of the establishment."
"While 2020 has become known as the weirdest year in modern history, it's actually been very kind to many crypto projects."
"We've seen a renaissance in price and excitement around cryptos many of us had simply forgotten about."
"It has the greatest brand recognition out there of anything in crypto, and that is really special."
"The things that make it appealing to you that you can make money very fast in crypto are also you could lose money very fast in crypto."
"We're here to dominate crypto, guys."
"During late 2020, I kind of realized that maybe now it's time, and I made that move to being full-time crypto."
"Crypto is definitely narrative-driven."