
Internet History Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"The spiritual forefathers of crypto, who built the early Internet, thought it was a new technology for global freedom of expression and a blank canvas upon which they could build their dreams."
"This is the first Minecraft video to ever be uploaded to the internet."
"They wanted to connect 3000 universities, so what they were going to do was build a multi-network system or something called an internet backbone."
"Vint at this trade show and he's seeing how much money is being thrown at it and he realizes that if the general public could get access, the internet could be a self-sustaining entity."
"In the wild wild west early days of the web, folks never really stopped to think about what they were uploading."
"YouTube started in 2005, and Marble Hornets did their first upload in the summer of 2009. It is important to recognize how early into internet video development that this series started."
"Maybe one day we'll look back at the last 10 years as like the real Wild Wild West of the internet."
"The internet's changed so much in the past 20 years."
"The censorship of Tumblr was a dark day in Internet history. To take a community that thrives off of expression and then to censor that is very wrong."
"The internet used to be ugly, used to be slow, no one knew what it was for, and that was not that long ago."
"The internet would have existed even if the government hadn't spent all this money on research."
"Justin.tv had become the 250th most visited site globally after just three years, undamaged by the 2008 financial crash."
"It's kind of what it looks like boils down to that's what Timothy Berners-Lee has been saying for years."
"Everpedia's claim to fame was having the entire repository of Wikipedia, but I've given up on them."
"Max Goldberg was a pioneer in fighting for free speech on the internet."
"I just hope that they do the same thing that they did with the internet back in the early 90s: a little regulation goes a long way."
"The days of Usenet, IRC, the web, even email with PGP were amazing. Centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the internet. I realize that I'm partially to blame and regret it now."
"Newgrounds can be seen as a kind of time capsule preserving both the good and bad sides of the internet."
"Do we want people to be changed or do we want them to stay the same to freeze in a moment we found on the internet from 12 years ago?"
"It was back in the age of ASL, you know, where it was like if you typed in Jesse it would be like what about s EJ?"
"There's never been anything like it in the history of the internet."
"He was the first comedian to really understand the power of the internet way back when MySpace was a thing in the early 2000s."
"Rick and Morty originated during the early days of the internet when Justin Roiland created them as a parody of the characters Doc and Marty McFly from Back to the Future."
"Success Kid is just one of those memes that speaks to a bygone era of memology."
"I got to adulthood without the internet so all the stupid [expletive] my kids are gonna do it's gonna be on the internet."
"MySpace was more than just a social networking website it was the social networking website that kick-started the web 2.0 experience."
"There was the first-ever video uploaded on YouTube."
"This truly is a holdover from a time when the internet was wild and untamed."
"Animation itself, let alone game design on the internet and video on the internet, used Flash as a staple platform."
"Twitch Plays Pokemon: the greatest social experiment in internet history."
"The truth is one of the very biggest and earliest videos on all of YouTube was by a creator and star named iJustine."
"The first cycle the internet has been a part of from the beginning."
"Crypto is the future that contains fads, much like the internet was the future and the internet contained fads."
"Chad Hurley could be one of the few Silicon Valley superstars that you don't recognize but in the relatively short history of the internet he's a legend."
"Flashpoint preserves Internet history with 38,000 games and 2400 animations."
"The first YouTube video ever was uploaded on April 23, 2005, featuring jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo."
"They're an extremely niche but incredibly unforgettable bit of nostalgia and early internet history."
"Every single idea that ended up being successful on the internet was tried."
"After nine years, I hope you enjoyed this video. I'm very glad we've been able to restore a fragment of Internet history by putting a piece of it to rest."
"We've had our own experiences. When I built an ISP in Hong Kong in '93, the entire world had 300,000 people on the internet."
"Do Talk No One's Gonna use it you want to go have fun go Google the internet is a fad and read the articles that was so fun yeah that was so fun listening thank you it was enjoyable send me those uh send me those."
"For those of you guys who aren't aware, this came out in like 2007, 2008, back when internet culture was very new and now very cringe."
"Isn't it wacky that there are YouTube videos uploaded a decade ago? Don't you think that's insane?"
"It's sort of like what the web was in the 90s, where you could just say anything, you could put up anything."
"These days if you look for her videos touring the factory or defending her decision to do so they've all been taken off the internet never to be seen again."
"Imagine all of the things that I said before but alongside your pals, cracking jokes, saying stupid stuff that doesn't make sense and crying about falling off a cliff."
