
Unexpected Success Quotes

There are 663 quotes

"Red Bull Racing has been around since 2005, a team owned by an energy drink company, a team no one expected to succeed."
"I didn't start doing this kind of content because I expected it to take off, and every day since then I've continued to be amazed with what the response has been."
"I never in a million years thought I'd get the response from the community that I did."
"It was actually a good thing; it's nothing I would recommend, taking 25 years off from playing, but it actually worked out really well for me."
"I could have never dreamed this. If you told me six years ago, I'd be like, 'That's a good joke. Very funny.'"
"We might as well have some fun with it; we're gonna win. We're not gonna win at what we intended to win at, but we're gonna win nonetheless."
"I think I always did dream of it being at a certain size, but where it's at now is way beyond what I ever thought."
"You were never supposed to make it this far."
"I think there is no secret... I think the secret is... he was just a divine intervention of the force."
"We're actually in the Champions League final. How is this happening?"
"Little did they know that dream would become one of the fastest growing channels on the entire platform."
"In summary, you get an image quality boost and better SSR on the graphics mode."
"It's the history of jank though. If there was a place for this to happen, it was in this series."
"It's on a cover of Forbes Magazine January issue... no one ever heard of it... and now it's living up to the hype."
"I thought it was a miracle because I didn't think I was going to be selected."
"Poland is back in the World Cup, that came from absolutely nothing."
"Bonnie's rise in popularity came as quite a surprise to her, she didn't expect to bring in as many people as she has."
"It's crazy because you know this is basically like winning the lottery."
"Bix's train escape: A run that shouldn't have completed, but did."
"You've got a pretty amazing crossbow sleeper hit of the summer."
"It's a good result for a character that's essentially unknown."
"Oh my God, he scored on Zen! Only had 12 boost! No way!"
"Started small and hoping to make only a few extra dollars that would help him make ends meet as his baby was on the way. Austin never expected that his achievements would succumb to what they have now."
"For me, a little bit unexpected I have to say, but had a really good lap."
"I did not think that the merchandise would go as crazy as it did."
"I fully expected maybe seven people to watch it, five of them being my family, and I woke up the next day to like 20,000 views the first video birthday."
"I didn't think we were gonna make it here, man. I did not think we were gonna make it here in the slightest."
"Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption was the dark horse in this race."
"For someone who doesn't know what they were doing, this is pretty damn good."
"Beef is a very well executed display of bitterness and Desperation it was a fantastic surprise and this show kind of came out of nowhere and swept everyone away."
"Italy a little bit slow but he popped off right inside of restaurant."
"Who would have thought, this game's really taking everybody by surprise."
"Nikola Jokic... has been a such surprise to the league."
"The plan had worked. Freddy Fazbear's was suddenly more popular than ever."
"If, for example, a film becomes a sleeper hit, that doesn't really equate to the studios making more money."
"Holy moly, I was not expecting a win like that today."
"This is gonna be a much bigger deal than we thought."
"TechLinked was an accidental complete success."
"It's just so weird that the movie even became a thing, and then we also came out, you know, I think two weeks after September 11th, so it was a really strange time."
"It's got no business being a good game but it is."
"Bryce's career just changed, it just completely flipped over."
"Once or twice they'll win a set you don't think is possible."
"So far, this fight is going much better than I thought it would."
"Honestly, it was like the fifth member of The Beatles coming out."
"Not many expected to see it go past the first but here we are."
"I never could have told you a week before that that God's plan was my single and it was gonna be the biggest song of my career"
"They intended for him to fail, but he succeeded anyway."
"They did something that was so [__] stupid that they did it and it became... good."
"Jks made an incredible Cinderella run to get here."
"That was so sick, you told me it wouldn't work and it hilariously worked!"
"For whatever reason, it just worked on all those other people."
"That project... it was way better than it had any right to be."
"A candidate or competitor about whom little is known but unexpectedly wins or succeeds."
