
Inevitability Quotes

There are 6087 quotes

"If you can discipline yourself to do the things that you know you have to do to create success, your success is virtually inevitable."
"Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes."
"Transfer was inevitable and inbuilt into Zionism."
"People are going to hate you regardless. You can be doing all the right things and they still gonna find something to pick."
"Technology is a one-way street. Anything that can be turned into code, will be turned into code."
"It's inevitable; it's like well, you're going to concede to Rashford at some point."
"It is inevitable that humans have hierarchies."
"It's really this is all just meant to happen, and it's unavoidable."
"When you do the Flow State stacking... 500% productivity boosts start to sound inevitable."
"The winds of change will always catch up to Destiny."
"Getting older is inevitable, but aging is not necessarily inevitable. What we think of as aging, as normal aging in our society, is the result of abnormal aging."
"You can live your whole life trying to be Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Milquetoast, avoid discussing religion and politics, avoid standing up for anything, try to fly under the radar, but conflict at some point will find you."
"All life will end without a single exception."
"Love whom you will, but know that one day you will be separated from that person."
"Money is always going to come one way or the other."
"Yes, the passing of time continues. There is not much, if at all anything, we can do to slow or thwart the stopping of the passing of time."
"The dark is generous, and it is patient and it always wins... because it is everywhere."
"You can't outrun destiny just because you're terrified of it."
"History is full of contingency and surprise. After something happens, we all think it's inevitable."
"What is inevitable is not necessarily imminent."
"There's only two things in life that are guaranteed, and that is taxes and death."
"Let us go forth and face one of the two inevitable realities."
"The ascension, the evolution of humanity, is unstoppable."
"The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it."
"There are only two things that are unavoidable in this world: the first is death, and the second is, unfortunately, taxes."
"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
"Three things in life that's certain: Life, Death, and taxes."
"It's impossible to create something that somebody will not take the wrong way. Trust me, I've tried. It can't be done, regardless of how mundane the topic."
"Grief has always been an unavoidable part of the human experience."
"Social progress is inevitable... history has shown that."
"We all make mistakes; human error is inevitable."
"When you have the glimpse of the larger transcendental, it's like, no, it's all working out inevitably perfectly as it needs to be."
"Bitcoin is just getting bigger and stronger and no one is stopping it."
"Every breath you take is a step closer to the termination of your breaths."
"The consolidation of streaming services is inevitable."
"This is going to happen, it is just a matter of time. This is just mathematics; it is inevitable."
"Nothing is inevitable; the decline of democracy is not inevitable, and the success of democracy is not inevitable."
"If you're actually good at something, money is inevitable to come."
"The rise of cat videos was practically inevitable."
"The truth in the end always has a way of coming out."
"Sooner or later, you can have the confidence of knowing over time, a change is inevitable."
"Justice always finds its way into the world."
"The inevitability of success is not a matter of if; it's a matter of when."
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
"Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable."
"It wasn't by chance that we ended up at the final duel. We were always an inevitability of faith."
"Change is coming, whether you like it or not."
"For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out."
"Racism and sexism and stuff like that, it's never gonna go away. Like, I feel like that's just something societal-wise."
"God is not mocked, and in the end, His word comes true."
"I do enjoy it, but I cannot deny the inevitable ending of an era." - Logan Paul
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
"We can't stay the same. We're going to age—it's inevitable."
"In the end, those who are destined to succeed will succeed."
"The thing that seems impossible and inconceivable will seem that way until the moment that it happens, and then it will retrospectively seem to be inevitable."
"There’s always a saying in the medical field that one day we'll all become patients."
"Nature's justice is inescapable and absolute."
"Father Time has never lost. He's undefeated."
"Most people agree the world as we know it will come to an end one day, just not in their lifetime."
"If there is something that's guaranteed and there is something inevitable in your life, and you don't know everything there is to know about it, you will never get a chance to honestly and sincerely live this life."
"Arthur personifies the sense of inevitability that permeates both the Red Dead Redemption games."
"You can't escape politics no matter what, even if you say that you're 'oh I don't engage in politics.' Yes, you do. Everybody does."
"The tide of time is going to sweep all of us away."
"There are only three guarantees in life: death, taxes, and people commenting on YouTube videos telling the creator how to do their job better."
"It's not really a case of if it's coming, it's a case of if you will allow it."
