
Social Distancing Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"Doing the moderate social distancing, doing the basic things, will go a long way."
"Now is the time more than ever when we need to stand in line six feet apart."
"All I can really do is stay home, stay quarantined, be responsible, not go outside and hang out with people."
"It is important now that you stay home and you start practising social distancing and self-isolating."
"By keeping a distance of two meters from someone else, you are protecting yourself and others."
"Social distancing... was arbitrarily arrived at."
"Although we may have to be physically apart from each other for a while, we can come together in ways we never have before."
"The streets became increasingly deserted, and if you did encounter anyone, you tried to keep a safe distance."
"The six-foot social distancing rule... was arbitrary and has decreased confidence in the pandemic response."
"We need to keep physically apart but virtually together."
"We are practicing, all of us, social distancing...in ways that have had a huge impact on all of our lives."
"We may be social distancing, but we are becoming closer than ever before."
"Wearing a mask, according to experts, can help, but it cannot replace the social distancing that we should be practicing as a priority."
"It's not easy to operate in an economy and in a society where we all have to practice physical distancing, but it's what we have to do."
"With the current state of the world in mind, I select no contact delivery so I don't have to interact with any human."
"Social distancing... means curtailing our social activities. We don't want to be in crowded places at this point."
"When you social distance, you are interrupting the flow of the pathogen through our society. You are part of a collective that's engaged in the battle with this virus and you're doing your part."
"The measures that were taking now on a personal level, the sort of social distancing, no handshaking, staying away from elderly people, those are going to be temporary."
"These measures, and especially social distancing, are how we can ease the burden on our doctors and nurses."
"We all must take action through social distancing to protect our health and the health of others."
"Our modeling suggests...we cannot go completely back to normal, there will have to be a degree of social distancing in place if we don't expect to see second waves of transmission."
"This is not over. We have to keep pushing as a nation to maintain our social distancing."
"Social distancing in Islam is haram. The right word and the more appropriate word is physical distancing."
"The evidence of stabilization... is evidence that the American people are putting into practice the social distancing."
"Above all, we're going to defeat this disease with a huge national effort to slow the spread by reducing unnecessary social contact."
"Everything that we've been talking about here is not in lieu of social distancing and wearing a mask; it's in addition to all of these things."
"China had eight new cases yesterday...after this massive locking down, social distancing, contact tracing."
"The government has set out five tests that must be met before we begin to adjust social distancing measures."
"Social distancing, testing, and tracking...they're all about understanding the nature of the thing we're trying to handle."
"I came over to Jurassic Park River adventure right here at the splashdown because it's really easy to see how they are implementing social distancing on the ride."
"Stay home as much as possible, keep a distance of at least 2 metres with others. That makes all the difference."
"Everyone who is practicing social distancing and self-isolation is giving a chance for researchers around the world to work on novel solutions."
"We must slow community spread through unrelenting social distancing."
"Wearing masks is not a big deal; socially distancing is not a big deal."
"The social distancing measures remain absolutely crucial to us keeping the infection rate and the number of cases down as low as we possibly can."
"The only tool we have at the moment is social distancing."
"Social distancing measures are going to be needed just long enough to lower the peak before they can be pulled off."
"Every time you practice shelter in place and social distancing the right way, you're literally reducing the chance of transmission to another person."
"If there is actual social distancing...then you're able to lower the number of diagnoses."
"If you pull people and you say, 'Here's our three options: lockdown until there's a vaccine and you lose your job, just get out there willy-nilly and start smooching strangers, or we can responsibly reopen right now starting with healthy populations, wear masks, and socially distance,' I think 70 percent of the American population will be in that last group."
"We're in this period of social distancing... and yet, more so than ever before, this pandemic has reminded us that we're all in it together."
"It's not a time to stand hand in hand, but it is a time to stand together, although six feet apart."
"For families, what that means is that it's important that we practice social distancing, particularly with our elders, but also with people who have those underlying conditions."
"Call five friends, find out how they're doing. Social distancing means that we are not allowed as human beings to do all the things that we usually do in times of crisis."
"Social distancing doesn't have to be social isolation."
"We need to keep up the social distancing, we need to keep building up and reinforcing the test and tracing regime, and we need to continue our steady progress in repressing the virus as we try to get life back to something like normal."