"Cyberpunk 2077, a game that with no hype at all, was able to make a massive impact."
"I didn't give up I didn't get into it understanding like I would even be here with a platform."
"Ukraine's counter-offensive has proven predictions wrong."
"This is you flying to heights that you didn't expect."
"I never thought it would be possible to make a career out of it."
"Akira Toriyama has said of Dragon Ball’s success, 'Frankly, I don’t quite understand why it happened.'"
"You're getting a lot of money here, unexpected financial gain that's coming towards you, where it's gonna bring a lot of peace and happiness."
"We're already over 500 and I haven't even done anything yet. That was my upper expectation of what we were going to be able to do."
"Prepare to be surprised and prepare to surprise others with your success, with your magic, with the miracle that unfolds in your life."
"Behind the silly costumes and over-the-top one-liners lies a surprising Underdog Story."
"Just when you take your eye off the boil, we got a winner."
"Damn, I can't believe we did it, I was actually thinking about possibly being screwed."
"Sometimes players just emerge and become heroes."
"The Muppets Take Manhattan featured an unexpected hit, a hit that would become one of Henson's most profitable commodities: the showstopper, Muppet Babies."
"A golden opportunity for Ms Dasari to take the lead. I am absolutely gobsmacked."
"Robocop was a production mired in problems... Their misery resulted in a masterpiece."
"Who would have thought I thought it was dead in the dirt but no it's come back we've sort of boosted sales of the hell box next off the back of it."
"It's a great comeback story nobody expected this."
"Crazy Frog was such a successful ringtone that the ringtone company decided to make Crazy Frog into a music star and again it was inexplicably successful at doing that."
"He was somebody that carried fantasy rosters off the waiver wire."
"Matrox have inadvertently made a brilliant little arcade and emulation graphics card."
"This has to be the most unexpected start to a season... tied for the most wins in the entire league."
"I'm an utter disbelief that it actually worked."
"Superman and Lois is a surprising addition to the network's DC lineup..."
"We're three-nil up in 29 minutes. What even is this rebuild?"
"Growing up I knew it was always a dream of mine but I didn't think it would manifest like this."
"I suck at racing and I got a win, that's extra $80,000."
"I actually did like it, the way they set it up saying this is stupid but hey it actually worked."
"It all worked out brilliantly for longer than anyone expected, and now it's over."
"When you think you know it all, you stop learning."
"I didn't know I was going to have a big record with Lil Wayne by the end of the year, you know what I'm saying?"
"That's amazing and the place now that H2O has in kind of culture Aussie culture especially which you know I wouldn't have known back then that this would all happen it's even more amazing."
"That actually worked out quite a bit better than I thought it would. Curse came in clutch."
"Trey Mitchell maybe the biggest surprise of this entire competition in second place really showing he is one of the World Elite right now"
"I guess I had an idea that people would love this movie but in no way shape or form could I have thought it was going to be as big as it has been."
"I just don't think I could ever have imagined it being so well received by everyone."
"It's always so fascinating when Studios are just like this sucks this will never work and then it becomes like the most popular thing."
"It was a good surprise for both of us. We definitely did not expect to go through Q2 with the medium, we did not expect to start in P4 for the race, and we did not expect to keep our position during the race."
"This game is really popular, much more so than I thought."
"We're so close, this is something we never thought would happen."
"See that guy right there? Looks like he's hit rock bottom. Well, that guy is BlizzCon champion Venruki, believe it or not."
"It shouldn't be possible, but we may actually have a hit on our hands."
"I never thought we'd do this, what we've done with our club."
"Toro Rosso's surprising victories and embarrassment for Red Bull."
"This weird nobody team named rock-solid comes out of nowhere."
"2009's Braun GP: the most unlikely underdog story in the entire history of Formula One."
"Jem was so barefaced in its lunacy one of those things that shouldn't work and yet it works it shouldn't be and yet it be it was just it was truly outrageous truly truly truly outrageous."
"Who would have thought? He's winning now, defying everybody's advice."
