
Military Strategy Quotes

There are 3299 quotes

"We succeeded in what we set out to do in Afghanistan over a decade ago. Then we stayed for another decade. It was time to end this war."
"I'm sure it would be a psychological blow for the Ukrainians, but they would still take solace I think in the Kharkiv and Kherson counter-offensives."
"It's a warning of the potential for a series of logical decisions to result in an illogical concept that ultimately doesn't deliver anything militarily useful."
"That bizarre side plot over, Ukraine retook the initiative in mid-2023."
"Joseph Stalin was once quoted as saying that quantity has a quality all its own."
"Vladimir Putin said moments ago that Russia will increase its airstrikes on Ukraine in the coming days, weeks, and months."
"We've raised $1.3 million for all of the nonprofits that we supported on each Sunday."
"It appears that Russian air defense was caught lacking, and the Ukrainians pulled off the most successful attack within the Moscow area seen to this date."
"A pilot with better situational awareness is going to have an advantage, the pilot flying the better plane is going to have an advantage, and the pilot with the better missiles is going to have an advantage."
"According to statements by senior US officials, US strategy in any major conflict is not just to pursue air superiority but air dominance."
"All war is crime...The deliberate bombing of civilians, which is what we did, was both wrong and militarily highly ineffective."
"Ukrainians use British Brimstone missiles to target important Russian military equipment."
"It's important to have at least some fighting with all the British subjects when you fight Britain. This way, we can annex them all."
"Ireland capitulates. Excellent. Now, this army is free to attack another country."
"Western financial, military, and industrial resources are such that if the will is there, Russian victory can be severely complicated or even averted."
"Every time we do a war game involving a conflict with China over Taiwan, we lose."
"The inclusion of F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine's air arsenal has changed the balance of power."
"Operation Bolo has gone down in history as one of the most successful ruses of all time."
"There is an old saying that you go to war with the army that you have, not the army you want."
"A type of fighting which can combine conventional military power with unconventional techniques like propaganda or cyber-warfare."
"Political pressure from the NCR Congress will place overwhelming force on General Oliver to launch his assault on Helios One."
"In the Battle of Longewala, the Indian soldiers, vastly outnumbered and using outdated weapons from World War II, show us the importance of defensive tactics and unconventional warfare when countering a numerically superior enemy."
"Martial challenge: You cannot find a single flaw in my plan. I've learned so much, I've gained the trait military engineer."
"The real value in these emerging Technologies is derived from incorporating them into existing and maturing combat strategies."
"Should the British indeed lose Gibraltar, it would be essential that observations of shipping and military movements along the Straits and around Gibraltar itself could be observed and relayed back to the Allies."
"The Romans had around 60,000 soldiers in total, and Vespasian and Titus began the campaign in Galilee."
"The Ukrainian obsession with Robotino... speaks, in my opinion, of an increasing inability on the part of Ukraine to adjust its strategy in the face of the battlefield realities."
"Time is now playing against the Armed Forces of Ukraine as the rains will begin in the fall."
"Great military geniuses have grand strategies and philosophies; people that have tactics can only react to circumstances."
"All warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu
"The value of the Navy is to keep the global commons, sea lanes open, and that's not nothing."
"Russia's principal goal for the war wasn't to invade the whole of Ukraine but to force Ukraine to become a neutral country that would not be part of NATO."
"Our first objective is to join and Germany's war on Poland as soon as possible."
"Equipment is not capability. Capability is the ability to achieve a desired operational effect in a nominated environment within a specified time and to sustain that effect."
"So they've got us surrounded, good. Now we can fire in any direction." - to quote Chesty Puller
"And nothing motivates rapid organisational change quite like precision guided high explosives arriving on your command posts and ammunition depots."
"Intelligence analysts regard the reopening of a long-closed nuclear site as a significant shift in Russia's military strategy."
"The introduction of HIMARS was absolutely a decisive moment."
