
Afghanistan Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"We succeeded in what we set out to do in Afghanistan over a decade ago. Then we stayed for another decade. It was time to end this war."
"Babies are literally and children are literally dying of hunger in Afghanistan, and nobody outside is really watching anymore."
"At the end of everything, I'm glad that we're finally leaving Afghanistan."
"Peace in Afghanistan is non-negotiable for us...it's an existential issue for us."
"That was kind of the prototype for what we were trying to set up in Afghanistan."
"I'm amazed, honestly amazed that we are about to surrender in Afghanistan to the Taliban and nobody seems to care."
"India has had long-standing historic connections to Afghanistan."
"Keep your eye on Afghanistan over the next few years. Keep your eye on those former commandos, those Afghan special forces, those young girls who attended school and who had the opportunity to lead at various levels."
"The taliban triumphant, declaring the restoration of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan."
"When you saw the significant collapse of the top of the Afghan troops we had trained or up to 300 000 of them just leaving their equipment and taking off, that was, you know, I'm not, this is that, that's what happened. That's simply what happened."
"The president stands by his decision to bring our men and women home from Afghanistan."
"If the United States withdraws from Afghanistan, it collapses back into chaos with the Taliban taking over." - Condoleezza Rice
"Biden's decision to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan was not the wrong decision."
"The taliban takeover of Afghanistan was a complete failure."
"We are the United States military and we fully intend to successfully evacuate all American citizens who want to get out of Afghanistan..."
"This did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated... Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country."
"Taliban is insisting on a direct flight connectivity between Kabul and Delhi."
"It is factually inaccurate to say that it is Trump's fault for what's happening in Afghanistan."
"What we had done particularly for women and girls in Afghanistan was we had allowed them to see what their life could be like and now we've taken that away from them."
"Our men and women in military who are actively involved in Afghanistan were many, many of them brave."
"The fall of the Soviet Union started with the debacle in Afghanistan."
"Ted Talk by the former president of Afghanistan: How to fix broken states."
"We inherited a very difficult situation in Afghanistan."
"Throughout the 17th century, Afghanistan became a largely autonomous buffer zone between the powerful Safavid and Mughal Empires."
"The woman in Afghanistan are very powerful they are very talented they can do lots of things."
"We never should have been in Afghanistan to begin with."
"Breaking news today on Seculo: The Biden administration was warned of Afghanistan collapse back in July."
"The cable was dated July 13th and it constitutes the clearest proof that the administration had been warned by its officials on the ground that the Afghan military may not be able to hold off the Taliban."
"I tried to help a friend who's got four girls now in Afghanistan and they're suffering under Taliban."
"My heart breaks for the citizens of Afghanistan."
"We're no better off in Afghanistan that we were when this war began. Spot on."
"The Taliban has taken control after seizing the capital Kabul, a post-following the government's collapse."
"A free Democratic Afghanistan is a real thing."
"Like guardian angels the A-10s continue to fly over Afghanistan protecting their friends on the ground."
"The chances of the world engaging with Afghanistan are better if the right decision-making is seen taking place."
"Thanks to the occupation, poverty in Afghanistan has risen to 72% in 2020."
"The US began bombing Afghanistan only days after the attacks, with one of their primary goals being to hunt down Bin Laden."
"A Taliban-run Afghanistan will have a direct bearing on India's security."
"Respect the aspiration and will of the people of Afghanistan."
"Recent events in Afghanistan shame the West, not just the scenes of chaos, but what it says about our abandonment of the Afghan people."
"When Ashraf Ghani was elected president of Afghanistan, many in the international community rejoiced."
"The U.S. remade Afghan society into something that it wasn't."
"I will tell you, when I was in Afghanistan and seeing little girls go to school, that was the most special thing."
"Intel Community knew from the beginning that the Afghan government was likely to collapse if the United States pulled out and the Taliban was likely to take over."
"We could literally solve the problem in Afghanistan right now in about 24 hours or less probably."
"The Afghan National Resistance Front is still around and they are still fighting back against the Taliban."
"The Taliban are taking these women back to a terrible time in Afghanistan's life and they've got to stop it."
"It's a fascinating piece of history that gets buried in the history of Afghanistan that is well worth covering."
