
Color Perception Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Color exists in the brain; color is itself an illusion or a brain construct."
"The pink looks brighter than I remember. Pink and brown, such a great color combination."
"Normally sunset, there's just, you know, red and pink there, and one spot, but it was like all around us. Yeah, it's absolutely stunning."
"The human eye can distinguish up to 10 million different colors."
"Seeing the colors in that, that looks incredible."
"It's like saying the ball is blue and red at the exact same time. It can either be blue or red but it cannot be blue and red at the exact same time."
"Explaining this disease is like being asked to describe the color green to someone who's never seen it before."
"Humans are trichromatic, meaning we see through three cone cells and thus can see many colors on the visible light spectrum."
"Nature doesn't just have two color charts like that."
"It's like we're seeing orange waves coming through, and it's really quite fascinating."
"It actually is pretty damn green and I like it."
"Once you start to kind of get your head that color or just pigment doesn't have to be about art and you actually look at the graphic literature there is a lot of different things."
"You're appreciating each color of the rainbow, one by one by one."
"Why is the myth dogs are colorblind so widely accepted? They do see colors, even though they have a more limited Spectrum than we do."
"The light emitted by the LEDs has a white e blue hue to it."
"You thought you knew red, but you're a goner."
"Look how blue it is right through there, holy cow!"
"The color is repellent, almost revolting. A smoldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight."
"The color green is slow. It's green, it's love. Okay, yeah, I see that. I see that." - A humorous observation on the color green, with a touch of absurdity.
"Yellow is the brightest color, it's so happy."
"The color pink doesn't determine if you're a girl or a boy."
"It's like subtle which is nice, it's not like bright green, it's not in your face."
"All people are just a different shade of brown."
"It’s like telling a colorblind person that, 'Oh, trust me, you’ll see the colors eventually.'"
"It's a vague red color you can't really see most of it because it's infrared."
"This symmetry is baked into the laws of physics and there it manifests as the Strong Force, but SU(3) is free to appear in many other contexts, like the behavior of the color receptors in our eyes."
"Black looks fast, so yeah, absolutely black is... you always go three times faster if the car is either black or red."
"Dogs are not colorblind; they simply don't see as many colors as us."
"Pink is the manliest color there is. Ernest Hemmingway and Teddy Roosevelt both wore pink dresses as a kid."
"Can we all agree that the color blue and math have the same vibe?"
"A sheer wash and just letting the shift be the color, like depending on how the light hits you, it's like, 'Oh, you have a little shadow on,' and then you turn and the light flashes green. That is so cool."
"As for the story, we learn the dead are colorblind. Okay."
"The colors that we see aren't really there... They come from a weird trick of physics."
"But iridescence is uniquely mind-blowing because the colors that we see aren't really there."
"This is an olive green that's verging on a little too dark to actually show up as green."
"A red apple is only red because the tissue of the apple absorbs all other light other than red."
"I just swear to god if you angle just right it's pink."
"It's green! Honestly, I thought it was black or white. I didn't even imagine it would be a color."
"My goodness, that looks amazing! Holy, I can't tell, is that blue or white? Why does it look like this, boys?"
"Just because you're colorblind doesn't make you unaware of different colors of light."
"It's just cool because from the angle depending on how you're looking at it, you can get like a really cool green sheen."
"I was really happy to see that it was giving off a nice green color."
"I love that! Oh, purple ones, yeah it's like cornfield but reverse."
"Rose gold makes me think of being like, the feeling of wanting to be different."
"A little color never hurt anybody, unless you're colorblind, then it'll blind you. Is that how colorblindness works?"
"Here's the green, green. See that's the, see y'all, I feel like y'all just can't see the green because of the legend logo."
"It's impossible to calculate how many combinations of colors the human eye sees, but it's about 1 million combinations on average."
"Bright colors actually look good in normal bad lighting which is basically every single place in the world except for my painting desk."
"You squint my eyes down sometimes just to see what tones and stuff that I see in what area like this undertone of this yellow I pick it when I squint down I pick up a little bit of it right into here as well."