"The program you are about to see is based on a war game developed with the help of military experts and advisors."
"The reality is that if China attempted to take Taiwan... Taiwan could inflict significant casualties on the Chinese, but China would win."
"Defending against hypersonic missiles is strategically necessary, technologically possible, fiscally affordable but it will not be easy."
"It's a big world. Economic conditions change. Military conditions change, and we have to cooperate to best coexist in this environment."
"Size isn’t everything. It’s how strategically you can use the forces you have that really matters at the end of the day."
"Sweden wouldn’t merely have the opportunity to participate in guerilla warfare here - they would be able to participate in guerilla warfare backed by high-tech military capability and close air support."
"By draining away the German tank strengths, the short but intensive Battle of Kursk would tip the scales of World War II decisively in the favor of Soviet Russia."
"Tactics help them defeat numerically superior enemy forces and secure almost impossible objectives."
"The Tiger would quickly earn a fearsome reputation and would play its part in helping the Germans smash through the extensive Russian defenses."
"With some brilliant tacticians and military minds leading them and supplied with good equipment, the German army of 1939 was a truly formidable opponent."
"Alexander perfected King Philip's military machine. He was a fascinating man and an incredible commander."
"Zelensky's move gave the Ukrainian Army a decisive advantage."
"The main effort was assault on Kyiv to topple the government...This is just hard to describe the magnitude of this blunder."
"The Ukrainian Air Force, employing special unmanned aerial vehicles to target a vital Russian munitions store, seriously damaged its ammunition reserves."
"There's something fascinating happening in the Black Sea right now that could change the future of warfare in the 21st century forever."
"Major powers continue to leverage their influence over global hegemony, but China's military is preparing for the conditions of a multi-polar world."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why nobody built any new battleships after the end of World War II."
"The push and pull is between Sergeant Pearson's 'by any means necessary' and Lieutenant Turner who is more about, 'he needs to bring his men out alive.'"
"The Germans had taken the bait and fallen into the first part of the trap."
"Take your time, be strategic if you want to go after this enemy, but do it in a way that takes into consideration international humanitarian law and the lives of civilians."
"Essentially, a F-35 pilot will be able select a geographic area and allow the missile to pick out its target as it closed in."
"The Sisters teamed up with the Custodies once again and aided the Imperium in its goals. They slay entire chaos cults without suffering a single scratch, banish entire demonic armies with only a handful of Sisters, and assassinate alpha-level warp psyches because that's a thing."
"These drone attacks are...a message from Zelenskiy and from Ukraine that we're taking the war to Russia."
"It's overwhelmingly accepted that the Greeks were the superior fighting force in equipment and training, if not in numbers, and far better prepared for the battle than the Persians who faced them."
"This stage was absolutely crucial for the success of the operation as it allowed Ukrainian military planners to make informed decisions and ensure that risks were minimal."
"The effectiveness of these raids would vary greatly over the course of the war, but by the war's end, they had had a shattering effect on key elements of the German war economy."
"Soft power could be just as powerful a bargaining tool as the mobilization of military forces."
"Fear of loss of face had taken over from military reasoning."
"The Russians have an extremely rational conduct of the whole thing. They have a line; they follow the line, and it is almost predictable."
"The ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu said, 'The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without any fighting.'"
"The state of Israel will not cease firing. We will destroy Hamas and continue fighting until the very last hostage has come home." - Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz.
"General Sirko, the commander-in-chief of Ukraine's Ground Forces, has issued another strong statement talking about the vital importance of defending Bachmut and about the need to go on holding out in Bachmut."
"Putin is a student of history, and he knows that no invasion can put down an insurrection unless the borders are closed."
"Those who dare to stand faster to one another's side and to advance towards the front ranks in hand-to-hand conflict, they die in smaller numbers, and they keep the troops behind safe."
