
Missions Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"We must set missions with clear, achievable goals, not ones we'll never reach."
"The most important thing that happens in these missions are the things we did not plan."
"Last Raven's missions were a delight. Actually the best I'd experienced so far."
"The game's main missions do an incredible job of being memorable."
"It's always a pleasure when you've got a mission with plenty of objectives, makes it a lot more exciting."
"Bavaria has some of the best missions I've ever seen in European or Salas."
"Exotic quests and missions have always been some of my favorite pieces of Destiny and Destiny 2."
"He spent several months traveling around Macedonia and into Asia Minor, visiting, encouraging, and exhorting the churches he helped plant."
"People who are gifted by God to begin new churches, to begin new ministries, to start and open new mission fields."
"Welcome new recruit, your mission is as follows."
"Every early-to-mid mission feels like you're nothing but an errand boy in this guild."
"Money is less and less motivating the more and more you get of it; missions on the other hand, the closer and closer you get to making it real, the more momentum you have behind accomplishing your mission."
"What a satisfying mission to finally pull off."
"Complete missions from Chuck himself. Holiday Ops vehicle slot, inscriptions, decals, and of course, Chuck Norris."
"For now our mission is simply to change our culture through our media."
"Falcon 9 is currently on a success streak of 84 missions in a row."
"The station's extremely important... missions in order to get you seals."
"It's more like the actual missions were just a background for the cool stuff you can do with your abilities frytss."
"The reality of this difficult fight has led to some unusually blunted missions."
"Including new mission types and a growing roster of Marvel's Avengers. Here we go, Avengers! Secure that super weapon at all costs."
"Selling items is a lot more profitable than just doing missions or honestly doing anything else in game."
"Perfect Dark's missions are also just far more exciting."
"Katana Zero: It's addicting, boss-paced gameplay that can be broken down into shortish missions."
"Visit every stranger on a map. You'll notice icons around the world, these are stranger missions."
"There's going to be a lot of missions given by both players and NPCs: escorting, exploring, mining."
"There will be a vast range of missions generated by the on-demand system of the verse, including escorts, cargo runs, info running, assassination, bounty hunting, exploration, and science discovery."
"Missions like this lead people like me to fall in love with the medium so much."
"Missions and Bed Wars? Pretty good. Okay, it's pretty good."
"An elite American Airborne unit was created for the most extreme combat missions."
"Being on a missions field and a missionary is a godly purpose."
"The main gameplay here does see killing zombies but I also like the fact that you have these smaller missions."
"Do daily missions... it's gonna be more than enough."
"Borderlands is one of those free-roaming games with many side missions and plenty of main missions."
"Joining the Crimson Fleet can be extra worth it because you can do piracy missions from their mission boards to get extra credits and XP."
"Its hundreds of high-risk missions hastened the end of the second world war, undoubtedly saving countless lives that might yet have been lost."
"Starship will execute a number of missions with both cargo and people."
"Kawaki is undergoing missions as a shinobi, still trying to establish his identity."
"Artemis missions will explore areas near the South Pole on the rim of the moon's oldest Basin."
"Every mission is risky because there are so many uncertainties."
"If we don't want to finance world missions and we don't want to befriend and protect Israel and if we don't want to be in combat against the spirit of the Antichrist, then guess what, we have no reason to exist."
"They volunteer for every single Dangerous Mission."
"The ability to create Waypoint missions is a powerful feature."
"But it doesn't have to be overwhelming because you don't need to be adjusting every setting in every Waypoint mission."
"It's very important when setting up a waypoint mission this way that you know the area because there could be plenty of obstacles that you don't see on the map."
"But with deep space missions soon to become more common..."
"It's incredible to see how much these missions are able to impact the future of Axiom station and private astronaut missions."
"They'll do anti-pirating, hostage rescue, and go in behind enemy lines and conduct reconnaissance missions."
"Early missions to Mars, if conducted during optimal planetary alignment, will last approximately 2 and 1/2 years."
"There are two more missions in the next year or two that will travel further inward than Mercury."
"Task Force X is an off-the-books government Strike Team, Task Force Expendable agents for impossible missions."
"Designed for special missions like helping ground troops and carrying out light attacks in tough environments, the Super Tucano's fame and popularity knew no boundaries."
"Missions are often daunting but are always accompanied by Divine reassurance and guidance."
"Our first missions were the bombing of Manila and the harbor of Manila and the ships that were moored there."
"Perhaps we've been given a mission here that is impossible to achieve."
"with two sub-orbital missions under their belt it's time for nasa to raise the stakes"
"The answer to your question is more missions, which is often right."
"I want you guys to start warming up. We'll train for a few hours and then take some missions."
"The DNA of the church has always been about missions."