"We're not all working from the same home; we are practicing social distancing."
"The mitigation that we put in with the first 15 days and then the 30 day mitigation program of physical distancing worked."
"It is possible to break the chains of transmission just through social distancing, through mass squaring."
"A socially distance, they're gonna socially distance. I know my neighbor, my neighbor doesn't want me to die, I don't want my neighbor to die."
"Over 2020 and 2021, most of us have spent a lot more time on the internet than in previous years, not just because nearly everyone has a smartphone constantly connected to the net, but because of well, obvious real-world circumstances that have required us to be socially distant."
"Every American continues to strictly adhere to social distancing guidelines, we can defeat the invisible enemy and save countless lives."
"Every time you shelter in place, every time you practice social distancing, you're saving lives."
"The most important thing is social distancing and washing your hands."
"Stay in groups of ten or less, and three to six feet apart, practicing social distance."
"The most important thing is physical distancing."
"Scousers want to go out in the street and you know break the rules in relation to social distance and that's up to them."
"To bend the curve, yes, you have to test, yes, you have to trace, yes, you have to isolate, yes, you have to phase the reopening and you have to socially distance."
"It's because the American people are putting into practice the social distancing, caring for their neighbors."
"As you go out this weekend to understand you can go out you can be outside you can play golf you can play tennis with mark balls you can go to the beaches if you say six feet apart."
"There's a way for us to work together to have social distance and safety for people."
"Social distancing is the only known way at this time for preventing this disease."
"President Trump extended the social distancing guidelines to April 30th. The better you do, the faster this whole nightmare will end."
"Everybody is chafing at the bit to get out again it's gonna be a while so we're gonna have to sit our asses down and we're gonna have to hang out together so we might as well make the best of it"
"We're asking people not to work. Social distancing. That new term that has become probably the hottest term there is."
"Social distancing, that's the number one thing, that's the powerful weapon."
"Roughly at a meter, it's somewhere between 10 and 30 times more risky than at 2 meters."
"Keeping that distance of people in different households is essential."
"It's got to be socially distanced... no overnight stays, no going to other households."
"It is your hands as well as the distance that are absolutely critical to this."
"Practice social distancing; avoid large crowds to prevent the spread of illness."
"Remember social distancing is is absolutely vital this two meter gap outside."
"Expect a miracle; something good or big or life-changing is on the way."
"He knows without the social distancing, instead of 30,000 people dead, it'd probably be 300,000 people dead right now."
"The British public have been incredible... in complying with social distancing."
"I hope everybody out there is still social distancing."
"Are you stuck in the house forced into social distancing from other human beings or maybe you're like me and you've been doing that for years because you're a recluse who is destroying all of his personal relationships?"
"It's our position that the media should not be making decisions about their guidelines to us about social distancing based on political ideology."
"Social distancing is going to remain until we have widespread vaccination."
"Social distancing is making a difference in the fight against Coppa 19 in this country."
"We want people to keep their distance from each other. We want them to dramatically reduce physical contact."
"The strategy at the moment is to maintain social distancing."
"Tight social distancing restrictions may be working," according to intriguing new data from a medical technology firm.
"Social distancing. You practice it. I appreciate it."
"The problem with the CDC's six-foot rule for schools."
"Decrease travel... staying out of large crowds."
"Hugging, kissing, shaking hands, completely out of the question."
"Stop congregating in these groups practice social distancing half of all new coronavirus cases are people 40 and under this is no joke is impacting us let's be sure to save ourselves black voters matter y'all know if that means we got to go."
"You're not a loving, peace-loving, tolerant society when you literally call the cops because you see people who are too close to each other outside."
"Minimizing contact between people is the most effective way to slow the spread."
"Researchers discovered that when it comes to socially distanced restaurant seating, customers prefer partitions between tables."
"Crisis is supposed to bring people together. We got a crisis that keeps people six feet apart."
"We have exactly one weapon to deal with this emergency, and that is social distancing." - Professor Frank Snowden
"I hope you're staying healthy, I hope you're practicing this social distancing, we're all going to get through this the sooner the better, right?"
"I want to thank the American people most of all for the selfless sacrifices that they're making for our nation... While we may be more physically distant for a time, we're closer together in the heart and in the spirit."
