
Legality Quotes

There are 3525 quotes

"January 6th was an act of criminality, an act of evil."
"Tax minimization is not tax evasion. One of them is legal; one of them is not."
"If something is illegal, it's illegal. You can't violate the law and then put in a clause that says it's okay."
"Former president Trump for present purposes is citizen Donald Trump and he enjoys no greater protection against criminal prosecution than any other citizen of the United States."
"The legal quandary we're going to be wandering into, especially when it comes to art."
"We want people to come into our country, but we want them to come in legally through a process."
"I would use this as inspiration. I wouldn't copy it, I would not rip it off, because that's also how you get into legal trouble."
"Ho ho, you're right. It just goes to show that nobody is above the law and even grown-ups get told off."
"Morality and legality don't always mesh up. Sometimes the laws don't fit with how we feel."
"Good luck to Steve, good luck to me, hopefully the FBI aren't on us."
"Survival... I know how to survive. I'll do what it takes, legally, to survive. That is having emotional intelligence."
"Lobbying should be illegal. It shouldn't be a thing."
"Why would you invest in a business that's mistreating people in whole communities? Ultimately, things that are unethical become illegal."
"Just because something is legal or illegal, it has nothing to do with whether or not it's moral."
"Innocent until proven guilty is not a common myth; that's in the Magna Carta, it's presumably in the American Constitution, it's one of the cornerstones of justice."
"To allow everything on the Steam store except for things that we decide are illegal, or straight up trolling."
"Pornography depicting consenting adults should be legal for the adult population."
"Any president is above the law, that his actions no matter what they are—ministerial, discretionary, or official, or criminal—cannot be reviewed by a court."
"This payment was illegal, and lawyer A has pleaded guilty to making an illegal campaign contribution and served time in prison."
"These are two adults, this is a mother and daughter getting in the car and taking a road trip. There's nothing illegal about that."
"Tax evasion is a crime. Tax avoidance is an art."
"The secrecy around UFOs is not only illegal and unconstitutional but provably so."
"They were legally improper, what was lawfully unlawful, what they did."
"Abortion must remain safe, legal, and accessible."
"If you value the peyote cactus, you think it's beautiful, you're a criminal for possessing it, but if you have supernatural beliefs about the cactus, then that is legal under certain conditions."
"I don't think anybody's above the law, a Democrat, a Republican, independent, myself, or anybody else."
"Somewhere in there, a line must be drawn both legally and morally, and maybe not in the same place."
"An agency cannot label conduct lawful one day and felony the next; yet that is exactly what the ATF accomplishes through its final rule."
"Technically no one's committed any crimes. That's not going to stop us."
"It's like, why should marijuana be illegal? It just doesn't make sense."
"Trying to use your position of power or your family member's position of power in order to influence how the police officer behaves is always problematic and sometimes can be illegal."
"Every one of you who came here today to do battle on government soil, this was, by any definition of the word, an act of terrorism. You are all under arrest."
"There is a difference between freezing funds and confiscating them."
"Let's make sure we don't confuse legality with morality."
"When was the last time being rude was against the law? Because if rudeness is an arrestable offense, arrest us all."
"If you violate the law, you are held to the same laws as every other person in the country."
"I wouldn't class myself as a criminal. I'm just a helping hand helping people to be happy with the way they look."
"He has the First Amendment right to record. There's nothing wrong with him recording."
"Every president will face difficult decisions; whether to intentionally commit a federal crime should not be one of them."
"I think it's important that we have safe, accessible, affordable, and legal abortion and proper education around these topics."
"Everything that's illegal is not necessarily immoral."
"Is Shein's behavior here actually legal? And if it is, what can any of us do to stop it?"
"Clothing exists in this nebulous space where it's not useful enough to be counted as an invention worthy of a patent. But it's also not creative enough to be copyrightable."
"Writer and essayist Eleanor Penny once said 'Where a reason is needed for criminalizing abortions, a reason will be found.'"
"Roe v. Wade has been reversed. How do you feel about abortion? Is what you feel about abortion important?"
"If you're going to give anybody anything, and not give it to black folks, you're violating the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment and the civil rights laws. And that is unconstitutional."
