
National Security Quotes

There are 1618 quotes

"You must stay clearly focused on the fundamental national security interest of the United States of America."
"Tulsi Gabbard as National Security adviser is exactly what most populists want to hear: no wars."
"For more than 20 years, that project had treated unidentified anomalies in our airspace as a national security threat to be monitored and investigated."
"When we spot something we don't understand or can't identify in our airspace, it's the job of those we entrust with our national security to investigate and to report back."
"America's acting like it's September 10th, and we better remember what September 12th felt like."
"This unprecedented event has sparked intense debates and raised questions about the state of national security and the ongoing issue of illegal immigration."
"It's time to put the political stunts aside and to come together as Democrats and Republicans so we can support America's national security interest, our military readiness, along with our allies throughout the world, including Israel, Ukraine, and in the Indo-Pacific."
"Our own government is our greatest threat at this point."
"Foreign algorithmic manipulation of our youth is probably more powerful than any nuclear bomb in destroying a country."
"Equity, uh, that can exist across the services again this is not a political fight this is about our general and flag officers our nominees from four-star generals down to one star generals who deserve to be in the positions that they have been selected in because we believe they're right for the moment and at this time at a time when we're facing the acute threat of Russia in Europe and the rising challenge of China we need our best team on the field."
"This time, the greatest threat is not from the outside of our country. It's from within."
"The best way to take down the biggest country on the planet is to use its own internal tensions against itself."
"If you don't have a border, you don't have a country."
"The unauthorized disclosure of top-secret information will cause exceptionally grave damage to the country's national security."
"This is deterrence is the fundamental national security framework upon which all post-World War II policy is built."
"A foreign policy for the middle class... everything we do in our foreign policy and national security will be measured by a basic metric: is it going to make life better, safer, and easier for working families?"
"The mission is too important... we will only continue to be the world's superpower if we have the best intelligence enterprise."
"We're all better served with the best unvarnished intelligence."
"Integrity is the indispensable imperative for intelligence, the best friend of national security."
"The best men and women in the world doing the best collection, the best analysis...it has to be delivered accurately."
"We all have the same goal, that's a safer Somalia for all Somalis. We must work together to achieve this."
"We welcome the recent publication of the transition plan which details the vision of the Somali Government to gradually take over responsibilities in the area of security."
"No president has ever said anything like it. It's shameful. It's weak. It's dangerous. It's Un-American."
"I will always be defending the sovereignty, the safety, and the security of the American people."
"Our first priority must be world peace, and the use of force is always and only a last resort when everything else has failed, and then only with regard to our national security."
"The United States must not adopt the tactics of the enemy, means are as important as ends, crisis makes it tempting to ignore the wise restraints that make men free."
"The biggest dangers to America are from within; they don't have to do with a giant tsunami that's gonna hit the coast."
"I think Biden is doing a lot of good. I think the Chips Act, which brought manufacturing of computer chips back to the United States, is great for manufacturing here but also great for our national security."
"Most Americans, if you say what do you want your president to do at the end of the day, he or she should do those things that make sure we're safe and then provide for the liberties and the bounty of democratic society."
"China is in fact a threat, and pretending that China is not a threat is a mistake."
"Trump should not be shy about telling the American people the threat of China and explaining the threat of China because China is in fact a threat."
"Military budget is discretionary, but it only goes up, and in the interest of national security, this shouldn't be at the whims of whoever is in office."
"We need to be very concerned about the way in which this whole area has been managed by the national security agencies responsible."
"The United States's National Security will be on the line because Donald will be indebted to that foreign entity."
"The harm being done here to U.S. security is much greater than the benefit that the senator believes will be gained."
"Misinformation means a foreign government is putting out false information in order to bamboozle or hoodwink Americans."
"The National Security Council has admitted that they have deliberately declassified intelligence information so it can be released to the public even though they know the intelligence information being released is wrong, inaccurate."
"Sweden has developed capabilities that will ensure its national security for the foreseeable future."
"We continue to prioritize economic growth as well as national security."
"If terrorists are killing Americans, what kind of business stance do you have as an American company to not help the FBI solve that case?"
"I will continue to raise awareness of UAP as an urgent matter of Aerospace safety, National Security, and science."
"And so the challenge these countries face is one of the most interesting in the field of defence economics, how do you protect your national security without breaking the bank?"