"The initial war in Afghanistan was not a mistake."
"I don't want to give Biden too much credit yet but him pulling us out of Afghanistan seems like a big deal."
"Opposition to this regime was fierce and led to the creation of the Mujahideen Islamic resistance fighters."
"I don't want foreign forces in Afghanistan. They shouldn't have been there in the first place."
"It does not show much confidence either in the Taliban and how they will act if they do come into Kabul and it's it doesn't show much confidence in the ability of the Afghan security forces to hold on."
"The Lost Buddhas of Afghanistan: Gigantic relics of an ancient faith."
"The best story was probably in Afghanistan... from the ordinary people."
"Our durable peace is welcomed to Afghanistan."
"A humanitarian disaster is unfolding in Afghanistan."
"Osama Bin Laden was widely believed to have been hiding in Afghanistan."
"The nation of Afghanistan is now fully under the control of the Taliban."
"In Afghanistan, women and girls have been stripped of their basic rights."
"Welcome to Afghanistan, you have a tough nut to crack here."
"The next phase in Afghanistan is now beginning as the Intercept reports."
"India lent its support to successive governments in Kabul and provided aid for growth and development."
"This was not a quote unquote endless war that required the United States to pull out forthwith leaving people to be slaughtered in the streets."
"Even if you think it's good policy for the United States not to be involved in Afghanistan the way that Joe Biden has performed this is the crappiest way anyone could have ever performed this."
"I was getting out of Afghanistan. 21 years was a long time but we were getting out with dignity, honor."
"We were the first in the world in Afghanistan to be hunting him for sure."
"Defiance in Afghanistan: the brave women marching for their rights."
"There's a lot of things to be afraid of in Afghanistan, but one of them is unlike anything we've ever seen."
"Whatever money we make out of YouTube, we use it to fund projects in Afghanistan."
"America in 20 years in Afghanistan did not kill as many civilians as Israel has killed in two months."
"Most people have no idea that there have been Afghans who tried to modernize their country."
"In 1923, the people, mostly the liberal aristocracy and others, committed Afghanistan to a policy of equality between men and women, education, healthcare reform, and so on."
"The communist government actually stays in power till 1996."
"Afghanistan with all the two trillion dollars of USA is pumping out heroin since the Taliban took over the heroin production Afghanistan has gone down 95%."
"We moved 12,000 people out of Afghanistan... 11 percent of everybody that left the country during the evacuation."
"Mr. Gorbachev has made it abundantly clear that he now wants to get his 115,000 troops out of Afghanistan."
"I believe what happened with the collapse in Afghanistan when you saw these hundreds it wasn't just pineapple there were hundreds of volunteer groups that stood up I feel like that was the first true shot across the bow of this upswing."
"I did enjoy Afghanistan but I didn't. But I found it really pure when you were in Afghanistan cuz you just concentrate on your job."
"There are things we can do in Afghanistan beyond building a state."
"...what the public does care about, however, is using Afghanistan as raw material for cheap patriotism and partisan attacks."
"America's self-image of invincible power collides with reality in Afghanistan."
"Trying to graft a western political culture onto such a deeply tribalized, male-dominated, and Islamic fundamentalist culture like Afghanistan's was a fool's errand."
"Our leaving may be a short-term disaster, and in the longer run who knows maybe Afghanistan will find balance on its own like Vietnam, time will tell."
"Afghanistan? Maybe. What are you, a dick Cheney?"
"What we were doing in Afghanistan fundamentally was we were building a military for a nation that did not exist."
"That propelled them to invade Afghanistan."
"That brought us to Afghanistan and set off the entire debacle there."
"The way we left Afghanistan was unforgivable. It [__] me up for weeks."
"I communicated with general Tommy Franks ... they were very concerned about not repeating what they saw as the mistakes of the Soviet having a large footprint in Afghanistan."
"You go, you track right to him. You go right into whatever countries and you said, 'Afghanistan, you know something? Afghanistan has to suffer for this.'"
"There have been more than 100 British deaths in Afghanistan."
"So there we are, in Afghanistan, and there almost everybody I know believes it's just a matter of time before we lose."