"The way it ultimately ends probably owes almost as much to decisions made in Brussels or Washington DC as it does to the bravery and sacrifice of Ukrainian troops at the front."
"With the B-2, the discussion is not how many aircraft do we need to destroy this target, but how many targets can we destroy with this aircraft."
"The Kremlin’s initial plans for Ukraine were overly ambitious."
"What I think is so great about this battle is not just the result, but how each side pitted itself against the other so brilliantly."
"The idf's proactive strategy aims to lower civilian casualties and ensure their safety in times of conflict."
"By anyone's judgment, this was a stunning victory and a complete vindication of Slim's strategy."
"Ranged power is their biggest asset; they have a ton of missile and artillery firepower, making them very difficult to get close to without taking an absolute hammering."
"We have so many archers firing into their flank, and there's nothing they can do because our infantry is about to advance on them."
"The Imperium employs an approach to defending hive cities that could be characterized as suicidal to the point of madness."
"We did kill Bin Laden in Pakistan with just a raid by the SEALs, you know, infiltration. So we didn't need to occupy that country."
"How is Ukraine adapting to the new realities on the battlefield as the war enters its third year?"
"The presence of these replicas serves to confuse the enemy and protect the real launchers."
"Each expensive missile used on a fake target represents a massive drain on resources for the Russian war machine."
"This war is not winnable. You need to end this like any other war, through political means, not through military means."
"The only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against Iran's terrorist forces both in Iran and across the Middle East."
"The reason that Taiwan is necessary for the United States to protect and defend is not just because it is a democracy, it is because we have a very real interest, a military interest, in making sure that our military superiority remains over threats to the world like China."
"Air power has long been the single most important weapon in modern war since World War II."
"The fight will be hard, but as seen with the sieges of the Gallic oppida of Avaricum and Alesia, little could stand in the way of Caesar in these affairs."
"Imperium versus Imperium, just another day in the 41st Millennium."
"It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious."
"To date, 112 live hostages have been freed through a combination of strong military pressure and tough negotiations."
"The goal really is to help light infantry units gain and maintain momentum."
"Bombers would take warfare right into the heart of the enemy's territory. They would be impossible to stop."
"If I can sink one of your billion-dollar warships with a $1.5 million missile, I am a threat."
"We shall attack and attack until we are exhausted, and then we shall attack again."
"Patton believed that the power of shock brought on by bold and aggressive action is the way to defeat the enemy."
"The psychological impact of a military charge can be as potent as the physical one."
"It was probably the worst military decision in the history of conflict, the invasion of the Soviet Union."
"The Battle of Annihilation. The enemy wasn't defeated—it was annihilated."
"The Ukrainians managed to hold the Russians back and push them out of conventional artillery range, and now the city has seen an almost return to life."
"Israel claims it discovered the tunnel 55 meters long. That doesn't sound to me like a Hamas command and control center which has multiple stories."
"Weapons alone don't win wars; there needs to be a structure of the army, an organization, to win battles. Weapons are just a bonus."
"Taiwan is about 50 times harder to invade than Ukraine."
"What the Russians have been conducting on the Ukrainian battlefronts for several months now... is described as aggressive attrition."
"Ukraine at the moment has not been given the supplies from the West that it should have received, and so it's having to think outside the box, as it were, and taking the war to Russia."
"The scale and persistency and the great bravery of his men saved Little Round Top and the Army of the Potomac from defeat."
"The Art of War has been heralded and used in military strategies and military academies for thousands of years."
"Good hygiene not only reduced the spread of disease, it could also have strategic military benefits."
"We must coordinate the movement of our troops because we face the same challenge... These two locations will define the two fronts in the battle being fought for western civilization today. We hold neither of them yet. We need both."
"Xi Jinping sits in his office, flanked by his top military advisors."
"This was the use of deception in order to accomplish a military goal, and it’s another example of what is being called hybrid warfare."
"Our Navy's force structure should be built and designed to protect our national interest or achieve specific diplomatic goals."