"Providing funding for our troops and ensuring Israel has the resources to defend itself from the onslaught of unprovoked terrorist-backed attacks is not political or partisan; it is a moral imperative."
"Nothing less than American sovereignty is at stake."
"Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans age 18 to 49 because it's pouring over the border like an open sewer."
"President Trump streamlined the National Security Council by creating a counter-proliferation and biodefense directorate."
"This marks the first time that the NSC will include an official dedicated to climate change."
"The Espionage Act is very important because it's illegal to gather, transmit, or lose important National Security documents, defense information."
"Fang Fang, or Christine Fang, targeted up-and-coming local politicians who had the potential to make it big on the national stage."
"The operation sent a strong message to Ukraine's enemies, signaling that Ukraine has the capacity and determination to defend its sovereignty and interests."
"Israel's intelligence has actually helped to foil a lot of those um over the years."
"The president's view is of course that North Korea's nuclear, ballistic missile, and other proliferation-related activities constitute a serious threat to the international peace and security of the world."
"The statement today speaks to those policies."
"In the heart of defense, lies the strength of a nation, unyielding."
"We need to find that balance between keeping the nation safe while protecting you from big government, and prominently has to be the rights of US citizens, the free constitutional freedoms that are protected to us by this country."
"Nigeria's security situation is precarious. Nigerians are tired of excuses and explanations; they want protection for their lives and property."
"An American company isn't necessarily the best outcome, but if done right, it could be."
"US officials say TikTok's Chinese ownership potentially gives Beijing a way to both collect data on Americans and influence public opinion."
"This week, we inaugurate a new administration and pray for its success in keeping America safe and prosperous."
"Supporting Ukraine strengthens our national security. It's the right thing to do not just for the Ukrainian people but for the American people as well."
"The Russian government's effort was an attack on our democracy and on our national security, and it's happening again."
"If people can't report incidents which would have national security or safety implications, then that also has serious consequences for us."
"It just goes to show how serious this is and why this is such an important issue for our pilots and for our nation."
"I strongly believe the U.S. needs to ensure an all-of-the-above energy portfolio. We cannot go back to the days of over-dependence on foreign countries for our energy."
"I am satisfied that the security service and the police have saved thousands of lives and they have prevented a mass disaster that would change the world."
"Previously to control a country you needed to send in the soldiers, now increasingly you just need to hack the data."
"The FBI has some of the most talented law enforcement people in our nation and in the world."
"Avoiding World War III is a vital national objective."
"Our intelligence analysts and officials are following the coronavirus pandemic closely, as it is currently the biggest threat that Canada faces."
"If China had soldiers showing up after school to American schools...we would all stand up against it. Congress would act. This wouldn't be partisan."
"Our national security does not come after the personal interests of one man."
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set."
"We are looking at a serious threat, and we are actively dealing with espionage, cyber war, and now potentially butting heads in international waters as China expands its influence."
"America is less safe today than it was the day that Barack Obama became President of the United States. It's absolutely inarguable."
"We have got to bring together the best resources of this country to understand that cyber warfare is the new warfare of the asymmetrical enemies we face in this country."
"The N70 mission will strengthen the NRO's ability to provide a wide range of timely intelligence information to national decision makers, warfighters, and intelligence analysts."
"White supremacy is the national number one threat to the nation."
"The Department of Homeland Security was created to defend the United States from any and all threats to the safety of our nation."
"Cyber threats remain a significant strategic risk for the United States, threatening our national security, economic prosperity, and safety."
"My administration is issuing new warnings that, based on evolving intelligence, Russia may be planning a cyber attack against us."
"Tonight President Biden warning: 'If you harm an American, we will respond.'"
"UAP reports need to be understood as a national security matter."
"One such incident allegedly occurred at Malmstrom Air Force Base, in which 10 of our nuclear ICBMs were rendered inoperable at the same time a glowing red orb was observed overhead."
"The classification of information exists to protect national security, not to try to hide the truth."
"We've got to start thinking about healthcare as a national security issue."
"Assange and Snowden were right. The most corrupt actions and the most corrupt actors will disguise what they're doing as national security."
"Security and the escalating cyber threats we face require a whole of nation effort."
"I want to reassure the American people that the United States military remains steady, remains ready, and capable of meeting all of our national security requirements."
"Sibers G05 is equipped with powerful scanning and steering surveillance sensors to protect our nation 24/7."
"Keeping the country safe is the government's overriding priority."