"I leave you with news that life in Kabal gets back to normal as Afghanistan sees the return of its own topical news quiz."
"...if little Luxembourg or little Iceland don't want to go to Afghanistan, we don't go."
"Irrespective of what people think is going to happen in Afghanistan I don't think that America can wash its hands of this I don't think they can simply just walk away and say oh we tried or we did this."
"You know irrespective of what people think is going to happen in Afghanistan I don't think that America can wash its hands of this I don't think they can simply just walk away and say oh we tried or we did this."
"Our military mission statement was to prevent an attack on the United States of America from the territory of Afghanistan. That mission was accomplished for 20 consecutive years."
"The total betrayal of our US military servicemen and women, of our allies, of Afghanistan, and the subsequent chaotic, shameful withdrawal has seriously damaged our credibility as an ally and a leader."
"The Korengal Valley was known as 'the Afghanistan of Afghanistan,' a site soldiers nicknamed 'the valley of death.'"
"Perhaps what you're seeing in Afghanistan is what happens when you appoint people based on their characteristics rather than their merit or their record."
"Flying in Afghanistan was a challenge, but it was also probably the most amazing flying I ever did."
"However, Afghanistan didn’t get its name as the Graveyard of Empires by mistake."
"Just a quick side interjection for um for somebody out there please uh keep uh all veterans and all the people in Afghanistan your prayers."
"Let's keep them in your prayers. If you don't mind I agree 100 percent. They need our prayers and everybody in Afghanistan, especially the US citizens that need to get out we really need our prayers right."
"Afghanistan has changed dramatically since the Taliban lost power here in 2001. The days when women would be punished or even abused for walking on their own are gone."
"If Afghanistan is to have any chance of a secure future, then investing in the education of its young people must be a priority."
"In Afghanistan, it's sort of this little oasis in the middle of the madness and just everything felt peaceful."
"It is just so difficult to see how we left Afghanistan, how quickly politicians and the media pivoted to other stories."
"Imperialism did play a huge [__] up role in Afghanistan and it continues to this day."
"Within the consent manufacturing industry that is mainstream media coverage of Afghanistan, the occupation may have ended but the global infrastructure underpinning that occupation is very much intact."
"I don't support the war in Afghanistan. I can say this."
"The gains made from the international aid that's gone to Afghanistan over the past 20 years, for example, there have been gains made in infrastructure, health, education, improvements in women's rights, rights of ethnic minorities."
"So the question facing Afghanistan now is humanitarian, it's also definitely about the future of their governments and political and economic systems, but it is the humanitarian needs that really we need to kind of address right away."
"We are talking about a huge number of women that they were working and they were responsible as breadwinners of their family because we have many families that they have lost their male members."
"If you're trying to understand what is happening in Afghanistan, it's very much like Europe in the Middle Ages."
"His new work picks up where ghost wars left off examining the past decade and a half of ill-fated US efforts to achieve victory in Afghanistan laid out chronologically and in rich detail."
"Where are you going to get enough alcohol in out in the outskirts of Afghanistan to get 30 men drunk?"
"Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires."
"Remember, Taliban controlled 90% of Afghanistan."
"We had to get something that won the confidence and support of the Afghan people."
"Afghanistan is a much better place than a lot of people think."
"These aren't ordinary people, these are Afghan's Top Guns and we owe this to them."
"The United States became the latest superpower to suffer defeat in Afghanistan."
"A generation of Afghans who grew up knowing freedom saw their dreams denied."
"The United States war in Afghanistan started a lot earlier than most people realized."
"Bin Laden escaped through the mountains into Pakistan in what may have been a missed opportunity to end the war months after 9/11."
"Media definitely represents a new Afghanistan. It's a country where 2/3 of the population is under 25, one of the youngest countries in the face of us."
"This particular company of the Welsh Guards had recently returned from combat operations in Afghanistan."
"All eyes are on Afghanistan as the Taliban has rapidly taken over the entire country."
"This helicopter is from the Afghan war, and it's amazing to be touching a part of History."
"Joy, joy for Afghanistan, joy for the bowler."
"Magnificent performance from Afghanistan in this final ODI in the series, they take the series 2-0."