"The result of these videos was much much bigger than anyone expected"
"Street Fighter the actual movie turned out to be really lucrative for Capcom in the long run."
"Even though his character wasn't supposed to go very far, Cena got it to go far because it was so different from everything else that it just worked."
"Those crazy ideas actually work out in the best way possible."
"That chord shouldn't work, but it sounds amazing."
"Guardians of the Galaxy, a movie that turned a talking raccoon into a national treasure."
"Financial analyst becomes World Bank president."
"Success such as you never would have known without these experiences."
"I'm not gonna stop, I can't, no dude, let's keep going, let's keep going, we gotta get, we but we need to see it, we need to see it though, okay, yeah, dude, oh my god, it literally comes when you don't like expect for it anymore, you know?"
"I think Last of Us might be one of the most surprising shows ever in terms of quality that it delivered."
"Robinson's rise to stardom from his freshman to sophomore season was both unexpected and extreme."
"I don't know how we're winning, but it's happening. We're doing the thing."
"Solo a Star Wars story is surprising everyone with its advance ticket sales."
"I've won oh my God it's amazing I was not expecting it at all God my heart is racing."
"I'm just a kid who enjoyed collecting pokemon cards... look at where we are now... it's um... it's crazy."
"A lost win is still fairly impressive, you know, sure we may or may not be able to swing exactly the objectives we want, but a lost win is still fairly impressive."
"Goals you've forgotten about for 35 years sometimes they get ticked off the list too."
"I just walked into a free championship, literally. I didn't do a single thing and I just got a championship."
"We have hit the mother lode. My care factor was really small, but it was someone wanted this stuff."
"He was just a man that had a fun little idea for a livestream that grew well beyond his wildest expectations."
"All dogs go to heaven didn't do so well at the box office but surprisingly it did quite well when it was sold as a VHS."
"This would be an unbelievable result for such a young player."
"It's brilliant, it'd be completely brilliant. I did not have that in my predictions."
"I thought well, that was the end of that... Little did I know I would still be doing it 23 years later."
"We did it! I mean, what... what... what are the chances?"
"There's a great victory for you, it's escalating to heights you had not even contemplated."
"There's like over 500 designs, I'm like whoa, didn't expect it to get that big!"
"It's actually mad how well the 2020 Man United's are playing."
"The most watched video I've ever made is a shitty cell phone clip with no cuts of a hole in the ground that did 100 million views in 5 days on Tik Tok."
"What a story for these guys, one of the craziest Esports stories of all time."
"It instantly blew up, it was pretty hilarious."
"Can't make this stuff up, boys. You just cannot make this up."
"Incredibly surprised that was the catalyst for the growth of my channel is experienced in the last two months."
"Life-changing runs can come out of seemingly nowhere and when they do, it's pretty magical."
"Sometimes I like to take a step back and acknowledge when things work out really well even when I didn't plan them."
"There's some really brilliant ideas in it, seemingly by accident."
"I never dreamt of this, never was like if you asked me when you asked me when I was younger what you want to be my first thing I would say was an architect, MH."
"You're having some kind of freakish good luck."
"I did not expect to actually get it. I finally got it."
"No other city could fall so spectacularly ass backwards into artistic success."
"Tom brady was a sixth or seventh round drafted he wasn't beloved he didn't come into the league and everybody expected him to be the greatest quarterback of all time he was a scrawny ass kid who got drafted in the sixth or seventh round."
"Growing up where they were they probably could never have dreamed of this moment."
"Sometimes you do something and you think it's gonna work, but then it works way better than you ever imagined."
"Just one of the best teams in the league, out of nowhere."
"They say that lightning never strikes twice. This is the second time the shoe has come out so Jordan Brand's proving us all wrong with that said it's a drip."
"I never expected it to... become such a big thing."
"One man's passion project turned into something far beyond what anyone could have possibly predicted."
"Frank might not have expected to have come this far in their business."