"The government's claims of necessity and National Security are nothing more than a smoke screen designed to hide the truth about the systemic failures within MCC."
"A good lesson of history is no nation sits secure; every ancient nation has fallen, no matter how strong."
"Our children's lives are dependent on that 3:00 a.m. call, and we need to know that we have a president who can wake up in the middle of the night and who is on his feet and thinking about those things."
"We, the United States, will interrupt potential Pathways to conflict, reduce threats before they arrive on our shores."
"He certainly wouldn't have asked the national security team to conduct a full review of domestic violent extremism, including of course activities of white supremacists, if he did not think it was a threat."
"No modern country can progress without empowering women...in our new national security policy, gender insecurity is a key pillar."
"We don't know what they are. It could be space aliens. It's a national security threat."
"It's life, it's safety, and it's our country."
"I am very much concerned about what's going on and I'm concerned about the attempts of foreign countries to make investments and gain control over certain American critical technologies and industries."
"I've seen countries where there's a change in government and they just sh [__] can everybody, bring in an entire new intel service. That's politically bound to whatever administrations come in. That is a disaster. That you definitely don't want."
"Energy is a national security priority, and so therefore if you say that then you would assume..."
"What is important for our national security? What's in our best interests as a nation?"
"The main charge here, from the Commerce Department, against TikTok, is that the owner, ByteDance, is Chinese and the Commerce Department says that's a security threat."
"You don't fight a strong nation from the front, you fight it from the inside."
"My first job as commander in chief, Bob, is to keep the American people safe, and that’s what we’ve done over the last four years." - Barack Obama
"They have to abide by their treaty with Israel. That is a red line for us, because not only is Israel’s security at stake, but our security is at stake if that unravels." - Barack Obama
"I will invest whatever it takes to keep you and everyone else in our country safe because that is the first duty of a prime minister."
"And the reason we did this is because a nuclear Iran is a threat to our national security and it’s threat to Israel’s national security."
"Aggressively, yeah. They're called in United States as our enemy, and that's the only problem here, really."
"Honestly, if I had the most concern for any nation right now, it would be Taiwan."
"It's time to cut through the red tape and prioritize America's energy security."
"To protect Americans from the threat of hypersonic missiles and nuclear weapons, I will build state-of-the-art Next Generation missile defense shields."
"Never again should we be dependent on the rest of the world for essential medicines."
"There isn't a single person in Michigan who thought their vote was being sent outside the United States."
"We need to close the borders so that our children don't grow up in a wasteland of poverty, crime, and slavery."
"An adversarial country would be a country that probably wants to do some sort of digital economic harm to the USA."
"Be diligent, your work has severe impact... Ensure the safety of the nation's people."
"now we have an enormous national security threat on our Southern border and that national security threat is entirely Biden's illegal immigration policy"
"the Biden policies leave us defenseless and vulnerable in ways that I would have thought were unimaginable"
"The Jewish state exists to protect Jews all over the world."
"For many militaries, the challenge of getting enough of the right people into uniform poses threats to readiness and strategy."
"We have not been in something in an environment as serious as we are today that is an existential threat to our constitutional republic since the Civil War." - Rick Wilson
"The former president constitutes a clear and present danger to democracy and to this country."
"We have a problem of national security... when half the people in this country are not eligible for military service because of their physical condition."
"There's no harm in banning TikTok, unlike the harm it does to children and national security."
"Protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution – it's more than a mission, it's our duty."
"When you think of the CIA, think beyond spies – it's about safeguarding national security through intelligence."
"It's not just about the southwest border, what happens at the southwest border is entering every town and city and state in this great country."
"An attack on a prime minister, current serving or past, is an attack on India."
"A 5G world dominated by China raises the terrifying prospect of it shutting down entire countries in times of conflict."
"Norway is probably one of the safest economies in the world."
"We have a mission, our mission is to protect the United States of America."
"You're not gonna come in here and kill additional Americans."
"Secrecy surrounding UFOs is a threat to the National Security."
"Technology innovation and diplomacy come together to help America be more secure and more prosperous."
"We cannot forfeit that capacity... by allowing the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate our research institutions."
"the director of the FBI plus the CIA and the National Intelligence Agency have warned that China poses the greatest threat to the U.S"
"The biggest national security threat to your presidency."
"Foreign electricity is just as important as food and water."
"It's frightening that this is who is running our country, who has access to our nuclear codes."
"This was a major security breach of the United States and a violation of our airspace. It was deliberate, it was intentional, it was consequential."