"The last C-17 lifted off from Hamad Karzai International Airport on August 30th."
"Afghanistan remains a country nearly 40 million people facing dire circumstances."
"I was just deployed to Afghanistan twice."
"Afghanistan in the 19th century was known as the graveyard of empires."
"We have all seen the images of people scrambling to escape Afghanistan, but not seen nearly so much, a Herculean effort by former service members, diplomats and private citizens to help Afghans especially leave the country."
"We have hope, we have energy, we have so much talent in Afghanistan, and we're gonna make our country to a better situation."
"For the people of Afghanistan, the significance of this gathering goes beyond mere symbolism; it is a matter of survival for them."
"The consequences of a major humanitarian crisis and economic collapse in Afghanistan will be horrendous: massive human suffering, mass exodus of Afghan refugees, radicalization, terrorism, and instability."
"A girl should be entitled to go to school in Afghanistan the same way a boy goes to."
"It's a fitting moment to pay tribute to the extraordinary contribution made by our armed forces in Afghanistan over 13 years."
"She would have been absolutely appalled by the developments that we're seeing in Afghanistan."
"We should take every opportunity to thank our armed services personnel, particularly for what they have done in Afghanistan."
"We need Afghanistan to have educated people in the future, the next generation to be educated."
"Afghanistan is a beautiful beautiful country which has such an amazing culture."
"Ariana magazine aims to showcase the beautiful and positive side of Afghanistan."
"Afghanistan has so much to offer to the world."
"These are the mountains called Hindu Kush; they shield the land and the people of the ancient Kingdom of Afghanistan."
"Malali has become Afghanistan's iconic heroine; it's Joan of Arc."
"The 19th century was a pivotal period for Afghanistan as a political state."
"By the 1870s, Afghanistan seemed to have a semblance of political stability."
"Afghanistan's destiny would be interrupted as the country became embroiled in the rivalry between Britain and Imperial Russia."
"Sunset in the Afghan desert is spectacular, and the air is so clear that on the first few nights... we would think that we were seeing headlights on the horizon or campfires on the horizon."
"People think Afghanistan, they think Taliban and bin Laden... your book is about family and it's about a different Afghanistan."
"This ship that launched the first airstrikes on al Qaeda in Afghanistan."
"We became the largest employer, private employer in Afghanistan with 1,500 people, 1,300 of them women."
"Using Afghanistan as a counterterrorism platform... has been a reason we haven't had another 9/11."
"Please take your disputes elsewhere; treat Afghanistan as an area of cooperation. We deserve it."
"Some of the most beautiful emeralds I've seen in my life have come from the Afghan deposits."
"No one anticipated that the Afghan government would have fallen at the pace they fell."
"The only good outcome for Afghanistan is that if there is a political settlement which is inclusive."
"The destruction of tens of thousands of ancient sites and artifacts when the Taliban reconquered Afghanistan."
"There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood."
"A stable Afghanistan is essential to stability in the region."
"We began on a journey to a new life whereby the Afghan people would send back their children to school, would work for a better health system, more roads, return of women to public life, universities, schools, and all of that."
"Our commitment to Afghanistan and its people will endure."
"Afghanistan will need our support, however, in the long run."
"We didn't receive the aftermath back in Afghanistan; we leave a speck of Americana behind."
"Whether Afghanistan succeeds in this effort will have consequences for the United States and consequences for the entire world."
"This trip to Afghanistan changed my life."
"Death is Afghanistan's constant companion, a nation of cemeteries."
"Afghanistan has an incredible culture."
"Springtime in Afghanistan and the gypsies are on the move towards greener pastures."
"The most serious threat to Afghanistan's security comes not from so-called terrorists but from the country's Warlords."
"So far they have gone all right for me, and the work I did for Afghanistan has produced results for this country."
"The national sport of Afghanistan is called Buzkashi."
"We will be there to support the people of Afghanistan and not the Taliban."
"Afghanistan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world."
"You know what's crazy about this shirt? This was the shirt I wore the night before I left Afghanistan."
"We kept them together long enough to fight the Taliban and drive them out of northern Afghanistan."
"But no matter what happens, the lessons of events in Afghanistan of 1979-1989 shouldn’t be forgotten."