"I thought it was closer to pinkish purple but it's closer to bluish purple which makes it harder because the only blue food found in nature is blueberry and there's not a lot of blueberry stuff um so we got to go for artificial food at this point"
"Color isn't an inherent property of light. Instead, it's a psychological phenomenon that relates to wavelength, but only indirectly."
"Nobody would say nowadays anything goes in a language, so you wouldn't have a color system in a language that has 12 words for shades of red and one word for every other color."
"That's not at all what I expected that color to look like it looks milky it looks weird light blues and light turquoise Azure yeah you know they're problematic for sure."
"It looks black at first and then as you get closer or as it's in the sunlight it has that beautiful navy blue shade to it."
"I regret to inform you of one thing, this is a really red drawing. Thank you, that's not red at all."
"Color is literally defined by its perception."
"There's a lot of things at the grocery store based on our color, except for those practically wearing green."
"Yeah, you've probably guessed it from the title. And also, I'm wearing green. Do not tell me it's blue. It's not blue."
"And then this one's got the sort of pinkish version of the same thing. Orange, pink, orange, whatever. No, it, certain lights this looks pink. You're very color blind, right? Yeah, but like if you move it around, there's def pink in it."
"Humans can distinguish up to ten million different set of colors."
"Women do have better eyes for color. A lot of men are colorblind, they don't know it, it's a genetic thing."
"If you just use light gray, it looks blue. It's so interesting."
"That's nice. What? Oh, that's almost like a bullet. It's iridescent too."
"...color is an event because color is what happens up here... We filter a lot of data out and we interpret it."
"The human eye can see the most shades of green than any other color because we used to be up in the trees."
"People are able to see the entire spectrum of colors."
"I had the whole sky in my eyes and it was blue and gold."
"The result is that low light vision is not black and white, but there's a color shift introduced by the rods as they take over from the cones."
"I don't see color. Yes, you do, and it's fine to notice color, just don't judge people based on it."
"Females have two genes that allow them to see a broader spectrum of red-orange colors than males."
"The colors we see depend on the wavelength."
"It is so blue, I can't believe it; it is as blue as the sky."
"I could see that the sky's blue, I could see that the grass is green, but I can't make out anything of it."
"The reason this leaf appears green is because it's reflecting the green wavelength of light."
"The opponent process theory says we're able to perceive color because of opposing pairs of color receptors."
"The cones are responsible for our perception of color, active during daylight."
"Midnight blue tends to be slightly darker under artificial lighting than actual black."
"Every color that we perceive is the brain's reaction to the combination of stimuli of those three primary colors."
"Pearl colors look better in the sun."
"Blue is such an unusual color... it's stunning, actually."
"Through the combination of which cones are activated, you get all the color perception that you need."
"And all of a sudden, a lavender field begins to pick up a form of a lavender color."
"Viridian green... one of the most misunderstood and mislabeled colors that there is."
"When you notice a second color in a color, that's when you're just like, 'Wow'."
"Contrary to popular belief, dogs and cats can see color."
"It's not crisp bleachy white, it's a soft... white rainbow."
"Trust your instincts, you know if you think you see a color, you probably do."
"We see color when some of the wavelengths of visible light are absorbed and removed, and then the rest of the wavelengths are transmitted or reflected."
"The color of an object is the color of the light it reflects."
"Red is something that your brain interprets a certain wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, it interprets as the color red, but there is no red out there, there is no blue, there's no green, there are no colors."
"Goldfish see MORE COLORS OF LIGHT than we do!"
"The eyes definitely have more layers of color; there's like white, black, and I think a little bit of orange."
"I love the fact that our main character kind of sees her feelings in colors."
"It's not about what's right or wrong; it's about getting everybody to agree on what cherry red should look like and what banana yellow should look like."
"The sun is white, the light is white, and that's the actual light."
"Colors that are considered to be cool colors are actually hotter than those that are considered to be warm colors."
"We're talking about a human experience here, and so we all more or less agree that mostly blue is a cool color and red is a warm color."
"The colors that you see off of a given surface are the wavelengths of light that aren't absorbed by that surface."
"Snow is highly reflective, so if it didn't reflect some of the colors in the sky, it wouldn't make a lot of sense, would it?"
"The human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors."
"The color is lovely though, a deep burgundy red in low light that turns bright ruby red in sunlight."