"Climate change will be the center of our national security and foreign policy."
"That is what a president's first job is: to protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic."
"I want people to be honest and direct with me."
"There is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action."
"The UK is tightening measures to block foreign investment that threatens national security."
"9/11 happens, and he’s the first phone call."
"This is not going to be a bailout of shareholders but this is going to be supporting the national security issue."
"Donald Trump is a danger to America, he is a danger to the Free World."
"Peace through strength that we did peace without freedom is meaningless."
"I have to protect the American people. That's what I've always done. That's what I always will do. That's what I'm about."
"President Biden vows that climate will be a primary focus of the national security council."
"We want strong borders, without borders you don't have a country."
"Postponement of a second dose is a matter of national security."
"Donald Trump's own National Security advisor believes he's the biggest existential threat."
"The radical left wants to do to America what they've done to New York: raise prices, kill jobs, and leave our nation less independent and secure."
"If you're not sure of the right amount to spend on defense, you ought to spend more."
"The path is wide open and available for someone that can talk about the economy, energy, and National Security."
"War can be stopped not by making the strong weak but by making every nation weak or strong, able to defend itself."
"Every country would have, as described in his own words, their own invisible Chinese wall."
"Counteracting Russian gray zone efforts are not specific to just the U.S. Defense Department but must be part of a whole of U.S. government effort that leverages all elements of U.S. national power."
"There's an awareness... that what happens in China can impact our own security, our own well-being, and of course our own economy as well."
"America is worth protecting, and the men and women of DHS ensure every coming day is more secure than the one before."
"Thank you to all the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security who daily accomplish such tremendous results for the American people."
"It's about preserving our republic, our Constitution, and national security."
"Uncontrolled borders endanger our communities and the men and women who protect them."
"I reject the notion that we're living in an age of inevitability, that some trap is preordained, that CCP supremacy is the future. Our approach isn't destined to fail because America is in decline."
"Finland's genuinely anxious approach to National Security isn't without historical justification."
"In Finland the country maintains secure stockpiles of at least a six-month supply of all major food grains."
"The evidence continues to build that this family has not only profited off the Biden family name but also that our national security could be at risk."
"The United States is rated number one for being prepared."
"Any country interferes with us will in fact pay a price because they're affecting our sovereignty."
"Erdogan is doing just that while capitalizing off of National Security threats by oppressing the Kurdish minority."
"Alfred's reign was monumental in securing the survival of the kingdom of Wessex and the Anglo-Saxon independence."
"A call for unity for all American people that realize the true threat against us."
"The TSA has prevented precisely zero terror attacks... not one terrorist in 20 years."
"Israel has to take action, Iran has got missiles now that can get to Israel in six minutes."
"The Russian Federation on its own has 8,000 kilometers of exposed borders."
"What's most important is being united against the potential of Russia invading Ukraine."
"Supporting our allies is an Easy Choice. Securing our border is an easy choice." - Mark Kelly
"If I were to advise a rogue nation state on how to take down the United States, I would tell them to start with the APIs first."
"Our leaders just agreed to a plan that would spend roughly 400% more tax money on foreign countries than on securing our own country."
"The national security and intelligence establishments also benefited greatly from 9/11 since the USA PATRIOT Act jump-started the massive expansion of warrantless surveillance."
"The United States has no higher priority than the safety and well-being of our citizens."
"No president should ever have to hear that we have no ammunition."
"What otherwise we have been always knowing as a civil rights issue has now become a national security issue."
"We consider the potential for foreign interference and foreign influence in our democratic system to be of such a high level of concern."
"We're in a position to take care of our country."
"White supremacists are the nation's most significant domestic threat."
"Why should documents is this alleges that where there are many top secret documents that are from seven different of our top intelligence agencies."
"I always ask myself, what are our enemies thinking about this right now? I know we're giving them so much fodder. If I was a real enemy of America, I'd say, 'Let's not plot against them because they seem to be imploding.'"
"In all my years in uniform, I haven't known such a clear threat to the principles of sovereignty and democracy."
"America has immigration laws that need to be enforced."
"There is a real national security threat from China as well."
"Domestic extremism remains a threat priority."
"Purging our military of its elite service members is detrimental to national security."
"This is a matter of national defense and national security, yes it is."
"I have really fond memories when I was a national security affairs fellow."
"We need to be able to develop the kind of security that we need."