"Immigration is a net economic benefit, and illegal immigration would be less of a drain if we simply made it legal immigration."
"Caffeine is one of the few good legal performance-enhancing compounds."
"This affidavit sworn with immense detail and corroborating witnesses who will come forward...if she is found by the FBI to be lying, she loses her livelihood."
"Morality and legality are two separate realms."
"An unconstitutional election of votes that aren't supposed to count is in most people's definition of fraud."
"The president of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws."
"Even if that's legal, it certainly isn't ethical, and I cannot support it."
"Given that I believe this invasion is illegal, it follows that the only people fighting legally are the Iraqis who are defending their country."
"Congratulations on the recent ruling...that what you exposed with the warrantless wiretapping was in fact illegal."
"Just because you can legally do something, doesn't mean you should."
"Same-sex marriage is illegal, and any act promoting same-sex relations can be punishable for up to seven years in imprisonment."
"You can't fix racial inequity by making it illegal."
"What is legal and what is right are not always the same thing."
"Donald Trump acts as if these rules of law just don't apply to him."
"Emulation is not illegal. It's not threatening. It's not unprofessional. It's not lazy. It's not the same thing as software piracy."
"Bootlegs are secretive, illegal recordings of Broadway shows taken by fans and posted online."
"Recording in private spaces without consent such as changing rooms, bathrooms, or private homes is illegal."
"The Attorney General of New York knew that Trump's property values were inflated because when it came time to pay taxes, Trump undervalued the very same properties."
"Legality does not necessarily mean morality, and the law... has been used and abused to facilitate the most horrendous atrocities. In the case of the Palestinians, the law has served to facilitate and bureaucratize our ethnic cleansing."
"If your intent is to improve their symptoms and make them more comfortable, and not to shorten their life, then that is considered legal."
"Public sector unions should be illegal. It should not be legal for people to strike against the taxpayer."
"You unfortunately can't have a situation where everything is completely legal because imagine what the world would be like. There has to be laws and rules and things in life to keep everything structured and working properly."
"If provoking an insurrectionary act against a joint session of Congress after losing an election is not an impeachable offense, it's hard to imagine what would be."
"In America you cannot pay for sex without breaking the law."
"Even if someone was trying to extort Matt Gaetz and or his family, the mere fact of the extortion wouldn't change any of the criminal guilt associated with those alleged acts."
"There is a difference between morality and legality."
"I think that's great that as a society we have moved in a direction where something like that is not illegal but so socially discouraged that we don't even tolerate it."
"It's like sports gambling has gotten a lot better in my eyes when it's gotten legalized."
"Abortion is your right and it is still legal."
"The sufficient condition to make something justifiably criminalized is if it's harmful."
"I got it um what is it called trademarks that's all I mean."
"This goes to show Trump is not above the law."
"Tuning in to see, is Cody gonna get arrested? Is he gonna get persecuted?"
"Should Joe Exotic be in prison? I would guess it certainly a portion of the stuff that they say he did wrong he did some of it."
"But it's not a crime, man. It's not a crime."
"She didn't break any rules and regulations and she's turned over the documents so I don't think she has anything to hide."
"We're not going to have open borders, you're going to have to come in legally."
"If you published some of this election nonsense, and Dominion sues you, then you'll need to call a good lawyer."
"Stay in the light. That's literally illegal."
"I'll always stand by that. I think it should be illegal to involve children in cults, and that would include Scientology."
"I think it should be illegal to involve children in cults, period. End of story."
"Most of the problems in your life are solvable by you, and if they are not solvable by you, if somebody is actively discriminating against you, that is illegal and we should all fight that."
"The indictment repeatedly charges that the Democratic party's electors were valid, while Republicans' were false."
"It's legal, but if it's leading to harm, can't we actually have a conversation about that?"
"Doesn't matter if it's legal or legit or makes sense, the question is does it do what it says it can do."
"This is proof positive that Trump really isn't above the law."
"You can't fault people for wanting to come here, they just got to do it legally."
"The importance of telling the truth, and if you don't tell the truth, there's criminal consequences."
"Alcohol is the most widely used recreational drug and one of the few that is legal in most countries."