"Demon Slayer: A mega hit that absolutely no one saw coming."
"I think oftentimes because he won this surprising victory in 2016 we see him as some kind of genius who has a master plan..."
"If you go back if you rewind like five weeks you weren't expecting us to win a Super B."
"That's a pretty big accomplishment for a game that didn't start out as a Mario game at all."
"I'm just so so so happy, so blessed, like so... I don't even work for it. It's like it's something that you dream about."
"Wow who'da thunk it turned out great if not better you guys act like my career's not at stake when I make these."
"Democracy is fragile... we need to worry about unprincipled men seizing power."
"We weren't even prepared for that and we crushed it."
"You're going to have the upper hand and this is like a miracle status."
"One of the proudest moments in my life, I never planned it, I never mapped it out."
"We never could have imagined that comedian Bo Burnham could have created such a heartfelt film about a young teenage girl living in the social media era."
"When Netflix released its teen rom-com To All the Boys I've Loved Before in 2018, people may not have had high expectations."
"This is the most surprising MVP bro he wasn't even on The Radars for MVPs before what the heck what the he and you win a championship and then you get the respect after oh man that he also won a six-man a deer I didn't even see that happen wow."
"Honestly, it's a crazy journey. I didn't think it would be this big."
"Is that not the hype of RPGs? When you pull off something that by all accounts should not have worked?"
"They weren't supposed to be there five and seven last year."
"Numbers-wise, it did something that I couldn't have imagined."
"Something's working out way better than you expected."
"Darko's actually crazy, okay, Darko, oh, Darko, oh ****!"
"This is not quite right but somehow it's still working."
"It actually turned into an absolute classic."
"Would you believe me if I told you that SpongeBob SquarePants: Super Sponge is one of the most chronicled games out there?"
"He's gone on to levels that I don't think anyone could have predicted."
"Here it was I just created this little vlog thinking it would go you know it wouldn't go anywhere and now like the world's most popular [ __ ] bloggers like reaching out to me."
"Success is really what the biggest surprise is because, like I said, you didn't quite believe that."
"I never thought I'd win. When I started playing TFT, I just didn't think I'd be good at that game."
"This run was out of nowhere, we made some magic."
"That became a phenomenon in that engine, too."
"He has come from nowhere to win the tournament and stake his claim as a serious player in World Boxing."
"That dumb nerdy thing I did a decade ago ended up being this so much bigger."
"It's a miracle honestly it seems like the best outcome that could have possibly happened in this instance..."
"The last starfighter flourished that below the radar fandom brought the last starfighter places where the filmmakers had not intended back in 1984."
"That's Morocco, little Morocco, the one you didn't expect to be there in the semi-finals of the World Cup."
"How about that paper plane, huh? This is [__] incredible, not too bad, right?"
"Elevation is unexpected, out of the box, breaking all the rules."
"We have essentially now picked up the win and I'm laughing because I don't deserve it at all."
"With this team of Misfit yet consistent players, the Oakland A's over the 2002 season would go on to win 20 consecutive wins."
"There's no winner other than logan paul if he can do that"
"Through the ugly and contentious Montreal Screwjob, McMahon accidentally stumbled upon a winning character himself."
"Things can work out even better than anyone would have dared expect."
"For an offshoot, this title is doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting."
"Great teamwork right there, I didn't even see it."
"You admitted it, that went so well, oh my god."
"I don't think we've ever had one of those. We are the third seed. 56 wins. I did not, not in a million years, expect that."
"How did Coco Melon take over YouTube? Was it dumb luck, strategy, a blood sacrifice, the demon Chaos God of Slaanesh?"
"It was nice that this strategy that probably shouldn't have worked just finally worked at the end."
"A lucky turn of events brings good fortune, things just work out better than you expect."
"The Giants are six and one. What a goddamn world."
"That's not a fail, that's the save of the day."
"Just never know when or where a team will strike gold with a franchise-changing star."
"The success of Bendy was actually a complete accident and entirely unintentional."