"We're not going to stop migration...migration is a fact of human history."
"Prophecy attempts to show an inevitable future, but if the future were set, then there is absolutely no need for prophecy in the first place."
"The fact is that death comes for all of us, unfortunately."
"It's weird how inevitable it is; if you keep walking, you'll eventually get there."
"Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it."
"All chain letters eventually run out of chain."
"Once it was inside, it was unstoppable. They were doomed."
"You can't fight progress. You can flail, you can scream, you can do everything in your power to delay it, but progress, whether for good or ill, marches inexorably toward us all."
"In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
"Change is here and you can't avoid it, so you either embrace it or it just happens anyway."
"Sooner or later, someone is gonna die in space."
"At one point or another, every game will be exposed to emulation. It's practically inevitable."
"Life is a cycle, and there's no escaping the cycle of death."
"So long as Zero remains, one would eventually grow to one hundred again."
"We may be rolling downhill with no way to go back up. There's no way to stop the flood."
"The pace of technology innovation is unstoppable."
"Every reaper like there are only three things in life that are guaranteed, which are death, taxes, and scouting reapers."
"A time must always come when the truth will force itself to come out."
"Read it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same."
"The statistics regarding physical death are 100 percent."
"Time is like gravity. We are constantly falling forward without noticing it."
"Space colonization taking every available star is an inevitability."
"If we do not, the only guarantee about our future is that it comes with an expiration date."
"Everything you desire is inevitable for you."
"It's not inevitable, but it's something we should be ready for because it's already happening."
"It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when."
"This is not a crisis that is escapable... No matter where you live, you will face some of these impacts sometime soon." - David Wallace-Wells
"Complacency is inevitable; you have to consciously be in the moment."
"Every paleontologist on the planet recognizes that ghost lineages are inevitable."
"He can't accept that all things die... even the most beautiful of things eventually come to an end... he is in the end powerless to stop it."
"Ruined or die, like this is just it started here and it's ending here as well, I don't make the rules, it's just how it is."
"You can't stop humans communicating with each other."
"Life forms manipulating DNA seems inevitable."
"We might not know exactly when it's going to happen, but we know that it will."
"You can almost count on it, it's probably going to happen."
"Surely nothing could withstand such a presence, surely nothing would want to."
"The conservatives fought me for half a century until they realized it was inevitable."
"It's a matter of time before the whole thing implodes."
"There's nothing stopping Charles from becoming king."
"Maybe Russia is inevitable, one day to rule the world."
"Controversy happened. It almost seems inevitable."
"Life is short so you have to enjoy it, right? Like there's certain things you just can't go up against."
"There's no neutral ground when it comes to the direction our lives are moving in."
"Gold was going to have to be revalued at some point."
"I think they will own us... It's unstoppable, that's what many people are saying."
"Destiny arrives all the same, doesn't it? Just inescapable."
"The math will win, yeah, the math will always eventually win."
"Nothing could check the chain of events that would follow now."
"This town should not exist. It was always going to exist."
"Independent media is gonna take over, it's inevitable."
"The genie's out of the bottle and there's really just no turning back at this point."
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the queen's horses and all the queen's men couldn't put Humpty together again."
"The moment you're born you're [__] curated into the system."
"Mother nature is going to make people do that."
"Destiny is truly back, forevermore until such a time as she dies in the future."
"Regardless of what anybody may have told you, we will see a recession at some point in the future."
"Inevitable is not imminent even in your lifetime."
"Life is inevitable. Just wait long enough, because we started…"
"It's already done and you cannot change it. All you can do is be better."
"It is what it is; people in politics are going to do what they think is necessary."
"You're watching a movie that's already over. You don't have to change the movie."
"Those that make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
"Medical, you know it's gonna happen every day. It happens to somebody every day. So stay ready for that."
"It's impossible because there is no political motivation for it, it's inevitable however because our leaders are not the only factor in this equation."
"It's just a matter of time before the next one strikes."
"The massive political conflict is essentially inevitable... it's really just a matter of whether or not you want to start on the front foot or the back foot."
"I do not believe that until then partition was at all unavoidable."
"This is surreal. The Bible is slowly coming to life. There's nothing we can do, for all of this has been prophesied."
"All cars will be automatic and electric, obviously."
"There's no way around it really, there's no way around it."