"White point I always choose and recommend CIE Illuminance D65 because at 6500 Kelvin, our eyes see the most color at this spectrum."
"Our eyes actually only see three colors of light--Red, green, and blue."
"Colors don't matter by themselves; colors always look different depending on what color you put it next to."
"The trichromatic theory says that blue, green, and red are mixed for us to see all colors."
"Millennial pink... it's been picked up by so many men has in a way permanently changed the layers of meanings that have been deposited on pink."
"Blue registers as sunlight on the Kelvin scale."
"Most artists don't work on a white canvas because it throws off their ability to read color accurately."
"Wouldn't it be nice if we could enhance our own color perception? Well, we can."
"For me, this is a calm and gentle forest green, which was a shock actually."
"Look at anything with artist's eyes; what colors do you really see in an object?"
"You can see yellow from a good distance away; yellow really shows up."
"All colors could be perceived by a combination of just three receptors: one red, one green, and one blue."
"There are certain combinations of colors that don't exist in ordinary perception, for example, there is no bluish yellow or greenish red."
"The next step in color processing occurs in the cortex, where the color opponent process yields color results that do match our perceptions."
"We can distinguish about 180 pure spectral colors."
"The ice is blue... the concentration of it is so strong that it looks blue."
"The ocean is blue because water absorbs colors in the red part of the light spectrum."
"There was a time before there were any words for colors."
"No color is more delightful in appearance, for although we enjoy looking at plants and leaves, we regard emeralds with all the more pleasure because compared with them, there is nothing that is more intensely green."
"What color do you think black currant juice is? Purple, purple, purple. Why don't we squash one and let's have a look at what color the juice is. Squish... It's red, red. It's red, isn't it?"
"It's only orange because of the heat energy that's being released from the glass."
"I really like it in person; the black's not so bright, it's actually black, so it's really not as noticeable as it is on this video."
"It's hard to tell that it's purple, but it is purple. Purple, I think it's pretty."
"The first step in coding for color happens via the simultaneous activity of the three types of cones: the short, medium, and long wavelength sensitive cones."
"If you see a green compound, it means red light is being absorbed; a yellow compound means violet is being absorbed, and so on and so forth."
"This color is great because it's green in some light and purple in some other light and either way it looks really cool."
"The camera is really not doing justice to just how marvelous this color looks."
"Humans are trichromatic, meaning we see many colors in the visible light spectrum."
"Not everybody sees the same colors; some people are colorblind."
"Cyan is blue, I didn't know that, but it's blue and I love this blue, it's my favorite color."
"When the eyes are properly nourished by the liver, the eyes are able to perceive the five colors."
"Yellow is the first color spotted by the eyeball."
"Most people tend to like gray. It is neutral; it's going to give you true to world color perception."
"Orange was the most easy color to see underwater."
"Birds are tetrachromatic, which means they have four types of cone cells that are able to detect even ultraviolet."
"Spiders are also tetrachromatic, so lots of things going on there."
"Women actually have more cones; they may have four different kinds of cones which means that they may have enhanced color perception than men."
"Babies really can see red; it's one of the first colors they can really differentiate."
"Mixing your own colors makes you a stronger artist, it helps you see colors a little bit better, and you can get more variation and nuance than you can from buying pre-mixed colors."
"Why should everyone think of red as a shameful color? It's warm, full of light."
"It looks purple! Guys, it looks purple! Oh wow!"
"The probability of scattering is way higher for blue lights than it is for red lights."
"We have three sets of cones: we have a green set of cones, we have a red set of cones, and we have a blue set of cones."
"The interpretation of color is a psycho-physiological problem."
"Objects appear to have a certain color because of what wavelengths they are able to bounce out."
"Just be aware of all the different colors, all the different shades of green."
"It is actually a really nice color, it looks a lot nicer on the eye than I think it does look in the pan."
"It lights up a true orange, it's not just like a really warm white that you're like, is it orange or is it white? No, this is orange."
"Honestly, it shows up more pink which I love."
"If you can't see color, then why the hell do some of y'all spend so much time at the tanning salon?"
"If you don't see color then what the hell do you do at a traffic light?"