"Dr. Fauci went to that baseball game that fool wasn't in social distancing."
"Avoid contact with other people so social situations are basically suspended."
"Keep learning, enriching yourself with all the time that we have now to not go out and be social."
"Keeping your distance and being precautious is a good idea."
"Companies and influencers are now distancing themselves from Dolls Kill."
"You are much better off in a rural setting than you are in a densely populated area such as a city or an apartment building."
"Rural living essentially just has the social distancing built in and I just think it's just a better alternative going forward."
"Presence of others, I'm trying to keep my social distance, okay?"
"The ender staff allows you to teleport without taking damage... it's pretty cool, pretty social distance as well."
"People don't want to interact with strangers due to COVID-19 concerns."
"How do we lock down the public force them to wear masks force them to social distance isolate them Etc."
"We have the ability within our own means to stop this virus by social distancing."
"We have this tiny platform, and I'd love it to be wider. But we're staying away from each other and taking precautions."
"Flattening the curve and adhering to physical distancing will absolutely reduce the number of patients presenting to hospitals with COVID-19." - Dr. Callie Barrett
"Masks and social distancing for the period of time that we're concerned about spread will help open businesses open schools use the precautions I mentioned."
"A very innovative way to prevent gatherings."
"But either way, not to make it a laughing matter, hope you guys are all social distancing, staying healthy."
"Social distancing should lead to spiritual intimacy."
"Every time you see me, I'm gonna make this statement: social distancing should lead to spiritual intimacy."
"Remember, no contact is still the way to go."
"The evidence is clear: we need urgent implementation of social distancing and closure policies."
"I'd recommend limiting social contacts in the run-up to Christmas, especially if there's vulnerable people present."
"If you want to party during social distancing you have to get creative."
"It's crazy how this time of self-isolation brings people together, whether that's virtually or even just at a safe physical distance."
"Constantly berated people wear masks but he removed his own to celebrate with a non-socially distant crowd of Biden supporters in New York City."
"Large sections of our country are really looking at other sections and saying wow that looks bad but they don't have the problem. I salute the American people for following our guidelines and social distancing."
"Make sure you are practicing social distancing."
"Social distancing doesn't mean emotional distancing. Stay connected through technology."
"The more you separate yourself from those types of people, the better."
"Practice social distancing by telling your best friends what you really think of them. Really lay it on, don't hold anything back."
"Our message tonight: Just be smart and stay apart."
"Continue to practice social distancing and personal hygiene... There's light at the end of this tunnel." - Alex Azar
"Social distancing is just keeping the case rate per day at a level that hospitals can manage and therefore lowering mortality by not us being overwhelmed."
"Social distancing, please. It's very, very important and crucial to flatten the curve."
"Look, if you made it this far and found yourself on the back, celebrate six feet away from others give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it that other button works if you didn't."
"I hope everyone is doing okay during these times of social distancing."
"Big changes this week as Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government called on people to avoid all non-essential contact."
"Oh, wait a second, Ariel's doing personal meet and greets. They are social distance!"
"Tomorrow after seven at your place and Insidious. Lamal, whoa, hold up, wait a minute. I'm supposed to be isolated and quarantined."
"Social distancing is absolutely crucial right now the idea is to avoid crowded places cancel social engagements avoid unnecessary travel work from home if that is an option for you."
"Social distancing: the only way we're gonna be able to contain this virus and allow it to subside."
"The park doesn't feel too busy today, they've still got all great social distancing markers around the park."
"It's what we're doing right, staying apart, wearing masks."
"Bums are not allowed on that table giving good distancing with empty tables."
"Oceans, lakes, and ponds are good places for people to socially distance while having fun."
"It proves that it works because y'all can, can I just be honest with you, we were not probably socially distancing."
"You are making the right choice right now by distancing yourself from them and really focusing on you. You are making the proper and correct choice. Do not second-guess your intuition and your decisions."
"We all wear masks now, we all don't touch each other now, but we can also still get back to work."
"I just want to point out that we were not expected to social distance at school."
"When you cannot maintain social distancing, wear masks, particularly in public transport and shopping."
"CDC backs an eight-week ban on gatherings of more than 50 to fight coronavirus."
"Even though we as a society are so much more distant from everybody now with social media, we're also so much more connected."
"It's finally nice out, and I feel like that makes social distancing so much easier."