"Rome's great military strength was not that they were invincible on the battlefield, but their ability to absorb and recover from defeats."
"What Ukraine seems to be doing here is neither of those two things...they're not allowing those two elements of Russia's military force to link up."
"It was this latter part of what do you do once you have command of the sea that Japanese thinking had never really quite addressed."
"Ultimately, if you take a look at how many planets the Empire has beneath its control and you look at how many military assets it has, it's always been obvious that this was not a problem that could be solved by military means alone."
"More mobile, more efficient, and trained in Western doctrine, Ukraine's military did not fall back as expected but put up stiff resistance that soon slowed Russia's advances to a crawl."
"Caesar was well aware that by leading from the front, he was increasing the probability of his own personal success, his legions inspired by his example to fight longer and harder."
"But going to a veteran soldier and saying, 'Hey, I shot your boss and your commanders, here's a tank, you work for me now,' may end up working out fine, but probably isn't a fool-proof strategy."
"If this operation was indeed intended to panic and divide the Russian leadership, then it has failed in its purpose."
"When you really think about modern-day warfare, what they're trying to do is implausible, unsustainable."
"Halsey had always intended to consistently upgrade Mjolnir, deploying upgrades and technology as completed."
"Mobility is the number one enabler for all other capabilities."
"If the worst should happen and the army gets wiped out, you can raise the banner again and build a new army under the same name, retaining all those traditions."
"A lot of research was required to obtain a ship capable of functioning well at sea, whilst fulfilling its military role, as an artillery platform."
"The warship is a part of France that can go anywhere in the world."
"Highly mobile, deadly at range, and strategically swift compared to infantry armies, the horse archer, when used properly, could be the master of the medieval battlefield."
"The Arsenal ship is certainly a very, very visionary concept in naval warfare; it stands as the nexus of historical precedents and cutting-edge technology and innovation for its time."
"US strategy is consistently changing while technological innovation accelerates."
"Putin's goal is to capture Kiev and decapitate Ukraine's government."
"Physical possession of ground is ultimately what matters, and it's the infantryman with a rifle that executes physical possession of ground."
"No matter how effective your air war is and your cyber war is, physical possession of ground is ultimately what matters."
"During World War II, a U.S marine convinced 1300 Japanese soldiers to surrender."
"It's never a good idea in war to do exactly what your enemy wants you to do. That's called losing."
"We're always kind of fighting in the last war, that's America's bad habit."
"The Russians cannot sustain this kind of warfare and these kinds of harsh economic sanctions for much longer."
"Victory would serve not only to secure a potential Spartan Ally but could also bring with it far more wealth and Manpower."
"The art of field camouflage and the improvement of natural obstacles to an enemy's advance were brought to a high pitch of perfection."
"Winning will require keeping our Assets in the fight rearming our warships vertical launch tubes at Sea."
"Russian artillery superiority enables grinding out the Ukrainian military through attrition."
"The combination of better technology and mass is likely to continue giving the Russian Air Force a distinct advantage in the air."
"The divisional officers can see the entire battlefield."
"A single Knight being deployed is enough to turn the tide of even the most grizzly of battles."
"Lighter is better. It allows you to fight for longer and produce better results."
"Montgomery arrived to find an Eighth Army low on confidence and morale, with Rommel’s Afrika Korps less than 60 miles from Alexandria and desperate to strike soon before American resources could tip the material balance in favour of the Allies."
"Montgomery’s calm yet firm leadership under pressure, restored cohesion to the Allies’ northern front in this moment of crisis."
"The aim is described officially as full spectrum dominance, control of all land, sea, air, cyberspace, and space."
"War is about eliminating the other society's ability to function."
"Russia is doing everything they can to minimize their casualties."
"We will not spare our forces or our lives in erecting a steel wall in defence of the Motherland and in defence of its sacred capital, Moscow."
"The US is building integrated, long-range 'kill webs'."