"Donald Trump has committed crimes against the country."
"Thankfully justice was served in this case, which can't always be said."
"Pump and dump is illegal. It is illegal. Pump and dump. Investopedia."
"What was done here today with this token could be considered illegal."
"Process is important. Process means due process, process means free speech, and the ability to engage in the intellectual exchanges we're talking about."
"No one is above the law, not even the president of the United States."
"The presumed powerful are not untouchable. Donald J. Trump is not above the law."
"Don't storm Area 51. It's a bad idea, it's illegal."
"I mean, in a way, if you send an unsolicited pornographic pic to a guy, got 'em out, that's like grounds, there's like laws against that now, like you cannot do that."
"Swatting is a terroristic activity. You're putting cops and potential harms way. You're putting people in potential harm's way. People can get killed. It's not a joke."
"If a company has been shown time and time again to have crossed the ethical and legal line, how can anyone be sure that they have righted their wrongs?"
"Following orders is not an excuse. Illegal does not mean it's moral."
"All they want is to reform the voting procedures to allow for more people to vote illegally."
"The use of any chemical weapon directly violates international legal obligations and norms of civilized conduct."
"Legal actions against the aforementioned Bad actors are being actively pursued."
"Whoever's at the top of an industry will absolutely predictably defend their position fiercely, illegally if necessary."
"When you have a state say it's legal to do these things and the Fed say we're going to come in and bust them up anyway, I think that's wonderful."
"The director however finds it very unlikely that he'll be convicted of anything."
"The reds and blues would receive a full pardon of their crimes."
"Here's why I think Chat GPT and AI will be illegal."
"It's just so avoidable and it's truly one of the biggest conspiracies in this country that this was ever made illegal. It is, it's just sad."
"The legal jeopardy they're creating for themselves is unbelievable."
"Carry a gun so you're hard to kill, know the law so you're hard to convict."
"Just being in possession of both items does not a crime make; proximity alone does not a crime make."
"Justifying something legally doesn't necessarily make it good."
"Well, first of all, the results are the results based on legal votes."
"Don't use pirated software—it's a pain and can cause problems."
"The biggest thing, you come in through merit and you have to come legally."
"Legal cannabis stands to net an estimated 1.5 billion dollars nationwide this year alone."
"So, it's a scandal and like so many things in election law, the scandal is what's legal right now."
"Can Donald Trump still be guilty even if he's not running the organization?"
"Microsoft's actions, have been completely legal, and good for consumers."
"It's not illegal to make a mistake while you're driving it is though if you're driving while intoxicated."
"I would rather be illegally alive than legally dead."
"Tamara Lich is in jail now if there is no risk and no need for Emergency Act."
"Nothing to do with collusion. This is financial fraud, garden variety financial fraud."
"Kasu Marzu, or maggot cheese, is illegal due to health risks."
"I don't see anything wrong with legalizing prostitution."
"It's one of the oldest hustles in America, ain't nothing wrong with it."
"It'll decrease health risk, crime will be reduced, come on, that's a fact."
"If it's a crime to be sent a document which may or may not be stolen then you might as well jail all the journalists in America."
"Those who develop AI should do so in the most legal and ethical way possible."
"It's not illegal to save America; it's not illegal to fortify American democracy."
"You either have laws or you don't. I mean that in essence is the truth."
"You're getting over on him at the least if it's not stealing, you know what I mean?"
"I'm glad I'm able to explain that to viewers. Most don't know, and I understand it does sound a little slightly unfair if one person is paying and now you want it from me as well. However, that's just not the law."
"Do you know if the below market rent that she had on her rental apartments at 502 Park Avenue were provided in exchange for work performed as part of her responsibilities at the Trump organization, same answer?"
"You got to do the right thing, you got to obey the law."
"Defy this darkness, wear a mask if it makes you feel better, hold someone's hand, and grab a hug while it's still legal."
"No place for political violence in America, period."
"A law that prohibits taking a woman across state lines."
"Almost every professional says that some of the items in the Trump returns are so brazen to be almost certainly improper."
"It shouldn't be easier to come into the United States illegally than it is to come into the United States legally."
"Anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason, at any time."