"You're going to end up having to work for alconax."
"Credit cycles always end and they always end badly."
"Aliens are real, they just exist and there's nothing we can do about it."
"Recessions are a part of our economic cycle period. They have happened in the past and they will continue to happen."
"Everything has to come to an end at some point, including bluffside crossing."
"You can no more hold a Revival than you can hold a hurricane."
"Nobody ever thought a thing like this could happen. You read about 1917 and you read about certain things but do you think in a modern age a thing like that could never happen? Well, it comes back. It is genius. It comes back and it's too bad."
"Bitcoin is unstoppable at this point and nothing fundamentally changed just because some whale games happen."
"It's very sad but I'm coming to terms you know that this is just reality okay they are now beyond the point of no return."
"Rioting is going to happen no matter what... and people are gonna lose."
"The only thing that's guaranteed is everything's gonna be constantly changing."
"And where will that lead you? Right back to me, ladies and gentlemen."
"Anything that you go looking for, you're going to find."
"At the end of this reset, we're going to go to a sound money system not because anybody wants to."
"There is literally no way they can win this game."
"Nothing can stop God's plan from coming to fruition."
"It didn't have to end like this. Yeah, it did."
"We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"Sooner or later you got to reckon with yourself and change."
"At that point it would just be funny that you almost couldn't not cover it, you know what I mean?"
"Impact of the Earth by an asteroid large enough to do damage at the surface is an extremely rare event. But it's an inevitable event."
"No one can ever escape from the decree of Allah."
"Of course, it's going to go into a violent place."
"The CDC said yesterday that they believe it's inevitable that the virus will spread in the United States."
"All good and bad things must come to an end."
"Brexit is gonna happen whether it happens this Friday or not, public opinion is moving more and more in favor of Brexit."
"It’s possible to commit no mistakes and still lose, as that is not failure, but life."
"At a certain point, you have to accept the inevitable."
"When you push against history, history will always push back."
"We're all going to be disabled someday, just some of us beat you to it."
"Bad situations can be made better, death cannot."
"We have to change the environment so a sustainable lifestyle, a lifestyle in harmony with nature, is the easiest way to go. And so, not voluntary."
"My success is inevitable, that means it's going to happen whether you like it or not."
"There is absolutely no chance in hell that this won't happen."
"Ronnie holds the belief that pain is inevitable."
"The government knows full well they can't stop violence."
"Bonking: death, taxes, and bonking on a group ride."
"But it's all going to end at some point anyway, so might as well just enjoy the ride."
"As long as the free market exists, there will always be boom and bust."
"It's communicating a message of change whether you like it or not."
"He basically critiques every movie as though if the events the movie were not inevitable in the way that they're set up then it's bad writing."
"There are two things in life that are sure: death and taxes."
"I am death, I always win. I merely need to hit all eight plus one."
"It's impossible to say when it's going to matter. It's impossible to say what's going to be the trigger but at some point there will be a reckoning here."
"Social pressure is not something that can be avoided in society."
"Sometimes there's the silver bullet... but it's always sad there's always a tragedy that's connected with it."
"Natural order and human nature will always come out on top."
"Cream undeterred continued his Killing Spree but his luck would soon run out."
"I know we can build the technology. Gotta get that Neuralink, bro. Resistance is futile, that's right."
"At some point, it's just inevitable that there's going to be some level of violence."
"Kind of difficult to be completely surprised if you know it's inevitable."
"I don't choose to be sad, it's something that happens to you."
"We can't stop this train, the Awakening is happening."
"He pretty much knew he was going to die and he just accepted it."
"There's never been a weapon that hasn't eventually been used."
"It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when something bad happens."
"AOC's dominance is inevitable... tapping into something that is so exciting to some and threatening to others."
"AOC's ascent is inevitable... trying to tackle 21st-century problems in a body that is largely dominated by 20th-century thinking."
"AOC's dominance is inevitable and honestly it is in some ways."
"The world is moving forward whether we in the West like it or not."
"Change is like death, you don't know what it looks like until you're standing at the pearly gates."
"This feels like the end of the story, the inevitable conclusion we always should have known was coming."
"Nothing will satisfy the desires of the sons and the daughters of Adam except the dust of the grave."
"Welcome to the future where problems are guaranteed to never remain solved."
"At the end of the day, the market always decides."