"One of the responses to the threat posed by the parallel military structure represented by Wagner is to build up an additional parallel military structure represented by Rosgvardiya."
"High ground positioning is critical for better fighting power and awareness."
"This is the greatest counter-offensive since World War II, let's unpack that a little bit."
"The Romans had more troops, so fresh troops were sent forth."
"If Hannibal's plan was right from the start and he had predicted exactly what the Romans were going to do, the problems they might have perceived could have made him more confident in his predictions."
"Winter conditions reward well-trained, disciplined, well-equipped forces over those forces that are not."
"These are major effects delivered against targets valuable enough to make the strikes potentially efficient."
"Winning an ancient battle comes down to strength of numbers, surprising them from behind, but most of all, luck."
"We gain ground, skirmishing with the Holy Nation, but victory is inevitable."
"France's military modernization: a lesson in readiness and adaptability."
"In my opinion, this is not an either-or issue. A healthy synergy between ground-based air defense and fighters is key."
"This is the biggest chance that Ukraine has of bringing some sort of resolution to this war out of anything that it's come up with so far."
"Despite recent territorial gains, the reserves brought into action by the Ukrainians helped to push the Invaders out"
"The Russians would want to have degraded the Ukrainian military much further than has been the case."
"If I was a Russian general, I'd be more interested in the possibilities of pushing from the South."
"Russia’s offensive will awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve."
"You don't need blood unless you plan on starting a war."
"There's no intention of the U.S. fighting Russian troops. He described this as a defensive move on NATO territory."
"US soldiers and command structures easily run circles around them."
"Firepower became the single greatest priority followed by protection and then speed in a distant third... that made sense."
"If you are interested in achieving air superiority over a region, the best way to do it is with heavy fighters."
"The US owns the night, and prefers to run night combat operations to exercise its vast advantage in imaging over any potential adversary."
"We need to prioritize peace and cooperation over these military provocations."
"Putin's secret military incursion into eastern Ukraine is now seizing the world's attention."
"Air superiority is what enables the land battle, so if we could enable them to have air superiority, then they would be able to progress."
"There is going to be a big Russian offensive at some point launched over the next 30 days."
"We must take the battle to the enemy, disrupt his plans, and confront the worst threats before they emerge. If we wait for threats to fully materialize, we will have waited too long."
"Besieging these impregnable fortresses was a difficult job."
"Executing strategies can allow you to take down armies orders of magnitude larger than your own."
"Having a diverse army composition is crucial for success in open field battles."
"There are many fields of battle, and many tactics to consider. Where the fight is is based on where the armies meet on the campaign map. And that’s it."
"Our allies are a force multiplier, a strategic advantage that none of our competitors can match."
"There is no viable military victory for the Ukraine side."
"The Turanian noose grew tighter around the city."
"Despite the massively greater numbers of Natokh’s horde, Thespides demanded they be met head-on."
"Lady's the only one who's able to just continue to build her army."
"One of the biggest things was the strategy... you have to secure the populace."
"When we went into those neighborhoods and said... we're here to help, that's when they switched to our side."
"This was a ruse all along. The time has come to join forces with de Gaulle, or we will answer this insult with steel and fire."
"It would be very, very easy for NATO to surge supplies across that border."
"You don't need a world-beating military in order to do immense damage to civilian infrastructure and run up casualty figures."
"It wouldn't be smart to say that infantry is the only turning force of these battles."
"An army built on nothing but sell swords seems to be pretty powerful, expensive but powerful."
"They'll blow up that Dam, and they have to do something because they could have stopped it..."
"Liberty excels at war because they tend to have more hammers, use these hammers efficiently for military units that don't go obsolete very quickly."
"The plan was don't try to fight napoleon and this plan worked tremendously."
"The Russian Playbook is thus destroy, draw this all out into as long bloody and costly stalemate as physically possible... until public support... gradually runs out."