"The only ballots that should count... are those cast by eligible voters... in a lawful manner."
"Personal use of marijuana shouldn't be criminal."
"If you plan on pulling a weapon, you'd better be prepared to use it. Also, you'd better have a damn good lawyer." - Lady Lee
"They knowingly publish classified information illegally leaked to them."
"I act because if you did what we do anywhere other than a place where they pay you to do it, they would arrest you."
"I just wanted to have this conversation because I did feel it was important."
"The actions of Open Hand were unethical and almost certainly illegal."
"If the president is effectively above the law, then the president has too much power."
"It's better to let a thousand guilty go than imprison one innocent."
"I did just receive a call from the officer on the scene, he contacted the Wayne County Prosecutor, the prosecutor has shared that yes, I have every legal right to be in the building."
"Could you imagine if we were going to the Capitol Building, and they were like, 'You weren't supposed to be in there?'"
"You cannot break the law. You cannot be on the pitch."
"This is speculation, but I do think there should actually be some kind of an investigation here for criminal activity."
"Their ceremony was held in Guam, and while we aren't professionals in marital law, it seems to us that Guam is one of the few places in the world where marrying both inanimate or even imaginary objects is perfectly legal."
"Word of advice: keep your nose clean in town. Courts aren't too friendly to our types, if you know what I mean."
"It is not illegal to find out someone's identity online."
"Scamming is illegal no matter who does it and where in the world they do it."
"It's abnormal and it also violates the Presidential Records Act Ali there is law passed after watergate for the very purpose of memorializing what the president does where he goes who he talks to who comes to visit him at the White House."
"But what if I told you that the laws actually work in your favor?"
"Violating federal law is a really, really big deal."
"She literally endangered the life of a child twice."
"Do you have any insight on this one county may have started to count ballots too early in Pennsylvania? That lawsuit..."
"I think sex work should be legalized because I'm disgusted by the hypocrisy."
"Page after page of Donald Trump trying to break the law, basically."
"There's no such thing as criminal immunity for a former president."
"The Constitution says, 'Congress shall have the power to impeach,' period."
"Nixon was not about private conduct. Nixon was about, among other things, using the CIA to try to interfere with an FBI investigation."
"People like outlaws, people like all this [__], but it doesn't mean that you have to implicate yourself and tell on yourself in your damn lyrics. I agree."
"Do you have anything illegal on you or in your pocket? No, no, no."
"No one's criminalizing, you know who criminalizes things? The people who wrote the laws you broke."
"Big win, big win. It's road legal as well, which is cool." - Amy
"Fighting is the original form of human competition, and fighting games are about as close as you can get to that without one of y'all going to jail."
"So you know, it was things like that, Jimmy. Have you ever taken anything from the vehicles that the mayor said you could take, any of the vehicles that you were going to impound?"
"I tried to overthrow the government and all I got is this silly little interview no one is above the law."
"I'm within YouTube guidelines and my legal rights."
"If you feel it and it's legal and morally good, it's okay to do."
"You can't just cancel a contract when you feel like it."
"Just because robbing a bank is socially constructed and relative does not give you license to rob a bank nor does it excuse you from the consequences of your actions when you rob a bank."
"It's unamerican, unconstitutional, and it's wrong."
"Just because something is legal doesn't mean that you have to endorse it."
"Do not join the cyber war, don't be a part of what is actually a criminal activity."
"Is there a realistic way to enforce this order? No, there is not, because it's unconstitutional."
"No whites need apply. I don't know quite how you legally justify that."
"Oh my god, guys, did you hear that? If you've ever used a cell phone, you're a criminal."
"Normalizing self-medicated abortion is just normalizing legal abortion."
"Chief Churro's conduct was unnecessary, likely illegal, and only served to create conflict."
"People will often be more likely to do something precisely because it's illegal and therefore kind of thrilling."
"The extensive scheme was seemingly to illegally dodge detailed legal reporting requirements..."
"Only legal votes should be counted and all illegal votes should not be counted. This is an uncontroversial statement."
"That wouldn't be illegal, it might not be something that you like, it might not be something pretty but it certainly wouldn't be illegal."
"Simply recording police interactions is not interfering with police activity."