"...if as I believe God gives us a resurgence of post-millennial optimism, I have every expectation that there will be a magnificent surge in missions because of it."
"We're gonna try to take up a smuggling mission."
"Lucky okay girls enough chit chat it's now time to embark on your very first mission as solo spies."
"These tiny balls, they really put a lot of thought into the food that they took with them on these missions."
"...In the anime after completing a bodyguard mission..."
"If there's one thing I love more than Cults, it's super secret missions from the church."
"I definitely ran over 50-90 missions in that eight months."
"It's a very, very classic SF mission."
"Because of this they very quickly built up an incredible reputation and became too valuable to lose at which point leadership doesn't let them go out on the dangerous missions anymore."
"The Jesuits went beyond the limits of colonial empires, establishing missions where neither merchants nor colonialists had access."
"It just goes to show that these missions that Easy Company is getting put on, these aren't like just some walk in the breeze missions."
"You got a deal with the missions that you're given."
"As I traveled the world, people would say, 'Could you come back and help us to be able to do that?'"
"Faithful churches around the world will become the basis of a global missions movement."
"Angels know there's multiple missions going on."
"Missions and evangelism is extremely important."
"We are going to send female missionaries across the world."
"The strength of missions must lie not so much in arrangements, in committees, in monies, in men, as in waiting upon the Christ of God."
"The type of missions that the clone commandos were sent on usually led to high casualty numbers."
"She trusts him more than other mission runners."
"The success of missions is guaranteed; that's God's business."
"Short-term missions can be worthwhile, but they can also be more about tourism than helping."
"Missions is not about painting orphanages; it's about reaching people."
"The adventure is far from over. We just all received multiple new missions."
"The Great North air ambulance operates from bases in Teesside and Cumbria, flying around a thousand missions every year."
"Organize multilateralism around missions and bring all stakeholders together to address them can be achieved."
"They were not just highly trained soldiers; they were intelligent and creative thinkers capable of executing missions with unparalleled precision and cunning."
"We did more than a hundred thousand missions, no one under our care ever killed or injured."
"The loyal wingman drones are designed to be able to carry out a variety of mission types such as surveillance, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and even direct combat missions."
"Many Special Forces missions require entry into and exit out of places without discovery by local authorities or military forces."
"Special Forces are also prepared to accomplish other missions such as survival, evasion, resistance, escape, strike, subversion, economy of force, recovery operations, and error interdiction missions in support of the United States national objectives."
"If you do have a heart for missions and you want to find out more on how you can be involved, that's a really good first start."
"She's incredible and she's really passionate about missions experiences that actually build up your community."
"It's cool to see the original Joe's having little one-off missions here and there, be their own Delta Force."
"Not a single A-12 or SR-71 was shot down in the better part of 3,600 missions."
"All you've got to do is follow the damn train."
"Until now, there is no other single class of ship that can conduct such a wide range of missions."
"I have abundance to pay every debt and give $10,000 to missions."
"He flew a hundred and one combat missions in Korea."
"How can we use missions to first of all bring back the ability to dream?"
"You need to be prepared to execute some of the world's most dangerous missions in unforgiving environments against hostile forces."
"Their missions have been kept secret for national security reasons."
"These are the untold stories of the Navy Seals."
"It's so much fun to do these missions as a team!"
"It's a really good mission, really fun to play."
"The Roosevelt conducted more missions than any other carrier."
"The sovereign grace guarantees the success of missions."
"His tactical thinking is already on par with someone who has gone through many missions."
"He took a liking to him and started taking him on missions."
"We're always hopeful that we can't predict just how wonderful the results are going to be from these missions."
"The goal of the faithful in foreign missions is to listen and respond in love through mutual dialogue."
"There's no option for failure because often the missions are life or death."
"It starts out with the introduction of Domino's squad on Kamino in their training and then follows them through as they go on more and more desperate missions."
"The point of missions is to convert the missionaries, right?"
"Missions are very life-changing things."
"She's been given her own arcs, even her own missions which she succeeded in."
"The advertising for Lego agents be focused on specific missions."
"Naruto would do missions for one year and after one year they're gonna be doing the Chunin exams."
"Naruto has done 200 D rank missions, 150 C rank missions, 50 B rank missions, 10 A rank missions, and one S-rank mission."
"A high view of God's sovereignty fuels death-defying devotion to global missions."
"Pastors have the privilege and responsibility to lead the way in global missions."
"We pull it off successfully year after year, mission after mission."
"Tell me that's not cool. An unstoppable superhero and his crew embark on impossible missions and will bring mutated villains to justice."
"So the missions fall into disrepair, the Indians outlived them."
"One of my favorite things about this game is their system for missions."