"Loopring could definitely be part of this... there's a lot of those kind of elements that people look at especially when you think about how the internet was built in the past."
"The first YouTube comment to ever exist on YouTube."
"With over half of the entire Internet-connected population of the US using AOL to get online, the monolithic service seemed unstoppable."
"But this is still not the modern internet, oh no."
"Archive.org: How often have you wanted to go back and see what your website or maybe a competitor's website, or maybe just want to have some fun and take a look at a website, what did it look like many years ago?"
"The first known user to comment on any YouTube video was by Marco Cassie, saying the famous words 'lol.'"
"Early days of the internet and later on the early days of YouTube, incredibly exciting times to be online."
"It was with some friends from UCLA, one speculated friend actually having the name credited on early versions of the webpage, that Lee officially launched fanfiction.net on October 15th of 1998."
"Digg was one of the most popular sites on the internet and in a few short years it was gone. Digg's loss was Reddit's gain."
"It’s only been 30 years since AOL brought millions of people online for the first time."
"There are also some real diamonds in there just like in their way he took sound like a broken record like in the early days of the web."
"We're going to actually meet our finalists in person. It's the first time in the history of the internet that Chad is going to get to see the finalists of elevated in person with us. Yes!"
"The internet came in 1994... and tcp/ip was also finalized in 1983."
"The whole yodeling 'Do you Yahoo?' is iconic if you were living during this era."
"He tells his like historical moments from the internet but he does it with like he kind of like animates memes."
"The internet has been around for just over 40 years now and of course has revolutionized all our lives."
"I feel like it's this lost era where it's kind of hard to find stuff from then on the internet."
"It's just really funny to look back at all the things people would fall for in the early internet times."
"I want to take you guys back to the year 1997 when the internet was in its infancy."
"We're at the stage in history where we're seriously questioning the intent of the companies that brought us the Internet in all its glory."
"YouTube has provided so many people like me with a platform to share what they loved before the internet was a big thing."
"This isn't just some random figure on the internet, this is quite literally one of the most documented people in Internet history."
"It's really hard to overestimate the importance of TCP to the success of the internet."
"The beginning of the true internet was when ARPANET migrated to TCP/IP on January 1st of 1983."
"It might be hard to imagine, but there was a time when the internet wasn't all comment sections, collabs, makeup tutorials, and Minecraft."
"Myspace was kind of epic because it allowed you to customize whatever your webpage looked like."
"When I was 12, I think that's when MySpace really emerged and I think the internet was so punk rock."
"The internet came out of the ARPANET, a set of wires that were built specifically to connect universities and other important research facilities."
"On the 23rd of April, 2005, a YouTuber by the name of Jawed unknowingly broke YouTube's earliest world record."
"Rooster Teeth is absolutely a mark on the history of the internet."
"We're here to just appreciate it, it's a beautiful part of Internet history and I love it."
"The personalities that came together during that time really created a magical world that existed just on the brink of the internet."
"The origin of the Internet has always been wrapped up with another origin as well, the origin of digital democracy."
"It's an iconic moment that will go down in internet lore, etched into the tablets of time."
"The internet as we know it was invented by Tim Berners-Lee by the creation of the World Wide Web."
"IRC is a very old internet chat protocol; it's been around since before the web was created."
"If you had dial-up internet as a kid, leave a like in this video."
"That moment, that milestone in YouTube internet history would be the time where commentary just blew up."
"When everything is over and we look back, we can find these little stories inside the things that happened on the Internet that happened for a reason."
"When the web turned 30 years old, so 30 years since Tim Berners-Lee... came up with this idea of serving information over hypertext pages on the internet."
"Our journey into the depths of the old internet was a really special experience."
"It's what the internet was: real friends and real love in this real place."
"Yahoo Answers, after 16 years, is finally shutting down."
"Dot com was for commercial sites... dot net was regarding networking... dot org was supposed to be for nonprofit organizations."
"Myspace.com was the biggest website on the planet."
"So much dark and disturbing content that's cool, even before the internet."
"The Internet existed well before the web did, although most people just can't think of the Internet without thinking of the web."
"The internet... Netscape 1.0, August 1995, Netscape 1.0 comes online, within a day or two the first picture of a cat is uploaded."
"It's reaching out further in the world, this was the ARPANET, forerunner of today's internet."