"Disney has announced their intention to have a social distancing squad of cast members."
"I love this social distancing stuff, not having to worry about people talking to you when you go out."
"Please wear your mask, social distance, and please only do things in small groups of people who have been quarantining or who have tested negative."
"Enjoy the fresh air and exercise but stay six feet apart."
"This shirt says social distancing before it was cool and I love it."
"anybody else like like the fact that people just stay away from each other now"
"I'm just gonna keep you two meters, we're going to sushi distance, me and you."
"There are two types of people: those who use the metric system and Americans. Enjoy the outdoors with social distancing. Keep one bald eagle of space between you and others."
"RVs provide a near ideal solution to allow us to travel and maintain social distance."
"The party going even while social distancing."
"I can't imagine like being in close proximity to anyone anymore."
"It’s called Social Distance Hugs because I took this O block and I put a sashing in between it, you know, separate it apart. I thought it was kind of like a memoir to the past year where we had to not be close to each other."
"Yeah, that'd take some readjusting, just like going into the pandemic took adjusting. Like, I imagine the next five years is going to be like, 'We're having a convention, but it's distanced, you know? Everybody stay away from each other.'"
"Let's do some form of socially distanced collab."
"So social distancing is really having an effect."
"And I, again, our own food co-op, you know, of course the rule of stay six feet apart."
"Metal detecting is pretty well the ultimate in social distancing."
"You better back the [__] up. It's St. Patrick's Day, okay? No, it is Corona day, okay? You better stay six feet back."
"I moved to the country in 1992, and social distancing is built into farm life."
"I feel like that's one of the few bright spots that's actually come from the pandemic is because of social distancing, they started doing more stuff like that."
"Yo mama's so ugly her reflection is still social distancing."
"Now you would think people would be smart enough to social distance from something in the same weight class as a car but then you'd be giving people a lot of credit they don't deserve."
"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, won't you be my six-foot distancing neighbor? Don't get any closer than that, none whatsoever."
"There's only one way a man is going to meet a girl right now during Covid and that is on the old Tinder app, are we right?"
"I hope you guys are hanging in there while we're all social distancing. I will try my best to avoid some of the dreadful [ __ ] posts that are somehow still contagious right now."
"Large venues can operate under moderate physical distancing."
"And as much as we love people, stay away from each other. Yes, if you care about people, yeah, each other, right?"
"It was weird to have a social distance date and sit across from someone, and it was kind of nice at the same time too."
"This is as social distancing as you can possibly get."
"You know, I just cannot believe that Elliott Carter predicted social distancing. He's truly the Nostradamus of our time."
"Staying 2 meters away from other people remained the best way of reducing coronavirus transmission."
"Staying two meters apart reduces your chances of catching it or infecting others."
"We did some nice social distancing celebrations, which is not ideal for your 21st birthday, but we'll celebrate once this is all over."
"I'm actually kind of enjoying social distancing."
"I've actually gained a lot and learned a lot from social distancing."
"Take care of yourselves and stay away from each other."
"Stay safe, just stay smart, hang in there, do your part, stay apart."
"This is a Dairy Queen drive-through in Canada where they social distance by using a debit machine zip-tied to a hockey stick."
"We may be socially distant, but through the magic of make-believe, we're all closer than ever."
"It's just a fun hobby, even when you have to practice absolute social distancing."
"Even at an appropriate social distance, we can find ways to be present in the lives of others."
"All the religious places, restaurants, and hairdressers will reopen, but they will have to observe social distance policies."
"Social distancing doesn't mean emotional detachment."
"Social distancing doesn't mean we can't still love each other and find ways to connect."
"There's a nice little middle window where you can go out and walk your dog and just stay like seven feet away from people."
"It's a heist movie where no one wants to be too close to each other."
"Everything I've read from multiple sources: you can just go for runs and hikes and try to keep your distance."
"Viruses transmit from people to people. When people are separated from each other, virus does not transmit; it doesn't go anywhere."
"Physical distancing makes a big difference; large gatherings are places where super spreading events occur."
"They're rich and they're still choosing for the sake of their family and other people to social distance."
"Make sure you're wearing your mask, goddammit, six feet you fools!"
"Build Dad Build, a place where we practice social distancing by having our whiskey delivered."